60 resultados para classical rational theory


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We report the binding energy of various nucleobases (guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T) and cytosine (C)) with (5,5) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) calculated using first-principle Hartre–Fock method (HF) together with classical force field. The binding energy without including the solvation effects of water decreases in the order G>A>T>C. The inclusion of solvation energy changes the order of binding preference to be G>T>A>C. Using isothermal titration (micro) calorimetry experiments, we also show the relative binding affinity to be T>A>C, in agreement with our calculations.


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A rotating beam finite element in which the interpolating shape functions are obtained by satisfying the governing static homogenous differential equation of Euler–Bernoulli rotating beams is developed in this work. The shape functions turn out to be rational functions which also depend on rotation speed and element position along the beam and account for the centrifugal stiffening effect. These rational functions yield the Hermite cubic when rotation speed becomes zero. The new element is applied for static and dynamic analysis of rotating beams. In the static case, a cantilever beam having a tip load is considered, with a radially varying axial force. It is found that this new element gives a very good approximation of the tip deflection to the analytical series solution value, as compared to the classical finite element given by the Hermite cubic shape functions. In the dynamic analysis, the new element is applied for uniform, and tapered rotating beams with cantilever and hinged boundary conditions to determine the natural frequencies, and the results compare very well with the published results given in the literature.


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A finite circular cylindrical shell subjected to a band of uniform pressure on its outer rim was investigated, using three-dimensional elasticity theory and the classical shell theories of Timoshenko (or Donnell) and Flügge. Detailed comparison of the resulting stresses and displacements was carried out for shells with ratios of inner to outer shell radii equal to 0.80, 0.85, 0.90 and 0.93 and for ratios of outer shell diameter to length of the shell equal to 0.5, 1 and 2. The ratio of band width to length of the shell was 0.2 and Poisson's ratio used was equal to 0.3. An Elliot 803 digital computer was used for numerical computations.


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Recently we presented a microscopic expression for dielectric friction on a rotating dipole. This expression has a rather curious structure, involving the contributions of the transverse polarization modes of the solvent and also of the molecular length scale processes. It is shown here that under proper limiting conditions, this expression reduces exactly to the classical continuum model expression of Nee and Zwanzig [J. Chem. Phys. 52, 6353 (1970)]. The derivation requires the use of the asymptotic form of the orientation‐dependent total pair correlation function, the neglect of the contributions of translational modes of the solvent, and also the use of the limit that the size of the solvent molecules goes to zero. Thus, the derivation can be important in understanding the validity of the continuum model and can also help in explaining the results of a recent computer simulation study of dielectric relaxation in a Brownian dipolar lattice.


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We review work initiated and inspired by Sudarshan in relativistic dynamics, beam optics, partial coherence theory, Wigner distribution methods, multimode quantum optical squeezing, and geometric phases. The 1963 No Interaction Theorem using Dirac's instant form and particle World Line Conditions is recalled. Later attempts to overcome this result exploiting constrained Hamiltonian theory, reformulation of the World Line Conditions and extending Dirac's formalism, are reviewed. Dirac's front form leads to a formulation of Fourier Optics for the Maxwell field, determining the actions of First Order Systems (corresponding to matrices of Sp(2,R) and Sp(4,R)) on polarization in a consistent manner. These groups also help characterize properties and propagation of partially coherent Gaussian Schell Model beams, leading to invariant quality parameters and the new Twist phase. The higher dimensional groups Sp(2n,R) appear in the theory of Wigner distributions and in quantum optics. Elegant criteria for a Gaussian phase space function to be a Wigner distribution, expressions for multimode uncertainty principles and squeezing are described. In geometric phase theory we highlight the use of invariance properties that lead to a kinematical formulation and the important role of Bargmann invariants. Special features of these phases arising from unitary Lie group representations, and a new formulation based on the idea of Null Phase Curves, are presented.


