133 resultados para Total-energy Calculations


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An analytical solution of the heat transfer problem with viscous dissipation for non-Newtonian fluids with power-law model in the thermal entrance region of a circular pipe and two parallel plates under constant heat flux conditions is obtained using eigenvalue approach by suitably replacing one of the boundary conditions by total energy balance equation. Analytical expressions for the wall and the bulk temperatures and the local Nusselt number are presented. The results are in close agreement with those obtained by implicit finite-difference scheme. It is found that the role of viscous dissipation on heat transfer is completely different for heating and cooling conditions at the wall. The results for the case of cooling at the wall are of interest in the design of the oil pipe line.


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Gabapentin (1-aminomethylcyclohexaneacetic acid, Gpn) is an achiral, conformationally constrained gamma amino acid residue. A survey of available crystal structures of Gpn peptides reveals that the torsion angles about the C-gamma-C-beta (theta(1)) and C-beta-C-alpha(theta(2)) bonds are overwhelmingly limited to gauche, gauche (g(+)g(+)/g(-)g(-)) conformations. The Gpn residue forms C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonds in which the donor and acceptor atoms come from the flanking peptide units. In combination with alpha amino acid residues alpha gamma and gamma alpha segments can adopt C-12 hydrogen bonded structures. The conformational choices available to the Gpn residue have been probed using energy calculations, adopting a grid search strategy. Ramachandran phi-psi maps have been constructed for fixed values of theta(1) and theta(2), corresponding to the gauche and trans conformations. The sterically allowed and energetically favorable regions of conformational space have been defined and experimental observations compared. C-7 and C-9 hydrogen bonded conformational families have been identified using a grid search approach in which theta(1) and theta(2) values are varied over a range of +/- 10 degrees about ideal values at 1 degrees intervals. The theoretical analysis together with experimental observations for 59 Gpn residues from 35 crystal structures permits definition of the limited range of conformational possibilities at this gamma amino acid residue. .


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An analysis of 11 crystal structures of cyclic dipeptides so far reported in the literature is made, with main reference to the internal parameters of these molecules. Preferred conformations of the side chains of cyclic dipeptides with different α-amino acid residues have been studied by classical energy calculations. The possible conformations of the DKP ring are also studied. The significance of the non-bonded interaction in deciding the pathway for conformational change has also been investigated. The agreement between theoretical results and experimental observations is quite good, both with respect to the conformation of these molecules as well as the enthalpy difference as estimated from n.m.r. studies between different conformers.


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In this paper, we present Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Managed 256 x 64 SRAM block in 65nm technology, for frequency ranging from 100MHz to 1GHz. The total energy is minimized for any operating frequency in the above range and leakage energy is minimized during standby mode. Since noise margin of SRAM cell deteriorates at low voltages, we propose Static Noise Margin improvement circuitry, which symmetrizes the SRAM cell by controlling the body bias of pull down NMOS transistor. We used a 9T SRAM cell that isolates Read and Hold Noise Margin and has less leakage. We have implemented an efficient technique of pushing address decoder into zigzag-super-cut-off in stand-by mode without affecting its performance in active mode of operation. The Read Bit Line (RBL) voltage drop is controlled and pre-charge of bit lines is done only when needed for reducing power wastage.


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We consider a single-hop data-gathering sensor network, consisting of a set of sensor nodes that transmit data periodically to a base-station. We are interested in maximizing the lifetime of this network. With our definition of network lifetime and the assumption that the radio transmission energy consumption forms the most significant portion of the total energy consumption at a sensor node, we attempt to enhance the network lifetime by reducing the transmission energy budget of sensor nodes by exploiting three system-level opportunities. We pose the problem of maximizing lifetime as a max-min optimization problem subject to the constraint of successful data collection and limited energy supply at each node. This turns out to be an extremely difficult optimization to solve. To reduce the complexity of this problem, we allow the sensor nodes and the base-station to interactively communicate with each other and employ instantaneous decoding at the base-station. The chief contribution of the paper is to show that the computational complexity of our problem is determined by the complex interplay of various system-level opportunities and challenges.


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We have found an exact similarity solution of the point explosion problem in the case when the total energy of the shock wave that is produced is not constant but decreases with time and when the loss due to radiation escape is significant. We have compared the results of our exact solution with those of exact numerical solutions of Elliot and Wang and have explained the cause why our solution differs from theirs in certain aspects.


