337 resultados para heat-capacity


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The standard free energies of formation of Zn2Ti04 and ZnTi03 have been determined in the temperature range 930° to i ioo'x from electromotive force measurements on reversible solid oxide galvanic cells;Ag-5at%znll I Pt, + CaO-Zr02 ZnO I II Ag-5at%Zn Y20r Th02 CaO-Zr02 + ,Pt Zn2Ti04+ ZnTi03 and II Ag-5at%Zn CaO-Zr02 + ,Pt ZnTi03+ Ti02 The values may be expressed by the equations,2ZnO (wurtz) + Ti02(rut) -> Zn2Ti04(sp), f:!:.Go = -750-2-46T (±75)cal;ZnO(wurtz) +Ti02(rut) -> ZnTi03(ilmen) ,f:!:.Co = -]600-0·]99T(±50)cal.Combination of the free energy values with the calorimetric heat of formation, and low-temperature and high-temperature heat capacity of Zn2Ti04 reported in literature, suggests a residual entropy of ],9 (±0·6) cal K-1 mol ? for the cubic spinel. Ideal mixing of Zn2+ and Ti4+ ions on the octahedral sites would result in a configurational contribution to the entropy of 2· 75 cal K-1 rnol ".The difference is indicative of short-range ordering of cations on octahedral sites.


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The theory, design, and performance of a solid electrolyte twin thermocell for the direct determination of the partial molar entropy of oxygen in a single-phase or multiphase mixture are described. The difference between the Seebeck coefficients of the concentric thermocells is directly related to the difference in the partial molar entropy of oxygen in the electrodes of each thermocell. The measured potentials are sensitive to small deviations from equilibrium at the electrodes. Small electric disturbances caused by simultaneous potential measurements or oxygen fluxes caused by large oxygen potential gradients between the electrodes also disturb the thermoelectric potential. An accuracy of ±0.5 calth K−1 mol−1 has been obtained by this method for the entropies of formation of NiO and NiAl2O4. This “entropy meter” may be used for the measurement of the entropies of formation of simple or complex oxides with significant residual contributions which cannot be detected by heat-capacity measurements.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Rh203 at high temperature has been determined recently with high precision. The new data are significantly different from those given in thermodynamic compilations.Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation at 298.15 K could not be evaluated from the new data,because reliable values for heat capacity of Rh2O3 were not available. In this article, a new measurement of the high temperature heat capacity of Rh2O3 using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is presented.The new values for heat capacity also differ significantly from those given in compilations. The information on heat capacity is coupled with standard Gibbs energy of formation to evaluate values for standard enthalpy and entropy of formation at 289.15 K using a multivariate analysis. The results suggest a major revision in thermodynamic data for Rh2O3. For example, it is recommended that the standard entropy of Rh203 at 298.15 K be changed from 106.27 J mol-' K-'given in the compilations of Barin and Knacke et al. to 75.69 J mol-' K". The recommended revision in the standard enthalpy of formation is from -355.64 kJ mol-'to -405.53 kJ mol".


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of ReO2 in the temperature range from 900 to 1200 K has been determined with high precision using a novel apparatus incorporating a buffer electrode between reference and working electrodes. The role of the buffer electrode was to absorb the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte from the electrode with higher oxygen chemical potential to the electrode with lower oxygen potential. It prevented the polarization of the measuring electrode and ensured accurate data. The Re+ReO2 working electrode was placed in a closed stabilized-zirconia crucible to prevent continuous vaporization of Re2O7 at high temperatures. The standard Gibbs energy of the formation of ReO2 can be represented by the equation View the MathML source Accurate values of low and high temperature heat capacity of ReO2 are available in the literature. The thermal data are coupled with the standard Gibbs energy of formation, obtained in this study, to evaluate the standard enthalpy of formation of ReO2 at 298.15 K by the ‘third law’ method. The value of standard enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K is: View the MathML source(ReO2)/kJ mol−1=−445.1 (±0.2). The uncertainty estimate includes both random (2σ) and systematic errors.


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The chemical potentials of CaO in two-phase fields (TiO2 + CaTiO3), (CaTiO3 + Ca4Ti3O10), and (Ca4Ti3O10 + Ca3Ti2O7) of the pseudo-binary system (CaO + TiO2) have been measured in the temperature range (900 to 1250) K, relative to pure CaO as the reference state, using solid-state galvanic cells incorporating single crystal CaF2 as the solid electrolyte. The cells were operated under pure oxygen at ambient pressure. The standard Gibbs free energies of formation of calcium titanates, CaTiO3, Ca4Ti3O10, and Ca3Ti2O7, from their component binary oxides were derived from the reversible e.m.f.s. The results can be summarised by the following equations: CaO(solid) + TiO2(solid) → CaTiO3(solid), ΔG° ± 85/(J · mol−1) = −80,140 − 6.302(T/K); 4CaO(solid) + 3TiO2(solid) → Ca4Ti3O10(solid), ΔG° ± 275/(J · mol−1) = −243,473 − 25.758(T/K); 3CaO(solid) + 2TiO2(solid) → Ca3Ti2O7(solid), ΔG° ± 185/(J · mol−1) = −164,217 − 16.838(T/K). The reference state for solid TiO2 is the rutile form. The results of this study are in good agreement with thermodynamic data for CaTiO3 reported in the literature. For Ca4Ti3O10 Gibbs free energy of formation obtained in this study differs significantly from that reported by Taylor and Schmalzried at T = 873 K. For Ca3Ti2O7 experimental measurements are not available in the literature for direct comparison with the results obtained in this study. Nevertheless, the standard entropy for Ca3Ti2O7 at T = 298.15 K estimated from the results of this study using the Neumann–Koop rule is in fair agreement with the value obtained from low-temperature heat capacity measurements.


