64 resultados para combined stage sintering model


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Cardiac arrhythmias, such as ventricular tachycardia (VT) and ventricular fibrillation (VF), are among the leading causes of death in the industrialized world. These are associated with the formation of spiral and scroll waves of electrical activation in cardiac tissue; single spiral and scroll waves are believed to be associated with VT whereas their turbulent analogs are associated with VF. Thus, the study of these waves is an important biophysical problem. We present a systematic study of the combined effects of muscle-fiber rotation and inhomogeneities on scroll-wave dynamics in the TNNP (ten Tusscher Noble Noble Panfilov) model for human cardiac tissue. In particular, we use the three-dimensional TNNP model with fiber rotation and consider both conduction and ionic inhomogeneities. We find that, in addition to displaying a sensitive dependence on the positions, sizes, and types of inhomogeneities, scroll-wave dynamics also depends delicately upon the degree of fiber rotation. We find that the tendency of scroll waves to anchor to cylindrical conduction inhomogeneities increases with the radius of the inhomogeneity. Furthermore, the filament of the scroll wave can exhibit drift or meandering, transmural bending, twisting, and break-up. If the scroll-wave filament exhibits weak meandering, then there is a fine balance between the anchoring of this wave at the inhomogeneity and a disruption of wave-pinning by fiber rotation. If this filament displays strong meandering, then again the anchoring is suppressed by fiber rotation; also, the scroll wave can be eliminated from most of the layers only to be regenerated by a seed wave. Ionic inhomogeneities can also lead to an anchoring of the scroll wave; scroll waves can now enter the region inside an ionic inhomogeneity and can display a coexistence of spatiotemporal chaos and quasi-periodic behavior in different parts of the simulation domain. We discuss the experimental implications of our study.


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Controlled pyrolysis of Al(OBus)(3), Zr(OPrn)(4) and their mixtures in ethyl acetate induced using microwaves of 2.45 GHz frequency has been carried out. Microwave irradiation yields second-stage precursors for the preparation of respective oxides and their composites. It is observed that the microwave irradiation has a directive influence on the morphology of the ultimate oxide products. Al2O3, ZrO2 and the two composites 90% Al2O3-10% ZrO2 and 90% ZrO2-10% Al2O3 are also found to be sintered to very high densities within 35 min of microwave irradiation by the use of beta-SiC as a secondary susceptor.


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Aqueous phase oxidation of sulphur dioxide at low concentrations catalysed by a PVP-Cu complex in the solid phase and dissolved Cu(II) in the liquid phase is studied in a rotating catalyst basket reactor (RCBR). The equilibrium adsorption of Cu(II) and S(VI) on PVP particles is found to be of the Langmuir-type. The diffusional effects of S(IV) species in PVP-Cu resin are found to be insignificant whereas that of product S(VI) are found to be significant. The intraparticle diffusivity of S(VI) is obtained from independent tracer experiments. In the oxidation reaction HSO3- is the reactive species. Both the S(IV) species in the solution, namely SO2(aq) and HSO3- get adsorbed onto the active PVP-Cu sites of the catalyst, but only HSO3- undergoes oxidation. A kinetic mechanism is proposed based on this feature which shows that SO2(aq) has a deactivating effect on the catalyst. A rate model is developed for the three-phase reaction system incorporating these factors along with the effect of concentration of H2SO4 on the solubility of SO2 in the dilute aqueous solutions of Cu(II). Transient oxidation experiments are conducted at different conditions of concentration of SO2 and O-2 in the gas phase and catalyst concentration, and the rate parameters are estimated from the data. The observed and calculated profiles are in very good agreement. This confirms the deactivating effect of nonreactive SO2(aq) on the heterogeneous catalysis.


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In a recent paper, we combined the technique of bosonization with the concept of a Rayleigh dissipation function to develop a model for resistances in one-dimensional systems of interacting spinless electrons Europhys. Lett. 93, 57007 (2011)]. We also studied the conductance of a system of three wires by using a current splitting matrix M at the junction. In this paper, we extend our earlier work in several ways. The power dissipated in a three-wire system is calculated as a function of M and the voltages applied in the leads. By combining two junctions of three wires, we examine a system consisting of two parallel resistances. We study the conductance of this system as a function of the M matrices and the two resistances; we find that the total resistance is generally quite different from what one expects for a classical system of parallel resistances. We do a sum over paths to compute the conductance of this system when one of the two resistances is taken to be infinitely large. We study the conductance of a three-wire system of interacting spin-1/2 electrons, and show that the charge and spin conductances can generally be different from each other. Finally, we consider a system of two wires that are coupled by a dissipation function, and we show that this leads to a current in one wire when a voltage bias is applied across the other wire.


