208 resultados para Solar array simulators


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The cyclically varying magnetic field of the Sun is believed to be produced by the hydromagnetic dynamo process. We first summarize the relevant observational data pertaining to sunspots and solar cycle. Then we review the basic principles of MHD needed to develop the dynamo theory. This is followed by a discussion how bipolar sunspots form due to magnetic buoyancy of flux tubes formed at the base of the solar convection zone. Following this, we come to the heart of dynamo theory. After summarizing the basic ideas of a turbulent dynamo and the basic principles of its mean field formulation, we present the famous dynamo wave solution, which was supposed to provide a model for the solar cycle. Finally we point out how a flux transport dynamo can circumvent some of the difficulties associated with the older dynamo models.


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Fluctuation of field emission in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is riot desirable in many applications and the design of biomedical x-ray devices is one of them. In these applications, it is of great importance to have precise control of electron beams over multiple spatio-temporal scales. In this paper, a new design is proposed in order to optimize the field emission performance of CNT arrays. A diode configuration is used for analysis, where arrays of CNTs act as cathode. The results indicate that the linear height distribution of CNTs, as proposed in this study, shows more stable performance than the conventionally used unifrom distribution.


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Designing an ultrahigh density linear superlattice array consisting of periodic blocks of different semiconductors in the strong confinement regime via a direct synthetic route remains an unachieved challenge in nanotechnology. We report a general synthesis route for the formulation of a large-area ultrahigh density superlattice array that involves adjoining multiple units of ZnS rods by prolate US particles at the tips. A single one-dimensional wire is 300-500 nm long and consists of periodic quantum wells with a barrier width of 5 nm provided by ZnS and a well width of 1-2 nm provided by CdS, defining a superlattice structure. The synthesis route allows for tailoring of ultranarrow laserlike emissions (fwhm approximate to 125 meV) originating from strong interwell energy dispersion along with control of the width, pitch, and registry of the superlattice assembly. Such an exceptional high-density superlattice array could form the basis of ultrahigh density memories in addition to offering opportunities for technological advancement in conventional heterojunction-based device applications.


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Context sensitive pointer analyses based on Whaley and Lam’s bddbddb system have been shown to scale to large Java programs. We provide a technique to incorporate flow sensitivity for Java fields into one such analysis and obtain an escape analysis based on it. First, we express an intraprocedural field flow sensitive analysis, using Fink et al.’s Heap Array SSA form in Datalog. We then extend this analysis interprocedurally by introducing two new φ functions for Heap Array SSA Form and adding deduction rules corresponding to them. Adding a few more rules gives us an escape analysis. We describe two types of field flow sensitivity: partial (PFFS) and full (FFFS), the former without strong updates to fields and the latter with strong updates. We compare these analyses with two different (field flow insensitive) versions of Whaley-Lam analysis: one of which is flow sensitive for locals (FS) and the other, flow insensitive for locals (FIS). We have implemented this analysis on the bddbddb system while using the SOOT open source framework as a front end. We have run our analysis on a set of 15 Java programs. Our experimental results show that the time taken by our field flow sensitive analyses is comparable to that of the field flow insensitive versions while doing much better in some cases. Our PFFS analysis achieves average reductions of about 23% and 30% in the size of the points-to sets at load and store statements respectively and discovers 71% more “caller-captured” objects than FIS.


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Films of CuInSe2 were deposited onto glass substrates by a hot wall deposition method using bulk CuInSe2 as a source material. All the deposited CuInSe2 films were found to be polycrystalline in nature exhibiting the chalcopyrite structure with the crystallite orientation along (101),(112),(103),(211),(220),(312) and (400) directions. The photocurrent was found to increase with increase in film thickness and also with increase of light intensity. Photocurrent spectra show a peak related to the band-to-band transition. The spectral response of CuInSe2 thin films was studied by allowing the radiation to pass through a series of interference filters in the wavelength range 700-1200 rim. Films of higher thickness exhibited higher photosensitivity while low thickness films exhibited moderate photosensitivity. CuInSe2-based Solar cells with different types of buffer layers such as US, Cdse, CuInSe2 and CdSe0.7Te0.3 were fabricated. The current and voltage were measured using an optical power meter and an electrometer respectively. The fabricated solar cells were illuminated using 100 mW/cm(2) white light under AM1 conditions. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We respond to Dikpati et al.'s criticism of our recent solar dynamo model. A different treatment of the magnetic buoyancy is the most probable reason for their different results.


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In this work diketopyrrolopyrrole based copolymers (PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT) containing a donor-acceptor structural unit have been explored as organic Sensitizers for quasi-solid state dye Sensitized solar cells. Polymer-sensitized solar cells (PSSC) fabricated utilizing PDPP-BBT and TDPP-BBT as the active layer resulted in a typical power conversion efficiency of 1.43% and 2.41%, respectively. The power conversion efficiency of PSSCs based on TDPP-BBT With use of TiCl4-modified TiO2 photoanode was about 3.06%, attributed to the reduced back recombination reaction and more charge carriers in the external Circuit.


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Modifications made in a solar air collector inlet duct to achieve uniform velocity of air in the absorber duct are described. Measurements of temperature and pressure at various points in the duct gave information on the distribution of air in the absorber duct. A thermal performance test conducted on the collector with a vaned diffuser showed some significant improvement compared with a diffuser without vanes.