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The thermal expansion of magnesium oxide has been measured below room temperature from 140°K to 284.5°K, using an interferometric method. The accuracy of measurement is better than 3% in the temperature range studied. The agreement of these results with Durand's is quite good, but consistently higher over most of the range by 2 or 3%, for the most part within the estimated experimental error. The Grüneisen parameter remains constant at about 1.51 over the present experimental range; but an isolated measurement of Durand at 85°K suggests that at lower temperatures it rises quite sharply above this value. This possibility is therefore investigated theoretically. With a non-central force model to represent MgO, γ(−3) and γ(2) are calculated and it is found that γ(−3) > γ(2), again suggesting that the Grüneisen parameter increases with falling temperature. Of the two reported experimental values for the infra-red absorption frequency, correlation with the heat capacity strongly indicates a wavelength of 25.26μm rather than 17.3μm. Thermal expansion measurements at still lower temperatures must be carried out to confirm definitely the rise in the Grüneisen parameter.


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Thermodynamic properties of Mn3O4, Mn2O3 and MnO2 are reassessed based on new measurements and selected data from the literature. Data for these oxides are available in most thermodynamics compilations based on older calorimetric measurements on heat capacity and enthalpy of formation, and high-temperature decomposition studies. The older heat capacity measurements did not extend below 50 K. Recent measurements have extended the low temperature limit to 5 K. A reassessment of thermodynamic data was therefore undertaken, supplemented by new measurements on high temperature heat capacity of Mn3O4 and oxygen chemical potential for the oxidation of MnO1-x, Mn3O4, and Mn2O3 to their respective higher oxides using an advanced version of solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating a buffer electrode. Because of the high accuracy now achievable with solid-state electrochemical cells, phase-equilibrium calorimetry involving the ``third-law'' analysis has emerged as a competing tool to solution and combustion calorimetry for determining the standard enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K. The refined thermodynamic data for the oxides are presented in tabular form at regular intervals of temperature.


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We studied structural and magnetic properties of a series of insulating double perovskite compounds, La2-xSrxCuRuO6 (0 <= x <= 1), representing doping via A-site substitution. The end members La2CuRuO6 and LaSrCuRuO6 form in monoclinic structure while the intermediate Sr doped compounds stabilize in triclinic structure. The Cu and Ru ions sit on alternate B sites of the perovskite lattice with similar to 15% antisite defects in the undoped sample while the Sr-doped samples show a tendency to higher ordering at B sites. The undoped (x = 0) compound shows a ferrimagnetic-like behavior at low temperatures. In surprising contrast to the usual expectation of an enhancement of ferromagnetic interaction on doping, an antiferromagnetic-like ground state is realized for all doped samples (x > 0). Heat capacity measurements indicate the absence of any long-range magnetic order in any of these compounds. The magnetic relaxation and memory effects observed in all compounds suggest glassy dynamical properties associated with magnetic disorder and frustration. We show that the observed magnetic properties are dominated by the competition between the nearest-neighbor Ru-O-Cu 180 degrees superexchange interaction and the next-nearest-neighbor Ru-O-O-Ru 90 degrees superexchange interaction as well as by the formation of antisite defects with interchanged Cu and Ru positions. Our calculated exchange interaction parameters from first principles calculations for x = 0 and x = 1 support this interpretation.


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The thermal transitions in the copolymer of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate (HDDA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) was investigated to understand its use in microstereolithography. The glass transition temperature and the effect of interaction on this transition process was investigated by means of temperature modulated differential scanning calorimetry (TMDSC). The heat capacities were determined and PHDDA rich phases showed lower heat capacity than PMMA rich phases. The frequency dependence of glass transitions were studied by varying the modulation period of TMDSC and confirmed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Vogel Fulcher Tammann Hesse (VFTH) parameters of homo and copolymers have also been reported.


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Nanocrystalline delta-NbNx samples have been synthesized by reacting NbCl5 and urea at three different temperatures. A comparison of their structural, magnetic, transport and thermal properties is reported in the present study. The size of the particles and their agglomeration extent increase with increasing reaction temperature. The sample prepared at 900 degrees C showed the highest superconducting transition temperature (T-c) of 16.2 K with a transition width, similar to 1.8 K, as obtained from the resistivity measurement on cold-pressed bars. Above T-c, magnetization measurements revealed the presence of surface ferromagnetism which coexists with superconductivity below T-c. Heat capacity measurements confirm superconductivity with strong electron-phonon coupling constant. The sample prepared at 800 degrees C shows a lower T-c (10 K) while that prepared at 700 degrees C exhibit no superconductivity down to the lowest temperature (3 K) measured.


