88 resultados para Structural systems


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The transition parameters for the freezing of two one-component liquids into crystalline solids are evaluated by two theoretical approaches. The first system considered is liquid sodium which crystallizes into a body-centered-cubic (bcc) lattice; the second system is the freezing of adhesive hard spheres into a face-centered-cubic (fcc) lattice. Two related theoretical techniques are used in this evaluation: One is based upon a recently developed bifurcation analysis; the other is based upon the theory of freezing developed by Ramakrishnan and Yussouff. For liquid sodium, where experimental information is available, the predictions of the two theories agree well with experiment and each other. The adhesive-hard-sphere system, which displays a triple point and can be used to fit some liquids accurately, shows a temperature dependence of the freezing parameters which is similar to Lennard-Jones systems. At very low temperature, the fractional density change on freezing shows a dramatic increase as a function of temperature indicating the importance of all the contributions due to the triplet direction correlation function. Also, we consider the freezing of a one-component liquid into a simple-cubic (sc) lattice by bifurcation analysis and show that this transition is highly unfavorable, independent of interatomic potential choice. The bifurcation diagrams for the three lattices considered are compared and found to be strikingly different. Finally, a new stability analysis of the bifurcation diagrams is presented.


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State and parameter estimations of non-linear dynamical systems, based on incomplete and noisy measurements, are considered using Monte Carlo simulations. Given the measurements. the proposed method obtains the marginalized posterior distribution of an appropriately chosen (ideally small) subset of the state vector using a particle filter. Samples (particles) of the marginalized states are then used to construct a family of conditionally linearized system of equations and thus obtain the posterior distribution of the states using a bank of Kalman filters. Discrete process equations for the marginalized states are derived through truncated Ito-Taylor expansions. Increased analyticity and reduced dispersion of weights computed over a smaller sample space of marginalized states are the key features of the filter that help achieve smaller sample variance of the estimates. Numerical illustrations are provided for state/parameter estimations of a Duffing oscillator and a 3-DOF non-linear oscillator. Performance of the filter in parameter estimation is also assessed using measurements obtained through experiments on simple models in the laboratory. Despite an added computational cost, the results verify that the proposed filter generally produces estimates with lower sample variance over the standard sequential importance sampling (SIS) filter.


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Magnetic susceptibilities of several members of the series of oxides of the general formula LaNi1-xMxO3 (M = Cr, Fe, or Co) are reported. The oxides show evidence for interesting ferrimagnetic (Cr and Co) and antiferromagnetic (Fe) interactions.


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Mobile genetic elements constitute a remarkably diverse group of nonessential selfish genes that provide no apparent function to the host. These selfish genes have been implicated in host extinction, speciation and architecture of genetic systems. Homing endonucleases, encoded by the open reading frames embedded in introns or inteins of mobile genetic elements, possess double-stranded DNA-specific endonuclease activity. They inflict sequence-specific double-strand breaks at or near the homing site in intron- or intein-less allele. Subsequently, through nonreciprocal exchange the insertion sequence (intron or intein) is transferred from an intein- or intron-containing allele to an intein- or intron-less allele. The components of host double-strand break repair pathway are thought to finish the "homing" process. Several lines of evidence suggest that homing endonucleases are capable of promoting transposition into ectopic sites within or across genomes for their survival as well as dispersal in natural populations. The occurrence of inteins at high frequencies serves as instructive models for understanding the mechanistic aspects of the process of homing and its evolution. This review focuses on genetic, biochemical, structural, and phylogenetic aspects of homing endonucleases, and their comparison with restriction endonucleases.


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The lead-acid battery is often the weakest link in photovoltaic (PV) installations. Accordingly, various versions of lead-acid batteries, namely flooded, gelled, absorbent glass-mat and hybrid, have been assembled and performance tested for a PV stand-alone lighting system. The study suggests the hybrid VRLA batteries, which exhibit both the high power density of absorbent glass-mat design and the improved thermal properties of the gel design, to be appropriate for such an application. Among the VRLA-type batteries studied here water loss for the hybrid VRLA batteries is minimal and charge-acceptance during the service at high temperatures is better in relation to their AGM counterparts.