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Spike detection in neural recordings is the initial step in the creation of brain machine interfaces. The Teager energy operator (TEO) treats a spike as an increase in the `local' energy and detects this increase. The performance of TEO in detecting action potential spikes suffers due to its sensitivity to the frequency of spikes in the presence of noise which is present in microelectrode array (MEA) recordings. The multiresolution TEO (mTEO) method overcomes this shortcoming of the TEO by tuning the parameter k to an optimal value m so as to match to frequency of the spike. In this paper, we present an algorithm for the mTEO using the multiresolution structure of wavelets along with inbuilt lowpass filtering of the subband signals. The algorithm is efficient and can be implemented for real-time processing of neural signals for spike detection. The performance of the algorithm is tested on a simulated neural signal with 10 spike templates obtained from [14]. The background noise is modeled as a colored Gaussian random process. Using the noise standard deviation and autocorrelation functions obtained from recorded data, background noise was simulated by an autoregressive (AR(5)) filter. The simulations show a spike detection accuracy of 90%and above with less than 5% false positives at an SNR of 2.35 dB as compared to 80% accuracy and 10% false positives reported [6] on simulated neural signals.


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A differential temperature controller is incorporated in a solar water heating system to study the influence of its set points on system performance. The effectiveness of the controller set points DeltaT ON and DeltaT OFF on the pump cycling and energy collection has been studied experimentally and the results are presented in this paper.


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This paper presents an analysis of solar radiation pressure induced coupled librations of gravity stabilized cylindrical spacecraft with a special reference to geostationary communication satellites. The Lagrangian approach is used to obtain the corresponding equations of motion. The solar induced torques are assumed to be free of librational angles and are represented by their Fourier expansion. The response and periodic solutions are obtained through linear and nonlinear analyses, using the method of harmonic balance in the latter case. The stability conditions are obtained using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. To establish the ranges of validity the analytic response is compared with the numerical solution. Finally, values of the system parameters are suggested to make the satellite behave as desired. Among these is a possible approach to subdue the solar induced roll resonance. It is felt that the approximate analysis presented here should significantly reduce the computational efforts involved in the design and stability analysis of the systems.


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The imaging performance of hololenses formed with four different geometries were studied through an analysis of their third-order aberration coefficients. It is found that the geometry proposed by Brandt (1969) gives the least residual aberration with minimum variation of this aberration with the reconstruction angle. When the ideal position of one of the construction beams is changed in order to generate a hololens array, the residual aberration is found to increase sharply, which in turn affects the image resolution among the multiplied images in the output. A hololens array was generated using Brandt's geometry with the help of a one-dimensional sinusoidal grating. The results of multiple imaging with the hololens array are presented. The image resolution is reasonably high and can be further improved by reducing the f-number of the hololenses.


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The physical design of a VLSI circuit involves circuit partitioning as a subtask. Typically, it is necessary to partition a large electrical circuit into several smaller circuits such that the total cross-wiring is minimized. This problem is a variant of the more general graph partitioning problem, and it is known that there does not exist a polynomial time algorithm to obtain an optimal partition. The heuristic procedure proposed by Kernighan and Lin1,2 requires O(n2 log2n) time to obtain a near-optimal two-way partition of a circuit with n modules. In the VLSI context, due to the large problem size involved, this computational requirement is unacceptably high. This paper is concerned with the hardware acceleration of the Kernighan-Lin procedure on an SIMD architecture. The proposed parallel partitioning algorithm requires O(n) processors, and has a time complexity of O(n log2n). In the proposed scheme, the reduced array architecture is employed with due considerations towards cost effectiveness and VLSI realizability of the architecture.The authors are not aware of any earlier attempts to parallelize a circuit partitioning algorithm in general or the Kernighan-Lin algorithm in particular. The use of the reduced array architecture is novel and opens up the possibilities of using this computing structure for several other applications in electronic design automation.


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Faraday rotation data obtained at Delhi, Kurukshetra, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Waltair, Nagpur and Calcutta during the total solar eclipse of 16 February 1980 and at Delhi during the total solar eclipse of 31 July 1981 have been analysed to detect the gravity waves generated by a total solar eclipse as hypothesized by Chimonas and Hines (1970, J. geophys. Res. 75, 875). It has been found that gravity waves can be generated by a total solar eclipse but their detection at ionospheric heights is critically dependent on the location of the observing station in relation to the eclipse path geometry. The distance of the observing station from the eclipse path should be more than 500 km in order to detect such gravity waves.


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The problem of narrowband CFAR (constant false alarm rate) detection of an acoustic source at an unknown location in a range-independent shallow ocean is considered. If a target is present, the received signal vector at an array of N sensors belongs to an M-dimensional subspace if N exceeds the number of propagating modes M in the ocean. A subspace detection method which utilises the knowledge of the signal subspace to enhance the detector performance is presented in thisMpaper. It is shown that, for a given number of sensors N, the performance of a detector using a vector sensor array is significantly better than that using a scalar sensor array. If a target is detected, the detector using a vector sensor array also provides a concurrent coarse estimate of the bearing of the target.