127 resultados para crystal and ligand fields


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Mononuclear, binuclear and trinuclear silver(l) complexes were obtained unexpectedly while probing the reactivity of diphosphazane ligands of the type X2PN(Pr-i)PXY towards the ruthenium-based precursor Ru(bipy)(2)Cl-2 center dot 2H(2)O, in the presence of a silver salt as a chloride scavenger. Subsequently, the reactions of AgX [X = Cl, NO3 or CF3SO3] with Ph2PN(R)PPh(Y) [R = H, Y = Ph; R = Pr-i, Y = Ph or OC6H3Me2-2,6] in a 1: 1 or 1:2 molar ratio have been investigated. Mononuclear or binuclear Ag(I) complexes containing either chelating or bridging diphosphazane ligands are obtained. Trinuclear silver(l) complexes are accessible by the treatment of diphosphazane ligands, Ph2PN(R)PPh2 [R = H, Pr-i] with AgCl using piperidine as the solvent. In the presence of a suitable chloride donor species, the mononuclear and binuclear complexes of Ph2PN(Pr-i)PPh2 are transformed slowly to the trinuclear complex [Ag-3(mu-Cl)(2){Ph2PN(Pr-i)PPh2}(3)]X, over a period 20 h. The structures of representative complexes have been confirmed by X-ray crystallography and the salient structural features are discussed


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The structures of two dehydropentapeptides, Boc-Pro-Delta Phe-Val-Delta Phe-Ala-OMe (I) and Boc-Pro-Delta Phe-Gly-Delta Phe-Ala-OMe (II) (Boc: t-butoxycarbonyl), have been determined by nuclear magnentic resonance (NMR), circular dichroism (CD), and X-ray, crystallographic studies. The peptide I assumes a S-shaped flat beta-bend structure, characterized by two partially overlapping type II beta-bends and absence of a second 1 <- 4 (N4-H center dot center dot center dot O1') intramolecular hydrogen bond. This is in contrast to the generally observed 3(10)-helical conformation in peptides with Delta Phe at alternate positions. This report describes the novel conformation assumed by peptide I and compares it with that of the conserved tip of the V3 loop of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 (sequence, G:P319 to F:P324, PDB code IACY). The tip of the V3 loop also assumes a S-shaped conformation with Arg:P322, making an intramolecular side-chain-backbone interaction with the carbonyl oxygen of Gly:P319. Interestingly, in peptide I, C(gamma)HVal(3) makes a similar side-chain-backbone C-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bond with the carbonyl oxygen of the Boc group. The observed overall similarity indicates the possible use of the peptide as a viral antagonist or synthetic antigen. Peptide 11 adopts a unique turn followed by a 3(10)-helix. Both peptides I and II are classical examples of stabilization of unusual structures in oligopeptides.


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The crystal and molecular structure of the ammonium salt of deoxycytidylyl-(3'-5')-deoxyguanosine has been determined from 0.85 A resolution single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The crystals obtained by acetone diffusion technique at -20 degrees C, are orthorhombic, P212121, a = 12.880(2), b = 17444(2) and c = 27.642(2) A. The structure was solved by high resolution Patterson and Fourier methods and refined to R = 0.136. There are two d(CpG) molecules in the asymmetric unit forming a mini left handed Z-DNA helix. This is in contrast to the earlier reported forms of d(CpG) where the molecules form self base paired duplexes. There are two ammonium ions in the asymmetric unit. The major groove NH+4 ion interacts with N7 of guanines through water bridges besides making H-bonded interactions directly with the phosphate oxygen atoms. A second NH+4 ion is found in the minor groove interacting directly with the phosphate oxygen atoms. Symmetry related molecules pack in such a way that the cytosine base stacks on cytosine and guanine base on guanine. Our structure demonstrates that alternating d(CpG) sequences have the ability to adopt the left handed Z-DNA structure even at the dimer level i.e., in a sequence which is only two base pairs long.