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This paper proposes a derivative-free two-stage extended Kalman filter (2-EKF) especially suited for state and parameter identification of mechanical oscillators under Gaussian white noise. Two sources of modeling uncertainties are considered: (1) errors in linearization, and (2) an inadequate system model. The state vector is presently composed of the original dynamical/parameter states plus the so-called bias states accounting for the unmodeled dynamics. An extended Kalman estimation concept is applied within a framework predicated on explicit and derivative-free local linearizations (DLL) of nonlinear drift terms in the governing stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The original and bias states are estimated by two separate filters; the bias filter improves the estimates of the original states. Measurements are artificially generated by corrupting the numerical solutions of the SDEs with noise through an implicit form of a higher-order linearization. Numerical illustrations are provided for a few single- and multidegree-of-freedom nonlinear oscillators, demonstrating the remarkable promise that 2-EKF holds over its more conventional EKF-based counterparts. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000255. (C) 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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The work reported in this thesis is an attempt to enhance heat transfer in electronic devices with the use of impinging air jets on pin-finned heat sinks. The cooling per-formance of electronic devices has attracted increased attention owing to the demand of compact size, higher power densities and demands on system performance and re-liability. Although the technology of cooling has greatly advanced, the main cause of malfunction of the electronic devices remains overheating. The problem arises due to restriction of space and also due to high heat dissipation rates, which have increased from a fraction of a W/cm2to 100s of W /cm2. Although several researchers have at-tempted to address this at the design stage, unfortunately the speed of invention of cooling mechanism has not kept pace with the ever-increasing requirement of heat re- moval from electronic chips. As a result, efficient cooling of electronic chip remains a challenge in thermal engineering. Heat transfer can be enhanced by several ways like air cooling, liquid cooling, phase change cooling etc. However, in certain applications due to limitations on cost and weight, eg. air borne application, air cooling is imperative. The heat transfer can be increased by two ways. First, increasing the heat transfer coefficient (forced convec- tion), and second, increasing the surface area of heat transfer (finned heat sinks). From previous literature it was established that for a given volumetric air flow rate, jet im-pingement is the best option for enhancing heat transfer coefficient and for a given volume of heat sink material pin-finned heat sinks are the best option because of their high surface area to volume ratio. There are certain applications where very high jet velocities cannot be used because of limitations of noise and presence of delicate components. This process can further be improved by pulsating the jet. A steady jet often stabilizes the boundary layer on the surface to be cooled. Enhancement in the convective heat transfer can be achieved if the boundary layer is broken. Disruptions in the boundary layer can be caused by pulsating the impinging jet, i.e., making the jet unsteady. Besides, the pulsations lead to chaotic mixing, i.e., the fluid particles no more follow well defined streamlines but move unpredictably through the stagnation region. Thus the flow mimics turbulence at low Reynolds number. The pulsation should be done in such a way that the boundary layer can be disturbed periodically and yet adequate coolant is made available. So, that there is not much variation in temperature during one pulse cycle. From previous literature it was found that square waveform is most effective in enhancing heat transfer. In the present study the combined effect of pin-finned heat sink and impinging slot jet, both steady and unsteady, has been investigated for both laminar and turbulent flows. The effect of fin height and height of impingement has been studied. The jets have been pulsated in square waveform to study the effect of frequency and duty cycle. This thesis attempts to increase our understanding of the slot jet impingement on pin-finned heat sinks through numerical investigations. A systematic study is carried out using the finite-volume code FLUENT (Version 6.2) to solve the thermal and flow fields. The standard k-ε model for turbulence equations and two layer zonal model in wall function are used in the problem Pressure-velocity coupling is handled using the SIMPLE algorithm with a staggered grid. The parameters that affect the heat transfer coefficient are: height of the fins, total height of impingement, jet exit Reynolds number, frequency of the jet and duty cycle (percentage time the jet is flowing during one complete cycle of the pulse). From the studies carried out it was found that: a) beyond a certain height of the fin the rate of enhancement of heat transfer becomes very low with further increase in height, b) the heat transfer enhancement is much more sensitive to any changes at low Reynolds number than compared to high Reynolds number, c) for a given total height of impingement the use of fins and pulsated jet, increases the effective heat transfer coefficient by almost 200% for the same average Reynolds number, d) for all the cases it was observed that the optimum frequency of impingement is around 50 − 100 Hz and optimum duty cycle around 25-33.33%, e) in the case of turbulent jets the enhancement in heat transfer due to pulsations is very less compared to the enhancement in case of laminar jets.


