65 resultados para Sudden stops


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The proton second moment (M2) and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) have been measured in (NH4)2ZnBr4 in the range 77-300 K. The room-temperature spectrum shows a structure which disappears around 243 K. The signal is strong and narrow even at 77 K. Proton T1 shows a maximum at 263 K, caused by spin rotation interaction and decreases with decreasing temperature till 235 K, where it shows a sudden increase. Below 235 K, again it decreases and shows a slope change around 216.5 K (reported Tc). From 216.5 K, T1 decreases continuously without exhibiting any minimum down to 77 K. The narrow line at 77 K, and absence of a T1 minimum down to 77 K indicate the possibility of quantum mechanical tunnelling in this system. Motional parameters such as activation energy and pre-exponential factor have been evaluated for the reorientational motion of the NH+4 ion.


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It is observed that the daily mean temperature of the soil is linear with depth and the variation of the temperature is sinusoidal with a period of a day. Based on these observations the one-dimensional heat conduction equation for the soil can be solved which gives the amplitude and phase variation of the temperature wave with depth. Given the temperature data at three levels below the surface, the amplitude and phase variation and hence the surface temperature variation over the day are estimated. The daily mean temperature of the surface is estimated from linear extrapolation of the daily means at the three levels below the surface. Estimated values of soil thermal diffusivity show a subtantial change after sudden and heavy rains.


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Perfect or even mediocre weather predictions over a long period are almost impossible because of the ultimate growth of a small initial error into a significant one. Even though the sensitivity of initial conditions limits the predictability in chaotic systems, an ensemble of prediction from different possible initial conditions and also a prediction algorithm capable of resolving the fine structure of the chaotic attractor can reduce the prediction uncertainty to some extent. All of the traditional chaotic prediction methods in hydrology are based on single optimum initial condition local models which can model the sudden divergence of the trajectories with different local functions. Conceptually, global models are ineffective in modeling the highly unstable structure of the chaotic attractor. This paper focuses on an ensemble prediction approach by reconstructing the phase space using different combinations of chaotic parameters, i.e., embedding dimension and delay time to quantify the uncertainty in initial conditions. The ensemble approach is implemented through a local learning wavelet network model with a global feed-forward neural network structure for the phase space prediction of chaotic streamflow series. Quantification of uncertainties in future predictions are done by creating an ensemble of predictions with wavelet network using a range of plausible embedding dimensions and delay times. The ensemble approach is proved to be 50% more efficient than the single prediction for both local approximation and wavelet network approaches. The wavelet network approach has proved to be 30%-50% more superior to the local approximation approach. Compared to the traditional local approximation approach with single initial condition, the total predictive uncertainty in the streamflow is reduced when modeled with ensemble wavelet networks for different lead times. Localization property of wavelets, utilizing different dilation and translation parameters, helps in capturing most of the statistical properties of the observed data. The need for taking into account all plausible initial conditions and also bringing together the characteristics of both local and global approaches to model the unstable yet ordered chaotic attractor of a hydrologic series is clearly demonstrated.


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Inelastic light scattering studies on a single crystal of electron-doped Ca(Fe0.95Co0.05)(2)As-2 superconductor, covering the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural transition as well as the magnetic transition at T-SM similar to 140 K and the superconducting transition temperature T-c similar to 23 K, reveal evidence for superconductivity-induced phonon renormalization. In particular, the phonon mode near 260 cm(-1) shows hardening below T-c, signaling its coupling with the superconducting gap. All three Raman active phonon modes show anomalous temperature dependence between room temperature and T-c, i.e. the phonon frequency decreases with lowering temperature. Further, the frequency of one of the modes shows a sudden change in temperature dependence at TSM. Using first-principles density functional theory based calculations, we show that the low temperature phase (T-c < T < T-SM) exhibits short-ranged stripe antiferromagnetic ordering, and estimate the spin-phonon couplings that are responsible for these phonon anomalies.