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We consider the breaking of a polymer molecule which is fixed at one end and is acted upon by a force at the other. The polymer is assumed to be a linear chain joined together by bonds which satisfy the Morse potential. The applied force is found to modify the Morse potential so that the minimum becomes metastable. Breaking is just the decay of this metastable bond, by causing it to go over the barrier. Increasing the force causes the potential to become more and more distorted and eventually leads to the disappearance of the barrier. The limiting force at which the barrier disappears is D(e)a/2,D-e with a the parameters characterizing the Morse potential. The rate of breaking is first calculated using multidimensional quantum transition state theory. We use the harmonic approximation to account for vibrations of all the units. It includes tunneling contributions to the rate, but is valid only above a certain critical temperature. It is possible to get an analytical expression for the rate of breaking. We have calculated the rate of breaking for a model, which mimics polyethylene. First we calculate the rate of breaking of a single bond, without worrying about the other bonds. Inclusion of other bonds under the harmonic approximation is found to lower this rate by at the most one order of magnitude. Quantum effects are found to increase the rate of breaking and are significant only at temperatures less than 150 K. At 300 K, the calculations predict a bond in polyethylene to have a lifetime of only seconds at a force which is only half the limiting force. Calculations were also done using the Lennard-Jones potential. The results for Lennard-Jones and Morse potentials were rather different, due to the different long-range behaviors of the two potentials. A calculation including friction was carried out, at the classical level, by assuming that each atom of the chain is coupled to its own collection of harmonic oscillators. Comparison of the results with the simulations of Oliveira and Taylor [J. Chem. Phys. 101, 10 118 (1994)] showed the rate to be two to three orders of magnitude higher. As a possible explanation of discrepancy, we consider the translational motion of the ends of the broken chains. Using a continuum approximation for the chain, we find that in the absence of friction, the rate of the process can be limited by the rate at which the two broken ends separate from one another and the lowering of the rate is at the most a factor of 2, for the parameters used in the simulation (for polyethylene). In the presence of friction, we find that the rate can be lowered by one to two orders of magnitude, making our results to be in reasonable agreement with the simulations.


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This paper reports ab intio, DFT and transition state theory (TST) calculations on HF, HCI and CIF elimination reactions from CH2Cl-CH2F molecule. Both the ground state and the transition state for HX elimination reactions have been optimized at HF, MP2 and DFT calculations with 6-31G*, 6-31G** and 6-311++G** basis sets. In addition, CCSD(T) single point calculations were carried out with MP2/6-311++G** optimized geometry for more accurate determination of the energies of the minima and transition state, compared to the other methods employed here. Classical barriers are converted to Arrhenius activation energy by TST calculations for comparisons with experimental results. The pre-exponential factors, A, calculated at all levels of theory are significantly larger than the experimental values. For activation energy, E-a DFT gives good results for HF elimination, within 4-8 W mol(-1) from experimental values. None of the methods employed, including CCSD(T), give comparable results for HCI elimination reactions. However, rate constants calculated by CCSD(T) method are in very good agreement with experiment for HCI elimination and they are in reasonable agreement for HF elimination reactions. Due to the strong correlation between A and E., the rate constants could be fit to a lower A and E-a (as given by experimental fitting, corresponding to a tight TS) or to larger A and E-a (as given by high level ab initio calculations, corresponding to a loose TS). The barrier for CIF elimination is determined to be 607 U mol(-1) at HF level and it is unlikely to be important for CH2FCH2Cl. Results for other CH2X-CH2Y (X,Y = F/Cl) are included for comparison.


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The quest for prosperity has been a central motive in the life of man from the moment of his entrance into the worldly scence. And certain, it is that the issue of prosperity at the very cost of his very existence has mounted in intensity and urgency with the unforeseen evolution of industrialization. The traditional paradigm of prosperity has been resting on the classical theory of production economics.With increasing empiricism it is obvious that the rational model fail to grapple with the complexity of the concept. The paper addresses the prosperity as an goal state resting on the conviction of harmony between present generation and generation of humans to come. Sustainable prosperity involves more than growth in services/goods. It requires a change in the content of the growth, to make it less material-and energy-intensive and more equitable in its impact. The process of economic prosperity must be more soundly based upon the realities of the stock of capital that sustains it.


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In this article we review classical and modern Galois theory with historical evolution and prove a criterion of Galois for solvability of an irreducible separable polynomial of prime degree over an arbitrary field k and give many illustrative examples.


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In this paper, we approach the classical problem of clustering using solution concepts from cooperative game theory such as Nucleolus and Shapley value. We formulate the problem of clustering as a characteristic form game and develop a novel algorithm DRAC (Density-Restricted Agglomerative Clustering) for clustering. With extensive experimentation on standard data sets, we compare the performance of DRAC with that of well known algorithms. We show an interesting result that four prominent solution concepts, Nucleolus, Shapley value, Gately point and \tau-value coincide for the defined characteristic form game. This vindicates the choice of the characteristic function of the clustering game and also provides strong intuitive foundation for our approach.


