346 resultados para SPIN RELAXATION


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First systematic spin probe ESR study of water freezing has been conducted using TEMPOL and TEMPO as the probes. The spin probe signature of the water freezing has been described in terms of the collapse of narrow triplet spectrum into a single broad line. This spin probe signature of freezing has been observed at an anomalously low temperature when a milimoler solution of TEMPOL is slowly cooled from room temperature. A systematic observation has revealed a spin probe concentration dependence of these freezing and respective melting points. These results can be explained in terms of localization of spin probe and liquid water,most probably in the interstices of ice grains, in an ice matrix. The lowering of spin probe freezing point, along with the secondary evidences, like spin probe concentration dependence of peak-to-peak width in frozen limit signal, indicates a possible size dependence of these localizations/entrapments with spin probe concentration. A weak concentration dependence of spin probe assisted freezing and melting points, which has been observed for TEMPO in comparison to TEMPOL, indicates different natures of interactions with water of these two probes. This view is also supported by the relaxation behavior of the two probes.


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We report ultrafast quasiparticle (QP) dynamics and coherent acoustic phonons in undoped CaFe2As2 iron pnictide single crystals exhibiting spin-density wave (SDW) and concurrent structural phase transition at temperature T-SDW similar to 165K using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. The contributions in transient differential reflectivity arising from exponentially decaying QP relaxation and oscillatory coherent acoustic phonon mode show large variations in the vicinity of T-SDW. From the temperature-dependence of the QP recombination dynamics in the SDW phase, we evaluate a BCS-like temperature dependent charge gap with its zero-temperature value of similar to(1.6 perpendicular to 0.2)k(B)T(SDW), whereas, much above T-SDW, an electron-phonon coupling constant of similar to 0.13 has been estimated from the linear temperature-dependence of the QP relaxation time. The long-wavelength coherent acoustic phonons with typical time-period of similar to 100 ps have been analyzed in the light of propagating strain pulse model providing important results for the optical constants, sounds velocity and the elastic modulus of the crystal in the whole temperature range of 3 to 300 K.


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The reentrant low temperature phase of the perovskite manganite LaMnO3+delta (delta=0.22) has been investigated with ac susceptibility and dc magnetization studies. A critical examination of the memory effects in ac susceptibility leads us to the conclusion that the slow dynamics in the system is a consequence of collective relaxation processes resulting from interactions between ferromagnetic clusters, whose presence was indicated in earlier studies. Here, we postulate that the collective behavior is due to the existence of long-range (dipolar) interactions between the large ferromagnetic `superspins'. This is also confirmed by an abnormally large microscopic spin-flip time (similar to 10(-9) s) compared to a canonical spin glass. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nonequilibrium quasiparticle relaxation dynamics is reported in superconducting Ca(Fe0.944Co0.056)(2)As-2 single crystals by measuring transient reflectivity changes using femtosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy. Large changes in the temperature-dependent differential reflectivity values in the vicinity of the spin density wave (T-SDW) and superconducting (T-SC) transition temperatures of the sample have been inferred to have charge gap opening at those temperatures. We have estimated the zero-temperature charge gap value in the superconducting state to be similar to 1.8k(B)T(SC) and an electron-phonon coupling constant lambda of similar to 0.1 in the normal state that signifies the weak coupling in iron pnictides. From the peculiar temperature-dependence of the quasiparticle dynamics in the intermediate temperature region between T-SC and T-SDW we infer a temperature scale where the charge gap associated with the spin ordered phase is maximum and closes on either side while approaching the two phase transition temperatures.


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Here, we present a comprehensive investigation of the dc magnetization and magnetotransport studies on La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 single crystals grown by the optical float zone method. The spin freezing temperature in the ac susceptibility study shifts to lower value at higher dc field and this is well described by the de Almeida-Thouless line which is the characteristic of SG behavior. The Magnetotransport study shows that the sample exhibits a huge negative MR of similar to 70% at 10 K which monotonically decreases with the increase in temperature. Besides, the magnetization and the resistivity relaxation give strong indication that the MR scales with sample's magnetization. In essence, all the present experimental findings evidence the SG behavior of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 single crystals.


