198 resultados para Vierendeel bending


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In this work, we present a finite element formulation for the Saint-Venant torsion and bending problems for prismatic beams. The torsion problem formulation is based on the warping function, and can handle multiply-connected regions (including thin-walled structures), compound and anisotropic bars. Similarly, the bending formulation, which is based on linearized elasticity theory, can handle multiply-connected domains including thin-walled sections. The torsional rigidity and shear centers can be found as special cases of these formulations. Numerical results are presented to show the good coarse-mesh accuracy of both the formulations for both the displacement and stress fields. The stiffness matrices and load vectors (which are similar to those for a variable body force in a conventional structural mechanics problem) in both formulations involve only domain integrals, which makes them simple to implement and computationally efficient. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper free vibration characteristics of a centrally kinked cantilever beam of unit mass carrying masses at the kink (m(k)) and at the tip (m(t)) are analyzed. Frequency factors are presented for the first two modes for different combinations of m(k),m(t) and the kink angle delta. A relationship of the form f(m(k),m(t), delta) = m(k) + m(t)(4 + 10/3 cos delta+ 2/3 cos(2) delta)=const appears to give the same fundamental frequency for a given delta and different combinations of [m(k), m(t)]. Mode shapes as well as bending moments at the support and at the kink are also discussed. The utility of a discrete beam model in understanding the free vibration characteristics is also highlighted.


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The mesoscale simulation of a lamellar mesophase based on a free energy functional is examined with the objective of determining the relationship between the parameters in the model and molecular parameters. Attention is restricted to a symmetric lamellar phase with equal volumes of hydrophilic and hydrophobic components. Apart from the lamellar spacing, there are two parameters in the free energy functional. One of the parameters, r, determines the sharpness of the interface, and it is shown how this parameter can be obtained from the interface profile in a molecular simulation. The other parameter, A, provides an energy scale. Analytical expressions are derived to relate these parameters to r and A to the bending and compression moduli and the permeation constant in the macroscopic equation to the Onsager coefficient in the concentration diffusion equation. The linear hydrodynamic response predicted by the theory is verified by carrying out a mesoscale simulation using the lattice-Boltzmann technique and verifying that the analytical predictions are in agreement with simulation results. A macroscale model based on the layer thickness field and the layer normal field is proposed, and the relationship between the parameters in the macroscale model from the parameters in the mesoscale free energy functional is obtained.


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Quinuclidine grafted cationic bile salts are forming salted hydrogels. An extensive investigation of the effect of the electrolyte and counterions on the gelation has been envisaged. The special interest of the quinuclidine grafted bile salt is due to its broader experimental range of gelation to study the effect of electrolyte. Rheological features of the hydrogels are typical of enthalpic networks exhibiting a scaling law of the elastic shear modulus with the concentration (scaling exponent 2.2) modeling cellular solids in which the bending modulus is the dominant parameter. The addition of monovalent salt (NaCl) favors the formation of gels in a first range (0.00117 g cm-3 (0.02 M) < TNaCl < 0.04675 g cm-3 (0.8 M)). At larger salt concentrations, the gels become more heterogeneous with nodal zones in the micron scale. Small-angle neutron scattering experiments have been used to characterize the rigid fibers ( ≈ 68 Å) and the nodal zones. Stress sweep and creeprecovery measurements are used to relate the lack of linear viscoelastic domain to a mechanism of disentanglement of the fibers from their associations into fagots. The electrostatic interactions can be screened by addition of salt to induce a progressive evolution toward flocculation. SEM, UV absorbance, and SAXS study of the Bragg peak at large Q-values complete the investigation.


