83 resultados para glycine


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, the first enzyme in the pathway for interconversion of C1 fragments, was purified to homogeneity for the first time from any plant source. The enzyme from 72-h mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) seedlings was isolated using Blue Sepharose CL-6B and folate-AH-Sepharose-4B affinity matrices and had the highest specific activity (1.33 micromoles of HCHO formed per minute per milligram protein) reported hitherto. The enzyme preparation was extremely stable in the presence of folate or L-serine. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, ethylenediaminetetraacetate and 2-mercaptoethanol prevented the inactivation of the enzyme during purification. The enzyme functioned optimally at pH 8.5 and had two temperature maxima at 35 and 55°C. The Km values for serine were 1.25 and 68 millimolar, corresponding to Vmax values of 1.8 and 5.4 micromoles of HCHO formed per minute per milligram protein, respectively. The K0.5 value for L-tetrahydrofolate (H4folate) was 0.98 millimolar. Glycine, the product of the reaction and D-cycloserine, a structural analog of D-alanine, were linear competitive inhibitors with respect to L-serine with Ki values of 2.30 and 2.02 millimolar, respectively. Dichloromethotrexate, a substrate analog of H4folate was a competitive inhibitor when H4folate was the varied substrate. Results presented in this paper suggested that pyridoxal 5'-phosphate may not be essential for catalysis.The sigmoid saturation pattern of H4folate (nH = 2.0), one of the substrates, the abolition of sigmoidicity by NADH, an allosteric positive effector (nH = 1.0) and the increase in sigmoidicity by NAD+ and adenine nucleotides, negative allosteric effectors (nH = 2.4) clearly established that this key enzyme in the folate metabolism was an allosteric protein. Further support for this conclusion were the observations that (a) serine saturation exhibited an intermediary plateau region; (b) partial inhibition by methotrexate, aminopterin, O-phosphoserine, DL-{alpha}-methylserine and DL-O-methylserine; (c) subunit nature of the enzyme; and (d) decrease in the nH value from 2.0 for H4folate to 1.5 in presence of L-serine. These results highlight the regulatory nature of mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase and its possible involvement in the modulation of the interconversion of folate coenzymes.


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The dielectric measurements on diglycine sulphate in the temperature range 5-400 K, show that it is a normal dielectric, unlike triglycine sulphate which is a ferroelectric. The difference in the dielectric behavior of these two glycine sulphates has been explained on the basis of certain structural features derived from a study of their vibration spectra.


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In an attempt to unravel the role of conserved histidine residues in the structure-function of sheep liver cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT), three site-specific mutants (H134N, H147N, and H150N) were constructed and expressed, H134N and H147N SHMTs had K-m values for L-serine, L-allo-threonine and beta-phenylserine similar to that of wild type enzyme, although the k(cat) values were markedly decreased, H134N SHMT was obtained in a dimeric form with only 6% of bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) compared with the wild type enzyme, Increasing concentrations of PLP (up to 500 mu M) enhanced the enzyme activity without changing its oligomeric structure, indicating that His-134 may be involved in dimer-dimer interactions, H147N SHMT was obtained in a tetrameric form but with very little PLP (3%) bound to it, suggesting that this residue was probably involved in cofactor binding, Unlike the wild type enzyme, the cofactor could be easily removed by dialysis from H147N SHMT, and the apoenzyme thus formed was present predominantly in the dimeric form, indicating that PLP binding is at the dimer-dimer interface, H150N SHMT was obtained in a tetrameric form with bound PLP, However, the mutant had very little enzyme activity (<2%). The k(cat)/K-m values for L-serine, L-allo-threonine and beta-phenylserine were 80-, 56-, and SS-fold less compared with wild type enzyme, Unlike the wild type enzyme, it failed to form the characteristic quinonoid intermediate and was unable to carry out the exchange of 2-S proton from glycine in the presence of H-4-folate. However, it could form an external aldimine with serine and glycine, The wild type and the mutant enzyme had similar K-d values for serine and glycine, These results suggest that His-150 may be the base that abstracts the alpha-proton of the substrate, leading to formation of the quinonoid intermediate in the reaction catalyzed by SHMT.


