69 resultados para Slow Crack-growth


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It is well known that fatigue in concrete causes excessive deformations and cracking leading to structural failures. Due to quasi-brittle nature of concrete and formation of a fracture process zone, the rate of fatigue crack growth depends on a number of parameters, such as, the tensile strength, fracture toughness, loading ratio and most importantly the structural size. In this work, an analytical model is proposed for estimating the fatigue crack growth in concrete by using the concepts of dimensional analysis and including the above parameters. Knowing the governed and the governing parameters of the physical problem and by using the concepts of self-similarity, a relationship is obtained between different parameters involved. It is shown that the proposed fatigue law is able to capture the size effect in plain concrete and agrees well with different experimental results. Through a sensitivity analysis, it is shown that the structural size plays a dominant role followed by loading ratio and the initial crack length in fatigue crack propagation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents the advanced analytical methodologies such as Double- G and Double - K models for fracture analysis of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete. Brief details about characterization and experimentation of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC have been provided. Double-G model is based on energy concept and couples the Griffith's brittle fracture theory with the bridging softening property of concrete. The double-K fracture model is based on stress intensity factor approach. Various fracture parameters such as cohesive fracture toughness (4), unstable fracture toughness (K-Ic(c)), unstable fracture toughness (K-Ic(un)) and initiation fracture toughness (K-Ic(ini)) have been evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and nonlinear fracture mechanics principles. Double-G and double-K method uses the secant compliance at the peak point of measured P-CMOD curves for determining the effective crack length. Bi-linear tension softening model has been employed to account for cohesive stresses ahead of the crack tip. From the studies, it is observed that the fracture parameters obtained by using double - G and double - K models are in good agreement with each other. Crack extension resistance has been estimated by using the fracture parameters obtained through double - K model. It is observed that the values of the crack extension resistance at the critical unstable point are almost equal to the values of the unstable fracture toughness K-Ic(un) of the materials. The computed fracture parameters will be useful for crack growth study, remaining life and residual strength evaluation of concrete structural components.


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This paper presents experimental and analytical studies on fatigue crack propagation in concrete-concrete cold jointed interface specimens. Beams of different sizes having jointed interface between two concretes with different elastic properties are tested under fatigue loading. The acoustic emission technique is used for monitoring the fatigue crack growth. It is observed that the interface having a higher moduli mismatch tends to behave in a brittle manner. The CMOD compliances at different loading cycles are measured and the equivalent crack lengths are determined from a finite element analysis. An analytical model for crack growth rate is proposed using the concepts of the dimensional analysis. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Stability of a fracture toughness testing geometry is important to determine the crack trajectory and R-curve behavior of the specimen. Few configurations provide for inherent geometric stability, especially when the specimen being tested is brittle. We propose a new geometrical construction called the single edge notched clamped bend specimen (SENCB), a modified form of three point bending, yielding stable cracking under load control. It is shown to be particularly suitable for small-scale structures which cannot be made free-standing, (e.g., thin films, coatings). The SENCB is elastically clamped at the two ends to its parent material. A notch is inserted at the bottom center and loaded in bending, to fracture. Numerical simulations are carried out through extended finite element method to derive the geometrical factor f(a/W) and for different beam dimensions. Experimental corroborations of the FEM results are carried out on both micro-scale and macro-scale brittle specimens. A plot of vs a/W, is shown to rise initially and fall off, beyond a critical a/W ratio. The difference between conventional SENB and SENCB is highlighted in terms of and FEM simulated stress contours across the beam cross-section. The `s of bulk NiAl and Si determined experimentally are shown to match closely with literature values. Crack stability and R-curve effect is demonstrated in a PtNiAl bond coat sample and compared with predicted crack trajectories from the simulations. The stability of SENCB is shown for a critical range of a/W ratios, proving that it can be used to get controlled crack growth even in brittle samples under load control.