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NMR relaxation rates (1/T-1), magnetic susceptibility, and electrical conductivity studies in doped poly-3-methylthiophene are reported in this paper. The magnetic susceptibility data show the contributions from both Pauli and Curie spins, with the size of the Pauli term depending strongly on the doping level. Proton and fluorine NMR relaxation rates have been studied as a function of temperature (3-300 K) and field (for protons at 0.9, 9.0, 16.4, and 23.4 T, and for fluorine at 9.0 T). The temperature dependence of T-1 is classified into three regimes: (a) For T < (g mu(B) B/2k(B)), the relaxation mechanism follows a modified Korringa relation due to electron-electron interactions and disorder. H-1-T-1 is due to the electron-nuclear dipolar interaction in addition to the contact term. (b) For the intermediate temperature range (g mu(B) B/2k(B)) < T < T-BPP (the temperature where the contribution from the reorientation motion to the T-1 is insignificant) the relaxation mechanism is via spin diffusion to the paramagnetic centers. (c) In the high-temperature regime and at low Larmor frequency the relaxation follows the modified Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound model. T-1 data analysis has been carried out in light of these models depending upon the temperature and frequency range of study. Fluorine relaxation data have been analyzed and attributed to the PF6 reorientation. The cross relaxation among the H-1 and F-19 nuclei has been observed in the entire temperature range suggesting the role of magnetic dipolar interaction modulated by the reorientation of the symmetric molecular subgroups. The data analysis shows that the enhancement in the Korringa ratio is greater in a less conducting sample. Intra-and interchain hopping of charge carriers is found to be a dominant relaxation mechanism at low temperature. Frequency dependence of T-1(-1) on temperature shows that at low temperature T < (g mu(B) B/2k(B))] the system shows three dimensions and changes to quasi one dimension at high temperature. Moreover, a good correlation between electrical conductivity, magnetic susceptibility, and NMR T-1 data has been observed.


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Spin-density maps, deduced from polarized neutron diffraction experiments, for both the pair and chain compounds of the system Mn2+Cu2+ have been reported recently. These results have motivated us to investigate theoretically the spin populations in such alternant mixed-spin systems. In this paper, we report our studies on the one-dimensional ferrimagnetic systems (S-A,S-B)(N) where hi is the number of AB pairs. We have considered all cases in which the spin Sri takes on allowed values in the range I to 7/2 while the spin S-B is held fixed at 1/2. The theoretical studies have been carried out on the isotropic Heisenberg model, using the density matrix renormalization group method. The effect of the magnitude of the larger spin SA On the quantum fluctuations in both A and B sublattices has been studied as a function of the system size N. We have investigated systems with both periodic and open boundary conditions, the latter with a view to understanding end-of-chain effects. The spin populations have been followed as a function of temperature as well as an applied magnetic field. High-magnetic fields are found to lead to interesting re-entrant behavior. The ratio of spin populations P-A-P-B is not sensitive to temperature at low temperatures.


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In order to understand the role of translational modes in the orientational relaxation in dense dipolar liquids, we have carried out a computer ''experiment'' where a random dipolar lattice was generated by quenching only the translational motion of the molecules of an equilibrated dipolar liquid. The lattice so generated was orientationally disordered and positionally random. The detailed study of orientational relaxation in this random dipolar lattice revealed interesting differences from those of the corresponding dipolar liquid. In particular, we found that the relaxation of the collective orientational correlation functions at the intermediate wave numbers was markedly slower at the long times for the random lattice than that of the liquid. This verified the important role of the translational modes in this regime, as predicted recently by the molecular theories. The single-particle orientational correlation functions of the random lattice also decayed significantly slowly at long times, compared to those of the dipolar liquid.


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Recently, efficient scheduling algorithms based on Lagrangian relaxation have been proposed for scheduling parallel machine systems and job shops. In this article, we develop real-world extensions to these scheduling methods. In the first part of the paper, we consider the problem of scheduling single operation jobs on parallel identical machines and extend the methodology to handle multiple classes of jobs, taking into account setup times and setup costs, The proposed methodology uses Lagrangian relaxation and simulated annealing in a hybrid framework, In the second part of the paper, we consider a Lagrangian relaxation based method for scheduling job shops and extend it to obtain a scheduling methodology for a real-world flexible manufacturing system with centralized material handling.


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Detailed molecular dynamics simulations of Lennard-Jones ellipsoids have been carried out to investigate the emergence of criticality in the single-particle orientational relaxation near the isotropic-nematic (IN) phase transition. The simulations show a sudden appearance of a power-law behavior in the decay of the second-rank orientational relaxation as the IN transition is approached. The simulated value of the power-law exponent is 0.56, which is larger than the mean-field value (0.5) but less than the observed value (0.63) and may be due to the finite size of the simulated system. The decay of the first-rank orientational time correlation function, on the other hand, is nearly exponential but its decay becomes very slow near the isotropic-nematic transition, The zero-frequency rotational friction, calculated from the simulated angular Velocity correlation function, shows a marked increase near the IN transition.