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In an attempt to identify the arginine residue involved in binding of the carboxylate group of serine to mammalian serine hydroxymethyltransferase, a highly conserved Arg-401 was mutated to Ala by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant enzyme had a characteristic visible absorbance at 425 nm indicative of the presence of bound pyridoxal 5'-phosphate as an internal aldimine with a lysine residue. However, it had only 0.003% of the catalytic activity of the wild-type enzyme. It was also unable to perform reactions with glycine, beta-phenylserine or d-alanine, suggesting that the binding of these substrates to the mutant enzyme was affected. This was also evident from the interaction of amino-oxyacetic acid, which was very slow (8.4x10(-4) s-1 at 50 microM) for the R401A mutant enzyme compared with the wild-type enzyme (44.6 s-1 at 50 microM). In contrast, methoxyamine (which lacks the carboxy group) reacted with the mutant enzyme (1.72 s-1 at 250 microM) more rapidly than the wild-type enzyme (0.2 s-1 at 250 microM). Further, both wild-type and the mutant enzymes were capable of forming unique quinonoid intermediates absorbing at 440 and 464 nm on interaction with thiosemicarbazide, which also does not have a carboxy group. These results implicate Arg-401 in the binding of the substrate carboxy group. In addition, gel-filtration profiles of the apoenzyme and the reconstituted holoenzyme of R401A and the wild-type enzyme showed that the mutant enzyme remained in a tetrameric form even when the cofactor had been removed. However, the wild-type enzyme underwent partial dissociation to a dimer, suggesting that the oligomeric structure was rendered more stable by the mutation of Arg-401. The increased stability of the mutant enzyme was also reflected in the higher apparent melting temperature (Tm) (61 degrees C) than that of the wild-type enzyme (56 degrees C). The addition of serine or serinamide did not change the apparent Tm of R401A mutant enzyme. These results suggest that the mutant enzyme might be in a permanently 'open' form and the increased apparent Tm could be due to enhanced subunit interactions.


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Catalytic activity of cordierite honeycomb by a completely new coating method for the oxidation of major hydrocarbons in exhaust gas is reported here. The new coating process consists of (a) dipping and growing γ-Al2O3 on cordierite by combustion of monolith dipped in the aqueous solution of Al(NO3)3 and oxalyldihydrazide (ODH) (or glycine) at 600 °C and active catalyst phase Ce0.98Pd0.02O2−δ on γ-Al2O3-coated cordierite again by combustion of monolith dipped in the aqueous solution of ceric ammonium nitrate, ODH and 1.2 × 10−3 M PdCl2 solution at 500 °C. Weight of active catalyst can be varied from 0.02 wt% to 2 wt% which is sufficient but can be loaded even up to 12 wt% by repeating dip dry combustion. Adhesion of catalyst to cordierite surface is via oxide growth, which is very strong. ‘HC’ oxidation over the monolith catalyst is carried out with a mixture having the composition, 470 ppm of both propene and propane and 870 ppm of both ethylene and acetylene with the varying amount of O2. Three-way catalytic test is done by putting hydrocarbon mixture along with CO (10 000 ppm), NO (2000 ppm) and O2 (15 000 ppm). Below 350 °C full conversion is achieved. In this method, handling of nano-material powder is avoided.


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) from Bacillus stearothermophilus (bsSHMT) is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme that catalyses the conversion of l-serine and tetrahydrofolate to glycine and 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate. In addition, the enzyme catalyses the tetrahydrofolate-independent cleavage of 3-hydroxy amino acids and transamination. In this article, we have examined the mechanism of the tetrahydrofolate-independent cleavage of 3-hydroxy amino acids by SHMT. The three-dimensional structure and biochemical properties of Y51F and Y61A bsSHMTs and their complexes with substrates, especially l-allo-Thr, show that the cleavage of 3-hydroxy amino acids could proceed via Cα proton abstraction rather than hydroxyl proton removal. Both mutations result in a complete loss of tetrahydrofolate-dependent and tetrahydrofolate-independent activities. The mutation of Y51 to F strongly affects the binding of pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, possibly as a consequence of a change in the orientation of the phenyl ring in Y51F bsSHMT. The mutant enzyme could be completely reconstituted with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate. However, there was an alteration in the λmax value of the internal aldimine (396 nm), a decrease in the rate of reduction with NaCNBH3 and a loss of the intermediate in the interaction with methoxyamine (MA). The mutation of Y61 to A results in the loss of interaction with Cα and Cβ of the substrates. X-Ray structure and visible CD studies show that the mutant is capable of forming an external aldimine. However, the formation of the quinonoid intermediate is hindered. It is suggested that Y61 is involved in the abstraction of the Cα proton from 3-hydroxy amino acids. A new mechanism for the cleavage of 3-hydroxy amino acids via Cα proton abstraction by SHMT is proposed.