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The low-temperature plastic flow of alpha-zirconium was studied by employing constantrate tensile tests and differential-stress creep experiments. The activation parameters, enthalpy and area, have been obtained as a function of stress for pure, as well as commercial zirconium. The activation area is independent of grain size and purity and falls to about 9b2 at high stresses. The deformation mechanism below about 700° K is found to be controlled by a single thermally activated process, and not a two-stage activation mechanism. Several dislocation mechanisms are examined and it is concluded that overcoming the Peierls energy humps by the formation of kink pairs in a length of dislocation is the rate-controlling mechanism. The total energy needed to nucleate a double kink is about 0.8 eV in pure zirconium and 1 eV in commercial zirconium


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The nonminimal coupling of a massive self-interacting scalar field with a gravitational field is studied. Spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs in the open universe even when the sign on the mass term is positive. In contrast to grand unified theories, symmetry breakdown is more important for the early universe and it is restored only in the limit of an infinite expansion. Symmetry breakdown is shown to occur in flat and closed universes when the mass term carries a wrong sign. The model has a naturally defined effective gravitational coupling coefficient which is rendered time-dependent due to the novel symmetry breakdown. It changes sign below a critical value of the cosmic scale factor indicating the onset of a repulsive field. The presence of the mass term severely alters the behaviour of ordinary matter and radiation in the early universe. The total energy density becomes negative in a certain domain. These features make possible a nonsingular cosm


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The conformational analysis of a pair of two-linked peptide units in the anti-parallel arrangement is reported here with a view to study the effect of association of one chain with the other. The pair of two-linked peptide units were fixed in space through the hydrogen bonds between them, in accordance with certain hydrogen bond criteria. Model building was undertaken to ascertain whether the proximity of the side-chains could be used to eliminate any one of the right-hand twisted, left-hand twisted or regular β-structures. Stereochemically, it was found possible with all of them. The preference for a right-hand twisted β-structure, however, was indicated by the classical energy calculations. The relevance of the results thus obtained is discussed in the context of the preferential right-hand twist of the β-pleated sheets present in globular proteins. The agreement between the minimum energy conformations obtained for the pair of two-linked peptide units and the globular protein data is also indicated.


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This paper reports the structural behavior and thermodynamics of the complexation of siRNA with poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) and 4 (G4) through fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations accompanied by free energy calculations and inherent structure determination. We have also done simulation with one siRNA and two dendrimers (2 x G3 or 2xG4) to get the microscopic picture of various binding modes. Our simulation results reveal the formation of stable siRNA-dendrimer complex over nanosecond time scale. With the increase in dendrimcr generation, the charge ratio increases and hence the binding energy between siRNA and dendrimer also increases in accordance with available experimental measurements. Calculated radial distribution functions of amines groups of various subgenerations in a given generation of dendrimer and phosphate in backbone of siRNA reveals that one dendrimer of generation 4 shows better binding with siRNA almost wrapping the dendrimer when compared to the binding with lower generation dendrimer like G3. In contrast, two dendrimers of generation 4 show binding without siRNA wrapping the den-rimer because of repulsion between two dendrimers. The counterion distribution around the complex and the water molecules in the hydration shell of siRNA give microscopic picture of the binding dynamics. We see a clear correlation between water. counterions motions and the complexation i.e. the water molecules and counterions which condensed around siRNA are moved away from the siRNA backbone when dendrimer start binding to the siRNA back hone. As siRNA wraps/bind to the dendrimer counterions originally condensed onto siRNA (Na-1) and dendrimer (Cl-) get released. We give a quantitative estimate of the entropy of counterions and show that there is gain in entropy due to counterions release during the complexation. Furthermore, the free energy of complexation of IG3 and IG4 at two different salt concentrations shows that increase in salt concentration leads to the weakening of the binding affinity of siRNA and dendrimer.


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Starting from the exact general relativistic expression for the total energy of selfgravitating spherically distributed matter and using the minimum energy priciple, we calculate the upper mass limit for a neutron star to be 3.1 solar masses.