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KIRCHHOFF’S theory [1] and the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) [2] of plates in bending are simple theories and continuously used to obtain design information. Within the classical small deformation theory of elasticity, the problem consists of determining three displacements, u, v, and w, that satisfy three equilibrium equations in the interior of the plate and three specified surface conditions. FSDT is a sixth-order theory with a provision to satisfy three edge conditions and maintains, unlike in Kirchhoff’s theory, independent linear thicknesswise distribution of tangential displacement even if the lateral deflection, w, is zero along a supported edge. However, each of the in-plane distributions of the transverse shear stresses that are of a lower order is expressed as a sum of higher-order displacement terms. Kirchhoff’s assumption of zero transverse shear strains is, however, not a limitation of the theory as a first approximation to the exact 3-D solution.


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Although globular proteins are endowed with well defined three-dimensional structures, they exhibit substantial mobility within the framework of the given threedimensional structure. The different types of mobility found in proteins by and large correspond to the different levels of organisational hierarchy in protein architecture. They are of considerable structural and functional significance, and can be broadly classified into(a) thermal and conformational fluctuations, (b) segmental mobility, (c) interdomain mobility and (d) intersubunit mobility. Protein crystallographic studies has provided a wealth of information on all of them. The temperature factors derived from X-ray diffraction studies provide a measure of atomic displacements caused by thermal and conformational fluctuations. The variation of displacement along the polypeptide chain have provided functionally significant information on the flexibility of different regions of the molecule in proteins such as myoglobin, lysozyme and prealbumin. Segmental mobility often involves the movement of a region or a segment of a molecule with respect to the rest, as in the transition between the apo and the holo structures of lactate dehydrogenase. It may also involve rigidification of a disordered region of the molecule as in the activation of the zymogens of serine proteases. Transitions between the apo and the holo structures of alcohol dehydrogenase,and between the free and the sugar bound forms of hexokinase, are good examples of interdomain mobility caused by hinge-bending. The capability of different domains to move semi-independently contributes greatly to the versatility of immunoglobulin molecules. Interdomain mobility in citrate synthase appears to be more complex and its study has led to an alternative description of domain closure. The classical and the most thoroughly studied case of intersubunit mobility is that in haemoglobin. The stereochemical mechanism of the action of this allosteric protein clearly brings out the functional subtilities that could be achieved through intersubunit movements. In addition to ligand binding and activation,environmental changes also often cause structural transformations. The reversible transformation between 2 Zn insulin and 4 Zn insulin is caused by changes in the ionic strength of the medium. Adenylate Kinase provides a good example for functionally significant reversible conformational transitions induced by variation in pH. Available evidences indicate that reversible structural transformations in proteins could also be caused by changes in the aqueous environment, including those in the amount of water surrounding protein molecules.


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Plates with V-through edge notches subjected to pure bending and specimens with rectangular edge-through-notches subjected to combined bending and axial pull were investigated (under live-load and stress-frozen conditions) in a completely nondestructive manner using scattered-light photoelasticity. Stress-intensity factors (SIFs) were evaluated by analysing the singular stress distributions near crack-tips. Improved methods are suggested for the evaluation of SIFs. The thickness-wise variation of SIFs is also obtained in the investigation. The results obtained are compared with the available theoretical solutions.


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Infrared correlation functions, have been obtained from the analysis of band shapes of the 1400 cm−1 bending mode of NH4Cl, NH4Br and NH4I in both the Pm3m and Fm3m phases. The NH 4 + ion seems to undergo relatively free rotation in the high temperature Fm3m phases of these halides.


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Timoshenko's shear deformation theory is widely used for the dynamical analysis of shear-flexible beams. This paper presents a comparative study of the shear deformation theory with a higher order model, of which Timoshenko's shear deformation model is a special case. Results indicate that while Timoshenko's shear deformation theory gives reasonably accurate information regarding the set of bending natural frequencies, there are considerable discrepancies in the information it gives regarding the mode shapes and dynamic response, and so there is a need to consider higher order models for the dynamical analysis of flexure of beams.


