38 resultados para Trace minerals


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In J. Funct. Anal. 257 (2009) 1092-1132, Dykema and Skripka showed the existence of higher order spectral shift functions when the unperturbed self-adjoint operator is bounded and the perturbation is Hilbert-Schmidt. In this article, we give a different proof for the existence of spectral shift function for the third order when the unperturbed operator is self-adjoint (bounded or unbounded, but bounded below).


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The study presents a 3-year time series data on dissolved trace elements and rare earth elements (REEs) in a monsoon-dominated river basin, the Nethravati River in tropical Southwestern India. The river basin lies on the metamorphic transition boundary which separates the Peninsular Gneiss and Southern Granulitic province belonging to Archean and Tertiary-Quaternary period (Western Dharwar Craton). The basin lithology is mainly composed of granite gneiss, charnockite and metasediment. This study highlights the importance of time series data for better estimation of metal fluxes and to understand the geochemical behaviour of metals in a river basin. The dissolved trace elements show seasonality in the river water metal concentrations forming two distinct groups of metals. First group is composed of heavy metals and minor elements that show higher concentrations during dry season and lesser concentrations during the monsoon season. Second group is composed of metals belonging to lanthanides and actinides with higher concentration in the monsoon and lower concentrations during the dry season. Although the metal concentration of both the groups appears to be controlled by the discharge, there are important biogeochemical processes affecting their concentration. This includes redox reactions (for Fe, Mn, As, Mo, Ba and Ce) and pH-mediated adsorption/desorption reactions (for Ni, Co, Cr, Cu and REEs). The abundance of Fe and Mn oxyhydroxides as a result of redox processes could be driving the geochemical redistribution of metals in the river water. There is a Ce anomaly (Ce/Ce*) at different time periods, both negative and positive, in case of dissolved phase, whereas there is positive anomaly in the particulate and bed sediments. The Ce anomaly correlates with the variations in the dissolved oxygen indicating the redistribution of Ce between particulate and dissolved phase under acidic to neutral pH and lower concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. Unlike other tropical and major world rivers, the effect of organic complexation on metal variability is negligible in the Nethravati River water.


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A regular secondary structure is described by a well defined set of values for the backbone dihedral angles (phi,psi and omega) in a polypeptide chain. However in real protein structures small local variations give rise to distortions from the ideal structures, which can lead to considerable variation in higher order organization. Protein structure analysis and accurate assignment of various structural elements, especially their terminii, are important first step in protein structure prediction and design. Various algorithms are available for assigning secondary structure elements in proteins but some lacunae still exist. In this study, results of a recently developed in-house program ASSP have been compared with those from STRIDE, in identification of alpha-helical regions in both globular and membrane proteins. It is found that, while a combination of hydrogen bond patterns and backbone torsional angles (phi-psi) are generally used to define secondary structure elements, the geometry of the C-alpha atom trace by itself is sufficient to define the parameters of helical structures in proteins. It is also possible to differentiate the various helical structures by their C-alpha trace and identify the deviations occurring both at mid-positions as well as at the terminii of alpha-helices, which often lead to occurrence of 3(10) and pi-helical fragments in both globular and membrane proteins.


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For a domain Omega in C and an operator T in B-n(Omega), Cowen and Douglas construct a Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-T over Omega corresponding to T. The Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-T is obtained as a pull-back of the tautological bundle S(n, H) defined over by Gr(n, H) a nondegenerate holomorphic map z bar right arrow ker(T - z), z is an element of Omega. To find the answer to the converse, Cowen and Douglas studied the jet bundle in their foundational paper. The computations in this paper for the curvature of the jet bundle are rather intricate. They have given a set of invariants to determine if two rank n Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle are equivalent. These invariants are complicated and not easy to compute. It is natural to expect that the equivalence of Hermitian holomorphic jet bundles should be easier to characterize. In fact, in the case of the Hermitian holomorphic jet bundle J(k)(L-f), we have shown that the curvature of the line bundle L-f completely determines the class of J(k)(L-f). In case of rank Hermitian holomorphic vector bundle E-f, We have calculated the curvature of jet bundle J(k)(E-f) and also obtained a trace formula for jet bundle J(k)(E-f).


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Stabilised soil products such as stabilised soil blocks, rammed earth and stabilised adobe are being used for building construction since the last 6-7 decades. Major advantages of stabilised soil products include low embodied carbon, use of local materials, decentralized production, and easy to adjust the strength, texture, size and shape. Portland cement and lime represent the most commonly used stabilisers for stabilised soil products. The mechanism of strength development in cement and lime stabilised soils is distinctly different. The paper presents results of scientific investigations pertaining to the status of clay minerals in the 28 day cured cement and lime stabilised soil compacts. XRD, SEM imaging, grain size distribution and Atterberg's limits of the ground stabilised soil products and the natural soil were determined. Results reveal that clay minerals can be retrieved from cement stabilised soil products, whereas in lime stabilised soil products clay minerals get consumed in the lime-clay reactions and negligible percentage of clay minerals are left in the stabilised soil compacts. The results of the present investigation clearly demonstrate that cement stabilisation is superior to lime stabilisation in retrieving the clay minerals from the stabilised soil compacts. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dynamic analysis techniques have been proposed to detect potential deadlocks. Analyzing and comprehending each potential deadlock to determine whether the deadlock is feasible in a real execution requires significant programmer effort. Moreover, empirical evidence shows that existing analyses are quite imprecise. This imprecision of the analyses further void the manual effort invested in reasoning about non-existent defects. In this paper, we address the problems of imprecision of existing analyses and the subsequent manual effort necessary to reason about deadlocks. We propose a novel approach for deadlock detection by designing a dynamic analysis that intelligently leverages execution traces. To reduce the manual effort, we replay the program by making the execution follow a schedule derived based on the observed trace. For a real deadlock, its feasibility is automatically verified if the replay causes the execution to deadlock. We have implemented our approach as part of WOLF and have analyzed many large (upto 160KLoC) Java programs. Our experimental results show that we are able to identify 74% of the reported defects as true (or false) positives automatically leaving very few defects for manual analysis. The overhead of our approach is negligible making it a compelling tool for practical adoption.


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In this article, we survey several kinds of trace formulas that one encounters in the theory of single and multi-variable operators. We give some sketches of the proofs, often based on the principle of finite-dimensional approximations to the objects at hand in the formulas.


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Extreme isotopic variations among extraterrestrial materials provide great insights into the origin and evolution of the Solar System. In this tutorial review, we summarize how the measurement of isotope ratios can expand our knowledge of the processes that took place before and during the formation of our Solar System and its subsequent early evolution. The continuous improvement of mass spectrometers with high precision and increased spatial resolution, including secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) and multi collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS), along with the ever growing amounts of available extraterrestrial samples have significantly increased the temporal and spatial constraints on the sequence of events that took place since and before the formation of the first Solar System condensates (i.e., Ca-Al-rich inclusions). Grains sampling distinct stellar environments with a wide range of isotopic compositions were admixed to, but possibly not fully homogenized in, the Sun's parent molecular cloud or the nascent Solar System. Before, during and after accretion of the nebula, as well as the formation and subsequent evolution of planetesimals and planets, chemical and physical fractionation processes irrevocably changed the chemical and isotopic compositions of all Solar System bodies. Since the formation of the first Solar System minerals and rocks 4.568 Gyr ago, short-and long-lived radioactive decay and cosmic ray interaction also contributed to the modification of the isotopic framework of the Solar System, and permit to trace the formation and evolution of directly accessible and inferred planetary and stellar isotopic reservoirs.