74 resultados para Wheatstone bridges


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Seismic structural design is essentially the estimation of structural response to a forced motion, which may be deterministic or stochastic, imposed on the ground. The assumption that the same ground motion acts at every point of the base of the structure (or at every support) is not always justifiable; particularly in case of very large structures when considerable spatial variability in ground motion can exist over significant distances example long span bridges. This variability is partly due to the delay in arrival of the excitation at different supports (which is called the wave passage effect) and due to heterogeneity in the ground medium which results in incoherency and local effects. The current study examines the influence of the wave passage effect (in terms of delay in arrival of horizontal ground excitation at different supports and neglecting transmission through the structure) on the response of a few open-plane frame building structures with soil-structure interaction. The ground acceleration has been modeled by a suitably filtered white noise. As a special case, the ground excitation at different supports has also been treated as statistically independent to model the extreme case of incoherence due to local effects and due to modifications to the ground motion resulting from wave reflections and refractions in heterogeneous soil media. The results indicate that, even for relatively short spanned building frames, wave passage effect can be significant. In the absence of soil-structure interaction, it can significantly increase the root mean square (rms) value of the shear in extreme end columns for the stiffer frames but has negligible effect on the flexible frames when total displacements are considered. It is seen that pseudo-static displacements increasingly contribute to the rms value of column shear as the time delay increases both for the stiffer and for the more flexible frames. When soil-structure interaction is considered, wave passage effect (in terms of total displacements) is significant only for low soil shear modulus, G. values (where soil-structure interaction significantly lowers the fundamental frequency) and for stiff frames. The contribution of pseudo-static displacement to these rms values is found to decrease with increase in G. In general, wave passage effect for most interactive frames is insignificant compared to the attenuating effect a decrease in G, has on the response of the interactive structure to uniform support excitation. When the excitations at different supports are statistically independent, it is seen that for both the stiff and flexible frames, the rms value of the column shear in extreme end columns is several times larger (more for the stiffer frames) than the value corresponding to uniform base excitation with the pseudo-static displacements contributing over 99% of the rms value of column shear. Soil-structure interaction has an attenuating effect on the rms value of the column shear, the effect decreasing with increase in G,. Here too, the pseudo-static displacements contribute very largely to the column shear. The influence of the wave passage effect on the response of three 2-bay frames with and without soil-structure interaction to a recorded horizontal accelerogram is also examined. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The crystal and molecular structure of the ammonium salt of deoxycytidylyl-(3'-5')-deoxyguanosine has been determined from 0.85 A resolution single crystal X-ray diffraction data. The crystals obtained by acetone diffusion technique at -20 degrees C, are orthorhombic, P212121, a = 12.880(2), b = 17444(2) and c = 27.642(2) A. The structure was solved by high resolution Patterson and Fourier methods and refined to R = 0.136. There are two d(CpG) molecules in the asymmetric unit forming a mini left handed Z-DNA helix. This is in contrast to the earlier reported forms of d(CpG) where the molecules form self base paired duplexes. There are two ammonium ions in the asymmetric unit. The major groove NH+4 ion interacts with N7 of guanines through water bridges besides making H-bonded interactions directly with the phosphate oxygen atoms. A second NH+4 ion is found in the minor groove interacting directly with the phosphate oxygen atoms. Symmetry related molecules pack in such a way that the cytosine base stacks on cytosine and guanine base on guanine. Our structure demonstrates that alternating d(CpG) sequences have the ability to adopt the left handed Z-DNA structure even at the dimer level i.e., in a sequence which is only two base pairs long.


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In the crystal structure of the title salt, C7H7Cl2N2O2+ center dot Cl-, the chloride anions participate in extensive hydrogen bonding with the aminium cations and indirectly link the molecules through multiple N+-H center dot center dot center dot Cl- salt bridges. There are two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit, related by a pseudo-inversion center. The direct intermolecular coupling is established by C-H center dot center dot center dot O, C-H center dot center dot center dot Cl and C-Cl center dot center dot center dot Cl- interactions. A rare three-center (donor bifurcated) C-H center dot center dot center dot (O,O) hydrogen bond is observed between the methylene and nitro groups, with a side-on intramolecular component of closed-ring type and a head-on intermolecular component.