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Conformational energy calculations on the model system N-acetyl- 1 -aminocyclohexanecarboxylic acid N'methylamide (Ac-Acc6-NHMe), using an average geometry derived from 13 crystallographic observations, establish that the Acc6 residue is constrained to adopt conformations in the helical regions of In contrast, the a,a-dialkylated residue with linear hydrocarbon side chains, a,a-di-n-propylglycine favors fully extended backbone structures (6 1= $ = 180'). The crystal structures of two model peptides, Boc-(Acc6),-OMe (type 111 @-turn at -Acc6(1)-Acc6(2)-) and Boc-Pro-Acc6-Ala-OMe (type I1 P-turn at -Pro-Acc6-), establish that Acc6 residues can occupy either position of type 111 P-turns and the i + 2 position of type I1 @-turns. The stereochemical rigidity of these peptides is demonstrated in solution by NMR studies, which establish the presence of one intramolecular hydrogen bond in each peptide in CDCI, and (CDJ2S0. Nuclear Overhauser effects permit characterization of the @-turn conformations in solution and establish their similarity to the solid-state structures. The implications for the use of Acc6 residues in conformational design are considered.


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Basepair stacking calculations have been carried out to understand the conformational polymorphism of DNA and its sequence dependence. The recently developed self-consistent parameter set, which is specially suitable for describing irregular DNA structures, has been used to describe the geometry of a basepair doublet. While for basepairs without any propeller, the favourable stacking patterns do not appear to have very strong features, much more noticeable sequence dependent stacking patterns emerge once a propeller is applied to the basepairs. The absolute minima for most sequences occurs for a doublet geometry close to the B-DNA fibre models. Hence in the B-DNA region, no strong sequence dependent features are found, but the range of doublet geometries observed in the crystal structures generally lie within the low energy contours, obtained from stacking energy calculations. The doublet geometry corresponding to the A-DNA fibre model is not energetically favourable for the purine-pyrimidine sequences, which prefer small roll angle values when the slide has a large negative value as in A-DNA. However positive roll with large negative slide is allowed for GG, GA, AG and the pyrimidine-purine steps. This is consistent with the observed geometries of various steps in A-DNA crystals. Thus the general features of the basepair doublets predicted from these theoretical studies agree very well with the results from crystal structure analysis. However, since most sequences show an overall preference for B-type doublet geometry, the B --> A transition for random sequence DNA cannot be explained on the basis of basepair stacking interactions.


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Conformational analysis of cyclic pentapeptides having two intra-ring 3 leads to 1 hydrogen bonds has been carried out. It is found that the structure can easily be formed with trans planar peptide units without causing significant angular strain at the alpha-carbon atoms. Four different types of conformations designated Types I--IV are possible for the backbone structure. Details of these four types of conformations and also the accommodating possibility of these types for allglycyl and all-alanyl residues are presented. Three of the four types have relatively low energies for glycyl residues whereas the other one has a slightly higher energy. When alanyl residues are introduced at the five alpha-carbon atoms, the types that are energetically favourable depend upon the sequence of isomers. Energy calculations have also been carried out for the combinations of glycyl, L- and D-alanyl residues. The theoretical results are compared with available experimental observations both from solution and solid state studies.


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The hydrolysis reactions of organometallic ruthenium(II) piano-stool complexes of the type Ru-II(eta(6)-cymene)(L)Cl](0/+) (1-5, where L = kappa(1)- or kappa(2)-1,1-bis(diphenylphosphino)methane,1,1bis-(diphenylphosphino)methane oxide, kappa(1)-mercaptobenzothiazole) have been studied using density functional theory at the B3LYP level. In addition to considering a syn attack in an associative fashion, where the nucleophile approaches from the same side as the leaving group, we have explored alternative paths such as an anti attack in an associative manner, where the nucleophile attacks from the opposite side of the leaving group. During the anti attack, an intermediate is formed and there is a coordination mode change of the arene ring from eta(6) to eta(2) along with its rotation. When the intermediate goes to the product, the arene ring slips back from eta(2) to eta(6) coordination. This coordinated movement of the arene ring makes the associative anti attack an accessible pathway for the substitution process. Our calculations predict very similar activation barriers for both syn and anti attacks. In the dissociative path, the rate-determining step is the generation of a coordinatively unsaturated 16-electron ruthenium species. This turns out to be viable once solvent effects are included. The large size of the ancillary ligands on Ru makes the dissociative process as favorable as the associative process. Activation energy calculations reveal that although the dissociative path is favorable for kappa(1) complexes, both dissociative and associative processes can have significant contribution to the hydrolysis reaction in kappa(2) complexes. Once activated by hydrolysis, these complexes react with guanine and adenine bases of DNA. The thermodynamic stabilities of complexes formed with the nucleobases are also presented.