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Background: Depression and anxiety have been linked to serious cardiovascular events in patients with preexisting cardiac illness. A decrease in cardiac vagal function as suggested by a decrease in heart rate (HR) variability has been linked to sudden death. Methods: We compared LLE and nonlinearity scores of the unfiltered (UF) and filtered time series (very low, low, and high frequency; VLF, LF and HF) of HR between patients with depression (n = 14) and healthy control subjects (n = 18). Results: We found significantly lower LLE of the unfiltered series in either posture, and HF series in patients with major depression in supine posture (p < .002). LLE (LF/UF), which may indicate relative sympathetic activity was also significantly higher in supine and standing postures in patients (p < .05); LF/HF (LLE) was also higher in patients (p < .05) in either posture. Conclusions: These findings suggest that major depression is associated with decreased cardiac vagal function and a relative increase in sympathetic function, which may be related to the higher risk of cardiovascular mortality, in this group and illustrates the usefulness of nonlinear measures of chaos such as LLE in addition to the commonly used spectral measures.


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When the cold accretion disc coupling between neutral gas and a magnetic field is so weak that the magnetorotational instability is less effective or even stops working, it is of prime interest to investigate the pure hydrodynamic origin of turbulence and transport phenomena. As the Reynolds number increases, the relative importance of the non-linear term in the hydrodynamic equation increases. In an accretion disc where the molecular viscosity is too small, the Reynolds number is large enough for the non-linear term to have new effects. We investigate the scenario of the `weakly non-linear' evolution of the amplitude of the linear mode when the flow is bounded by two parallel walls. The unperturbed flow is similar to the plane Couette flow, but with the Coriolis force included in the hydrodynamic equation. Although there is no exponentially growing eigenmode, because of the self-interaction, the least stable eigenmode will grow in an intermediate phase. Later, this will lead to higher-order non-linearity and plausible turbulence. Although the non-linear term in the hydrodynamic equation is energy-conserving, within the weakly non-linear analysis it is possible to define a lower bound of the energy (alpha A(c)(2), where A(c) is the threshold amplitude) needed for the flow to transform to the turbulent phase. Such an unstable phase is possible only if the Reynolds number >= 10(3-4). The numerical difficulties in obtaining such a large Reynolds number might be the reason for the negative result of numerical simulations on a pure hydrodynamic Keplerian accretion disc.