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A nonparametric, hierarchical, disaggregative clustering algorithm is developed using a novel similarity measure, called the mutual neighborhood value (MNV), which takes into account the conventional nearest neighbor ranks of two samples with respect to each other. The algorithm is simple, noniterative, requires low storage, and needs no specification of the expected number of clusters. The algorithm appears very versatile as it is capable of discerning spherical and nonspherical clusters, linearly nonseparable clusters, clusters with unequal populations, and clusters with lowdensity bridges. Changing of the neighborhood size enables discernment of strong or weak patterns.


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The crystal structures of two forms of Mycobacterium leprae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) have been determined at 2.05 and 2.8 A resolution. Comparison of these structures with the structures of other eubacterial SSBs indicates considerable variation in their quaternary association, although the DNA-binding domains in all of them exhibit the same OB-fold. This variation has no linear correlation with sequence variation, but could be related to variation in protein stability. Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out on tetrameric molecules derived from the two forms and the prototype Escherichia coli SSB and the individual subunits of both proteins. Together, the X-ray studies and molecular-dynamics simulations yield information on the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and on the effect of oligomerization on flexibility. The simulations provide insight into the changes in subunit structure on oligomerization. They also provide insight into the stability and time evolution of the hydrogen bonds/water bridges that connect the two pairs of monomers in the tetramer.


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By the reaction of Ru2Cl(O2CAr)4 (1) and PPh3 in MeCN-H2O the diruthenium(II,III) and diruthenium(II) compounds of the type Ru2(OH2)Cl(MeCN)(O2CAr)4(PPh3)2 (2) and Ru2(OH2)(MeCN)2(O2CAr)4(PPh3)2 (3) were prepared and characterized by analytical, spectral, and electrochemical data (Ar is an aryl group, C6H4-p-X; X = H, OMe, Me, Cl, NO2). The molecular structure of Ru2(OH2)Cl(MeCN)(O2CC6H4-p-OMe)4(PPh3)2 was determined by X-ray crystallography. Crystal data are as follows: triclinic, P1BAR, a = 13.538 (5) angstrom, b = 15.650 (4) angstrom, c = 18.287 (7) angstrom, alpha = 101.39 (3)-degrees, beta = 105.99 (4)-degrees, gamma = 97.94 (3)-degrees, V = 3574 angstrom 3, Z = 2. The molecule is asymmetric, and the two ruthenium centers are clearly distinguishable. The Ru(III)-Ru(II), Ru(III)-(mu-OH2), and Ru(II)-(mu-OH2) distances and the Ru-(mu-OH2)-Ru angle in [{Ru(III)Cl(eta-1-O2CC6H4-p-OMe)(PPh3)}(mu-OH2)(mu-O2CC6H4-p-OMe)2{Ru(II)(MeCN)(eta-1-O2CC6H4-p-OMe)(PPh3)}] are 3.604 (1), 2.127 (8), and 2.141 (10) angstrom and 115.2 (5)-degrees, respectively. The compounds are paramagnetic and exhibit axial EPR spectra in the polycrystalline form. An intervalence transfer (IT) transition is observed in the range 900-960 nm in chloroform in these class II type trapped mixed-valence species 2. Compound 2 displays metal-centered one-electron reduction and oxidation processes near -0.4 and +0.6 V (vs SCE), respectively in CH2Cl2-TBAP. Compound 2 is unstable in solution phase and disproportionates to (mu-aquo)diruthenium(II) and (mu-oxo)diruthenium(III) complexes. The mechanistic aspects of the core conversion are discussed. The molecular structure of a diruthenium(II) compound, Ru2(OH2)(MeCN)2(O2CC6H4-p-NO2)4(PPh3)2.1.5CH2Cl2, was obtained by X-ray crystallography. The compound crystallizes in the space group P2(1)/c with a = 23.472 (6) angstrom, b = 14.303 (3) angstrom, c = 23.256 (7) angstrom, beta = 101.69 (2)-degrees, V = 7645 angstrom 3, and Z = 4. The Ru(II)-Ru(II) and two Ru(II)-(mu-OH2) distances and the Ru(II)-(mu-OH2)-Ru(II) angle in [{(PPh3)-(MeCN)(eta-1-O2CC6H4-p-NO2)Ru}2(mu-OH2)(mu-O2CC6H4-p-NO2)2] are 3.712 (1), 2.173 (9), and 2.162 (9) angstrom and 117.8 (4)-degrees, respectively. In both diruthenium(II,III) and diruthenium(II) compounds, each metal center has three facial ligands of varying pi-acidity and the aquo bridges are strongly hydrogen bonded with the eta-1-carboxylato facial ligands. The diruthenium(II) compounds are diamagnetic and exhibit characteristic H-1 NMR spectra in CDCl3. These compounds display two metal-centered one-electron oxidations near +0.3 and +1.0 V (vs SCE) in CH2Cl2-TBAP. The overall reaction between 1 and PPh3 in MeCN-H2O through the intermediacy of 2 is of the disproportionation type. The significant role of facial as well as bridging ligands in stabilizing the core structures is observed from electrochemical studies.


