243 resultados para Sugar Part


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The tautomeric behaviour of monohydroxycyclotriphosphazatrienes has been investigated by 31P n.m.r. spectroscopy. These derivatives exist as oxocyclotriphosphazadiene tautomers in which the hydrogen atom is attached to a ring nitrogen atom to the phosphoryl group. Three types of prototropic behaviour are observed : (a) no exchange is detected and only one tautomer is present [e.g. N3HP3(NHBut)2R3O (R = OMe or OEt)]; (b) exchange takes place between two equivalent sites and only one tautomer is observed [e.g. N3HP3R5O (R = OMe or OPh); N3HP3Ph4RO (R = OMe or OEt)]; and (c) exchange occurs between two non-equivalent sites and two tautomers are present [e.g. N3HP3Ph2R3O (R = OMe, OEt, or OPrn)]. It is shown that basicity calculations using substituent constants have predictive value since they are in good agreement with the spectroscopic observations.


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A new form of L-histidine L-aspartate monohydrate crystallizes in space group P22 witha = 5.131(1),b = 6.881(1),c= 18.277(2) Å,β= 97.26(1)° and Z = 2. The structure has been solved by the direct methods and refined to anR value of 0.044 for 1377 observed reflections. Both the amino acid molecules in the complex assume the energetically least favourable allowed conformation with the side chains staggered between the α-amino and α-scarboxylate groups. This results in characteristic distortions in some bond angles. The unlike molecules aggregate into alternating double layers with water molecules sandwiched between the two layers in the aspartate double layer. The molecules in each layer are arranged in a head-to-tail fashion. The aggregation pattern in the complex is fundamentally similar to that in other binary complexes involving commonly occurring L amino acids, although the molecules aggregate into single layers in them. The distribution of crystallographic (and local) symmetry elements in the old form of the complex is very different from that in the new form. So is the conformation of half the histidine molecules. Yet, the basic features of molecular aggregation, particularly the nature and the orientation of head-to-tail sequences, remain the same in both the forms. This supports the thesis that the characteristic aggregation patterns observed in crystal structures represent an intrinsic property of amino acid aggregation.


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Microsomes (105,000xg sediment) prepared from induced cells of A.ochraceus was found to hydroxylate progesterone to 11-Alpha-hydroxyprogesterone (11a-OHP) in high yields (85-�90% in 30 min.) in the presence of NADPH and O2. The pH optimum for the hydroxylase was found to be 7.7. However, for the isolation of active microsomes grinding of the mycelium should be carried out at pH 8.3. Metyrapone, carbon monoxide, SKF-525A, p-CMB and N-methyl maleimide inhibited the hydroxylase activity indicating the involvement of cytochrome P-450 system. The inhibition of the hydroxylase by cytochrome Image and the presence of high levels of NADPH-cytochrome Image reductase in induced microsomes suggest that the reductase could be one of the components in the hydroxylase system.


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The region around Waclakkancheri, in the province of Kerala, India, which lies in the vicinity of Palghat-Cauvery ;hear zone (within the Precambrian crystalline terrain), has been a site of microseismic activity since 1989. Earlier studies had identified a prominent WNW-ESE structure overprinting on the E-W trending lineaments associated with Palghat-Cauvery shear zone. We have mapped this structure, located in a chamockite quarry near Desamangalam, Waclakkancheri, which we identify as a ca. 30 km-long south dipping reverse fault. This article presents the characteristics of this fault zone exposed on the exhumed crystalline basement and discusses its significance in understanding the earthquake potential of the region. This brittle deformation zone consists of fracture sets with small-scale displacement and slip planes with embedded fault gouges. The macroscopic as well as the microscopic studies of this fault zone indicate that it evolved through different episodes of faulting in the presence of fluids. The distinct zones within consolidated gouge and the cross cutting relationship of fractures indicate episodic fault activity. At least four faulting episodes can be recognized based on the sequential development of different structural elements in the fault rocks. The repeated ruptures are evident along this shear zone and the cyclic behavior of this fault consists of co-seismic ruptures alternating with inter-seismic periods, which is characterized by the sealed fractures and consolidated gouge. The fault zone shows a minimum accumulated dip/oblique slip of 2.1 m in the reverse direction with a possible characteristic slip of 52 cm (for each event). The ESR dating of fault gouge indicates that the deformation zone records a major event in the Middle Quaternary. The empirical relationships between fault length and slip show that this fault may generate events M >= 6. The above factors suggest that this fault may be characterized as potentially active. Our study offers some new pointers that can be used in other slow deforming cratonic hinterlands in exploring the discrete active faults.


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The paper presents a new approach to improve the detection and tracking performance of a track-while-scan (TWS) radar. The contribution consists of three parts. In Part 1 the scope of various papers in this field is reviewed. In Part 2, a new approach for integrating the detection and tracking functions is presented. It shows how a priori information from the TWS computer can be used to improve detection. A new multitarget tracking algorithm has also been developed. It is specifically oriented towards solving the combinatorial problems in multitarget tracking. In Part 3, analytical derivations are presented for quantitatively assessing, a priori, the performance of a track-while-scan radar system (true track initiation, false track initiation, true track continuation and false track deletion characteristics). Simulation results are also shown.


