94 resultados para distribution functions


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In this article, an extension to the total variation diminishing finite volume formulation of the lattice Boltzmann equation method on unstructured meshes was presented. The quadratic least squares procedure is used for the estimation of first-order and second-order spatial gradients of the particle distribution functions. The distribution functions were extrapolated quadratically to the virtual upwind node. The time integration was performed using the fourth-order RungeKutta procedure. A grid convergence study was performed in order to demonstrate the order of accuracy of the present scheme. The formulation was validated for the benchmark two-dimensional, laminar, and unsteady flow past a single circular cylinder. These computations were then investigated for the low Mach number simulations. Further validation was performed for flow past two circular cylinders arranged in tandem and side-by-side. Results of these simulations were extensively compared with the previous numerical data. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We extend our analysis of transverse single spin asymmetry in electroproduction of J/psi to include the effect of the scale evolution of the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions and gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS, and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of charmonium production, using an analytically obtained approximate solution of TMD evolution equations discussed in the literature. We find that there is a reduction in the asymmetry compared with our predictions for the earlier case considered by us, wherein the Q(2) dependence came only from DGLAP evolution of the unpolarized gluon densities and a different parametrization of the TMD Sivers function was used.


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A molecular dynamics (MD) investigation of LiCl in water, methanol, and ethylene glycol (EG) at 298 K is reported. Several; structural and dynamical properties of the ions as well as the solvent such as self-diffusivity, radial distribution functions, void and neck distributions, velocity autocorrelation functions, and mean residence times of solvent in the first solvation shell have been computed. The results show that the reciprocal relationship between the self-diffusivity of the ions and the viscosity is valid in almost all solvents with the exception of water. From an analysis of radial distribution functions and coordination numbers the nature of hydrogen bonding within the solvent and its influence on the void and neck distribution becomes evident. It is seen that the solvent solvent interaction is important in EG while solute solvent interactions dominate in water and methanol. From Voronoi tessellation, it is seen that the voids and necks within methanol are larger as compared to those within water or EG. On the basis of the void and neck distributions obtained from MD simulations and literature experimental data of limiting ion conductivity for various ions of different sizes we show that there is a relation between the void and neck radius on e one hand and dependence of conductivity on the ionic radius on the other. It is shown that the presence of large diameter voids and necks in methanol is responsible for maximum in limiting ion conductivity (lambda(0)) of TMA(+), while in water in EG, the maximum is seen for Rb+. In the case of monovalent anions, maximum in lambda(0) as a function ionic radius is seen for Br- in water EG but for the larger ClO4- ion in methanol. The relation between the void and neck distribution and the variation in lambda(0) with ionic radius arises via the Levitation effect which is discussed. These studies show the importance of the solvent structure and the associated void structure.


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We extend our analysis of transverse single spin asymmetry in electroproduction of J/ψ to include the effect of the scale evolution of the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions and gluon Sivers function. We estimate single spin asymmetry for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS, and eRHIC energies using the color evaporation model of charmonium production, using an analytically obtained approximate solution of TMD evolution equations discussed in the literature. We find that there is a reduction in the asymmetry compared with our predictions for the earlier case considered by us, wherein the Q2 dependence came only from DGLAP evolution of the unpolarized gluon densities and a different parametrization of the TMD Sivers function was used.


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We characterize the eigenfunctions of an equilateral triangle billiard in terms of its nodal domains. The number of nodal domains has a quadratic form in terms of the quantum numbers, with a non-trivial number-theoretic factor. The patterns of the eigenfunctions follow a group-theoretic connection in a way that makes them predictable as one goes from one state to another. Extensive numerical investigations bring out the distribution functions of the mode number and signed areas. The statistics of the boundary intersections is also treated analytically. Finally, the distribution functions of the nodal loop count and the nodal counting function are shown to contain information about the classical periodic orbits using the semiclassical trace formula. We believe that the results belong generically to non-separable systems, thus extending the previous works which are concentrated on separable and chaotic systems.


