63 resultados para chelating agent


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This paper addresses the problem of automated multiagent search in an unknown environment. Autonomous agents equipped with sensors carry out a search operation in a search space, where the uncertainty, or lack of information about the environment, is known a priori as an uncertainty density distribution function. The agents are deployed in the search space to maximize single step search effectiveness. The centroidal Voronoi configuration, which achieves a locally optimal deployment, forms the basis for the proposed sequential deploy and search strategy. It is shown that with the proposed control law the agent trajectories converge in a globally asymptotic manner to the centroidal Voronoi configuration. Simulation experiments are provided to validate the strategy. Note to Practitioners-In this paper, searching an unknown region to gather information about it is modeled as a problem of using search as a means of reducing information uncertainty about the region. Moreover, multiple automated searchers or agents are used to carry out this operation optimally. This problem has many applications in search and surveillance operations using several autonomous UAVs or mobile robots. The concept of agents converging to the centroid of their Voronoi cells, weighted with the uncertainty density, is used to design a search strategy named as sequential deploy and search. Finally, the performance of the strategy is validated using simulations.


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Epoxy-terminated polystyrene has been synthesized by radical polymerization using alpha-(t-butylperoxymethyl) styrene (TPMS) as the chain transfer agent. The chain transfer constants were found to be 0.66 and 0.80 at 60 and 70 degrees C, respectively. The presence of epoxy end groups was confirmed by functional group modification of epoxide to aldehyde by treatment with BF3.Et(2)O. Thermal stability of TPMS was followed by differential scanning calorimetry and iodimetry. Thermal decomposition of TPMS in toluene follows first order kinetics with an activation energy of 23 kcal/mol. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The ligand bis(diphenylphosphino)aniline (dppan) has been shown to be a versatile ligand sporting different coordination modes and geometries as dictated by copper(I) and the counter ion. The molecular structures of its Cu(I) complexes were characterized by X-ray crystallography. The ligand was found in a chelating mode and monomeric complexes were formed when the ligand to copper ratio was 2: 1 and the anion was non-coordinating. However, with thiocyanate as the counter anion, the ligand was found to adopt two different modes, with one ligand chelating and the other acting as a monodentate ligand. With CuX (X = Cl, Br), dppan formed a tetrameric complex when the ligand and metal were reacted in the ratio of 1:1. But reactions containing ligand and metal in the ratios of 1: 2 or 2: 1, resulted in the formation of a mixture of species in solution. Crystallization however, led to the isolation of the tetrameric complex. Variable temperature P-31{H-1} NMR spectra of the isolated tetramers did not show the presence of chelated structures in solution. Tetra-alkylammonium salts were added to solutions of various complexes of dppan and studied by P-31{H-1} NMR to probe the effect of anions on the stability of complexes in solution. The Cu-dppan complexes were robust and did not interconvert with other structures in solution unlike the bis(diphenylphosphino) isopropylamine complexes. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Synthesis of short peptides using propargyloxycarbonyl amino acid chlorides as effective coupling reagents and polymer supported tetrathiomolybdate as an efficient deblocking agent are reported.


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In this thesis we address the problem of multi-agent search. We formulate two deploy and search strategies based on optimal deployment of agents in search space so as to maximize the search effectiveness in a single step. We show that a variation of centroidal Voronoi configuration is the optimal deployment. When the agents have sensors with different capabilities, the problem will be heterogeneous in nature. We introduce a new concept namely, generalized Voronoi partition in order to formulate and solve the heterogeneous multi-agent search problem. We address a few theoretical issues such as optimality of deployment, convergence and spatial distributedness of the control law and the search strategies. Simulation experiments are carried out to compare performances of the proposed strategies with a few simple search strategies.


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This paper addresses the problem of multiagent search in an unknown environment. The agents are autonomous in nature and are equipped with necessary sensors to carry out the search operation. The uncertainty, or lack of information about the search area is known a priori as a probability density function. The agents are deployed in an optimal way so as to maximize the one step uncertainty reduction. The agents continue to deploy themselves and reduce uncertainty till the uncertainty density is reduced over the search space below a minimum acceptable level. It has been shown, using LaSalle’s invariance principle, that a distributed control law which moves each of the agents towards the centroid of its Voronoi partition, modified by the sensor range leads to single step optimal deployment. This principle is now used to devise search trajectories for the agents. The simulations were carried out in 2D space with saturation on speeds of the agents. The results show that the control strategy per step indeed moves the agents to the respective centroid and the algorithm reduces the uncertainty distribution to the required level within a few steps.


