111 resultados para multiples anomalies


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We present here the first statistically calibrated and verified tree-ring reconstruction of climate from continental Southeast Asia.The reconstructed variable is March-May (MAM) Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) based on ring widths from 22 trees (42 radial cores) of rare and long-lived conifer, Fokienia hodginsii (Po Mu as locally called) from northern Vietnam. This is the first published tree ring chronology from Vietnam as well as the first for this species. Spanning 535 years, this is the longest cross-dated tree-ring series yet produced from continental Southeast Asia. Response analysis revealed that the annual growth of Fokienia at this site was mostly governed by soil moisture in the pre-monsoon season. The reconstruction passed the calibration-verification tests commonly used in dendroclimatology, and revealed two prominent periods of drought in the mid-eighteenth and late-nineteenth enturies. The former lasted nearly 30 years and was concurrent with a similar drought over northwestern Thailand inferred from teak rings, suggesting a ``mega-drought'' extending across Indochina in the eighteenth century. Both of our reconstructed droughts are consistent with the periods of warm sea surface temperature (SST)anomalies in the tropical Pacific. Spatial correlation analyses with global SST indicated that ENSO-like anomalies might play a role in modulating droughts over the region, with El Nio (warm) phases resulting in reduced rainfall. However, significant correlation was also seen with SST over the Indian Ocean and the north Pacific,suggesting that ENSO is not the only factor affecting the climate of the area. Spectral analyses revealed significant peaks in the range of 53.9-78.8 years as well as in the ENSO-variability range of 2.0 to 3.2 years.


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Neutron, synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and dielectric studies have been performed for morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositions of the (1 - x )Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-xPbTiO(3) system. At room temperature, the MPB compositions (0.10 < x <= 0.15) consist of a mixture of rhombohedral (space group R3c) and tetragonal ( space group P4mm) structures with the fraction of tetragonal phase increasing with increasing PbTiO3 content. On heating, while the rhombohedral phase just outside the MPB region, i.e. x = 0.10, transforms directly to a cubic phase, the rhombohedral phase of the MPB compositions transforms gradually to a tetragonal phase, until interrupted by a rhombohedral-cubic phase transition. The correspondence of the dielectric anomalies with the structural transitions of the different compositions has been examined and compared with earlier reports.


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The effective medium theory for a system with randomly distributed point conductivity and polarisability is reformulated, with attention to cross-terms involving the two disorder parameters. The treatment reveals a certain inconsistency of the conventional theory owing to the neglect of the Maxwell-Wagner effect. The results are significant for the critical resistivity and dielectric anomalies of a binary liquid mixture at the phase separation point.


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A model is suggested for mammalian male determination based on interactions postulated to occur among an autosomal repressor gene, an X-linked male-determining gene termed Tdx, and multiple copies of certain DNA sequences on the Y chromosome that do not code for any protein. The repressor, synthesised in limited amounts, has higher affinity for the Y-linked sequences than for Tdx and its affinity for Tdx is greater than that of RNA polymerase. In XY cells the Y effectively binds all available repressor, permitting transcription of Tdx to occur. In XX cells, since competition from the Y-linked high-affinity sequences is absent, the repressor binds to Tdx and prevents transcription. As a result of this competition between Tdx and the Y-linked high-affinity sites for limiting concentrations of the autosomal repressor, the product of the Tdx gene (TDX) is synthesized in the male but not in the female. It is suggested that in determination of the male sex, the role of the Y chromosome is to serve as a sink for the Tdx repressor. The proposed interactions provide a plausible explanation for the genetic properties of several anomalies of sexual development in mouse, man, and other mammals. The model suggests that the postulated multiple, highaffinity sequences on the Y chromosome of the mouse are included among the DNA sequences referred to as the Sxr-Bkm sequences.


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Magnetic and dielectric measurements confirm the multiferroic nature of LuMnO3. Raman spectra of LuMnO3 have been recorded in the 77-800 K range covering both the antiferromagnetic transition at 90 K and the ferroelectric-paraelectric transition at 750 K. The changes in the phonon modes frequencies and band-widths indicate the presence of phonon-spin coupling in the antiferromagnetically ordered phase. The ferroelectric-paraelectric transition is accompanied by the broadening and disappearance of many of the phonon modes. Some of the phonon modes also show anomalies at the ferroelectric transition.