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Two crystals structures of a nonapeptide (anhydrous and hydrated) containing the amino acid residue alpha, alpha-di-n-butylglycyl, reveal a mixed 3(10)/alpha-helical conformation. Residues 1-7 adopt phi, psi values in the helical region, with Val(8) being appreciably distorted. The Dbg residue has phi, psi values of -40, -37 degrees and -46, -40 degrees in two crystals with the two butyl side chains mostly extended in each. Peptide molecules in the crystals pack into helical columns. The crystal parameters are C50H91N9O12, space group P2(1), with a = 9.789(1) Angstrom, b = 20.240(2) Angstrom, c = 15.998(3) Angstrom, beta = 103.27(1); Z = 2, R = 10.3% for 1945 data observed >3 sigma(F) and C50H91N9O12. 3H(2)O, space group P2(1), with a = 9.747(3) Angstrom, b = 21.002(8) Angstrom, c = 15.885(6) Angstrom, beta = 102.22(3)degrees, Z = 2, R = 13.6% for 2535 data observed >3 sigma(F). The observation of a helical conformation at Dbg suggests that the higher homologs in the alpha, alpha-dialkylated glycine series also have a tendency to stabilize peptide helices. (C) Munksgaard 1996.


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The effects of inserting unsubstituted omega-amino acids into the strand segments of model beta-hairpin peptides was investigated by using four synthetic decapeptides, Boc-Lcu-Val-Xxx-Val-D-Pro-Gly-Leu-Xxx-Val-Val- OMe: pepticle 1 (Xxx=Gly), pepticle 2 (Xxx=beta Gly=beta hGly=homoglycine, beta-glycine), pepticle 3 (Xxx=gamma Abu=gamma-aminobutyric acid), pepticle 4 (Xxx= delta Ava=delta-aminovaleric acid). H-1 NMR studies (500 MHz, methanol) reveal several critical cross-strand NOEs, providing evidence for P-hairpin conformations in peptides 2-4. In peptide 3, the NMR results support the formation of the nucleating turn, however, evidence for cross-strand registry is not detected. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of peptide 3 reveal a beta-hairpin conformation for both molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, stabilized by four cross-strand hydrogen bonds, with the gamma Abu residues accommodated within the strands. The D-Pro-Gly segment in both molecules (A,B) adopts a type II' beta-turn conformation. The circular dichroism spectrum for peptide 3 is characterized by a negative CD band at 229 rim, whereas for peptides 2 and 4, the negative band is centered at 225 nm, suggesting a correlation between the orientation of the amide units in the strand segments and the observed CD pattern.


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Ten new cyclic hexadepsipeptides, six isariins and four isaridins, from the fungus Isaria have been identified and characterized by high-performance liquid chromatography, coupled to tandem electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESIMS/MS). The isariins possess a beta-hydroxy acid residue and five alpha-amino acids, while isaridins contain a beta-amino acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid, and four alpha-amino acids. One- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy confirmed the chemical identity of some of the isariin fractions. Mass spectral fragmentation patterns of [M + H](+) ions reveal clear diagnostic fragment ions for the isariins and isaridins. Previously described cyclic depsipeptides, isarfelins from Isaria felina (Guo, Y. X.; Liu, Q. H.; Ng, T. B.; Wang H. X. Peptides 2005, 26, 2384), are now reassigned as members of the isaridin family. Examination of isaridin sequences revealed significant similarities with cyclic hexadepsipeptides such as destruxins and roseotoxins. The structure of an isariin (isariin A) investigated by NMR spectroscopy indicated the presence of a hybrid alpha beta C-11 turn, formed by the beta-hydroxy acid and glycine residues and a (D)Leu-(L)Ala type II' beta-turn. Additionally, the inhibitory effect of isariins and an isaridin on the intra-erythrocytic growth of Plasmodium falciparum is presented.