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Depression is associated with increased cardiovascular mortality in patients with preexisting cardiac illness. A decrease in cardiac vagal function as suggested by a decrease in heart rate variability (HRV) or heart period variability has been linked to sudden death in patients with cardiac disease as well as in normal controls. Recent studies have shown decreased vagal function in cardiac patients with depression as well as in depressed patients without cardiac illness. In this study, we compared 20 h awake and sleep heart period nonlinear measures using quantification of nonlinearity and chaos in two groups of patients with major depression and ischemic heart disease (mean age 59-60 years) before and after 6 weeks of treatment with paroxetine or nortriptyline. Patients received paroxetine, 20-30 mg/day or nortriptyline targeted to 190-570 nmol/l for 6 weeks. For HRV analysis, 24 patients were included in the paroxetine treatment study and 20 patients in the nortriptyline study who had at least 20,000 s of awake data. The ages of these groups were 60.4 +/- 10.5 years for paroxetine and 60.8 +/- 13.4 years for nortriptyline. There was a significant decrease in the largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE) after treatment with nortriptyline but not paroxetine. There were also significant decreases in nonlinearity scores on S-netPR and S-netGS after nortriptyline, which may be due to a decrease in cardiac vagal modulation of HRV. S-netGS and awake LLE were the most significant variables that contributed to the discrimination of postparoxetine and postnortriptyline groups even with the inclusion of time and frequency domain measures. These findings suggest that nortriptyline decreases the measures of chaos probably through its stronger vagolytic effects on cardiac autonomic function compared with paroxetine, which is in agreement with previous clinical and preclinical reports. Nortriptyline was also associated with a significant decrease in nonlinearity scores, which may be due to anticholinergic and/or sympatholytic effects. As depression is associated with a strong risk factor for cardiovascular mortality, one should be careful about using any drug that adversely affects cardiac vagal function. Copyright (C) 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Several variants of hydrated sodium cadmium bisulfate, Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3) center dot 3H(2)O, Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O, and Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 4H(2)O have been synthesized, and their thermal properties followed by phase transitions have been invesigated. The formation of these phases depends on the stochiometry and the time taken for crystallization from water. Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O, which crystallizes in the trigonal system, space group P3c, is grown from the aqueous solution in about four weeks. The krohnkite type mineral Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) center dot 2H(2)O and the mineral astrakhanite, also known as blodite, Na(2)Cd (SO(4))(2)center dot 4H(2)O, crystallize concomittantly in about 24 weeks. Both these minerals belong to the monoclinic system(space group P2(1)/c). Na(2)Cd(2)(SO(4))(3)center dot 3H(2)O loses water completely when heated to 250 degrees C and transforms to a dehydrated phase (cubic system, space group I (4) over bar 3d) whose structure has been established using ab initio powder diffration techniques. Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2)center dot 2H(2)O transforms to alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (space group C2/c) on heating to 150 degrees C which is a known high ionic conductor and remains intact over prolonged periods of exposure to moisture (over six months). However, when alpha-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) is heated to 570 degrees C followed by sudden quenching in liquid nitrogen beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) (P2(1)/c) is formed. beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) takes up water from the atmosphere and gets converted completely to the krohnkite type mineral in about four weeks. Further, beta-Na(2)Cd(SO(4))(2) has a conductivity behavior comparable to the a-form up to 280 degrees C, the temperature required for the transformation of the beta- to alpha-form. These experiments demonstrate the possibility of utilizing the abundantly available mineral sources as precursors to design materials with special properties.


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The unsteady rotating flow of a laminar incompressible viscous electrically conducting fluid over a rotating sphere in the vicinity of the equator has been studied. The fluid and the body rotate either in the same direction or in opposite directions. The effects of surface suction and magnetic field have been included in the analysis. There is an initial steady state that is perturbed by a sudden change in the rotational velocity of the sphere, and this causes unsteadiness in the flow field. The nonlinear coupled parabolic partial differential equations governing the boundary-layer flow have been solved numerically by using an implicit finite-difference scheme. For large suction or magnetic field, analytical solutions have also been obtained. The magnitude of the radial, meridional and rotational velocity components is found to be higher when the fluid and the body rotate in opposite directions than when they rotate in the same direction. The surface shear stresses in the meridional and rotational directions change sign when the ratio of the angular velocities of the sphere and the fluid lambda greater than or equal to lambda(0). The final (new) steady state is reached rather quickly which implies that the spin-up time is small. The magnetic field and surface suction reduce the meridional shear stress, but increase the surface shear stress in the rotational direction.


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Earlier desinent cavitation studies on a 1/8 caliber ogive by one of the authors (J. W. H.) showed a sudden change in the magnitude of the desinent cavitation number at a critical velocity. In the present work it is shown by means of oil-film flow visualization that below the critical velocity a long laminar separation bubble exists whereas above the critical velocity the laminar separation bubble is short. Thus the desinent cavitation characteristics of a 1/8 caliber ogive are governed by the nature of the viscous flow around the body.


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A second order transfer function with two poles and two zeros exhibits a step response characterized by a sudden rise to the steady state value, followed by oscillations around this steady state. With proper choice of the coefficients, it is possible to obtain transfer functions suitable for pulse transmission purposes.