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The problem of identifying parameters of nonlinear vibrating systems using spatially incomplete, noisy, time-domain measurements is considered. The problem is formulated within the framework of dynamic state estimation formalisms that employ particle filters. The parameters of the system, which are to be identified, are treated as a set of random variables with finite number of discrete states. The study develops a procedure that combines a bank of self-learning particle filters with a global iteration strategy to estimate the probability distribution of the system parameters to be identified. Individual particle filters are based on the sequential importance sampling filter algorithm that is readily available in the existing literature. The paper develops the requisite recursive formulary for evaluating the evolution of weights associated with system parameter states. The correctness of the formulations developed is demonstrated first by applying the proposed procedure to a few linear vibrating systems for which an alternative solution using adaptive Kalman filter method is possible. Subsequently, illustrative examples on three nonlinear vibrating systems, using synthetic vibration data, are presented to reveal the correct functioning of the method. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abrasion and slurry erosion behaviour of chromium-manganese iron samples with chromium (Cr) in the range similar to 16-19% and manganese (Mn) at 5 and 10% levels have been characterized for hardness followed by microstructural examination using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Positron lifetime studies have been conducted to understand the defects/microporosity influence on the microstructure. The samples were heat treated and characterized to understand the structural transformations in the matrix. The data reveals that hardness decreased with increase in Mn content from 5 to 10% in the first instance and then increase in the section size in the other case, irrespective of the sample conditions. The abrasion and slurry erosion losses show increase with increase in the section size as well as with increase in Mn content. The positron results show that as hardness increases from as-cast to heat treated sample, the positron trapping rate and hence defect concentration showed opposite trend as expected. So a good correlation between defects concentration and the hardness has been observed. These findings also corroborate well with the microstructural features obtained from optical and scanning electron microscopy. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic susceptibilities of certain vanadium pentoxide systems supported by kieselgur have been determined in the temperature interval 30° to 400° C. The plot of reciprocal susceptibility against temperature for all the systems studied indicates sudden deflections at temperatures which are about 150° lower than those of optimum catalytic activity. It has been suggested that these points may mark the temperatures of commencement of structural changes which may be responsible for the activity of these catalysts.


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The hardening cubic spring oscillator is studied under narrow-band gaussian excitation. Equivalent linearization leads to multiple steady states. The realizability of the solution is discussed through stochastic stability analysis. Theoretical results are supported by numerical simulation.


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A computational scheme has been developed for strongly interacting systems wherein the intermolecular interaction is introduced as a charge-induced-dipole term. Within this approximation, the model Hamiltonian is exactly solved using a valence-bond basis. The validity of the scheme has been checked by use of exact calculations on small model systems. The method has been applied to finite polyenes to study the shifts in the ground-state energies and dipole-allowed excited-state energies in the presence of neighbors. Our calculations show a red shift in the optical gap of the infinite polyene by 0.124 eV, which is rather small compared to the experimental red shift. This is traced to the larger inaccuracy in the calculated shift in the excited state. The calculated shift in the ground-state energies are more accurate and hence the method is better suited for studying the effect of intermolecular interactions on the properties of the ground state.


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Processes in complex chemical systems, such as macromolecules, electrolytes, interfaces, micelles and enzymes, can span several orders of magnitude in length and time scales. The length and time scales of processes occurring over this broad time and space window are frequently coupled to give rise to the control necessary to ensure specificity and the uniqueness of the chemical phenomena. A combination of experimental, theoretical and computational techniques that can address a multiplicity of length and time scales is required in order to understand and predict structure and dynamics in such complex systems. This review highlights recent experimental developments that allow one to probe structure and dynamics at increasingly smaller length and time scales. The key theoretical approaches and computational strategies for integrating information across time-scales are discussed. The application of these ideas to understand phenomena in various areas, ranging from materials science to biology, is illustrated in the context of current developments in the areas of liquids and solvation, protein folding and aggregation and phase transitions, nucleation and self-assembly.


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The electrical resistivity of bulk GexTe100-x glasses has been measured as a function of temperature and pressure. Under high pressure, all the glasses were found to undergo sharp discontinuous transitions from glassy semiconductors to crystalline metal. Several of the observed properties such as the transition pressure, conductivity activation energy and pre-exponential factor, exhibit anomalous trends at a composition x = 20. These results suggest that the x = 20 composition in the Ge-Te system should possess salient structural features. A model based on the unusual stability of structural units is proposed for explaining the anomaly at 20 at.% Ge concentration.


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Analysis of EXAFS data of complex systems containing more than one phase and one type of coordination, has been discussed. It is shown that a modified treatment of EXAFS function as well as the amplitude ratio plots provide useful means of obtaining valuable structural information. The systems investigated are: biphasic Ni+NiO mixture, NiAl2O4 with two coordinations for Ni, NiO+NiAl2O4 mixture, CoS+CoO system and Ni dispersed on Al2O3. The results obtained with these systems have been most satisfactory and serve to illustrate the utility and the applicability of the innovations described in this paper.