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An interaction analysis has been conducted to study the effects of a local loss of support beneath the beam footing of a two-bay plane frame. The results of the study indicate that the magnitude of increase in the bending moment and axial force in the structure due to the presence of a void are dependent, not only on the extent of support loss, but also on the relative stiffnesses between foundation beam and soil, and between superstructure and soil. The increase in bending moment even for a void span of 1/12 of the foundation beam length can become so significant as to exceed the safety provisions. The study shows that the effect of a void on the superstructure moments can be greatly minimized by a combination of rigid foundation and flexible superstructure.


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The non-linear equations of motion of a rotating blade undergoing extensional and flapwise bending vibration are derived, including non-linearities up to O (ε3). The strain-displacement relationship derived is compared with expressions derived by earlier investigators and the errors and the approximations made in some of those are brought out. The equations of motion are solved under the inextensionality condition to obtain the influence of the amplitude on the fundamental flapwise natural frequency of the rotating blade. It is found that large finite amplitudes have a softening effect on the flapwise frequency and that this influence becomes stronger at higher speeds of rotation.


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We present systematic investigations of buckling in Langmuir monolayers of polyvinyl acetate formed at the air-water interface. On compression the polymer monolayers are converted to a continuous membrane with a thickness of ~2–3 nm of well-defined periodicity, lambdab. Above a certain surface concentration the membrane undergoes a morphological transition buckling, leading to the formation of striped patterns. The periodicity seems to depend on molecular weight as per the predictions of the gravity-bending buckling formalism of Milner et al. for fluidlike films on water. However anomalously low values of bending rigidity and Young's modulus are obtained using this formalism. Hence we have considered an alternative model of buckling-based solidlike films on viscoelastic substrates. The values of bending rigidity and Young's modulus obtained by this method, although lower than expected, are closer to the bulk values. Remarkably, no buckling is found to occur above a certain molecular weight. We have tried to explain the observed molecular-weight dependence in terms of the variation in isothermal compressive modulus of the monolayers with surface concentration as well as provided possible explanations for the obtained low values of mechanical properties similar to that observed for ultrathin polymer films.


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We present a systematic investigation of morphological transitions in poly vinylacetate Langmuir monolayers. On compression, the polymer monolayer is converted to a continuous membrane with a thickness of similar to 2-3 nm. Above a certain surface concentration the monolayer, on water, undergoes a morphological transition-buckling, leading to formation of striped patterns of period of lambda(b)similar to 160 nm, as determined from in situ grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering measurements. The obtained value is much smaller than what has been typically observed for Langmuir monolayers on water or thin films on soft substrates. Using existing theories for buckling of fluidlike films on fluid substrates, we obtain very low values of bending rigidity and Young's modulus of the polymer monolayer compared to that observed earlier for lipid or polymeric monolayers. Since buckling in these monolayers occurs only above a certain surface concentration, we have looked at the possibility that the buckling in these films occurs due to changes in their mechanical properties under compression. Using the model of Huang and Suo of buckling of solidlike films on viscoelastic substrates, we find values of the mechanical properties, which are much closer to the bulk values but still significantly lower. Although the reduction could be along the lines of what has been observed earlier for ultrathin polymer film or surface layers of polymers, the possibility of micromechanical effects also determining the buckling in such polymer monolayers cannot be ruled out. We have provided possible explanation of the buckling of the poly vinylacetate monolayers in terms of the change in isothermal compression modulus with surface concentration.


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An analytical-numerical procedure for obtaining stress intensity factor solutions for an arbitrarily oriented crack in a long, thin circular cylindrical shell is presented. The method of analysis involves obtaining a series solution to the governing shell equation in terms of Mathieu and modified Mathieu functions by the method of separation of variables and satisfying the crack surface boundary conditions numerically using collocation. The solution is then transformed from elliptic coordinates to polar coordinates with crack tip as the origin through a Taylor series expansion and membrane and bending stress intensity factors are computed. Numerical results are presented and discussed for the pressure loading case.