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In this paper we investigate the local flame surface statistics of constant-pressure turbulent expanding flames. First the statistics of local length ratio is experimentally determined from high-speed planar Mie scattering images of spherically expanding flames, with the length ratio on the measurement plane, at predefined equiangular sectors, defined as the ratio of the actual flame length to the length of a circular-arc of radius equal to the average radius of the flame. Assuming isotropic distribution of such flame segments we then convolute suitable forms of the length-ratio probability distribution functions (pdfs) to arrive at the corresponding area-ratio pdfs. It is found that both the length ratio and area ratio pdfs are near log-normally distributed and shows self-similar behavior with increasing radius. Near log-normality and rather intermittent behavior of the flame-length ratio suggests similarity with dissipation rate quantities which stimulates multifractal analysis. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We present a detailed direct numerical simulation of statistically steady, homogeneous, isotropic, two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. Our study concentrates on the inverse cascade of the magnetic vector potential. We examine the dependence of the statistical properties of such turbulence on dissipation and friction coefficients. We extend earlier work significantly by calculating fluid and magnetic spectra, probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the velocity, magnetic, vorticity, current, stream-function, and magnetic-vector-potential fields, and their increments. We quantify the deviations of these PDFs from Gaussian ones by computing their flatnesses and hyperflatnesses. We also present PDFs of the Okubo-Weiss parameter, which distinguishes between vortical and extensional flow regions, and its magnetic analog. We show that the hyperflatnesses of PDFs of the increments of the stream function and the magnetic vector potential exhibit significant scale dependence and we examine the implication of this for the multiscaling of structure functions. We compare our results with those of earlier studies.


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We report molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to explore the influence of a counterion on the structure and dynamics of cationic and anionic solvation shells for various ions in methanol at 298 K. We show that the variation in ionic size of either the cation or the anion in an ion pair influences the solvation structure of the other ion as well as the diffusivity in an electrolyte solution of methanol. The extent of ionic association between the cation and its counteranion of different ionic sizes has been investigated by analyzing the radial distribution functions (RDFs) and the orientation of methanol molecules in the first solvation shell (FSS) of ions. It is shown that the methanol in the FSS of the anion as well the cation exhibit quite different radial and orientational structures as compared to methanol which lie in the FSS of either the anion or the cation but not both. We find that the coordination number (CN) of F-, Cr-, and I- ions decreases with increasing size of the anion which is contrary to the trend reported for the anions in H2O. The mean residence time (MRT) of methanol molecules in the FSS of ions has been calculated using the stable states picture (SSP) approach. It is seen that the ion-counterion interaction has a considerable influence on the MRT of methanol molecules in the FSS of ions. We also discuss the stability order of the ion-counterion using the potentials of mean force (PMFs) for ion pairs with ions of different sizes. The PMF plots reveal that the Li+-F- pair (small-small) is highly stable and the Li+-I- pair is least stable (small-large) in electrolyte solutions.


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We present the first direct-numerical-simulation study of the statistical properties of two-dimensional superfluid turbulence in the simplified, Hall-Vinen-Bekharevich-Khalatnikov two-fluid model. We show that both normalfluid and superfluid energy spectra can exhibit two power-law regimes, the first associated with an inverse cascade of energy and the second with the forward cascade of enstrophy. We quantify the mutual-friction-induced alignment of normal and superfluid velocities by obtaining probability distribution functions of the angle between them and the ratio of their moduli.


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A strong-coupling expansion for the Green's functions, self-energies, and correlation functions of the Bose-Hubbard model is developed. We illustrate the general formalism, which includes all possible (normal-phase) inhomogeneous effects in the formalism, such as disorder or a trap potential, as well as effects of thermal excitations. The expansion is then employed to calculate the momentum distribution of the bosons in the Mott phase for an infinite homogeneous periodic system at zero temperature through third order in the hopping. By using scaling theory for the critical behavior at zero momentum and at the critical value of the hopping for the Mott insulator–to–superfluid transition along with a generalization of the random-phase-approximation-like form for the momentum distribution, we are able to extrapolate the series to infinite order and produce very accurate quantitative results for the momentum distribution in a simple functional form for one, two, and three dimensions. The accuracy is better in higher dimensions and is on the order of a few percent relative error everywhere except close to the critical value of the hopping divided by the on-site repulsion. In addition, we find simple phenomenological expressions for the Mott-phase lobes in two and three dimensions which are much more accurate than the truncated strong-coupling expansions and any other analytic approximation we are aware of. The strong-coupling expansions and scaling-theory results are benchmarked against numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo simulations in two and three dimensions and against density-matrix renormalization-group calculations in one dimension. These analytic expressions will be useful for quick comparison of experimental results to theory and in many cases can bypass the need for expensive numerical simulations.


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The method of initial functions has been applied for deriving higher order theories for cross-ply laminated composite thick rectangular plates. The equations of three-dimensional elasticity have been used. No a priori assumptions regarding the distribution of stresses or displacements are needed. Numerical solutions of the governing equations have been presented for simply supported edges and the results are compared with available ones.