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The crack initiation and growth mechanisms in an 2D graphene lattice structure are studied based on molecular dynamics simulations. Crack growth in an initial edge crack model in the arm-chair and the zig-zag lattice configurations of graphene are considered. Influence of the time steps on the post yielding behaviour of graphene is studied. Based on the results, a time step of 0.1 fs is recommended for consistent and accurate simulation of crack propagation. Effect of temperature on the crack propagation in graphene is also studied, considering adiabatic and isothermal conditions. Total energy and stress fields are analyzed. A systematic study of the bond stretching and bond reorientation phenomena is performed, which shows that the crack propagates after significant bond elongation and rotation in graphene. Variation of the crack speed with the change in crack length is estimated. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Among the multitude of test specimen geometries used for dynamic fiacture toughness evaluation, the most widely uscd specimen is lhc Chavpy specimen due its simple geomclry and availability of testing machines. The standard Chatpy specimen dimensions may llOl always give plane st~ain condilions and hence, it may be necessary Io coilduct lcs/s using specimens of dillEvcnt thicknesses to establish the plane strain K~a. An axisymmct/ic specimen, on the otlaev hand would always give flow constraints l~n a nominal specimen thickness i~rcspcctive of the test matctial. The notched disk specimen pVOl)oscd by Bcrn:ud ctal. [1] for static and dynamic initiation toughness measurement although p~ovicles plain-strain conditions, the crack plopagatcs at an angle to the direction of applied load. This makes inteq~retation of the test results difficult us it ~Ccluivcs ~actial slices to be cut fiom the fractured specimen to ascertain the angle o1 crack growth and a linite element model l~)r tl);t{ pa~ticulat ctack o~icntalion.


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Crack loading and crack extension in pseudoelastic binary NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) miniature compact tension (CT) specimens with 50.7 at.% Ni (austenitic, pseudoelastic) was investigated using infrared (IR) thermography during in situ loading and unloading. IR thermographic measurements allow for the observation of heat effects associated with the stress-induced transformation of martensite from B2 to BIT during loading and the reverse transformation during unloading. The results are compared with optical images and discussed in terms of the crack growth mechanisms in pseudoelastic NiTi SMAs. Direct experimental evidence is presented which shows that crack growth occurs into a stress-induced martensitic microstructure, which immediately retransforms to austenite in the wake of the crack.


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Stiffness, strength, and toughness are the three primary attributes of a material, in terms of its mechanical properties. Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are known to exhibit elastic moduli at a fraction lower than crystalline alloys and have extraordinary strength. However, the reported values of fracture toughness of BMGs are highly variable; some BMGs such as the Zr-based ones have toughness values that are comparable to some high strength steels and titanium alloys, whereas there are also BMGs that are almost as brittle as silicate glasses. Invariably, monolithic BMGs exhibit no or low crack growth resistance and tend to become brittle upon structural relaxation. Despite its critical importance for the use of BMGs as structural materials, the fracture toughness of BMGs is relatively poorly understood. In this paper, we review the available literature to summarize the current understanding of the mechanics and micromechanisms of BMG toughness and highlight the needs for future research in this important area.


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From a detailed re-examination of results in the literature, the effects of microstructure sizes, namely interlamellar spacing, pearlitic colony size and the prior austentitic grain size on the thresholds for fatigue crack growth (ΔKth) and crack closure (Kcl, th) have been illustrated. It is shown that while interlamellar spacing explicitly controls yield strength, a similar effect on ΔKth cannot be expected. On the other hand, the pearlitic colony size is shown to strongly influence ΔKth and Kcl, th through the deflection and retardation of cracks at colony boundaries. Consequently, an increase in ΔKth and Kcl, th with colony size has been found. The development of a theoretical model to illustrate the effects of colony size, shear flow stress in the slip band and macroscopic yield strength on Kcl, th and ΔKth is presented. the model assumes colony boundaries as potential sites for slip band pile-up formation and subsequent crack deflection finally leading to zig-zag crack growth. Using the concepts of roughness induced crack closure, the magnitude of Kcl, th is quantified as a function of colony size. In deriving the model, the flow stress in the slip band has been considered to represent the work hardened state in pearlite. Comparison of the theoretically predicted trend with the experimental data demonstrates very good agreement. Further, the intrinsic or closure free component of the fatigue threshold, ΔKeff, th is found to be insensitive to colony size and interlamellar spacing. Using a criterion for intrinsic fatigue threshold which considers the attainment of a critical fracture stress over a characteristic distance corresponding to interlamellar spacing, ΔKth values at high R values can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. The magnitude of ΔKth as a function of colony size is then obtained by summing up the average value of experimentally obtained ΔKeff, th values and the predicted Kcl, th values as a function of colony size. Again, very good agreement of the theoretically predicted ΔKth values with those experimentally obtained has been demonstrated.