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We construct and study classical solutions in Chern-Simons supergravity based on the superalgebra sl(N vertical bar N = 1). The algebra for the N = 3 case is written down explicitly using the fact that it arises as the global part of the super conformal W-3 superalgebra. For this case we construct new classical solutions and study their supersymmetry. Using the algebra we write down the Killing spinor equations and explicitly construct the Killing spinor for conical defects and black holes in this theory. We show that for the general sl(N|N - 1) theory the condition for the periodicity of the Killing spinor can be written in terms of the products of the odd roots of the super algebra and the eigenvalues of the holonomy matrix of the background. Thus the supersymmetry of a given background can be stated in terms of gauge invariant and well defined physical observables of the Chern-Simons theory. We then show that for N >= 4, the sl(N|N - 1) theory admits smooth supersymmetric conical defects.


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The present study deals with the diffusion and phase transition behaviour of paraffin reinforced with carbon nano-additives namely graphene oxide (GO) and surface functionalized single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). Bulk disordered systems of paraffin hydrocarbons impregnated with carbon nano-additives have been generated in realistic equilibrium conformations for potential application as latent heat storage systems. Ab initio molecular dynamics(MD) in conjugation with COMPASS forcefield has been implemented using periodic boundary conditions. The proposed scheme allows determination of optimum nano-additive loading for improving thermo-physical properties through analysis of mass, thermal and transport properties; and assists in determination of composite behaviour and related performance from microscopic point of view. It was observed that nanocomposites containing 7.8% surface functionalised SWCNT and 55% GO loading corresponds to best latent heat storage system. The propounded methodology could serve as a by-pass route for economically taxing and iterative experimental procedures required to attain the optimum composition for best performance. The results also hint at the large unexplored potential of ab-initio classical MD techniques for predicting performance of new nanocomposites for potential phase change material applications. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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A novel analysis to compute the admittance characteristics of the slots cut in the narrow wall of a rectangular waveguide, which includes the corner diffraction effects and the finite waveguide wall thickness, is presented. A coupled magnetic field integral equation is formulated at the slot aperture which is solved by the Galerkin approach of the method of moments using entire domain sinusoidal basis functions. The externally scattered fields are computed using the finite difference method (FDM) coupled with the measured equation of invariance (MEI). The guide wall thickness forms a closed cavity and the fields inside it are evaluated using the standard FDM. The fields scattered inside the waveguide are formulated in the spectral domain for faster convergence compared to the traditional spatial domain expansions. The computed results have been compared with the experimental results and also with the measured data published in previous literature. Good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results is obtained to demonstrate the validity of the present analysis.


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In this paper, we study the Einstein relation for the diffusivity to mobility ratio (DMR) in n-channel inversion layers of non-linear optical materials on the basis of a newly formulated electron dispersion relation by considering their special properties within the frame work of k.p formalism. The results for the n-channel inversion layers of III-V, ternary and quaternary materials form a special case of our generalized analysis. The DMR for n-channel inversion layers of II-VI, IV-VI and stressed materials has been investigated by formulating the respective 2D electron dispersion laws. It has been found, taking n-channel inversion layers of CdGeAs2, Cd(3)AS(2), InAs, InSb, Hg1-xCdxTe, In1-xGaxAsyP1-y lattice matched to InP, CdS, PbTe, PbSnTe, Pb1-xSnxSe and stressed InSb as examples, that the DMR increases with the increasing surface electric field with different numerical values and the nature of the variations are totally band structure dependent. The well-known expression of the DMR for wide gap materials has been obtained as a special case under certain limiting conditions and this compatibility is an indirect test for our generalized formalism. Besides, an experimental method of determining the 2D DMR for n-channel inversion layers having arbitrary dispersion laws has been suggested.


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An understanding of the effect of specific solute-solvent interactions on the diffusion of a solute probe is a long standing problem of physical chemistry. In this paper a microscopic treatment of this effect is presented. The theory takes into account the modification of the solvent structure around the solute due to this specific interaction between them. It is found that for strong, attractive interaction, there is an enhanced coupling between the solute and the solvent dynamic modes (in particular, the density mode), which leads to a significant increase in the friction on the solute. The diffusion coefficient of the solute is found to depend strongly and nonlinearly on the magnitude of the attractive interaction. An interesting observation is that specific solute-solvent interaction can induce a crossover from a sliplike to a sticklike diffusion. In the limit of strong attractive interaction, we recover a dynamic version of the solvent-berg picture. On the other hand, for repulsive interaction, the diffusion coefficient of the solute increases. These results are in qualitative agreement with recent experimental observations.