86 resultados para modular parametrization


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This paper presents the architecture of a fault-tolerant, special-purpose multi-microprocessor system for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The modular nature of the architecture allows the use of hundreds of Processing Elements (PEs) for high throughput. Its performance is evaluated by both analytical and simulation methods. The results indicate that the system can achieve high operation rates and is not sensitive to inter-processor communication delay.


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In this paper, we develop a cipher system based on finite field transforms. In this system, blocks of the input character-string are enciphered using congruence or modular transformations with respect to either primes or irreducible polynomials over a finite field. The polynomial system is shown to be clearly superior to the prime system for conventional cryptographic work.


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This paper describes the use of high-power thyristors in conjunction with a low-voltage supply for generating pulsed magnetic fields. A modular bank of electrolytic capacitors is charged through a programmable solid-state power supply and then rapidly discharged through a bank of thyristors into a magnetizing coil. The modular construction of capacitor banks enables the discrete control of pulse energy and time. Peak fields up to 15 telsa (150 KOe) and a half period of about 200 microseconds are generated through the discharges. Still higher fields are produced by discharging into a precooled coil ( 77°K). Measurement method for a pulsed field is described.


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Mycobacterium leprae, which has undergone reductive evolution leaving behind a minimal set of essential genes, has retained intervening sequences in four of its genes implicating a vital role for them in the survival of the leprosy bacillus. A single in-frame intervening sequence has been found embedded within its recA gene. Comparison of M. leprae recA intervening sequence with the known intervening sequences indicated that it has the consensus amino acid sequence necessary for being a LAGLIDADG-type homing endonuclease. In light of massive gene decay and function loss in the leprosy bacillus, we sought to investigate whether its recA intervening sequence encodes a catalytically active homing endonuclease. Here we show that the purified M. leprae RecA intein (PI-MleI) binds to cognate DNA and displays endonuclease activity in the presence of alternative divalent cations, Mg2+ or Mn2+. A combination of approaches including four complementary footprinting assays such as DNase I, Cu/phenanthroline, methylation protection and KMnO4, enhancement of 2-aminopurine fluorescence and mapping of the cleavage site revealed that PI-MleI binds to cognate DNA flanking its insertion site, induces helical distortion at the cleavage site and generates two staggered double-strand breaks. Taken together, these results implicate that PI-MleI possess a modular structure with separate domains for DNA target recognition and cleavage, each with distinct sequence preferences. From a biological standpoint, it is tempting to speculate that our findings have implications for understanding the evolution of LAGLIDADG family of homing endonucleases


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A parametrization of the elements of the three-dimensional Lorentz group O(2, 1), suited to the use of a noncompact O(1, 1) basis in its unitary representations, is derived and used to set up the representation matrices for the entire group. The Plancherel formula for O(2, 1) is then expressed in this basis.


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One of the critical issues in large scale commercial exploitation of MEMS technology is its system integration. In MEMS, a system design approach requires integration of varied and disparate subsystems with one of a kind interface. The physical scales as well as the magnitude of signals of various subsystems vary widely. Known and proven integration techniques often lead to considerable loss in advantages the tiny MEMS sensors have to offer. Therefore, it becomes imperative to think of the entire system at the outset, at least in terms of the concept design. Such design entails various aspects of the system ranging from selection of material, transduction mechanism, structural configuration, interface electronics, and packaging. One way of handling this problem is the system-in-package approach that uses optimized technology for each function using the concurrent hybrid engineering approach. The main strength of this design approach is the fast time to prototype development. In the present work, we pursue this approach for a MEMS load cell to complete the process of system integration for high capacity load sensing. The system includes; a micromachined sensing gauge, interface electronics and a packaging module representing a system-in-package ready for end characterization. The various subsystems are presented in a modular stacked form using hybrid technologies. The micromachined sensing subsystem works on principles of piezo-resistive sensing and is fabricated using CMOS compatible processes. The structural configuration of the sensing layer is designed to reduce the offset, temperature drift, and residual stress effects of the piezo-resistive sensor. ANSYS simulations are carried out to study the effect of substrate coupling on sensor structure and its sensitivity. The load cell system has built-in electronics for signal conditioning, processing, and communication, taking into consideration the issues associated with resolution of minimum detectable signal. The packaged system represents a compact and low cost solution for high capacity load sensing in the category of compressive type load sensor.


