123 resultados para Warm Dense Matter


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It is shown that the mass of the electron could be conceived as the energy associated with its spinning motion and the angular velocity is such that the linear velocities at the surface exceed the velocity of light; this in fact accounts for its stability against the centrifugal forces in the core region.


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Proton NMR relaxation measurements have been carried out in anti-ferroelectric Betaine phosphate (BP), ferroelectric Betaine phosphite (BPI) and the mixed system BPI(1-x)BPx, at 11.4MHz and 23.3MHz from 300K to 80K for x=0.0, 0.25, 0.45, 0.85, and 1.0. The temperature dependence of spin lattice relaxation time T, exhibits two minima as expected from the BPP model in BP and BPI. The Larmor frequency dependence of T, in the mixed system is rather unusual and exhibits different slopes for the low temperature wings at the two frequencies, which is a clear experimental evidence of the presence of different methyl groups with different activation energies (E-a) indicating disorder.


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It is a policy of Solid State Communications’ Executive Editorial Board to organize special issues from time to time on topics of current interests. The present issue focuses on soft condensed matter, a rapidly developing and diverse area of importance not only for the basic science, but also for its potential applications. The ten articles in this issue are intended to give the readers a snapshot of some latest developments in soft condensed matter, mainly from the point of view of basic science. As the special issues are intended for a broad audience, most articles are short reviews that introduce the readers to the relevant topics. Hence this special issue can be especially helpful to readers who might not be specialists in this area but would like to have a quick grasp on some of the interesting research directions.


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We present a method to perform in situ microrheological measurements on monolayers of soft materials undergoing viscoelastic transitions under compression. Using the combination of a Langmuir trough mounted on the inverted microscope stage of a laser scanning confocal microscope we track the motion of individual fluorescent quantum dots partly dispersed in monolayers spread at the air-water interface. From the calculated mean square displacement of the probe particles and extending a well established scheme of the generalized Stokes-Einstein relation in bulk to the interface we arrive at the viscoelastic modulus for the respective monolayers as a function of surface density. Measurements on monolayers of glassy as well as nonglassy polymers and a standard fatty acid clearly show sensitivity of our technique to subtle variations, in the viscoelastic properties of the highly confined materials under compression. Evidence for possible spatial variations of such viscoelastic properties at a given surface density for the fatty acid monolayer is also provided.


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A unified treatment of polarization relaxation, dielectric dispersion and solvation dynamics in a dense, dipolar liquid is presented. It is shown that the information of solvent polarization relaxation that is obtained by macroscopic dielectric dispersion experiments is not sufficient to understand dynamics of solvation of a newly created ion or dipole. In solvation, a significant contribution comes from intermediate wave vector processes which depend critically on the short range (nearest‐neighbor) spatial and orientational order that are present in a dense, dipolar liquid. An analytic expression is obtained for the time dependent solvation energy that depends, in addition to the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of the liquid, on the ratio of solute–solvent molecular sizes and on the microscopic structure of the polar liquid. Mean spherical approximation (MSA) theory is used to obtain numerical results for polarization relaxation, for wave vector and frequency dependent dielectric function and for time dependent solvation energy. We find that in the absence of translational contribution, the solvation of an ion is, in general, nonexponential. In this case, the short time decay is dominated by the longitudinal relaxation time but the long time decay is dominated by much slower large wave vector processes involving nearest‐neighbor molecules. The presence of a significant translational contribution drastically alters the decay behavior. Now, the long‐time behavior is given by the longitudinal relaxation time constant and the short time dynamics is controlled by the large wave vector processes. Thus, although the continuum model itself is conceptually wrong, a continuum model like result is recovered in the presence of a sizeable translational contribution. The continuum model result is also recovered in the limit of large solute to solvent size ratio. In the opposite limit of small solute size, the decay is markedly nonexponential (if the translational contribution is not very large) and a complete breakdown of the continuum model takes place. The significance of these results is discussed.