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Single crystal macroscopic thermal expansion coefficient measurements have been made on uniaxial lithium potassium sulphate crystal both along and normal to the six fold axis, employing Fizeau’s interferometer method. Measurements were made in the range of −120°C to 500°C. The results show that lithium potassium sulphate exhibits two major anomalies in its expansion coefficients around −95°C and 422°C respectively, the one at −95°C has been observed for the first time. The nature of dimensional changes of the crystal at the upper and lower transition points are opposite in nature. The crystal shows considerable lattice anisotropy. Megaw’s tilt concept has been invoked to explain the relative magnitudes of expansion coefficients alonga andc directions. Structural features responsible for the absence of ferroelectricity in this crystal have been pointed out.


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Gadolinium strontium manganite single crystals of the composition Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 were grown using the optical float zone method. We report here the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of these crystals. A large magnetoresistance similar to 10(9)% was observed at 45 K under the application of a 110 kOe field. We have observed notable thermomagnetic anomalies such as open hysteresis loops across the broadened first-order transition between the charge order insulator and the ferromagnetic metallic phase while traversing the magnetic field-temperature (H-T) plane isothermally or isomagnetically. In order to discern the cause of these observed anomalies, the H-T phase diagram for Gd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 is formulated using the magnetization-field (M-H), magnetization-temperature (M-T) and resistance-temperature (R-T) measurements. The temperature dependence of the critical field (i.e. H-up, the field required for transformation to the ferromagnetic metallic phase) is non-monotonic. We note that the non-monotonic variation of the supercooling limit is anomalous according to the classical concepts of the first-order phase transition. Accordingly, H-up values below similar to 20 K are unsuitable to represent the supercooling limit. It is possible that the nature of the metastable states responsible for the observed open hysteresis loops is different from that of the supercooled ones.


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The annual cycle of rainfall over the Korean Peninsula is marked by two peaks: one during July and the other during August. Since the mid-1970s, the maximum rainfall over the Korean Peninsula has shifted from July to August. This shift in rainfall peak was caused by a significant increase of August rainfall after the mid-1970s. The basic reason for this shift has been traced to a change in teleconnection between El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and August rainfall. The relationship between August rainfall over Korea and ENSO changed from 1954-1975 (PI) to 1976-2002 (PII). The variability of August rainfall was significantly associated with sea surface temperature (SST) variation over the eastern equatorial Pacific during PI, but this relationship is absent during the PII period. In El Nino years during PI, low-level westerly and southerly wind anomalies are dominant around the East China Sea, which relates to strong August rainfall. In La Nina years during PI, easterly and northerly wind anomalies are dominant. During the PII period, however, westerly and southerly wind anomalies around the East China Sea were responsible for the high August rainfall over the East Asian region, even though La Nina SST conditions were in effect over the eastern Pacific.


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A model of polymer translocation based on the stochastic dynamics of the number of monomers on one side of a pore-containing surface is formulated in terms of a one-dimensional generalized Langevin equation, in which the random force is assumed to be characterized by long-ranged temporal correlations. The model is introduced to rationalize anomalies in measured and simulated values of the average time of passage through the pore, which in general cannot be satisfactorily accounted for by simple Brownian diffusion mechanisms. Calculations are presented of the mean first passage time for barrier crossing and of the mean square displacement of a monomeric segment, in the limits of strong and weak diffusive bias. The calculations produce estimates of the exponents in various scaling relations that are in satisfactory agreement with available data.


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[1] The equatorial Indian Ocean (EIO) exhibited anomalous conditions characteristic of an Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) during 2006. The eastern EIO had cold sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA), lower sea level, shallow thermocline and higher chlorophyll than normal. The anomalies in the east, restricted to the south of the equator, were highest off Sumatra. The western pole of the IOD was marked by warm SSTA and deeper thermocline with maxima on either side of the equator. An ocean general circulation model of the Indian Ocean forced by QuikSCAT winds reproduces the IOD of 2006 remarkably well. The switch over to cooling in the east and warming in the west happened during May and July respectively. In the east, airsea heat flux initiated cold SSTA in the model which were sustained later by oceanic processes. In the west, surface heat fluxes and horizontal advection caused warm SSTA and contribution by the latter decreased after August. Citation: Vinayachandran, P. N., J. Kurian, and C. P. Neema (2007), Indian Ocean response to anomalous conditions in 2006, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L15602, doi:10.1029/2007GL030194.