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The efficiency of track foundation material gradually decreases due to insufficient lateral confinement, ballast fouling, and loss of shear strength of the subsurface soil under cyclic loading. This paper presents characterization of rail track subsurface to identify ballast fouling and subsurface layers shear wave velocity using seismic survey. Seismic surface wave method of multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW) has been carried out in the model track and field track for finding out shear wave velocity of the clean and fouled ballast and track subsurface. The shear wave velocity (SWV) of fouled ballast increases with increase in fouling percentage, and reaches a maximum value and then decreases. This character is similar to typical compaction curve of soil, which is used to define optimum and critical fouling percentage (OFP and CFP). Critical fouling percentage of 15 % is noticed for Coal fouled ballast and 25 % is noticed for clayey sand fouled ballast. Coal fouled ballast reaches the OFP and CFP before clayey sand fouled ballast. Fouling of ballast reduces voids in ballast and there by decreases the drainage. Combined plot of permeability and SWV with percentage of fouling shows that after critical fouling point drainage condition of fouled ballast goes below acceptable limit. Shear wave velocities are measured in the selected location in the Wollongong field track by carrying out similar seismic survey. In-situ samples were collected and degrees of fouling were measured. Field SWV values are more than that of the model track SWV values for the same degree of fouling, which might be due to sleeper's confinement. This article also highlights the ballast gradation widely followed in different countries and presents the comparison of Indian ballast gradation with international gradation standards. Indian ballast contains a coarser particle size when compared to other countries. The upper limit of Indian gradation curve matches with lower limit of ballast gradation curves of America and Australia. The ballast gradation followed by Indian railways is poorly graded and more favorable for the drainage conditions. Indian ballast engineering needs extensive research to improve presents track conditions.


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The present investigation reports the preparation and microstructural characterization of ultrafine CsCl crystallites using combined cryogenic and room temperature (RT) mechanical milling. The milling has been performed in evacuated WC vials under high purity argon atmosphere. The low temperature milling has been utilized as an effective means of rapid fracturing of the CsCl crystallites. This was followed by RT milling for different time durations. The final crystallite size obtained is 10 +/- 6 nm for sample cryo-milled for 11 h and subsequently RT milled for 35 h. The experimental findings indicate the strong effect of duration of cryo-milling on the final size of the crystallites. The prolonged room temperature milling leads to increase of the crystallite size due to deformation-induced sintering. The results have been discussed in the light of currently available literature. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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He propose a new time domain method for efficient representation of the KCG and delineation of its component waves. The method is based on the multipulse Linear prediction (LP) coding which is being widely used in speech processing. The excitation to the LP synthesis filter consists of a few pulses defined by their locations and amplitudes. Based on the amplitudes and their distribution, the pulses are suitably combined to delineate the component waves. Beat to beat correlation in the ECG signal is used in QRS periodicity prediction. The method entails a data compression of 1 in 6. The method reconstructs the signal with an NMSE of less than 5%.


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In this paper, we present a modified k - epsilon model capable of addressing turbulent weld-pool convection in a GMAW process, taking into account the morphology of the phase change interface during a Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) process. A three-dimensional turbulence mathematical model has been developed to study the heat transfer and fluid flow within the weld pool by considering the combined effect of three driving forces, viz., buoyancy, Lorentz force and surface tension (Marangoni convection). Mass and energy transports by the droplets are considered through the thermal analysis of the electrode. The falling droplet's heat addition to the molten pool is considered to be a volumetric heat source distributed in an imaginary cylindrical cavity ("cavity model") within the weld pool. This nature of heat source distribution takes into account the momentum and the thermal, energy of the falling droplets. The numerically predicted weld pool dimensions both from turbulence and laminar models are then compared with the experimental post-weld results sectioned across the weld axis. The above comparison enables us to analyze the overall effects of turbulent convection on the nature of heat and fluid flow and hence on the weld pool shape/size during the arc welding processes.