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Innovative bi-electrolyte solid-state cells incorporating single crystal CaF2 and composition-graded solid electrolyte (LaF3) y (CaF2) 1-y (y = 0 to 0.32) were used for measurement of the standard Gibbs energy of formation of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and cubic LaAlO3 from component binary oxides La2O3 and alpha-Al2O3 in the temperature range from 875 to 1175 K. The cells were designed based on experimentally verified relevant phase relations in the systems La2O3-Al2O3LaF3 and CaF2-LaF3. The results can be summarized as: 5.891 alpha-Al2O3 + 0.4425 La2O3 (A-rare earth)-> La0.885Al11.782O19 (hex), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2005)/Jmol(-1) = -80982 + 7.313(T/K); 1/2 La2O3 (A-rare earth) + 1/2 a-Al2O3 -> LaAlO3 (cubic), Delta G(f(ox))(degrees)(+/- 2100)/Jmol(-1) = -59810 + 4.51(T/K). Electron probe microanalysis was used to ascertain the non-stoichiometric range of the hexaaluminate phase. The results are critically analyzed in the light of earlier electrochemical measurements. Several imperfections in the electrochemical cells used by former investigators are identified. Data obtained in the study for LaAlO3 are consistent with calorimetric enthalpy of formation and entropy derived from heat capacity data. Estimated are the standard entropy and the standard enthalpy of formation from elements of hexagonal La0.885Al11.782O19 and rhombohedral LaAlO3 at 298.15 K. c 2014 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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A cold atomic realization of a quantum correlated state of many fermions on a lattice, eg. superfluid, has eluded experimental realization due to the entropy problem. Here we propose a route to realize such a state using holographic lattice and confining potentials. The potentials are designed to produces aband insulating state (low heat capacity) at the trap center, and a metallic state (high heat capacity) at the periphery. The metal ``cools'' the central band insulator by extracting out the excess entropy. The central band insulator can be turned into a superfluid by tuning an attractive interaction between the fermions. Crucially, the holographic lattice allows the emergent superfluid to have a high transition temperature - even twice that of the effective trap temperature. The scheme provides a promising route to a laboratory realization of a fermionic lattice superfluid, even while being adaptable to simulate other many body states.


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In our earlier communication we proposed a simple fragility determining function, (NBO]/(VmTg)-T-3), which we have now used to analyze several glass systems using available thermal data. A comparison with similar fragility determining function, Delta C-p/C-p(1), introduced by Chryssikos et al. in their investigation of lithium borate glasses has also been performed and found to be more convenient quantity for discussing fragilities. We now propose a new function which uses both Delta C-p and Delta T and which gives a numerical fragility parameter, F whose value lies between 0 and 1 for glass forming liquids. F can be calculated through the use of measured thermal parameters Delta C-p, C-p(1), T-g and T-m. Use of the new fragility values in reduced viscosity equation reproduces the whole range of viscosity curves of the Angell plot. The reduced viscosity equation can be directly compared with the Adam-Gibbs viscosity equation and a heat capacity function can be formulated which reproduces satisfactorily the Delta C-p versus In(T-r) curves and hence the configurational entropy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In our earlier communication we proposed a simple fragility determining function, (NBO]/(VmTg)-T-3), which we have now used to analyze several glass systems using available thermal data. A comparison with similar fragility determining function, Delta C-p/C-p(1), introduced by Chryssikos et al. in their investigation of lithium borate glasses has also been performed and found to be more convenient quantity for discussing fragilities. We now propose a new function which uses both Delta C-p and Delta T and which gives a numerical fragility parameter, F whose value lies between 0 and 1 for glass forming liquids. F can be calculated through the use of measured thermal parameters Delta C-p, C-p(1), T-g and T-m. Use of the new fragility values in reduced viscosity equation reproduces the whole range of viscosity curves of the Angell plot. The reduced viscosity equation can be directly compared with the Adam-Gibbs viscosity equation and a heat capacity function can be formulated which reproduces satisfactorily the Delta C-p versus In(T-r) curves and hence the configurational entropy. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Enhancement of superconducting transition temperature (T-c) of parent superconductor, Fe1+xSe, of `Fe-11' family by Cr-substitution for excess Fe has been motivated us to investigate the effect of Cr-substitution in optimal superconductor or Fe1+xSe0.5Te0.5 at Fe site. Here, we report structural, magnetic, electrical transport, thermal transport and heat capacity properties or Cr-substitute compounds. x-ray diffraction measurement confirms the substitution of Cr-atoms in host lattice. Magnetic and electrical transport measurements are used to explore the superconducting properties where Cr-substituted compounds show improvement in superconducting diamagnetic fraction with same T-c as undoped one Heat capacity measurement confirms the bulk superconducting properties of compounds. Thermopower measurement characterizes the type of charge carriers in normal state. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.