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l-Valyl-l-lysine hydrochloride, C11N3O3H23 HCl, rystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2, with a = 5.438(5), b = 14.188(5), c = 9.521(5) Å, β= 95.38(2)° and Z = 2. The crystal structure, solved by direct methods, refined to R = 0.036, using full matrix least-squares method. The peptide exists in a zwitterionic form, with the N atom of the lysine side-chain protonated. The two γ-carbons of the valine side-chain have positional disorder, giving rise to two conformations, χ111= -67.3 and 65.9°, one of which (65.9°) is sterically less favourable and has been found to be less popular amongst residues branching at β-C. The lysine side-chain has the geometry of g− tgt, not seen in crystal structures of the dipeptides reported so far. Interestingly, χ32 (63.6°) of lysine side-chain has a gauche+ conformation unlike in most of the other tructures, where it is trans. The neighbouring peptide molecules are hydrogen bonded in a head-to-tail fashion, a rather uncommon interaction in lysine peptide structures. The structure shows considerable similarity with that of l-Lys-l-Val HO in conformational angles and H-bond interactions [4].


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Sym-homospermidine, [formula; see text] is a naturally occurring rare-polyamine found in relatively large concentration in sandal leaves. As part of our studies on structure and interactions of polyamines, ym-homospermidine was purified from sandal leaves and its structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction technique. The phosphate salt of the molecule crystallized in the triclinic space group P1- with a = 8.246(1)A, b = 8.775(1)A, c = 15.531(2)A, alpha = 74.20(1) degrees, beta = 88.36(1) degrees and gamma = 65.41(1) degrees. The structure was determined by direct methods and refined to a final R factor of 5.4% for 2087 reflections with magnitude of F(obs) greater than 5 sigma [F(obs)]. The amine exists in its most favourable all trans conformation. For each amine molecule three phosphate groups exist in the crystal structure, suggesting that two of the oxygens of each phosphate group are protonated. There is also a single water molecule in the asymmetric unit in contrast to that of spermidine phosphate which has 3 water molecules. These differences probably reflect the hydrogen bonding properties of mono-ionic and di-ionic phosphate groups. The structure is predominantly stabilized by a network of hydrogen bonds.


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Metamizol, Na[Ct3H16N3045], C13H16N304S-Na +, a sulphonyl derivative of amidopyrine, is perhaps the most widely used non-narcotic analgetic and antiinflammatory pyrazolone derivative. The monohydrate of the compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2Jc with eight molecules in a unit cell of dimensions a = 9.143 (3), b = 49.50 (2), c = 7.314 (2)/k and fl = 90.9 (1) °. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined to an R value of 0.080 for 4466 observed reflections. The two crystallographically independent molecules in the structure have similar dimensions. The elongated molecules are hydrophobic at one end and hydrophilic at the other with the middle portion partly hydrophobic and partly hydrophilic. The pyrazolone group in the structure has dimensions similar to those found in uncomplexed antipyrine and amidopyrine. The crystal structure can be described as consisting of double layers of metamizol molecules stacked perpendicular to the b axis. The adjacent double layers are separated by a layer of Naions and water molecules.


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The polyamines spermine, spermidine, putrescine, cadaverine, etc. have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions. However, details of their mode of interaction with other ubiquitous biomolecules is not known. We have solved a few structures of polyamine-amino acid complexes to understand the nature and mode of their interactions. Here we report the structure of a complex of putrescine with DL-glutamic acid. Comparison of the structure with the structure of putrescine-L-glutamic acid complex reveals the high degree of similarity in the mode of interaction in the two complexes. Despite the presence of a centre of symmetry in the present case, the arrangement of molecules is strikingly similar to the L-glutamic acid complex.


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The polyamines spermine, spermidine, putrescine, cadaverine, etc. have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions. However, details of their mode of interaction with other ubiquitous biomolecules is not known. We have solved a few structures of polyamine-amino acid complexes to understand the nature and mode of their interactions. Here we report the structure of a complex of putrescine with DL-glutamic acid. Comparison of the structure with the structure of putrescine-L-glutamic acid complex reveals the high degree of similarity in the mode of interaction in the two complexes. Despite the presence of a centre of symmetry in the present case, the arrangement of molecules is strikingly similar to the L-glutamic acid complex.


