240 resultados para network connectivity


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In this paper the implementation and application of a microprocessor-based medium speed experimental local area network using a coaxial cable transmission medium are dealt with. A separate unidirectional control wire has been used in order to provide a collision-free and fair medium access arbitration. As an application of the network, the design of a packet voice communication system is discussed.


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Octahedral Co2+ centers have been connected by mu(3)-OH and mu(2)-OH2 units forming [Co-4] clusters which are linked by pyrazine forming a two-dimensional network. The two-dimensional layers are bridged by oxybisbenzoate (OBA) ligands giving rise to a three-dimensional structure. The [Co-4] clusters bond with the pyrazine and the OBA results in a body-centered arrangement of the clusters, which has been observed for the first time. Magnetic studies reveal a noncollinear frustrated spin structure of the bitriangular cluster, resulting in a net magnetic moment of 1.4 mu B per cluster. For T > 32 K, the correlation length of the cluster moments shows a stretched-exponential temperature dependence typical of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless model, which points to a quasi-2D XY behavior. At lower temperature and down to 14 K, the compound behaves as a soft ferromagnet and a slow relaxation is observed, with an energy barrier of ca. 500 K. Then, on further cooling, a hysteretic behavior takes place with a coercive field that reaches 5 Tat 4 K. The slow relaxation is assigned to the creation/annihilation of vortex-antivortex pairs, which are the elementary excitations of a 2D XY spin system.


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In developing countries high rate of growth in demand of electric energy is felt, and so the addition of new generating units becomes necessary. In deregulated power systems private generating stations are encouraged to add new generations. Finding the appropriate location of new generator to be installed can be obtained by running repeated power flows, carrying system studies like analyzing the voltage profile, voltage stability, loss analysis etc. In this paper a new methodology is proposed which will mainly consider the existing network topology into account. A concept of T-index is introduced in this paper, which considers the electrical distances between generator and load nodes.This index is used for ranking significant new generation expansion locations and also indicates the amount of permissible generations that can be installed at these new locations. This concept facilitates for the medium and long term planning of power generation expansions within the available transmission corridors. Studies carried out on a sample 7-bus system, EHV equivalent 24-bus system and IEEE 39 bus system are presented for illustration purpose.


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The recently developed single network adaptive critic (SNAC) design has been used in this study to design a power system stabiliser (PSS) for enhancing the small-signal stability of power systems over a wide range of operating conditions. PSS design is formulated as a discrete non-linear quadratic regulator problem. SNAC is then used to solve the resulting discrete-time optimal control problem. SNAC uses only a single critic neural network instead of the action-critic dual network architecture of typical adaptive critic designs. SNAC eliminates the iterative training loops between the action and critic networks and greatly simplifies the training procedure. The performance of the proposed PSS has been tested on a single machine infinite bus test system for various system and loading conditions. The proposed stabiliser, which is relatively easier to synthesise, consistently outperformed stabilisers based on conventional lead-lag and linear quadratic regulator designs.


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The relationship for the relaxation time(s) of a chemical reaction in terms of concentrations and rate constants has been derived from the network thermodynamic approach developed by Oster, Perelson, and Katchalsky.Generally, it is necessary to draw the bond graph and the “network analogue” of the reaction scheme, followed by loop or nodal analysis of the network and finally solving of the resulting differential equations. In the case of single-step reactions, however, it is possible to obtain an expression for the relaxation time. This approach is simpler and elegant and has certain advantages over the usual kinetic method. The method has been illustrated by taking different reaction schemes as examples.


