87 resultados para Seeds - Vigour


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The LISA Parameter Estimation Taskforce was formed in September 2007 to provide the LISA Project with vetted codes, source distribution models and results related to parameter estimation. The Taskforce's goal is to be able to quickly calculate the impact of any mission design changes on LISA's science capabilities, based on reasonable estimates of the distribution of astrophysical sources in the universe. This paper describes our Taskforce's work on massive black-hole binaries (MBHBs). Given present uncertainties in the formation history of MBHBs, we adopt four different population models, based on (i) whether the initial black-hole seeds are small or large and (ii) whether accretion is efficient or inefficient at spinning up the holes. We compare four largely independent codes for calculating LISA's parameter-estimation capabilities. All codes are based on the Fisher-matrix approximation, but in the past they used somewhat different signal models, source parametrizations and noise curves. We show that once these differences are removed, the four codes give results in extremely close agreement with each other. Using a code that includes both spin precession and higher harmonics in the gravitational-wave signal, we carry out Monte Carlo simulations and determine the number of events that can be detected and accurately localized in our four population models.


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THE rapid development of recombinant DNA technology has brought forth a revolution in biology'>", it aids us to have a closer look at the 'way genes are organized, eS11 ecially in the complex eucaryotic genornes'<", Although many animal and yeast genes have been studied in detail using recombinant DNA technology, plant genes have seldom been targets for such studie., Germination is an ideal process to study gene expression .because it effects a . shift in the metabolic status of seeds from a state of 'dormancy to an active one. AJ;l understanding of gene organization and regulation darin.g germination can be accomplblted by molecular cloning of DNA from seeds lik.e rice. To study the status of histone, rRNA tRNA and other genes in the rice genome, a general method was developed to clone eucarvotic DNA in a' plasmid vector pBR 322. This essentially ~ involves the following steps. The rice embryo and plasmid pBR 322 DNAs were cut witll restriction endonuclease Bam Hi to generate stick.Y ends, The plasmid DNA was puosphatased, the DNA~ ware a~·tnealed and joined 'by T4 phage DNA ligase. The recombinant DNA molecules thus produced were transjerred into E. coli and colonies containing them Were selected by their sensitivity to tetracycline and resistance to ampicillin, Two clones were identified . 2S haVing tRNA genes by hybridization of the DNA in the clones \vitl1 32P-la.belled rice tRNAs.


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A transamidinase was purified 463-fold from Lathyrus sativus seedlings by affinity chromatography on homoarginine--Sepharose. The enzyme exhibited a wide substrate specificity, and catalysed the reversible transfer of the amidino groups from donors such as arginine, homoarginine and canavanine to acceptors such as lysine, putrescine, agmatine, cadaverine and hydroxylamine. The enzyme could not be detected in the seeds, and attained the highest specific activity in the embryo axis on day 10 after seed germination. Its thiol nature was established by strong inhibition by several thiol blockers and thiol compounds in the presence of ferricyanide. In the absence of an exogenous acceptor, it exhibited weak hydrolytic activity towards arginine. It had apparent mol.wt. 210000, and exhibited Michaelis--Menten kinetics with Km 3.0 mM for arginine. Ornithine competitively inhibited the enzyme, with Ki 1.0 mM in the arginine--hydroxylamine amidino-transfer reaction. Conversion experiments with labelled compounds suggest that the enzyme is involved in homoarginine catabolism during the development of plant embryo to give rise to important amino acids and amine metabolites. Presumptive evidence is also provided for its involvement in the biosynthesis of the guanidino amino acid during seed development. The natural occurrence of arcain in L. sativus and mediation of its synthesis in vitro from agmatine by the transamidinase are demonstrated.