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Low-humidity monoclinic lysozyme, resulting from a water-mediated transformation, has one of the lowest solvent contents (22% by volume) observed in a protein crystal. Its structure has been solved by the molecular replacement method and refined to an R value of 0.175 for 7684 observed reflections in the 10–1.75 Å resolution shell. 90% of the solvent in the well ordered crystals could be located. Favourable sites of hydration on the protein surface include side chains with multiple hydrogen-bonding centres, and regions between short hydrophilic side chains and the main-chain CO or NH groups of the same or nearby residues. Major secondary structural features are not disrupted by hydration. However, the free CO groups at the C terminii and, to a lesser extent, the NH groups at the N terminii of helices provide favourable sites for water interactions, as do reverse turns and regions which connect β-structure and helices. The hydration shell consists of discontinuous networks of water molecules, the maximum number of molecules in a network being ten. The substrate-binding cleft is heavily hydrated, as is the main loop region which is stabilized by water interactions. The protein molecules are close packed in the crystals with a molecular coordination number of 14. Arginyl residues are extensively involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonds and water bridges. The water molecules in the crystal are organized into discrete clusters. A distinctive feature of the clusters is the frequent occurrence of three-membered rings. The protein molecules undergo substantial rearrangement during the transformation from the native to the low-humidity form. The main-chain conformations in the two forms are nearly the same, but differences exist in the side-chain conformation. The differences are particularly pronounced in relation to Trp 62 and Trp 63. The shift in Trp 62 is especially interesting as it is also known to move during inhibitor binding.


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The reaction of imidazole (Him) with [Cu2(µ-O2CMe)4(H2O)2] in water–NaClO4 led to the formation of a polynuclear copper(II) complex, [Cu5(OH)2(H2O)(O2CMe)6(Him)4][ClO4]21, in which the pentanuclear units, showing four, five and six co-ordination geometries for the copper(II) centres and Cu Cu distances of 3.043(1), 3.178(1) and 3.578(1)Å, were linked by aqua bridges to give an intra-chain inter-unit Cu Cu separation of 4.507(1)Å.


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The formation of nanoscale liquid droplets by friction of a solid is observed in real-time. This is achieved using a newly developed in situ transmission electron microscope (TEM) triboprobe capable of applying multiple reciprocating wear cycles to a nanoscale surface. Dynamical imaging of the nanoscale cyclic rubbing of a focused-ion-beam (FIB) processed Al alloy by diamond shows that the generation of nanoscale wear particles is followed by a phase separation to form liquid Ga nanodroplets and liquid bridges. The transformation of a two-body system to a four-body solid-liquid system within the reciprocating wear track significantly alters the local dynamical friction and wear processes. Moving liquid bridges are observed in situ to play a key role at the sliding nanocontact, interacting strongly with the highly mobile nanoparticle debris. In situ imaging demonstrates that both static and moving liquid droplets exhibit asymmetric menisci due to nanoscale surface roughness. Nanodroplet kinetics are furthermore dependent on local frictional temperature, with solid-like surface nanofilaments forming on cooling. TEM nanotribology opens up new avenues for the real-time quantification of cyclic friction, wear and dynamic solid-liquid nanomechanics, which will have widespread applications in many areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology.