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Presented is a thermodynamic feasibility analysis of extracting base metal chlorides fiom low-grade,multimetallic oxide ores using CaClz as a chlorinating agent in the presence of SOz undoz. The oxides react to form corresponding chlorides, while CaClz is converted to CaS04. The Ellingham diagram is usedfor comparing the standard Gibbs' fiee energy chanlpef or the su(fation-chlorinationr eaction of a large number of oxides. Except for alumina, silica and chromia, most of the other metal oxides will be converted to their respective chlorides. The volatile chlorides can be condensed, and the chlorides present in the condensed state can be leached. A process is proposed that uses a nontoxic chlorinating agent and gives an eficient sepurutiort cftlte metallic vuluesfr.om the garlgue.


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A major myonecrotic zinc containing metalloprotease `malabarin' with thrombin like activity was purified by the combination of gel permeation and anion exchange chromatography from T. malabaricus snake venom. MALDI-TOF analysis of malabarin indicated a molecular mass of 45.76 kDa and its N-terminal sequence was found to be Ile-Ile-Leu-Pro(Leu)-Ile-Gly-Val-Ile-Leu(Glu)-Thr-Thr. Atomic absorption spectral analysis of malabarin raveled the association of zinc metal ion. Malabarin is not lethal when injected i.p. or i.m. but causes extensive hemorrhage and degradation of muscle tissue within 24 hours. Sections of muscle tissue under light microscope revealed hemorrhage and congestion of blood vessel during initial stage followed by extensive muscle fiber necrosis with elevated levels of serum creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activity. Malabarin also exhibited strong procoagulant action and its procoagulant action is due to thrombin like activity; it hydrolyzes fibrinogen to form fibrin clot. The enzyme preferentially hydrolyzes A alpha followed by B beta subunits of fibrinogen from the N-terminal region and the released products were identified as fibrinopeptide A and fibrinopeptide B by MALDI. The myonecrotic, fibrinogenolytic and subsequent procoagulant activities of malabarin was neutralized by specific metalloprotease inhibitors such as EDTA, EGTA and 1, 10-phenanthroline but not by PMSF a specific serine protease inhibitor. Since there is no antivenom available to neutralize local toxicity caused by T. malabaricus snakebite, EDTA chelation therapy may have more clinical relevance over conventional treatment.


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The nanochemistry of calcium remains unexplored, which is largely due to the inaccessibility of calcium nanoparticles in an easy to handle form by conventional methods of synthesis as well as its highly reactive and pyrophoric nature. The synthesis of colloidal Ca nanoparticles by the solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method is described. The as-prepared Ca-THF nanoparticles, which are polydisperse, undergo digestive ripening in the presence of a capping agent, hexadecyl amine (HDA) to afford highly monodisperse colloids consisting of 2-3 nm sized Ca-HDA nanoparticles. These are quite stable towards precipitation for long periods of time, thereby providing access to the study of the nanochemistry of Ca. Particles synthesized in this manner were characterized by UV-visible spectroscopy, high resolution electron microscopy, and powder X-ray diffraction methods. Under an electron beam, two adjacent Ca nanoparticles undergo coalescence to form a larger particle.


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In this paper we present an information filtering agent called sharable instructable information filtering agent (SIIFA). It adopted the approach of sharable instructable agents. SIIFA provides comprehensible and flexible interaction to represent and filter the documents. The representation scheme in SIIFA is personalized. It, either fully or partly, can be shared among the users of the stream while not revealing their interests and can be easily edited. SIIFA is evaluated on the comp.ai.neural-nets Usent newsgroup documents and compared with the vector space method.