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The paper presents, in three parts, a new approach to improve the detection and tracking performance of a track-while-scan radar. Part 1 presents a review of the current status of the subject. Part 2 details the new approach. It shows how a priori information provided by the tracker can be used to improve detection. It also presents a new multitarget tracking algorithm. In the present Part, analytical derivations are presented for assessing, a priori, the performance of the TWS radar system. True track initiation, false track initiation, true track continuation and false track deletion characteristics have been studied. It indicates how the various thresholds can be chosen by the designer to optimise performance. Simulation results are also presented.


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he paper presents, in three parts, a new approach to improve the detection and tracking performance of a track-while-scan (TWS) radar. Part 1 presents a review of current status. In this part, Part 2, it is shown how the detection can be improved by utilising information from tracker. A new multitarget tracking algorithm, capable of tracking manoeuvring targets in clutter, is then presented. The algorithm is specifically tailored so that the solution to the combinatorial problem presented in a companion paper can be applied. The implementation aspects are discussed and a multiprocessor architecture identified to realise the full potential of the algorithm. Part 3 presents analytical derivations for quantitative assessment of the performance of the TWS radar system. It also shows how the performance can be optimised.


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The phenomenological theory of hemispherical growth is generalised to time-dependent nucleation and growth-rates. Special cases, which include models with diffusion-controlled rates, are analysed. Expressions are obtained for small and large time behaviour and peak characteristics of potentiostatic transients, and their use in model parameter estimation is discussed. Two earlier equations are corrected. Numerically calculated transients which are presented exhibit some interesting features such as a maximum preceding the steady state, oscillations and shoulder.


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A general theory is evolved for a class of macrogrowth models which possess two independent growth-rates. Relations connecting growth-rates to growth geometry are established and some new growth forms are shown to result for models with passivation or diffusion-controlled rates. The corresponding potentiostatic responses, their small and large time behaviours and peak characteristics are obtained. Numerical transients are also presented. An empirical equation is derived as a special case and an earlier equation is corrected. An interesting stochastic result pertaining to nucleation events in the successive layers is proved.


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An engineering analysis of the design of two-wheel bullock carts has been carried out with the aid of a mathematical model. Non-dimensional expressions for the pull and the neck load have been developed. In the first instance, the cart is assumed to be cruising at constant velocity on a terrain with the effective coefficient of rolling friction varying over a wide range (0.001 to 0.5) and the gradient varying between +0.2 to −0.2. Subsequently, the effect of inertia force due to an acceleration parallel to the ground is studied. In the light of this analysis, two modifications to the design of the cart have been proposed and the relative merits of the current designs and the proposed designs are discussed.


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A strain gauge load cell with separate bridges for measurement of the pull and the bending moment in the plane containing the net neck load and pull was developed and fixed in the longitudinal member of an experimental cart. A cart fitted first with pneumatic wheels and then with steel-rimmed wooden wheels was tested on three terrains—tar road, mud road and grassy terrain. Pull vs time and moment vs time records were obtained in each test and analysed. It is found that the bullocks pull the cart rather discontinuously at the low velocities at which these carts normally operate. On the tar road and the grassy terrain, the mean static coefficient of friction is significantly higher for the cart with steelrimmed wooden wheels. The dynamic frictional resistance of the terrain for the cart with steel-rimmed wooden wheels is lower than for the cart with pneumatic wheels so long as the wheels do not dig or sink into the terrain. The fluctuation in the neck load is lower in the cart fitted with pneumatic wheels. Also, the ground-induced low-amplitude high-frequency vibratory load content in the neck load is lower in the cart with pneumatic wheels.


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Hydrazinium acetate, metavanadate, sulfite, sulphamate and thiocyanate have been prepared by the reaction of corresponding ammonium salts with hydrazine hydrate. The compounds were characterised by chemical analysis and infrared spectra. Thermal behaviour of these hydrazinium derivatives have been investigated using thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis.


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Three new procedures for the extrapolation of series coefficients from a given power series expansion are proposed. They are based on (i) a novel resummation identity, (ii) parametrised Euler transformation (pet) and (iii) a modifiedpet. Several examples taken from the Ising model series expansions, ferrimagnetic systems, etc., are illustrated. Apart from these applications, the higher order virial coefficients for hard spheres and hard discs have also been evaluated using the new techniques and these are compared with the estimates obtained by other methods. A satisfactory agreement is revealed between the two.


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The reactions of hexachlorocyclotriphosphazatriene, N3P3Cl6, and its geminal bis-t-butylamino- and diphenyl derivatives, with ethylenediamine and ethanolamine are reported. In each case, both chlorine atoms attached to the same phosphorus atoms are replaced, giving rise to spirocyclic derivatives. A small quantity of a bis spirocyclic derivative, N3P3(NHCH2CH2O)2Cl2, is also obtained; this compound occurs in both cis and trans forms. Attempts to prepare fully substituted tris spirocyclic derivatives have been unsuccessful and only resinous materials were obtained. The 1H and 31P n.m.r. spectra of the products are discussed.


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It is shown that a leaky aquifer model can be used for well field analysis in hard rock areas, treating the upper weathered and clayey layers as a composite unconfined aquitard overlying a deeper fractured aquifer. Two long-duration pump test studies are reported in granitic and schist regions in the Vedavati river basin. The validity of simplifications in the analytical solution is verified by finite difference computations.