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The effect of a one-dimensional field (1) on the self-absorption characteristics and (2) when we have a finite numerical aperture for the objective lens that focuses the laser beam on the solid are considered here. Self-absorption, in particular its manifestation as an inner filter for the emitted signal, has been observed in luminescence experiments. Models for this effect exist and have been analyzed, but only in the absence of space charge. Using our previous results on minority carrier relaxation in the presence of a field, we obtain expressions incorporating inner filter effects. Focusing of a light beam on the sample, by an objective lens, results in a three-dimensional source and consequently a three-dimensional continuity equation to be solved for the minority carrier concentration. Assuming a one-dimensional electric field and employing Fourier-Bessel transforms, we recast the problem of carrier relaxation and solve the same via an identity that relates it to solutions obtained in the absence of focusing effects. The inner filter effect as well as focusing introduces new time scales in the problem of carrier relaxation. The interplay between the electric field and the parameters which characterize these effects and the consequent modulation of the intensity and time scales of carrier decay signals are analyzed and discussed.


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The cobalt(II) tris(bipyridyl) complex ion encapsulated in zeolite-Y supercages exhibits a thermally driven interconversion between a low-spin and a high-spin state-a phenomenon not observed for this ion either in solid state or in solution. From a comparative study of the magnetism and optical spectroscopy of the encapsulated and unencapsulated complex ion, supported by molecular modeling, such spin behavior is shown to be intramolecular in origin. In the unencapsulated or free state, the [Co(bipy)(3)](2+) ion exhibits a marked trigonal prismatic distortion, but on encapsulation, the topology of the supercage forces it to adopt a near-octahedral geometry. An analysis using the angular overlap ligand field model with spectroscopically derived parameters shows that the geometry does indeed give rise to a low-spin ground state, and suggests a possible scenario for the spin state interconversion.


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Magnetic atoms at surfaces are a rich model system for solid-state magnetic bits exhibiting either classical(1,2) or quantum(3,4) behaviour. Individual atoms, however, are difficult to arrange in regular patterns(1-5). Moreover, their magnetic properties are dominated by interaction with the substrate, which, as in the case of Kondo systems, often leads to a decrease or quench of their local magnetic moment(6,7). Here, we show that the supramolecular assembly of Fe and 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid molecules on a Cu surface results in ordered arrays of high-spin mononuclear Fe centres on a 1.5nm square grid. Lateral coordination with the molecular ligands yields unsaturated yet stable coordination bonds, which enable chemical modification of the electronic and magnetic properties of the Fe atoms independently from the substrate. The easy magnetization direction of the Fe centres can be switched by oxygen adsorption, thus opening a way to control the magnetic anisotropy in supramolecular layers akin to that used in metallic thin films.


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The glass transition, whereby liquids transform into amorphous solids at low temperatures, is a subject of intense research despite decades of investigation. Explaining the enormous increase in relaxation times of a liquid upon supercooling is essential for understanding the glass transition. Although many theories, such as the Adam-Gibbs theory, have sought to relate growing relaxation times to length scales associated with spatial correlations in liquid structure or motion of molecules, the role of length scales in glassy dynamics is not well established. Recent studies of spatially correlated rearrangements of molecules leading to structural relaxation, termed ``spatially heterogeneous dynamics,'' provide fresh impetus in this direction. A powerful approach to extract length scales in critical phenomena is finite-size scaling, wherein a system is studied for sizes traversing the length scales of interest. We perform finite-size scaling for a realistic glass-former, using computer simulations, to evaluate the length scale associated with spatially heterogeneous dynamics, which grows as temperature decreases. However, relaxation times that also grow with decreasing temperature do not exhibit standard finite-size scaling with this length. We show that relaxation times are instead determined, for all studied system sizes and temperatures, by configurational entropy, in accordance with the Adam-Gibbs relation, but in disagreement with theoretical expectations based on spin-glass models that configurational entropy is not relevant at temperatures substantially above the critical temperature of mode-coupling theory. Our results provide new insights into the dynamics of glass-forming liquids and pose serious challenges to existing theoretical descriptions.


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We propose a unified model to explain Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO), particularly of high frequency, observed from black hole and neutron star systems globally. We consider accreting systems to be damped harmonic oscillators exhibiting epicyclic oscillations with higher-order nonlinear resonance to explain QPO. The resonance is expected to be driven by the disturbance from the compact object at its spin frequency. The model explains various properties parallelly for both types of the compact object. It describes QPOs successfully for ten different compact sources. Based on this, we predict the spin frequency of the neutron star Sco X-1 and specific angular momentum of black holes GRO J1655–40, XTE J1550–564, H1743–322, and GRS 1915+105.