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Mononuclear Group 6 metal tetracarbonyl complexes containing a cyclodiphosphazane ligand, [PhNP(OC(6)H(4)Me-p)](2) (L), have been used as synthons to prepare homo- and hetero-bimetallic complexes in which the cyclodiphosphazane bridges the two metal centres in its cis or trans isomeric forms. The dimolybdenum complex [Mo-2(eta(5)-C5H5)(2)(CO)(4)(mu-L)] has also been synthesized. The trends in P-31 NMR chemical shifts and the structural features as revealed by X-ray crystallography are discussed.


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The synthesis, X-ray crystal structure, and magnetic properties of an angular trinuclear copper(II) complex [Cu3(O2CMC)4(bpy)3(H2O)](PF6)2 (1), obtained from a reaction of Cu2(O2CMe)4(H2O)2 With 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy) and NH4PF6 in ethanol, are reported. Complex 1 crystallizes in triclinic space group P1BAR with a = 11.529(1) angstrom, b = 12.121(2) angstrom, c = 17.153(2) angstrom, alpha = 82.01(1)-degrees, beta = 79.42(1)-degrees, gamma = 89.62(1)-degrees, and Z = 2. A total of 6928 data with I > 2.5sigma(I) were refined to R = 0.0441 and R(w) = 0.0557. The structure consists of a trinuclear core bridged by four acetate ligands showing different bonding modes. The coordination geometry at each copper is distorted square-pyramidal with a CuN2O2...O chromophore. The Cu...Cu distances are 3.198(1) angstrom, 4.568(1) angstrom, and 6.277(1) angstrom. There are two monoatomic acetate bridges showing Cu-O-Cu angles of 93.1(1) and 97.5(1)-degrees. Magnetic studies in the temperature range 39-297 K show the presence of a strong ferromagnetically coupled dicopper(II) unit (2J = +158 cm-1) and an essentially isolated copper(II) center (2J' = -0.4 cm-1) in 1. The EPR spectra display an axial spectrum giving g(parallel-to) = 2.28 (A(parallel-to) = 160 X 10(-4) cm-1) and g(perpendicular-to) = 2.06 (A(perpendicular-to) = 12 X 10(-4) cm-1) for the normal copper and two intense isotropic signals with g values 2.70 and 1.74 for the strongly coupled copper pair. The structural features of 1 compare well with the first generation models for ascorbate oxidase.


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Electron transfer is an essential activity in biological systems. The migrating electron originates from water-oxygen in photosynthesis and reverts to dioxygen in respiration. In this cycle two metal porphyrin complexes possessing circular conjugated system and macrocyclic pi-clouds, chlorophyll and hems, play a decisive role in mobilising electrons for travel over biological structures as extraneous electrons. Transport of electrons within proteins (as in cytochromes) and within DNA (during oxidative damage and repair) is known to occur. Initial evaluations did not favour formation of semiconducting pathways of delocalized electrons of the peptide bonds in proteins and of the bases in nucleic acids. Direct measurement of conductivity of bulk material and quantum chemical calculations of their polymeric structures also did not support electron transfer in both proteins and nucleic acids. New experimental approaches have revived interest in the process of charge transfer through DNA duplex. The fluorescence on photoexcitation of Ru-complex was found to be quenched by Rh-complex, when both were tethered to DNA and intercalated in the base stack. Similar experiments showed that damage to G-bases and repair of T-T dimers in DNA can occur by possible long range electron transfer through the base stack. The novelty of this phenomenon prompted the apt name, chemistry at a distance. Based on experiments with ruthenium modified proteins, intramolecular electron transfer in proteins is now proposed to use pathways that include C-C sigma-bonds and surprisingly hydrogen bonds which remained out of favour for a long time. In support of this, some experimental evidence is now available showing that hydrogen bond-bridges facilitate transfer of electrons between metal-porphyrin complexes. By molecular orbital calculations over 20 years ago. we found that "delocalization of an extraneous electron is pronounced when it enters low-lying virtual orbitals of the electronic structures of peptide units linked by hydrogen bonds". This review focuses on supramolecular electron transfer pathways that can emerge on interlinking by hydrogen bonds and metal coordination of some unnoticed structures with pi-clouds in proteins and nucleic acids, potentially useful in catalysis and energy missions.