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Immobile plants and immobile modular animals outlive unitary animals. This paper discusses competing but not necessarily mutually exclusive theories to explain this extreme longevity, especially from the perspective of phenotypic plasticity. Stem cell immortality, vascular autonomy, and epicormic branching are some important features of the phenotypic plasticity of plants that contribute to their longevity. Monocarpy versus polycarpy can also influence the kind of senescent processes experienced by plants. How density-dependent phenomena affecting the establishment of juveniles in these immobile organisms can influence the evolution of senescence, and consequently longevity, is reviewed and discussed. Whether climate change scenarios will favour long-lived or short-lived organisms, with their attendant levels of plasticity, is also presented.


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Mycobacterium leprae recA harbors an in-frame insertion sequence that encodes an intein homing endonuclease (PI-MleI). Most inteins (intein endonucleases) possess two conserved LAGLIDADG (DOD) motifs at their ctive center. A common feature of LAGLIDADG-type homing endonucleases is that they recognize and cleave the same or very similar DNA sequences. However, PI-MleI is distinctive from other members of the family of LAGLIDADG-type HEases for its modular structure with functionally separable domains for DNA-binding and cleavage, each with distinct sequence preferences. Sequence alignment analyses of PI-MleI revealed three putative LAGLIDADG motifs; however, there is conflicting bioinformatics data in regard to their identity and specific location within the intein polypeptide. To resolve this conflict and to determine the active-site residues essential for DNA target site recognition and double-stranded DNA cleavage, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of presumptive catalytic residues in the LAGLIDADG motifs. Analysis of target DNA recognition and kinetic parameters of the wild-type PI-MleI and its variants disclosed that the two amino acid residues, Asp(122) (in Block C) and Asp(193) (in functional Block E), are crucial to the double-stranded DNA endonuclease activity, whereas Asp(218) (in pseudo-Block E) is not. However, despite the reduced catalytic activity, the PI-MleI variants, like the wild-type PI-MleI, generated a footprint of the same length around the insertion site. The D122T variant showed significantly reduced catalytic activity, and D122A and D193A mutations although failed to affect their DNA-binding affinities, but abolished the double-stranded DNA cleavage activity. On the other hand, D122C variant showed approximately twofold higher double-stranded DNA cleavage activity, compared with the wild-type PI-MleI. These results provide compelling evidence that Asp(122) and Asp(193) in DOD motif I and II, respectively, are bona fide active-site residues essential for DNA cleavage activity. The implications of these results are discussed in this report.


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This paper addresses the problem of detecting and resolving conflicts due to timing constraints imposed by features in real-time systems. We consider systems composed of a base system with multiple features or controllers, each of which independently advise the system on how to react to input events so as to conform to their individual specifications. We propose a methodology for developing such systems in a modular manner based on the notion of conflict tolerant features that are designed to continue offering advice even when their advice has been overridden in the past. We give a simple priority based scheme for composing such features. This guarantees the maximal use of each feature. We provide a formal framework for specifying such features, and a compositional technique for verifying systems developed in this framework.


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Protein kinases phosphorylating Ser/Thr/Tyr residues in several cellular proteins exert tight control over their biological functions. They constitute the largest protein family in most eukaryotic species. Protein kinases classified based on sequence similarity in their catalytic domains, cluster into subfamilies, which share gross functional properties. Many protein kinases are associated or tethered covalently to domains that serve as adapter or regulatory modules,naiding substrate recruitment, specificity, and also serve as scaffolds. Hence the modular organisation of the protein kinases serves as guidelines to their functional and molecular properties. Analysis of genomic repertoires of protein kinases in eukaryotes have revealed wide spectrum of domain organisation across various subfamilies of kinases. Occurrence of organism-specific novel domain combinations suggests functional diversity achieved by protein kinases in order to regulate variety of biological processes. In addition, domain architecture of protein kinases revealed existence of hybrid protein kinase subfamilies and their emerging roles in the signaling of eukaryotic organisms. In this review we discuss the repertoire of non-kinase domains tethered to multi-domain kinases in the metazoans. Similarities and differences in the domain architectures of protein kinases in these organisms indicate conserved and unique features that are critical to functional specialization. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A chenodeoxycholic acid based K+ ion sensor has been designed using a modular approach in which a fluorophore and a cation receptor are attached to the bile acid backbone. In the absence of K+ the fluorescence of the molecule is quenched because of through-space, photo-induced electron-transfer from the aza-crown unit. Fluorescence enhancement was observed upon titration with K+ (and other alkali metal ions too). In methanol, good selectivity towards the sensing of K+ has been observed.


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This paper addresses the problem of detecting and resolving conflicts due to timing constraints imposed by features in real-time and hybrid systems. We consider systems composed of a base system with multiple features or controllers, each of which independently advise the system on how to react to input events so as to conform to their individual specifications. We propose a methodology for developing such systems in a modular manner based on the notion of conflict-tolerant features that are designed to continue offering advice even when their advice has been overridden in the past. We give a simple priority-based scheme forcomposing such features. This guarantees the maximal use of each feature. We provide a formal framework for specifying such features, and a compositional technique for verifying systems developed in this framework.


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Background:Overwhelming majority of the Serine/Threonine protein kinases identified by gleaning archaeal and eubacterial genomes could not be classified into any of the well known Hanks and Hunter subfamilies of protein kinases. This is owing to the development of Hanks and Hunter classification scheme based on eukaryotic protein kinases which are highly divergent from their prokaryotic homologues. A large dataset of prokaryotic Serine/Threonine protein kinases recognized from genomes of prokaryotes have been used to develop a classification framework for prokaryotic Ser/Thr protein kinases. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have used traditional sequence alignment and phylogenetic approaches and clustered the prokaryotic kinases which represent 72 subfamilies with at least 4 members in each. Such a clustering enables classification of prokaryotic Ser/Thr kinases and it can be used as a framework to classify newly identified prokaryotic Ser/Thr kinases. After series of searches in a comprehensive sequence database we recognized that 38 subfamilies of prokaryotic protein kinases are associated to a specific taxonomic level. For example 4, 6 and 3 subfamilies have been identified that are currently specific to phylum proteobacteria, cyanobacteria and actinobacteria respectively. Similarly subfamilies which are specific to an order, sub-order, class, family and genus have also been identified. In addition to these, we also identify organism-diverse subfamilies. Members of these clusters are from organisms of different taxonomic levels, such as archaea, bacteria, eukaryotes and viruses.Conclusion/Significance: Interestingly, occurrence of several taxonomic level specific subfamilies of prokaryotic kinases contrasts with classification of eukaryotic protein kinases in which most of the popular subfamilies of eukaryotic protein kinases occur diversely in several eukaryotes. Many prokaryotic Ser/Thr kinases exhibit a wide variety of modular organization which indicates a degree of complexity and protein-protein interactions in the signaling pathways in these microbes.


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Chenodeoxycholic acid based PET sensors for alkali metal ions have been immobilized on Merrifield resin and on Tentagel. The fluorescence of the sensor beads is enhanced upon binding the cations. The modular nature of the sensor allows designing different sensors based on this concept.


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For hybrid electric vehicles the batteries and the drive dc-link may be at different voltages. The batteries are at low voltage to obtain higher volumetric efficiencies and the dc-link is at higher voltage to have higher efficiency on the motor side. Therefore a power interface between the batteries and the drive's dc-link is essential. This power interface should handle power flow from battery to motor, motor to battery, external genset to battery and grid to battery. This paper proposes a multi power port topology which is capable of handling multiple power sources and still maintains simplicity and features like obtaining any gain, wide load variations, lower output current ripple and capability of parallel battery energy due to the modular structure. The development and testing of a bi-directional fly-back DC-DC converter for hybrid electric vehicle is described in this paper. Simple hysteresis voltage control is used for DC link voltage regulation. The experimental results are presented to show the working of the proposed converter.