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A basic lectin (pI approximately 10.0) was purified to homogeneity from the seeds of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) by affinity chromatography on Sepharose 6-aminocaproyl-D-galactosamine. The lectin agglutinated trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes and had a relative molecular mass of 58,000 consisting of two subunits of Mr 29,000. The lectin binds to N-dansylgalactosamine, leading to a 15-fold increase in dansyl fluorescence with a concomitant 25-nm blue shift in the emission maximum. The lectin has two binding sites/dimer for this sugar and an association constant of 4.17 X 10(5) M-1 at 25 degrees C. The strong binding to N-dansylgalactosamine is due to a relatively positive entropic contribution as revealed by the thermodynamic parameters: delta H = -33.62 kJ mol-1 and delta S0 = -5.24 J mol-1 K-1. Binding of this sugar to the lectin shows that it can accommodate a large hydrophobic substituent on the C-2 carbon of D-galactose. Studies with other sugars indicate that a hydrophobic substituent in alpha- conformation at the anomeric position increases the affinity of binding. The C-4 and C-6 hydroxyl groups are critical for sugar binding to this lectin. Lectin difference absorption spectra in the presence of N-acetylgalactosamine indicate perturbation of tryptophan residues on sugar binding. The results of stopped flow kinetics with N- dansylgalactosamine and the lectin are consistent with a simple one- step mechanism for which k+1 = 1.33 X 10(4) M-1 s-1 and k-1 = 3.2 X 10(- 2) s-1 at 25 degrees C. This k-1 is slower than any reported for a lectin-monosaccharide complex so far. The activation parameters indicate an enthalpically controlled association process.


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Hornbills are important dispersers of a wide range of tree species. Many of these species bear fruits with large, lipid-rich seeds that could attract terrestrial rodents. Rodents have multiple effects on seed fates, many of which remain poorly understood in the Palaeotropics. The role of terrestrial rodents was investigated by tracking seed fate of five horn bill-dispersed tree species in a tropical forest in north-cast India. Seeds were marked inside and outside of exclosures below 6-12 parent fruiting trees (undispersed seed rain) and six hornbill nest trees (a post-dispersal site). Rodent visitors and seed removal ere monitored using camera traps. Our findings suggest that several rodent species. especially two species of porcupine were major on-site seed predators. Scatter-hoarding was rare (1.4%). Seeds at hornbill nest trees had lower survival compared with parent fruiting trees, indicating that clumped dispersal by hornbills may not necessarily improve seed survival. Seed survival in the presence and absence of rodents varied with tree species. Some species (e.g. Polyalthia simiarum) showed no difference, others (e.g. Dysoxylum binectariferum) experienced up to a 64%. decrease in survival in the presence of rodents. The differing magnitude of seed predation by rodents can have significant consequences at the seed establishment stage.


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A convenient method is described for the preparation of glycerol-labelled phosphatidylcholine with very high specific activity. It involves germination of soybean seeds in the dark at 37°C for 48 h in the presence of labelled glycerol, followed by extraction and purification of the phospholipid.


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THE unusual amino acid beta-N-oxalyl-L-alpha, beta-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), isolated from the seeds of Lathyrus sativus is a potent neurotoxin1−3. It produces biochemical changes in the brain typical of an excitant amino acid and is implicated in the aetiology of human neurolathyrism caused by eating the seeds of L. sativus 4−6. It may act as a glutamate antagonist: ODAP inhibits glutamate oxidation7 possibly by inhibiting glutamate uptake in bovine brain mitochondria; it also acts as a competitive inhibitor of glutamate uptake in certain strains of yeast8, and a similar process might occur at the synaptic level. Any effect of ODAP on glutamate uptake at synapses is significant in view of the neurotransmitter function of glutamate, which seems to be neuroexcitory as well as neurotoxic9−12. But Balcar and Johnston13 have shown with rat brain slices that ODAP does not inhibit the glutamate uptake by the high affinity system.