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A formal way of deriving fluctuation-correlation relations in dense sheared granular media, starting with the Enskog approximation for the collision integral in the Chapman-Enskog theory, is discussed. The correlation correction to the viscosity is obtained using the ring-kinetic equation, in terms of the correlations in the hydrodynamic modes of the linearised Enskog equation. It is shown that the Green-Kubo formula for the shear viscosity emerges from the two-body correlation function obtained from the ring-kinetic equation.


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Perfectly hard particles are those which experience an infinite repulsive force when they overlap, and no force when they do not overlap. In the hard-particle model, the only static state is the isostatic state where the forces between particles are statically determinate. In the flowing state, the interactions between particles are instantaneous because the time of contact approaches zero in the limit of infinite particle stiffness. Here, we discuss the development of a hard particle model for a realistic granular flow down an inclined plane, and examine its utility for predicting the salient features both qualitatively and quantitatively. We first discuss Discrete Element simulations, that even very dense flows of sand or glass beads with volume fraction between 0.5 and 0.58 are in the rapid flow regime, due to the very high particle stiffness. An important length scale in the shear flow of inelastic particles is the `conduction length' delta = (d/(1 - e(2))(1/2)), where d is the particle diameter and e is the coefficient of restitution. When the macroscopic scale h (height of the flowing layer) is larger than the conduction length, the rates of shear production and inelastic dissipation are nearly equal in the bulk of the flow, while the rate of conduction of energy is O((delta/h)(2)) smaller than the rate of dissipation of energy. Energy conduction is important in boundary layers of thickness delta at the top and bottom. The flow in the boundary layer at the top and bottom is examined using asymptotic analysis. We derive an exact relationship showing that the a boundary layer solution exists only if the volume fraction in the bulk decreases as the angle of inclination is increased. In the opposite case, where the volume fraction increases as the angle of inclination is increased, there is no boundary layer solution. The boundary layer theory also provides us with a way of understanding the cessation of flow when at a given angle of inclination when the height of the layer is decreased below a value h(stop), which is a function of the angle of inclination. There is dissipation of energy due to particle collisions in the flow as well as due to particle collisions with the base, and the fraction of energy dissipation in the base increases as the thickness decreases. When the shear production in the flow cannot compensate for the additional energy drawn out of the flow due to the wall collisions, the temperature decreases to zero and the flow stops. Scaling relations can be derived for h(stop) as a function of angle of inclination.


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Sinusoidal structured light projection (SSLP) technique, specifically-phase stepping method, is in widespread use to obtain accurate, dense 3-D data. But, if the object under investigation possesses surface discontinuities, phase unwrapping (an intermediate step in SSLP) stage mandatorily require several additional images, of the object with projected fringes (of different spatial frequencies), as input to generate a reliable 3D shape. On the other hand, Color-coded structured light projection (CSLP) technique is known to require a single image as in put, but generates sparse 3D data. Thus we propose the use of CSLP in conjunction with SSLP to obtain dense 3D data with minimum number of images as input. This approach is shown to be significantly faster and reliable than temporal phase unwrapping procedure that uses a complete exponential sequence. For example, if a measurement with the accuracy obtained by interrogating the object with 32 fringes in the projected pattern is carried out with both the methods, new strategy proposed requires only 5 frames as compared to 24 frames required by the later method.


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The structural changes occurring during warm working of Cd-1.5 pct Zn alloy and their effect on the subsequent mechanical properties are studied. It is observed that changes in grain size and preferred orientation are important to a large extent in controlling the mechanical strength. The Hall-Petch slope,R decreases in the warm worked material while the friction stress, σo increases. The lowerR values are attributed to the development of a (101l) texture and the higher σo values are interpreted on the basis of changes in the basal texture.


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A microscopic expression for the frequency and wave vector dependent dielectric constant of a dense dipolar liquid is derived starting from the linear response theory. The new expression properly takes into account the effects of the translational modes in the polarization relaxation. The longitudinal and the transverse components of the dielectric constant show vastly different behavior at the intermediate values of the wave vector k. We find that the microscopic structure of the dense liquid plays an important role at intermediate wave vectors. The continuum model description of the dielectric constant, although appropriate at very small values of wave vector, breaks down completely at the intermediate values of k. Numerical results for the longitudinal and the transverse dielectric constants are obtained by using the direct correlation function from the mean‐spherical approximation for dipolar hard spheres. We show that our results are consistent with all the limiting expressions known for the dielectric function of matter.