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The fracture properties of different concrete-concrete interfaces are determined using the Bazant's size effect model. The size effect on fracture properties are analyzed using the boundary effect model proposed by Wittmann and his co-workers. The interface properties at micro-level are analyzed through depth sensing micro-indentation and scanning electron microscopy. Geometrically similar beam specimens of different sizes having a transverse interface between two different strengths of concrete are tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled machine with crack mouth opening displacement control. The fracture properties such as, fracture energy (G(f)), length of process zone (c(f)), brittleness number (beta), critical mode I stress intensity factor (K-ic), critical crack tip opening displacement CTODc (delta(c)), transitional ligament length to free boundary (a(j)), crack growth resistance curve and micro-hardness are determined. It is seen that the above fracture properties decrease as the difference between the compressive strength of concrete on either side of the interface increases. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Design, analysis and technology for the integrity enhancement of damaged or underdesigned structures continues to be an engineering challenge. Bonded composite patch repairs to metallic structures is receiving increased attention in the recent years. It offers various advantages over rivetted doubler, particularly for airframe repairs. This paper presents an experimental investigation of residual strength and fatigue crack-growth life of an edge-cracked aluminium specimen repaired using glass epoxy composite patch. The investigation begins with the evaluation of three different surface treatments from bond strength viewpoint. A simple thumb rule formula is employed to estimate the patch size. Cracked and repaired specimens are tested under static and fatigue loading. The patch appears to restore the original strength of the undamaged specimen and enhance the fatigue crack growth life by an order of magnitude. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is aimed at investigating the acoustic emission activities during indentation toughness tests on an alumina based wear resistant ceramic and 25 wt% silicon carbide whisker (SIC,) reinforced alumina composite. It has been shown that the emitted acoustic emission signals characterize the crack growth during loading. and unloading cycles in an indentation test. The acoustic emission results indicate that in the case of the composite the amount of crack growth during unloading is higher than that of loading, while the reverse is true in case of the wear resistant ceramics. Acoustic emission activity observed in wear resistant ceramic is less than that in the case of composite. An attempt has been made to correlate the acoustic emission signals with crack growth during indentation test.


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A series of high-martensite dual-phase (HMDP) steels exhibiting a 0.3 to 0.8 volume fraction of martensite (V m ), produced by intermediate quenching (IQ) of a vanadium and boron-containing microalloyed steel, have been studied for toughness and fatigue behavior to supplement the contents of a recent report by the present authors on the unusual tensile behavior of these steels. The studies included assessment of the quasi-static and dynamic fracture toughness and fatigue-crack growth (FCG) behavior of the developed steels. The experimental results show that the quasi-static fracturetoughness (K ICV ) increases with increasing V m in the range between V m =0.3 and 0.6 and then decreases, whereas the dynamic fracture-toughness parameters (K ID , K D , and J ID ) exhibit a significant increase in their magnitudes for steels containing 0.45 to 0.60 V m before achieving a saturation plateau. Both the quasi-static and dynamic fracture-toughness values exhibit the best range of toughnesses for specimens containing approximately equal amounts of precipitate-free ferrite and martensite in a refined microstructural state. The magnitudes of the fatigue threshold in HMDP steels, for V m between 0.55 and 0.60, appear to be superior to those of structural steels of a similar strength level. The Paris-law exponents (m) for the developed HMDP steels increase with increasing V m , with an attendant decrease in the pre-exponential factor (C).


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The role of matrix microstructure on the fracture of Al-alloy composites with 60 vol% alumina particulates was studied. The matrix composition and microstructure were systematically varied by changing the infiltration temperature and heat treatment. Characterization was carried out by a combination of metallography, hardness measurements, and fracture studies conducted on compact tension specimens to study the fracture toughness and crack growth in the composites. The composites showed a rise in crack resistance with crack extension (R curves) due to bridges of intact matrix ligaments formed in the crack wake. The steady-state or plateau toughness reached upon stable crack growth was observed to be more sensitive to the process temperature rather than to the heat treatment. Fracture in the composites was predominantly by particle fracture, extensive deformation, and void nucleation in the matrix. Void nucleation occurred in the matrix in the as-solutionized and peak-aged conditions and preferentially near the interface in the underaged and overaged conditions. Micromechanical models based on crack bridging by intact ductile ligaments were modified by a plastic constraint factor from estimates of the plastic zone formed under indentations, and are shown to be adequate in predicting the steady-state toughness of the composite.


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This paper presents the details of nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) of three point bending specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete (UHSC). Brief details about characterization and experimentation of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC have been provided. Cracking strength criterion has been used for simulation of crack propagation by conducting nonlinear FEA. The description about FEA using crack strength criterion has been outlined. Bi-linear tension softening relation has been used for modeling the cohesive stresses ahead of the crack tip. Numerical studies have been carried out on fracture analysis of three point bending specimens. It is observed from the studies that the computed values from FEA are in very good agreement with the corresponding experimental values. The computed values of stress vs crack width will be useful for evaluation of fracture energy, crack tip opening displacement and fracture toughness. Further, these values can also be used for crack growth study, remaining life assessment and residual strength evaluation of concrete structural components.