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The galactose-binding lectin from the seeds of the jequirity plant (Abrus precatorius) was subjected to various chemical modifications in order to detect the amino acid residues involved in its binding activity. Modification of lysine, tyrosine, arginine, histidine, glutamic acid and aspartic acid residues did not affect the carbohydratebinding activity of the agglutinin. However, modification of tryptophan residues carried out in native and denaturing conditions with N-bromosuccinimide and 2- hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide led to a complete loss of its carbohydrate-binding activity. Under denaturing conditions 30 tryptophan residues/molecule were modified by both reagents, whereas only 16 and 18 residues/molecule were available for modification by N-bromosuccinimide and 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide respectively under native conditions. The relative loss in haemagglutinating activity after the modification of tryptophan residues indicates that two residues/molecule are required for the carbohydrate-binding activity of the agglutinin. A partial protection was observed in the presence of saturating concentrations of lactose (0.15 M). The decrease in fluorescence intensity of Abrus agglutinin on modification of tryptophan residues is linear in the absence of lactose and shows a biphasic pattern in the presence of lactose, indicating that tryptophan residues go from a similar to a different molecular environment on saccharide binding. The secondary structure of the protein remains practically unchanged upon modification of tryptophan residues, as indicated by c.d. and immunodiffusion studies, confirming that the loss in activity is due to modification only.


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Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Pisum sativum purified 28 fold showed two closely moving protein bands on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both of which have AChE activity. AChE activity occurs in roots, stem and leaves, that in roots varying with age. Activity is optimal at pH 9 and at 30”. The energy of activation is 9.82 x lo3 J per mol and MW is greater than 200000. Although the enzyme can hydrolyze both choline and non-choline esters, it has greater affinity for acetylthiocholine (ATCh) and acetylcholine (ACh). ATCh inhibits the enzyme at higher concentrations and the K, is 0.2 mM with this as substrate. The enzyme is not as sensitive to Eserine as it is to Neostigmine. It is also inhibited by organophosphorus pesticides such as Fensulfothion, Parathion and Dimethoate. Treatment of the seeds with Fensulfothion [O, O-diethyl (p-methylsulfinylphenyl) phosphorothioate] affects growth and secondary root development. This might be explained by its inhibition of AChE and the consequent increase of endogenous levels of ACh.


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This paper presents a comparative population dynamics study of three closely related species of buttercups (Ranunculus repens, R. acris, and R. bulbosus). The study is based on an investigation of the behaviour of the seeds in soil under field conditions and a continuous monitoring of survival and reproduction of some 9000 individual plants over a period of 21/2 years in a coastal grassland in North Wales. The data were analysed with the help of an extension of Leslie's matrix method which makes possible an simultaneous treatment of vegetative and sexual reproduction. It was found that R. repens (a) depends more heavily on vegetative as compared with sexual reproduction, (b) shows indications of negatively density-dependent population regulation, and (c) exhibits little variation in population growth rates from site to site and from one year to the next. In contrast, R. bulbosus (a) depends exclusively on sexual reproduction, (b) shows indications of a positively density-dependent population behaviour, and (c) exhibits great variation in population growth rates from site to site and from one year to the next. R. acris exhibits an intermediate behaviour in all these respects. It is suggested that the attributes of R. repens are those expected of a species inhabiting a stable environment, while R. bulbosus exhibits some of the characteristics of a fugitive species.


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In the face of increasing CO2 emissions from conventional energy (gasoline), and the anticipated scarcity of Crude oil, a worldwide effort is underway for cost-effective renewable alternative energy sources. Here, we review a simple line of reasoning: (a) geologists claim that Much crude oil comes from diatoms; (b) diatoms do indeed make oil; (c) agriculturists Claim that diatoms could make 10-200 times as much oil per hectare as oil seeds; and (d) therefore, sustainable energy could be made from diatoms. In this communication, we propose ways of harvesting oil from diatoms, using biochemical engineering and also a new solar panel approach that utilizes genomically modifiable aspects of diatom biology, offering the prospect of ``milking'' diatoms for Sustainable energy by altering them to actively secrete oil products. Secretion by and milking of diatoms may provide a way around the puzzle of how to make algae that both grow quickly and have a very high oil content.


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Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the fungal flora of rice field soils yielded 102 species of fungi belonging to 44 genera, when dilution plate, soil plate, root-washing and baiting techniques were employed. The order of efficacy of the methods used was: root-washing > soil plate > dilution plate > baiting. Baiting method, used specifically to isolate aquatic and keratinophilic fungi from soils was studied in detail with reference to the former. Qualitatively, corn leaf bait was the most efficient one while pine pollens and hemp seeds were least efficient. A semi-quantitative method was employed to study the statistically significant differences among the different factors used. Among the keratinophilic baits,viz., human hair, fowl’s feather and wool, wool bait was least efficient. The results of this investigation are discussed.


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his study elucidates some structural and biological features of galactose-binding variants of the cytotoxic proteins ricin and abrin. An isolation procedure is reported for ricin variants from Ricinus communis seeds by using lactamyl-Sepharose affinity matrix, similar to that reported previously for variants of abrin from Abrus precatorius seeds [Hegde, R., Maiti, T. K. & Podder, S. K. (1991) Anal. Biochem. 194, 101–109]. Ricin variants, subfractionated on carboxymethyl-Sepharose CL-6B ion-exchange chromatography, were characterized further by SDS/PAGE, IEF and a binding assay. Based on the immunological cross-reactivity of antibody raised against a single variant of each of ricin and abrin, it was established that all the variants of the corresponding type are immunologically indistinguishable. Analysis of protein titration curves on an immobilized pH gradient indicated that variants of abrin I differ from other abrin variants, mainly in their acidic groups and that variance in ricin is a cause of charge substitution. Detection of subunit variants of proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis showed that there are twice as many subunit variants as there are variants of holoproteins, suggesting that each variant has a set of subunit variants, which, although homologous, are not identical to the subunits of any other variant with respect to pI. Seeds obtained from polymorphic species of R. communis showed no difference in the profile of toxin variants, as analyzed by isoelectric focussing. Toxin variants obtained from red and white varieties of A. precatorius, however, showed some difference in the number of variants as well as in their relative intensities. Furthermore, variants analyzed from several single seeds of A. precatorius red type revealed a controlled distribution of lectin variants in three specific groups, indicating an involvement of at least three genes in the production of Abrus lectins. The complete absence or presence of variants in each group suggested a post-translational differential proteolytic processing, a secondary event in the production of abrin variants.


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Plant seeds contain a large number of protease inhibitors of animal, fungal, and bacterial origin. One of the well-studied families of these inhibitors is the Bowman-Birk family(BBI). The BBIs from dicotyledonous seeds are 8K, double-headed proteins. In contrast, the 8K inhibitors from monocotyledonous seeds are single headed. Monocots also have a 16K, double-headed inhibitor. We have determined the primary structure of a Bowman-Birk inhibitor from a dicot, horsegram, by sequential edman analysis of the intact protein and peptides derived from enzymatic and chemical cleavage. The 76-residue-long inhibitor is very similar to that ofMacrotyloma axillare. An analysis of this inhibitor along with 26 other Bowman-Birk inhibitor domains (MW 8K) available in the SWISSPROT databank revealed that the proteins from monocots and dicots belong to related but distinct families. Inhibitors from monocots show larger variation in sequence. Sequence comparison shows that a crucial disulphide which connects the amino and carboxy termini of the active site loop is lost in monocots. The loss of a reactive site in monocots seems to be correlated to this. However, it appears that this disulphide is not absolutely essential for retention of inhibitory function. Our analysis suggests that gene duplication leading to a 16K inhibitor in monocots has occurred, probably after the divergence of monocots and dicots, and also after the loss of second reactive site in monocots.


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A new tetranortriterpenoid 11-epi-azadirachtin H has been isolated from the methanolic extracts of Azadirachta indica seeds. Its structure is proposed on the basis of various spectral analyses.