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The diphosphazane ligands of the type, (C20H12O2)PN(R)P(E)Y2 (R = CHMe2 or (S)-*CHMePh; E = lone pair or S; Y2 = O2C20H12 or Y = OC6H5 or OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H4OMe-4 or OC6H4But-4 or C6H5) bearing axially chiral 1,1'-binaphthyl-2,2′-dioxy moiety have been synthesised. The structure and absolute configuration of a diastereomeric palladium complex, [PdCl2{ηsu2}-((O2C20H12)PN((S)-*CHMePh)PPh2] has been determined by X-ray crystallography. The reactions of [CpRu(PPh3)2Cl] with various symmetrical and unsymmetrical diphosphazanes of the type, X2PN(R)PYY′ (R = CHMe2 or (S)-*CHMePh; X = C6H5 or X2 = O2C20H12; Y=Y′= C6H5 or Y = C6H5, Y′ = OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H3Me2-3,5 or N2C3HMe2-3,5) yield several diastereomeric neutral or cationic half-sandwich ruthenium complexes which contain a stereogenic metal center. In one case, the absolute configuration of a trichiral ruthenium complex, viz. [Cp*Ruη2-Ph2PN((S)-*CHMePh)*PPh (N2C3HMe2-3,5)Cl] is established by X-ray diffraction. The reactions of Ru3(CO)12 with the diphosphazanes (C20H12O2)PN(R)PY2 (R = CHMe2orMe; Y2=O2C20H12or Y= OC6H5 or OC6H4Me-4 or OC6H4OMe-4 or OC6H4But-4 or C6H5) yield the triruthenium clusters [Ru3(CO)10{η-(O2C20H12)PN(R)PY2}], in which the diphosphazane ligand bridges two metal centres. Palladium allyl chemistry of some of these chiral ligands has been investigated. The structures of isomeric η3-allyl palladium complexes, [Pd(η3-l,3-R′2-C3H3){η2-(rac)-(02C20H12)PN(CHMe2)PY2}](PF6) (R′ = Me or Ph; Y = C6H5 or OC6H5) have been elucidated by high field two-dimensional NMR spectroscopic and X-ray crystallographic studies.


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The aim of this paper is to investigate the steady state response of beams under the action of random support motions. The study is of relevance in the context of earthquake response of extended land based structures such as pipelines and long span bridges, and, secondary systems such as piping networks in nuclear power plant installations. The following complicating features are accounted for in the response analysis: (a) differential support motions: this is characterized in terms of cross power spectral density functions associated with distinct support motions, (b) nonlinear support conditions, and (c) stochastically inhomogeneous stiffness and mass variations of the beam structure; questions on non-Gaussian models for these variations are considered. The method of stochastic finite elements is combined with equivalent linearization technique and Monte Carlo simulations to obtain response moments.


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The role of matrix microstructure on the fracture of Al-alloy composites with 60 vol% alumina particulates was studied. The matrix composition and microstructure were systematically varied by changing the infiltration temperature and heat treatment. Characterization was carried out by a combination of metallography, hardness measurements, and fracture studies conducted on compact tension specimens to study the fracture toughness and crack growth in the composites. The composites showed a rise in crack resistance with crack extension (R curves) due to bridges of intact matrix ligaments formed in the crack wake. The steady-state or plateau toughness reached upon stable crack growth was observed to be more sensitive to the process temperature rather than to the heat treatment. Fracture in the composites was predominantly by particle fracture, extensive deformation, and void nucleation in the matrix. Void nucleation occurred in the matrix in the as-solutionized and peak-aged conditions and preferentially near the interface in the underaged and overaged conditions. Micromechanical models based on crack bridging by intact ductile ligaments were modified by a plastic constraint factor from estimates of the plastic zone formed under indentations, and are shown to be adequate in predicting the steady-state toughness of the composite.