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A mild, environmentally friendly method for reduction of aromatic nitro group to amine is reported, using zinc powder in aqueous solutions of chelating ethers. The donor ether acts as a ligand and also serves as a co-solvent. Water is the proton source. This procedure is also a new method for the activation of zinc for electron transfer reduction of aromatic nitro compounds. The reduction is accomplished in a neutral medium and other reducing groups remained unaffected. The ethers used are dioxolane, 1,4-dioxane, ethoxymethoxyethane, dimethoxymethane, 1,2-dimethoxyethane, and diglyme.


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Using cell based screening assay, we identified a novel anti-tubulin agent (Z)-5-((5-(4-bromo-3-chlorophenyl)furan-2-yl)methylene)-2-thioxothiazoli din-4-one (BCFMT) that inhibited proliferation of human cervical carcinoma (HeLa) (IC50, 7.2 +/- 1.8 mu M), human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) (IC50, 10.0 +/- 0.5 mu M), highly metastatic breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) (IC50, 6.0 +/- 1 mu M), cisplatin-resistant human ovarian carcinoma (A2780-cis) (IC50, 5.8 +/- 0.3 mu M) and multi-drug resistant mouse mammary tumor (EMT6/AR1) (IC50, 6.5 +/- 1 mu M) cells. Using several complimentary strategies, BCFMT was found to inhibit cancer cell proliferation at G2/M phase of the cell cycle apparently by targeting microtubules. In addition, BCFMT strongly suppressed the dynamics of individual microtubules in live MCF-7 cells. At its half maximal proliferation inhibitory concentration (10 mu M), BCFMT reduced the rates of growing and shortening phases of microtubules in MCF-7 cells by 37 and 40%, respectively. Further, it increased the time microtubules spent in the pause (neither growing nor shortening detectably) state by 135% and reduced the dynamicity (dimer exchange per unit time) of microtubules by 70%. In vitro, BCFMT bound to tubulin with a dissociation constant of 8.3 +/- 1.8 mu M, inhibited tubulin assembly and suppressed GTPase activity of microtubules. BCFMT competitively inhibited the binding of BODIPY FL-vinblastine to tubulin with an inhibitory concentration (K-i) of 5.2 +/- 1.5 mu M suggesting that it binds to tubulin at the vinblastine site. In cultured cells, BCFMT-treatment depolymerized interphase microtubules, perturbed the spindle organization and accumulated checkpoint proteins (BubR1 and Mad2) at the kinetochores. BCFMT-treated MCF-7 cells showed enhanced nuclear accumulation of p53 and its downstream p21, which consequently activated apoptosis in these cells. The results suggested that BCFMT inhibits proliferation of several types of cancer cells including drug resistance cells by suppressing microtubule dynamics and indicated that the compound may have chemotherapeutic potential.


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The study is the first report of the utilization of a crown ether as a new and versatile resolving agent for the diffusion edited separation of enantiomers, complex mixtures and constitutional isomers. As a consequence of different binding affinities of enantiomers of a chiral molecule and individual components of the complex mixtures with the crown ether, the molecules diffuse at different rates. The enhanced separation achieved due to matrix assisted diffusion permitted their separation in the diffusion dimension. The generality and wide utility of the new resolving agent and the methodology are demonstrated on diverse examples, such as an organic chiral molecule, constitutional isomers and complex mixture of molecules possessing different functional groups that possess nearly identical molecular weights.


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We describe a hybrid synthetic protocol, the solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method, for the synthesis and stabilization of monodisperse amorphous cobalt nanoparticles. By employing an optimized ratio of a weakly coordinating solvent and a capping agent monodisperse colloidal cobalt nanoparticles (2 +/- 0.5 nm) have been prepared by the SMAD method. However, the as-prepared samples were found to be oxidatively unstable which was elucidated by their magnetic studies. Oxidative stability in our case was achieved via a pyrolysis process that led to the decomposition of the organic solvent and the capping agent resulting in the formation of carbon encapsulated cobalt nanoparticles which was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. Controlled annealing at different temperatures led to the phase transformation of metallic cobalt from the hcp to fcc phase. The magnetic behaviour varies with the phase and the particle size; especially, the coercivity of nanoparticles exhibited strong dependence on the phase transformation of cobalt. The high saturation magnetization close to that of the bulk value was achieved in the case of the annealed samples. In addition to detailed structural and morphological characterization, the results of thermal and magnetic studies are also presented.