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Active particles contain internal degrees of freedom with the ability to take in and dissipate energy and, in the process, execute systematic movement. Examples include all living organisms and their motile constituents such as molecular motors. This article reviews recent progress in applying the principles of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and hydrodynamics to form a systematic theory of the behavior of collections of active particles-active matter-with only minimal regard to microscopic details. A unified view of the many kinds of active matter is presented, encompassing not only living systems but inanimate analogs. Theory and experiment are discussed side by side.


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A microscopic study of the non‐Markovian (or memory) effects on the collective orientational relaxation in a dense dipolar liquid is carried out by using an extended hydrodynamic approach which provides a reliable description of the dynamical processes occuring at the molecular length scales. Detailed calculations of the wave‐vector dependent orientational correlation functions are presented. The memory effects are found to play an important role; the non‐Markovian results differ considerably from that of the Markovian theory. In particular, a slow long‐time decay of the longitudinal orientational correlation function is observed for dense liquids which becomes weaker in the presence of a sizeable translational contribution to the collective orientational relaxation. This slow decay can be attributed to the intermolecular correlations at the molecular length scales. The longitudinal component of the orientational correlation function becomes oscillatory in the underdamped limit of momenta relaxations and the frequency dependence of the friction reduce the frictional resistance on the collective excitations (commonly known as dipolarons) to make them long lived. The theory predicts that these dipolarons can, therefore, be important in chemical relaxation processes, in contradiction to the claims of some earlier theoretical studies.


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A molecular theory of dielectric relaxation in a dense binary dipolar liquid is presented. The theory takes into account the effects of intra- and interspecies intermolecular interactions. It is shown that the relaxation is, in general, nonexponential. In certain limits, we recover the biexponential form traditionally used to analyze the experimental data of dielectric relaxation in a binary mixture. However, the relaxation times are widely different from the prediction of the noninteracting rotational diffusion model of Debye for a binary system. Detailed numerical evaluation of the frequency-dependent dielectric function epsilon-(omega) is carried out by using the known analytic solution of the mean spherical approximation (MSA) model for the two-particle direct correlation function for a polar mixture. A microscopic expression for both wave vector (k) and frequency (omega) dependent dielectric function, epsilon-(k,omega), of a binary mixture is also presented. The theoretical predictions on epsilon-(omega) (= epsilon-(k = 0, omega)) have been compared with the available experimental results. In particular, the present theory offers a molecular explanation of the phenomenon of fusing of the two relaxation channels of the neat liquids, observed by Schallamach many years ago.


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Ion transport in a polymer-ionic liquid (IL) soft matter composite electrolyte is discussed here in detail in the context of polymer-ionic liquid interaction and glass transition temperature The dispersion of polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BMIPF6) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (BMITFSI) resulted in transparent composite electrolytes with a jelly-like consistency The composite ionic conductivity measured over the range -30 C to 60 C was always lower than that of the neat BMITFSI/BMIPF6 and LiTFSI-BMITFSI/LiTFSI-BMIPF6 electrolytes but still very high (>1 mS/cm at 25 degrees C up to 50 wt% PMMA) While addition of LiTFSI to IL does not influence the glass T-g and T-m melting temperature significantly dispersion of PMMA (especially at higher contents) resulted in increase in T-g and disappearance of T-m In general the profile of temperature-dependent ionic conductivity could be fitted to Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) suggesting a solvent assisted ion transport However for higher PMMA concentration sharp demarcation of temperature regimes between thermally activated and solvent assisted ion transport were observed with the glass transition temperature acting as the reference point for transformation from one form of transport mechanism to the other Because of the beneficial physico-chemical properties and interesting ion transport mechanism we envisage the present soft matter electrolytes to be promising for application in electrochromic devices (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved