38 resultados para mass-transport deposits


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A decentralized emission inventories are prepared for road transport sector of India in order to design and implement suitable technologies and policies for appropriate mitigation measures. Globalization and liberalization policies of the government in 90's have increased the number of road vehicles nearly 92.6% from 1980–1981 to 2003–2004. These vehicles mainly consume non-renewable fossil fuels, and are a major contributor of green house gases, particularly CO2 emission. This paper focuses on the statewise road transport emissions (CO2, CH4, CO, NOx, N2O, SO2, PM and HC), using region specific mass emission factors for each type of vehicles. The country level emissions (CO2, CH4, CO, NOx, N2O, SO2 and NMVOC) are calculated for railways, shipping and airway, based on fuel types. In India, transport sector emits an estimated 258.10 Tg of CO2, of which 94.5% was contributed by road transport (2003–2004). Among all the states and Union Territories, Maharashtra's contribution is the largest, 28.85 Tg (11.8%) of CO2, followed by Tamil Nadu 26.41 Tg (10.8%), Gujarat 23.31 Tg (9.6%), Uttar Pradesh 17.42 Tg (7.1%), Rajasthan 15.17 Tg (6.22%) and, Karnataka 15.09 Tg (6.19%). These six states account for 51.8% of the CO2 emissions from road transport.


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The photoemission from quantum wires and dots of effective mass superlattices of optoelectronic materials was investigated on the basis of newly formulated electron energy spectra, in the presence of external light waves, which controls the transport properties of ultra-small electronic devices under intense radiation. The effect of magnetic quantization on the photoemission from the aforementioned superlattices, together with quantum well superlattices under magnetic quantization, has also been investigated in this regard. It appears, taking HgTe/Hg1-xCdxTe and InxGa1-xAs/InP effective mass superlattices, that the photoemission from these quantized structures is enhanced with increasing photon energy in quantized steps and shows oscillatory dependences with the increasing carrier concentration. In addition, the photoemission decreases with increasing light intensity and wavelength as well as with increasing thickness exhibiting oscillatory spikes. The strong dependence of the photoemission on the light intensity reflects the direct signature of light waves on the carrier energy spectra. The content of this paper finds six different applications in the fields of low dimensional systems in general.


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The transport of reactive solutes through fractured porous formations has been analyzed. The transport through the porous block is represented by a general multiprocess nonequilibrium equation (MPNE), which, for the fracture, is represented by an advection-dispersion equation with linear equilibrium sorption and first-order transformation. An implicit finite-difference technique has been used to solve the two coupled equations. The transport characteristics have been analyzed in terms of zeroth, first, and second temporal moments of the solute in the fracture. The solute behavior for fractured impermeable and fractured permeable formations are first compared and the effects of various fracture and matrix transport parameters are analyzed. Subsequently, the transport through a fractured permeable formation is analyzed to ascertain the effect of equilibrium sorption, rate-limited sorption, and the multiprocess nonequilibrium transport process. It was found that the temporal moments were nearly identical for the fractured impermeable and permeable formations when both the diffusion coefficient and the first-order transformation coefficient were relatively large. The multiprocess nonequilibrium model resulted in a smaller mass recovery in the fracture and higher dispersion than the equilibrium and rate-limited sorption models. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.19435584.0000586. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The present work involves a computational study of soot formation and transport in case of a laminar acetylene diffusion flame perturbed by a co nvecting line vortex. The topology of the soot contours (as in an earlier experimental work [4]) have been investigated. More soot was produced when vortex was introduced from the air si de in comparison to a fuel side vortex. Also the soot topography was more diffused in case of the air side vortex. The computational model was found to be in good agreement with the ex perimental work [4]. The computational simulation enabled a study of the various parameters affecting soot transport. Temperatures were found to be higher in case of air side vortex as compared to a fuel side vortex. In case of the fuel side vortex, abundance of fuel in the vort ex core resulted in stoichiometrically rich combustion in the vortex core, and more discrete so ot topography. Overall soot production too was low. In case of the air side vortex abundan ce of air in the core resulted in higher temperatures and more soot yield. Statistical techniques like probability density fun ction, correlation coefficient and conditional probability function were introduced to explain the transient dependence of soot yield and transport on various parameters like temperature, a cetylene concentration.


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Using continuous and near-real time measurements of the mass concentrations of black carbon (BC) aerosols near the surface, for a period of 1 year (from January to December 2006) from a network of eight observatories spread over different environments of India, a space-time synthesis is generated. The strong seasonal variations observed, with a winter high and summer low, are attributed to the combined effects of changes in synoptic air mass types, modulated strongly by the atmospheric boundary layer dynamics. Spatial distribution shows much higher BC concentration over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) than the peninsular Indian stations. These were examined against the simulations using two chemical transport models, GOCART (Goddard Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport) and CHIMERE for the first time over Indian region. Both the model simulations significantly deviated from the measurements at all the stations; more so during the winter and pre-monsoon seasons and over mega cities. However, the CHIMERE model simulations show better agreement compared with the measurements. Notwithstanding this, both the models captured the temporal variations; at seasonal and subseasonal timescales and the natural variabilities (intra-seasonal oscillations) fairly well, especially at the off-equatorial stations. It is hypothesized that an improvement in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) parameterization scheme for tropical environment might lead to better results with GOCART.


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The present work involves a computational study of soot (chosen as a scalar which is a primary pollutant source) formation and transport in a laminar acetylene diffusion flame perturbed by a convecting line vortex. The topology of soot contours resulting from flame vortex interactions has been investigated. More soot was produced when vortex was introduced from the air side in comparison to the fuel side. Also, the soot topography was spatially more diffuse in the case of air side vortex. The computational model was found to be in good agreement with the experimental work previously reported in the literature. The computational simulation enabled a study of various parameters like temperature, equivalence ratio and temperature gradient affecting the soot production and transport. Temperatures were found to be higher in the case of air side vortex in contrast to the fuel side one. In case of fuel side vortex, abundance of fuel in the vortex core resulted in fuel-rich combustion zone in the core and a more discrete soot topography. Besides, the overall soot production was observed to be low in the fuel side vortex. However, for the air side vortex, air abundance in the core resulted in higher temperatures and greater soot production. Probability density functions (PDFs) have been introduced to investigate the spatiotemporal variation of soot yield and transport and their dependence on temperature and acetylene concentration from statistical view point. In addition, the effect of flame curvature on soot production is also studied. The regions convex to fuel stream side witnessed thicker soot layer. All numerical simulations have been carried out on Fluent 6.3.26. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aerosol loading over the South Asian region has the potential to affect the monsoon rainfall, Himalayan glaciers and regional air-quality, with implications for the billions in this region. While field campaigns and network observations provide primary data, they tend to be location/season specific. Numerical models are useful to regionalize such location-specific data. Studies have shown that numerical models underestimate the aerosol scenario over the Indian region, mainly due to shortcomings related to meteorology and the emission inventories used. In this context, we have evaluated the performance of two such chemistry-transport models: WRF-Chem and SPRINTARS over an India-centric domain. The models differ in many aspects including physical domain, horizontal resolution, meteorological forcing and so on etc. Despite these differences, both the models simulated similar spatial patterns of Black Carbon (BC) mass concentration, (with a spatial correlation of 0.9 with each other), and a reasonable estimates of its concentration, though both of them under-estimated vis-a-vis the observations. While the emissions are lower (higher) in SPRINTARS (WRF-Chem), overestimation of wind parameters in WRF-Chem caused the concentration to be similar in both models. Additionally, we quantified the under-estimations of anthropogenic BC emissions in the inventories used these two models and three other widely used emission inventories. Our analysis indicates that all these emission inventories underestimate the emissions of BC over India by a factor that ranges from 1.5 to 2.9. We have also studied the model simulations of aerosol optical depth over the Indian region. The models differ significantly in simulations of AOD, with WRF-Chem having a better agreement with satellite observations of AOD as far as the spatial pattern is concerned. It is important to note that in addition to BC, dust can also contribute significantly to AOD. The models differ in simulations of the spatial pattern of mineral dust over the Indian region. We find that both meteorological forcing and emission formulation contribute to these differences. Since AOD is column integrated parameter, description of vertical profiles in both models, especially since elevated aerosol layers are often observed over Indian region, could be also a contributing factor. Additionally, differences in the prescription of the optical properties of BC between the models appear to affect the AOD simulations. We also compared simulation of sea-salt concentration in the two models and found that WRF-Chem underestimated its concentration vis-a-vis SPRINTARS. The differences in near-surface oceanic wind speeds appear to be the main source of this difference. In-spite of these differences, we note that there are similarities in their simulation of spatial patterns of various aerosol species (with each other and with observations) and hence models could be valuable tools for aerosol-related studies over the Indian region. Better estimation of emission inventories could improve aerosol-related simulations. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.