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The colour reaction between 3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin and ammonia is studied quantitatively. Determinations of 0.1–0.6 μmoles of 3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin are possible with a precision close to 2%. In analyses of amino acid mixtures for glycine after conversion to 3-phenyl-2-thiohydantoin, only derivatives of serine and threonine interfere to a slight extent. The specificity of the primary colour reaction with ammonia, and the structural requirements for it are discussed; a structure for the pigment species is proposed.


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1. A detailed polarographic study of cadmium has been made employing glycine, α-alanine, β-alanine, valine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and asparagine as complexing agents at various pH values. The effect of incorporating sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and ammonium nitrate + ammonium hydroxide, on the polarographic behaviour of amino acid complexes of cadmium has also been investigated. 2. The reduction process has been found to be reversible in all systems. 3. The small shifts in the half-wave potentials noticed due to increase in the concentration of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in presence of amino acids have been explained on the basis of formation of mixtures of pure and mixed amino acid complexes of cadmium. Mixed complexes have also been noticed in presence of ammonium hydroxide and ammonium nitrate and amino acids. 4. Polarographic evidence has been obtained for the formation of over 30 pure and mixed complexes. The dissociation constant Kd, the Δ F° value for the dissociation, and standard potential value for the formation, of each complex have been computed. 5. It has been found that cadmium can be polarographically estimated in amino acid solutions.


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1. The polarographic behaviour of glycine, α-alanine, β-alanine, valine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and asparagine complexes of lead has been studied at various pH values and in presence of (1) NaOH, (2) Na2CO3 and (3) NH4 NO3+NH4OH. All the polarographic waves have been found to be reversible. 2. Experiments conducted on the effect of variation of pH, i.e., 7glycine, while mono hydroxy complexes are produced in α-alanine, valine and asparagine systems. 4. It has been found that no mixed hydroxy and mixed ammonia complexes are produced in presence of sodium hydroxide and ammonia-ammonium nitrate, respectively. However evidence is obtained for the formation of mixed carbonate complexes in glycine and aspartic acid systems in presence of sodium carbonate. 5. Thermodynamic data have been calculated from polarographic measurements for 18 complexes. 6. The suitability of incorporating amino acids in base solutions for the polarographic estimation of lead has been tested.


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The spectra of glycine, its addition compounds and other amino-acids exhibit Raman lines in the region from 3250 cm.−1 to 2500 cm.−1 It has been shown that these lines cannot be assigned to N-H...O stretching vibrations, where the N atom has the covalency of three, but to N+-H...O stretching vibration where the N atom has the covalency of four. Using the data obtained with triglycine sulphate which has the largest number of N+-H...O bonds and whose H bond lengths are known, the correlation curve giving the relation between the N+-H...O stretching frequencies and the corresponding H bond lengths has been drawn. Using this correlation curve, the N+-H...O stretching frequencies appearing inα-glycine,γ-glycine, diglycine hydrochloride, diglycine hydrobromide,l-asparagine monohydrate anddl-alanine have been satisfactorily accounted for on the basis of the known hydrogen bond lengths in these substances.


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The Raman spectrum of diglycine barium chloride monohydrate in the single crystal form has been recorded using λ 2536·5 excitation. 43 Raman lines (9 lattice and 34 internal) have been recorded. Satisfactory assignments have been given for most of the observed Raman lines. It is concluded from a comparison of the Raman spectrum of this compound with those of glycine and of other addition compounds of glycine, that the glycine unit exists in the zwitterion form in the structure of diglycine barium chloride monohydrate.


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The Raman spectrum of a single crystal of triglycine selenate G3Se which is ferroelectric below 22° C. has been photographed using λ 2537 excitation. 42 Raman lines have been recorded of which 6 belong to the lattice spectrum, 3 are due to NH...O oscillations and the remaining 33 are due to internal oscillations of the ions of glycine and SeO4--. There is a close similarity between the spectrum of triglycine selenate and the spectrum of its isomorph, triglycine sulphate, the frequency shifts due to the SO4-- ion being replaced by the frequency shifts due to the SeO4-- ion. The existence of glycine in the zwitterion form in the structure of G3Se is substantiated by the appearance in the Raman spectrum of lines which are attributable to NH3+ groups and COO- groups. The appearance of the additional C-H line at 2982 cm.-1 in the spectrum of triglycine selenate which is absent in the spectrum of α-glycine indicates the existence of planar monoprotonated glycine also in the structure, as indicated by X-ray studies.