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The equatorial Indian Ocean (EIO) exhibited anomalous conditions characteristic of an Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) during 2006. The eastern EIO had cold sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA), lower sea level, shallow thermocline and higher chlorophyll than normal. The anomalies in the east, restricted to the south of the equator, were highest off Sumatra. The western pole of the IOD was marked by warm SSTA and deeper thermocline with maxima on either side of the equator. An ocean general circulation model of the Indian Ocean forced by QuikSCAT winds reproduces the IOD of 2006 remarkably well. The switch over to cooling in the east and warming in the west happened during May and July respectively. In the east, air-sea heat flux initiated cold SSTA in the model which were sustained later by oceanic processes. In the west, surface heat fluxes and horizontal advection caused warm SSTA and contribution by the latter decreased after August.


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We report interesting anomalies in the temperature dependent Raman spectra of FeSe0.82 measured from 3 K to 300 K in the spectral range from 60 to 1800 cm(-1) and determine their origin using complementary first-principles density functional calculations. A phonon mode near 100 cm-1 exhibits a sharp increase by similar to 5% in the frequency below a temperature T-s (similar to 100 K) attributed to strong spin-phonon coupling and onset of short-range antiferromagnetic order. In addition, two high frequency modes are observed at 1350 cm-1 and 1600 cm-1, attributed to electronic Raman scattering from (x(2)-y(2)) to xz/yz d-orbitals of Fe. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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1] The poor predictability of the Indian summer monsoon ( ISM) appears to be due to the fact that a large fraction of interannual variability (IAV) is governed by unpredictable "internal'' low frequency variations. Mechanisms responsible for the internal IAV of the monsoon have not been clearly identified. Here, an attempt has been made to gain insight regarding the origin of internal IAV of the seasonal ( June - September, JJAS) mean rainfall from "internal'' IAV of the ISM simulated by an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) driven by fixed annual cycle of sea surface temperature (SST). The underlying hypothesis that monsoon ISOs are responsible for internal IAV of the ISM is tested. The spatial and temporal characteristics of simulated summer intraseasonal oscillations ( ISOs) are found to be in good agreement with those observed. A long integration with the AGCM forced with observed SST, shows that ISO activity over the Asian monsoon region is not modulated by the observed SST variations. The internal IAV of ISM, therefore, appears to be decoupled from external IAV. Hence, insight gained from this study may be useful in understanding the observed internal IAV of ISM. The spatial structure of the ISOs has a significant projection on the spatial structure of the seasonal mean and a common spatial mode governs both intraseasonal and interannual variability. Statistical average of ISO anomalies over the season ( seasonal ISO bias) strengthens or weakens the seasonal mean. It is shown that interannual anomalies of seasonal mean are closely related to the seasonal mean of intraseasonal anomalies and explain about 50% of the IAV of the seasonal mean. The seasonal mean ISO bias arises partly due to the broad-band nature of the ISO spectrum allowing the time series to be aperiodic over the season and partly due to a non-linear process where the amplitude of ISO activity is proportional to the seasonal bias of ISO anomalies. The later relation is a manifestation of the binomial character of rainfall time series. The remaining 50% of the IAV may arise due to land-surface processes, interaction between high frequency variability and ISOs, etc.


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By employing Carstensen's phase-comparison pulse method for measuring ultrasonic velocity-differences, the compressibility of sulphuric acid has been studied anew, the special interest being in the low concentration region. Sulphuric acid is found to show at first a decrease in velocity with increasing concentration and then an increase. The curve representing the apparent molal compressibility Φ(κ̄2) against the square root of the molar concentration c, shows a maximum and a minimum. This anomalous behaviour is interesting in view of the extreme anomalies in other colligative properties of sulphuric acid. A qualitative explanation of the observed maximum and minimum has been suggested.


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Charge-order driven magnetic ferroelectricity is shown to occur in several rare earth manganates of the general formula, Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (In = rare earth, A = alkaline earth). Charge-ordered manganates exhibit dielectric constant anomalies around the charge-ordering or the antiferromagnetic transition temperature. Magnetic fields have a marked effect on the dielectric properties of these compounds, indicating the presence of coupling between the magnetic and electrical order parameters. Magneto-dielectric properties are retained in small particles of the manganates. The observation of magneto-ferroelectricity in these manganates is in accordance with theoretical predictions.