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The crystal and molecular structure of the title compound has been determined by direct methods from diffractometer data. Crystals are orthorhombic, with Z= 4 in a unit cell of dimensions : a= 13.811 (10), b= 5.095(5), c= 12.914(10)Å, space group P212121. The structure was refined by least-squares to R 3.31% for 868 observed reflections. There is significant non-planarity of the peptide group and its nitrogen atom is significantly pyramidal. There is no correlation between the double-bond character and reactivity of the C–N bond of the terminal amide group in glutamine and acetamide


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The title compound, C t8H~sC15NaP4, crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2~/n with a = 20.14 (2), b = 8.69 (1), c = 14.92 (2) A, fl = 98.8 (3) ° , Z = 4. The structure was determined from visual data and refined to R = 0-069 for 1450 reflections. The cyclophosphazene ring is non-planar. The exocyclic NPPh 3 group exhibits type I conformation [R. A. Shaw (1975). Pure Appl. Chem. 44, 317-341] in which the N-P bond is perpendicular to the adjacent P-CI bond.


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The crystal structure of 2',3'-O-isopropylidene inosine shows a number of interesting features. The four independent molecules in the asymmetric unit exhibit significant conformational variations. Ribose puckers fall in the O(4')-exo region, unfavourable in unsubstituted nucleosides. Hypoxanthine bases show base-pairing (I.I) in a manner analogous to the guanine self pairs (G.G) in 2',3'-O-isopropylidene guanosine but with a C(2)-H…O(6) hydrogen bond instead of N(2)-H…O(6).


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new cembranoid diterpene was isolated from the soft coral Ckdiella h p f ifrom Minicoy Island (India), and its structure was established by X-ray crystallography to be sclerophytin F methyl ether (21 with the R absolute configuration at all six epimeric centers,assuming a configuration similar to that of sclerophytin C. Compound 2 may be an artifact of the isolation process.


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The preponderance of 3'-5' phosphodiester links in nucleic acids is well known. Albeit less prevalent, the 2'-5' links are specifically utilised in the formation of 'lariat' in group II introns and in the msDNA-RNA junction in myxobacterium. As a sequel to our earlier study on cytidylyl-2',5'-adenosine we have now obtained the crystal structure of adenylyl-2',5'-adenosine (A2'p5'A) at atomic resolution. This dinucleoside monophosphate crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with a = 7.956(3) A, b = 12.212(3) A and c = 36.654(3) A. CuK alpha intensity data were collected on a diffractometer. The structure was sloved by direct methods and refined by full matrix least squares methods to R = 10.8%. The 2' terminal adenine is in the commonly observed anti (chi 2 = 161 degrees) conformation and the 5' terminal base has a syn (chi 1 = 55 degrees) conformation more often seen in purine nucleotides. A noteworthy feature of A2'p5'A is the intranucleotide hydrogen bond between N3 and O5' atoms of the 5' adenine base. The two furanose rings in A2'p5'A show different conformations - C2' endo, C3' endo puckering for the 5' and 2' ends respectively. In this structure too there is a stacking of the purine base on the ribose O4' just as in other 2'-5' dinucleoside structures, a feature characteristically seen in the left handed Z DNA. In having syn, anti conformation about the glycosyl bonds, C2' endo, C3' endo mixed sugar puckering and N3-O5' intramolecular hydrogen bond A2'p5'A resembles its 3'-5' analogue and several other 2'-5' dinucleoside monophosphate structures solved so far. Striking similarities between the 2'-5' dinucleoside monophosphate structures suggest that the conformation of the 5'-end nucleoside dictates the conformation of the 2' end nucleoside. Also, the 2'-5' dimers do not favour formation of miniature classical double helical structures like the 3'-5' dimers. It is conceivable, 2-5(A) could be using the stereochemical features of A2'p5'A which accounts for its higher activity.