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The following problem is considered. Given the locations of the Central Processing Unit (ar;the terminals which have to communicate with it, to determine the number and locations of the concentrators and to assign the terminals to the concentrators in such a way that the total cost is minimized. There is alao a fixed cost associated with each concentrator. There is ail upper limit to the number of terminals which can be connected to a concentrator. The terminals can be connected directly to the CPU also In this paper it is assumed that the concentrators can bo located anywhere in the area A containing the CPU and the terminals. Then this becomes a multimodal optimization problem. In the proposed algorithm a stochastic automaton is used as a search device to locate the minimum of the multimodal cost function . The proposed algorithm involves the following. The area A containing the CPU and the terminals is divided into an arbitrary number of regions (say K). An approximate value for the number of concentrators is assumed (say m). The optimum number is determined by iteration later The m concentrators can be assigned to the K regions in (mk) ways (m > K) or (km) ways (K>m).(All possible assignments are feasible, i.e. a region can contain 0,1,…, to concentrators). Each possible assignment is assumed to represent a state of the stochastic variable structure automaton. To start with, all the states are assigned equal probabilities. At each stage of the search the automaton visits a state according to the current probability distribution. At each visit the automaton selects a 'point' inside that state with uniform probability. The cost associated with that point is calculated and the average cost of that state is updated. Then the probabilities of all the states are updated. The probabilities are taken to bo inversely proportional to the average cost of the states After a certain number of searches the search probabilities become stationary and the automaton visits a particular state again and again. Then the automaton is said to have converged to that state Then by conducting a local gradient search within that state the exact locations of the concentrators are determined This algorithm was applied to a set of test problems and the results were compared with those given by Cooper's (1964, 1967) EAC algorithm and on the average it was found that the proposed algorithm performs better.


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The electrical and optical response of a field-effect device comprising a network of semiconductor-enriched single-wall carbon nanotubes, gated with sodium chloride solution is investigated. Field-effect is demonstrated in a device that uses facile fabrication techniques along with a small-ion as the gate electrolyte-and this is accomplished as a result of the semiconductor enhancement of the tubes. The optical transparency and electrical resistance of the device are modulated with gate voltage. A time-response study of the modulation of optical transparency and electrical resistance upon application of gate voltage suggests the percolative charge transport in the network. Also the ac response in the network is investigated as a function of frequency and temperature down to 5 K. An empirical relation between onset frequency and temperature is determined.


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Underlying the unique structures and diverse functions of proteins area vast range of amino-acid sequences and a highly limited number of folds taken up by the polypeptide backbone. By investigating the role of noncovalent connections at the backbone level and at the detailed side-chain level, we show that these unique structures emerge from interplay between random and selected features. Primarily, the protein structure network formed by these connections shows simple (bond) and higher order (clique) percolation behavior distinctly reminiscent of random network models. However, the clique percolation specific to the side-chain interaction network bears signatures unique to proteins characterized by a larger degree of connectivity than in random networks. These studies reflect some salient features of the manner in which amino acid sequences select the unique structure of proteins from the pool of a limited number of available folds.


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In Ge-As-Te system, the glass forming region determined by normal melt quenching method has two regions (GFR I and GFR II) separated by few compositions gap. With a simple laboratory built twin roller apparatus, we have succeeded in preparing Ge7.5AsxTe92.5-x glasses over extended composition ranges. A distinct change in T-g is observed at x = 40, exactly at which the separation of the glass forming regions occur indicating the changes in the connectivity and the rigidity of the structural network. The maximum observed in glass transition (T-g) at x = 55 corresponding to the average coordination number (Z(av)) = 2.70 is an evidence for the shift of the rigidity percolation threshold (RPT) from Z(av) = 2.40 as predicted by the recent theories. The glass forming tendency (K-gl) and Delta T (=T-c-T-g) is low for the glasses in the GFR I and high for the glasses in the GFR II.


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Tuberculosis continues to be a major health challenge, warranting the need for newer strategies for therapeutic intervention and newer approaches to discover them. Here, we report the identification of efficient metabolism disruption strategies by analysis of a reactome network. Protein-protein dependencies at a genome scale are derived from the curated metabolic network, from which insights into the nature and extent of inter-protein and inter-pathway dependencies have been obtained. A functional distance matrix and a subsequent nearness index derived from this information, helps in understanding how the influence of a given protein can pervade to the metabolic network. Thus, the nearness index can be viewed as a metabolic disruptability index, which suggests possible strategies for achieving maximal metabolic disruption by inhibition of the least number of proteins. A greedy approach has been used to identify the most influential singleton, and its combination with the other most pervasive proteins to obtain highly influential pairs, triplets and quadruplets. The effect of deletion of these combinations on cellular metabolism has been studied by flux balance analysis. An obvious outcome of this study is a rational identification of drug targets, to efficiently bring down mycobacterial metabolism.


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With the liberalisation of electricity market it has become very important to determine the participants making use of the transmission network.Transmission line usage computation requires information of generator to load contributions and the path used by various generators to meet loads and losses. In this study relative electrical distance (RED) concept is used to compute reactive power contributions from various sources like generators, switchable volt-amperes reactive(VAR) sources and line charging susceptances that are scattered throughout the network, to meet the system demands. The transmission line charge susceptances contribution to the system reactive flows and its aid extended in reducing the reactive generation at the generator buses are discussed in this paper. Reactive power transmission cost evaluation is carried out in this study. The proposed approach is also compared with other approaches viz.,proportional sharing and modified Y-bus.Detailed case studies with base case and optimised results are carried out on a sample 8-bus system. IEEE 39-bus system and a practical 72-bus system, an equivalent of Indian Southern grid are also considered for illustration and results are discussed.


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In this paper, numerical modelling of fracture in concrete using two-dimensional lattice model is presented and also a few issues related to lattice modelling technique applicable to concrete fracture are reviewed. A comparison is made with acoustic emission (AE) events with the number of fractured elements. To implement the heterogeneity of the plain concrete, two methods namely, by generating grain structure of the concrete using Fuller's distribution and the concrete material properties are randomly distributed following Gaussian distribution are used. In the first method, the modelling of the concrete at meso level is carried out following the existing methods available in literature. The shape of the aggregates present in the concrete are assumed as perfect spheres and shape of the same in two-dimensional lattice network is circular. A three-point bend (TPB) specimen is tested in the experiment under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/sec and the fracture process in the same TPB specimen is modelled using regular triangular 2D lattice network. Load versus crack mouth opening isplacement (CMOD) plots thus obtained by using both the methods are compared with experimental results. It was observed that the number of fractured elements increases near the peak load and beyond the peak load. That is once the crack starts to propagate. AE hits also increase rapidly beyond the peak load. It is compulsory here to mention that although the lattice modelling of concrete fracture used in this present study is very similar to those already available in literature, the present work brings out certain finer details which are not available explicitly in the earlier works.


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Geometric and structural constraints greatly restrict the selection of folds adapted by protein backbones, and yet, folded proteins show an astounding diversity in functionality. For structure to have any bearing on function, it is thus imperative that, apart from the protein backbone, other tunable degrees of freedom be accountable. Here, we focus on side-chain interactions, which non-covalently link amino acids in folded proteins to form a network structure. At a coarse-grained level, we show that the network conforms remarkably well to realizations of random graphs and displays associated percolation behavior. Thus, within the rigid framework of the protein backbone that restricts the structure space, the side-chain interactions exhibit an element of randomness, which account for the functional flexibility and diversity shown by proteins. However, at a finer level, the network exhibits deviations from these random graphs which, as we demonstrate for a few specific examples, reflect the intrinsic uniqueness in the structure and stability, and perhaps specificity in the functioning of biological proteins.


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We study a scheduling problem in a wireless network where vehicles are used as store-and-forward relays, a situation that might arise, for example, in practical rural communication networks. A fixed source node wants to transfer a file to a fixed destination node, located beyond its communication range. In the absence of any infrastructure connecting the two nodes, we consider the possibility of communication using vehicles passing by. Vehicles arrive at the source node at renewal instants and are known to travel towards the destination node with average speed v sampled from a given probability distribution. Th source node communicates data packets (or fragments) of the file to the destination node using these vehicles as relays. We assume that the vehicles communicate with the source node and the destination node only, and hence, every packet communication involves two hops. In this setup, we study the source node's sequential decision problem of transferring packets of the file to vehicles as they pass by, with the objective of minimizing delay in the network. We study both the finite file size case and the infinite file size case. In the finite file size case, we aim to minimize the expected file transfer delay, i.e. expected value of the maximum of the packet sojourn times. In the infinite file size case, we study the average packet delay minimization problem as well as the optimal tradeoff achievable between the average queueing delay at the source node buffer and the average transit delay in the relay vehicle.


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Multielectrode neurophysiological recording and high-resolution neuroimaging generate multivariate data that are the basis for understanding the patterns of neural interactions. How to extract directions of information flow in brain networks from these data remains a key challenge. Research over the last few years has identified Granger causality as a statistically principled technique to furnish this capability. The estimation of Granger causality currently requires autoregressive modeling of neural data. Here, we propose a nonparametric approach based on widely used Fourier and wavelet transforms to estimate both pairwise and conditional measures of Granger causality, eliminating the need of explicit autoregressive data modeling. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach by applying it to synthetic data generated by network models with known connectivity and to local field potentials recorded from monkeys performing a sensorimotor task.