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Accelerated aging experiments have been conducted on a representative oil-pressboard insulation model to investigate the effect of constant and sequential stresses on the PD behavior using a built-in phase resolved partial discharge analyzer. A cycle of the applied voltage starting from the zero of the positive half cycle was divided into 16 equal phase windows (Φ1 to Φ16) and partial discharge (PD) magnitude distribution in each phase was determined. Based on the experimental results, three stages of aging mechanism were identified. Gumbel's extreme value distribution of the largest element was used to model the first stage of aging process. Second and subsequent stages were modeled using two-parameter Weibull distribution. Spearman's non-parametric rank correlation test statistic and Kolmogrov-Smirnov two sample test were used to relate the aging process of each phase with the corresponding process of the full cycle. To bring out clearly the effect of stress level, its duration and test procedure on the distribution parameters and hence of the aging process, non-parametric ANOVA techniques like Kruskal-Wallis and Fisher's LSD multiple comparison tests were used. Results of the analysis show that two phases (Φ13 and Φ14) near the vicinity of the negative voltage peak were found to contribute significantly to the aging process and their aging mechanism also correlated well with that of the corresponding full cycle mechanism. Attempts have been made to relate these results with the published work of other workers


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Surface-potential-based compact charge models for symmetric double-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (SDG-MOSFETs) are based on the fundamental assumption of having equal oxide thicknesses for both gates. However, for practical devices, there will always be some amount of asymmetry between the gate oxide thicknesses due to process variations and uncertainties, which can affect device performance significantly. In this paper, we propose a simple surface-potential-based charge model, which is applicable for tied double-gate MOSFETs having same gate work function but could have any difference in gate oxide thickness. The proposed model utilizes the unique so-far-unexplored quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials along the channel. In this model, the terminal charges could be computed by basic arithmetic operations from the surface potentials and applied biases, and thus, it could be implemented in any circuit simulator very easily and extendable to short-channel devices. We also propose a simple physics-based perturbation technique by which the surface potentials of an asymmetric device could be obtained just by solving the input voltage equation of SDG devices for small asymmetry cases. The proposed model, which shows excellent agreement with numerical and TCAD simulations, is implemented in a professional circuit simulator through the Verilog-A interface and demonstrated for a 101-stage ring oscillator simulation. It is also shown that the proposed model preserves the source/drain symmetry, which is essential for RF circuit design.


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Ce0.88Si0.1Pt0.02O2-d and Ce0.88Al0.1Pt0.02O2-d catalysts were synthesized by using a low-temperature sonochemical method and characterized by using XRD, TEM, XPS, FTIR, and BET surface analyzer. The catalytic activities of these compounds were investigated for the watergas shift reaction in the temperature range of 140-440 degrees C. The substitution of Si in Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d increased the releasing capacity of lattice oxygen, whereas the substitution of Al decreased the reducibility of Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d, as evidenced by hydrogen temperature-programmed reduction studies. However, both the catalysts showed a considerable improvement in terms of activity and stability compared to Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d. The combined activity measurement and characterization results suggest that the increase in the oxygen vacancy, which acts as a dissociation center for water, is the primary reason for the improvement in the activity of modified Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-d. Both the catalysts are 100?% selective toward H2 production, and approximately 99?% conversion of CO to CO2 was observed at 260 and 270 degrees C for Ce0.88Si0.1Pt0.02O2-d and Ce0.88Al0.1Pt0.02O2-d, respectively. These catalysts do not deactivate during the daily startup/shutdown operations and are sustainable even after prolonged reaction. Notably, these catalysts do not require any pretreatment or activation during startup/shutdown operations.


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The main objective of the study is to examine the accuracy of and differences among simulated streamflows driven by rainfall estimates from a network of 22 rain gauges spread over a 2,170 km2 watershed, NEXRAD Stage III radar data, and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 satellite data. The Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA), a physically based, distributed parameter, grid-structured, hydrologic model, was used to simulate the June-2002 flooding event in the Upper Guadalupe River watershed in south central Texas. There were significant differences between the rainfall fields estimated by the three types of measurement technologies. These differences resulted in even larger differences in the simulated hydrologic response of the watershed. In general, simulations driven by radar rainfall yielded better results than those driven by satellite or rain-gauge estimates. This study also presents an overview of effects of land cover changes on runoff and stream discharge. The results demonstrate that, for major rainfall events similar to the 2002 event, the effect of urbanization on the watershed in the past two decades would not have made any significant effect on the hydrologic response. The effect of urbanization on the hydrologic response increases as the size of the rainfall event decreases.


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We consider the problem of optimal routing in a multi-stage network of queues with constraints on queue lengths. We develop three algorithms for probabilistic routing for this problem using only the total end-to-end delays. These algorithms use the smoothed functional (SF) approach to optimize the routing probabilities. In our model all the queues are assumed to have constraints on the average queue length. We also propose a novel quasi-Newton based SF algorithm. Policies like Join Shortest Queue or Least Work Left work only for unconstrained routing. Besides assuming knowledge of the queue length at all the queues. If the only information available is the expected end-to-end delay as with our case such policies cannot be used. We also give simulation results showing the performance of the SF algorithms for this problem.