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A two-dimensional finite difference model, which solves mixed type of Richards' equation, whose non-linearity is dealt with modified Picard's iteration and strongly implicit procedure to solve the resulting equations, is presented. Modeling of seepage flow through heterogeneous soils, which is common in the field is addressed in the present study. The present model can be applied to both unsaturated and saturated soils and can handle very dry initial condition and steep wetting fronts. The model is validated by comparing experimental results reported in the literature. Newness of this two dimensional model is its application on layered soils with transient seepage face development, which has not been reported in the literature. Application of the two dimensional model for studying unconfined drainage due to sudden drop of water table at seepage face in layered soils is demonstrated. In the present work different sizes of rectangular flow domain with different types of layering are chosen. Sensitivity of seepage height due to problem dimension of layered system is studied. The effect of aspect ratio on seepage face development in case of the flow through layered soil media is demonstrated. The model is also applied to random heterogeneous soils in which the randomness of the model parameters is generated using the turning band technique. The results are discussed in terms of phreatic surface and seepage height development and also flux across the seepage face. Such accurate modeling of seepage face development and quantification of flux moving across the seepage face becomes important while modeling transport problems in variably saturated media.


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Water-ethanol mixtures exhibit many interesting anomalies, such as negative excess partial molar volume of ethanol, excess sound absorption coefficient at low concentrations, and positive deviation from Raoult's law for vapor pressure, to mention a few. These anomalies have been attributed to different, often contradictory origins, but a quantitative understanding is still lacking. We show by computer simulation and theoretical analyses that these anomalies arise from the sudden emergence of a bicontinuous phase that occurs at a relatively low ethanol concentration of x(eth) approximate to 0.06-0.10 (that amounts to a volume fraction of 0.17-0.26, which is a significant range!). The bicontinuous phase is formed by aggregation of ethanol molecules, resulting in a weak phase transition whose nature is elucidated. We find that the microheterogeneous structure of the mixture gives rise to a pronounced nonmonotonic composition dependence of local compressibility and nonmonotonic dependence in the peak value of the radial distribution function of ethyl groups. A multidimensional free energy surface of pair association is shown to provide a molecular explanation of the known negative excess partial volume of ethanol in terms of parallel orientation and hence better packing of the ethyl groups in the mixture due to hydrophobic interactions. The energy distribution of the ethanol molecules indicates additional energy decay channels that explain the excess sound attenuation coefficient in aqueous alcohol mixtures. We studied the dependence of the solvation of a linear polymer chain on the composition of the water-ethanol solvent. We find that there is a sudden collapse of the polymer at x(eth) approximate to 0.05-a phenomenon which we attribute to the formation of the microheterogeneous structures in the binary mixture at low ethanol concentrations. Together with recent single molecule pulling experiments, these results provide new insight into the behavior of polymer chain and foreign solutes, such as enzymes, in aqueous binary mixtures.


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In this paper, a new three-phase, five-level inverter topology with a single-dc source is presented. The proposed topology is obtained by cascading a three-level flying capacitor inverter with a flying H-bridge power cell in each phase. This topology has redundant switching states for generating different pole voltages. By selecting appropriate switching states, the capacitor voltages can be balanced instantaneously (as compared to the fundamental) in any direction of the current, irrespective of the load power factor. Another important feature of this topology is that if any H-bridge fails, it can be bypassed and the configuration can still operate as a three-level inverter at its full power rating. This feature improves the reliability of the circuit. A 3-kW induction motor is run with the proposed topology for the full modulation range. The effectiveness of the capacitor balancing algorithm is tested for the full range of speed and during the sudden acceleration of the motor.


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Laminar forced convection of nanofluids in a vertical channel with symmetrically mounted rib heaters on surfaces of opposite walls is numerically studied. The fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics are examined for various Reynolds numbers and nanoparticles volume fractions of water-Al2O3 nanofluid. The flow exhibits various structures with varying Reynolds number. Even though the geometry and heating is symmetric with respect to a channel vertical mid-plane, asymmetric flow and heat transfer are found for Reynolds number greater than a critical value. Introduction of nanofluids in the base fluid delays the flow solution bifurcation point, and the critical Reynolds number increases with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction. A skin friction coefficient along the solid-fluid interfaces increases and decreases sharply along the bottom and top faces of the heaters, respectively, due to sudden acceleration and deceleration of the fluid at the respective faces. The skin friction coefficient, as well as Nusselt numbers in the channel, increase with increasing volume fraction of nanoparticles.