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A careful comparison of the distribution in the (R, θ)-plane of all NH ... O hydrogen bonds with that for bonds between neutral NH and neutral C=O groups indicated that the latter has a larger mean R and a wider range of θ and that the distribution was also broader than for the average case. Therefore, the potential function developed earlier for an average NH ... O hydrogen bond was modified to suit the peptide case. A three-parameter expression of the form {Mathematical expression}, with △ = R - Rmin, was found to be satisfactory. By comparing the theoretically expected distribution in R and θ with observed data (although limited), the best values were found to be p1 = 25, p3 = - 2 and q1 = 1 × 10-3, with Rmin = 2·95 Å and Vmin = - 4·5 kcal/mole. The procedure for obtaining a smooth transition from Vhb to the non-bonded potential Vnb for large R and θ is described, along with a flow chart useful for programming the formulae. Calculated values of ΔH, the enthalpy of formation of the hydrogen bond, using this function are in reasonable agreement with observation. When the atoms involved in the hydrogen bond occur in a five-membered ring as in the sequence[Figure not available: see fulltext.] a different formula for the potential function is needed, which is of the form Vhb = Vmin +p1△2 +q1x2 where x = θ - 50° for θ ≥ 50°, with p1 = 15, q1 = 0·002, Rmin = 2· Å and Vmin = - 2·5 kcal/mole. © 1971 Indian Academy of Sciences.


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Making use of the empirical potential functions for peptide NH .. O bonds, developed in this laboratory, the relative stabilities of the rightand left-handed α-helical structures of poly-L-alanine have been investigated, by calculating their conformational energies (V). The value of Vmin of the right-handed helix (αP) is about - 10.4 kcal/mole, and that of the left-handed helix (αM) is about - 9.6 kcal/mole, showing that the former is lower in energy by 0.8 kcal/mole. The helical parameters of the stable conformation of αP are n ∼ 3.6 and h ∼ 1.5 Å. The hydrogen bond of length 2.85 Å and nonlinearity of about 10° adds about 4.0 kcal/ mole to the stabilising energy of the helix in the minimum enregy region. The energy minimum is not sharply defined, but occurs over a long valley, suggesting that a distribution of conformations (φ{symbol}, ψ) of nearly the same energy may occur for the individual residues in a helix. The experimental data of a-helical fibres of poly-L-alanine are in good agreement with the theoretical results for αP. In the case of proteins, the mean values of (φ{symbol}, ψ) for different helices are distributed, but they invariably occur within the contour for V = Vmin + 2 kcal/mole for αP.


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The torsional potential functions Vt(phi) and Vt(psi) around single bonds N--C alpha and C alpha--C, which can be used in conformational studies of oligopeptides, polypeptides and proteins, have been derived, using crystal structure data of 22 globular proteins, fitting the observed distribution in the (phi, psi)-plane with the value of Vtot(phi, psi), using the Boltzmann distribution. The averaged torsional potential functions, obtained from various amino acid residues in L-configuration, are Vt(phi) = 1.0 cos (phi + 60 degrees); Vt(psi) = 0.5 cos (psi + 60 degrees) - 1.0 cos (2 psi + 30 degrees) - 0.5 cos (3 psi + 30 degrees). The dipeptide energy maps Vtot(phi, psi) obtained using these functions, instead of the normally accepted torsional functions, were found to explain various observations, such as the absence of the left-handed alpha helix and the C7 conformation, and the relatively high density of points near the line psi = 0 degrees. These functions derived from observational data on protein structures, will, it is hoped, explain various previously unexplained facts in polypeptide conformation.


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The torsional potential functions Vt(φ) and Vt(ψ) around single bonds N–Cα and Cα-C, which can be used in conformational studies of oligopeptides, polypeptides and proteins, have been derived, using crystal structure data of 22 globular proteins, fitting the observed distribution in the (φ, ψ)-plane with the value of Vtot(φ, ψ), using the Boltzmann distribution. The averaged torsional potential functions, obtained from various amino acid residues in l-configuration, are Vt(φ) = – 1.0 cos (φ + 60°); Vt(ψ) = – 0.5 cos (ψ + 60°) – 1.0 cos (2ψ + 30°) – 0.5 cos (3ψ + 30°). The dipeptide energy maps Vtot(φ, ψ) obtained using these functions, instead of the normally accepted torsional functions, were found to explain various observations, such as the absence of the left-handed alpha helix and the C7 conformation, and the relatively high density of points near the line ψ = 0°. These functions, derived from observational data on protein structures, will, it is hoped, explain various previously unexplained facts in polypeptide conformation.