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An aeration process in ail activated sludge plant is a continuous-flow system. In this system, there is a steady input flow (flow from the primary clarifier or settling tank with some part from the secondary clarifier or secondary settling tank) and output flow connection to the secondary clarifier or settling tank. The experimental and numerical results obtained through batch systems can not be relied on and applied for the designing of a continuous aeration tank. In order to scale up laboratory results for field application, it is imperative to know the geometric parameters of a continuous system. Geometric parameters have a greater influence on the mass transfer process of surface aeration systems. The present work establishes the optimal geometric configuration of a continuous-flow surface aeration system. It is found that the maintenance of these optimal geometric parameters systems result in maximum aeration efficiency. By maintaining the obtained optimal geometric parameters, further experiments are conducted in continuous-flow surface aerators with three different sizes in order to develop design curves correlating the oxygen transfer coefficient and power number with the rotor speed. The design methodology to implement the presently developed optimal geometric parameters and correlation equations for field application is discussed.


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We investigate the dynamics of peeling of an adhesive tape subjected to a constant pull speed. Due to the constraint between the pull force, peel angle and the peel force, the equations of motion derived earlier fall into the category of differential-algebraic equations (DAE) requiring an appropriate algorithm for its numerical solution. By including the kinetic energy arising from the stretched part of the tape in the Lagrangian, we derive equations of motion that support stick-slip jumps as a natural consequence of the inherent dynamics itself, thus circumventing the need to use any special algorithm. In the low mass limit, these equations reproduce solutions obtained using a differential-algebraic algorithm introduced for the earlier singular equations. We find that mass has a strong influence on the dynamics of the model rendering periodic solutions to chaotic and vice versa. Apart from the rich dynamics, the model reproduces several qualitative features of the different waveforms of the peel force function as also the decreasing nature of force drop magnitudes.


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In this work, we explore simultaneous geometry design and material selection for statically determinate trusses by posing it as a continuous optimization problem. The underlying principles of our approach are structural optimization and Ashby’s procedure for material selection from a database. For simplicity and ease of initial implementation, only static loads are considered in this work with the intent of maximum stiffness, minimum weight/cost, and safety against failure. Safety of tensile and compression members in the truss is treated differently to prevent yield and buckling failures, respectively. Geometry variables such as lengths and orientations of members are taken to be the design variables in an assumed layout. Areas of cross-section of the members are determined to satisfy the failure constraints in each member. Along the lines of Ashby’s material indices, a new design index is derived for trusses. The design index helps in choosing the most suitable material for any geometry of the truss. Using the design index, both the design space and the material database are searched simultaneously using gradient-based optimization algorithms. The important feature of our approach is that the formulated optimization problem is continuous, although the material selection from a database is an inherently discrete problem. A few illustrative examples are included. It is observed that the method is capable of determining the optimal topology in addition to optimal geometry when the assumed layout contains more links than are necessary for optimality.


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Instability in conventional haptic rendering destroys the perception of rigid objects in virtual environments. Inherent limitations in the conventional haptic loop restrict the maximum stiffness that can be rendered. In this paper we present a method to render virtual walls that are much stiffer than those achieved by conventional techniques. By removing the conventional digital haptic loop and replacing it with a part-continuous and part-discrete time hybrid haptic loop, we were able to render stiffer walls. The control loop is implemented as a combinational logic circuit on an field-programmable gate array. We compared the performance of the conventional haptic loop and our hybrid haptic loop on the same haptic device, and present mathematical analysis to show the limit of stability of our device. Our hybrid method removes the computer-intensive haptic loop from the CPU-this can free a significant amount of resources that can be used for other purposes such as graphical rendering and physics modeling. It is our hope that, in the future, similar designs will lead to a haptics processing unit (HPU).


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The transient response spectrum of a cubic spring mass system subjected to a step function input is obtained. An approximate method is adopted where non-linear restoring force characteristic is replaced by two linear segments, so that the mean square error between them is a minimum. The effect of viscous damping on the peak response is also discussed for various values of the damping constant and the non-linearity restoring force parameter.


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A three dimensional elasticity solution for the analysis of beams continuous over an infinite number of equally spaced supports has been given. The beam has been subjected to normal tractions on its two opposite faces and these loads are identical over each span. The other two faces are traction free. Numerical results have been given for different cases when the beam is loaded on its bottom face. The results obtained have been compared with the results of two dimensional elasticity solution.


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A theory and generalized synthesis procedure is advocated for the design of weir notches and orifice-notches having a base in any given shape, to a depth a, such that the discharge through it is proportional to any singular monotonically-increasing function of the depth of flow measured above a certain datum. The problem is reduced to finding an exact solution of a Volterra integral equation in Abel form. The maximization of the depth of the datum below the crest of the notch is investigated. Proof is given that for a weir notch made out of one continuous curve, and for a flow proportional to the mth power of the head, it is impossible to bring the datum lower than (2m − 1)a below the crest of the notch. A new concept of an orifice-notch, having discontinuity in the curve and a division of flow into two distinct portions, is presented. The division of flow is shown to have a beneficial effect in reducing the datum below (2m − 1)a from the crest of the weir and still maintaining the proportionality of the flow. Experimental proof with one such orifice-notch is found to have a constant coefficient of discharge of 0.625. The importance of this analysis in the design of grit chambers is emphasized.


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Continuous CO2 laser welding of an Fe-Cu dissimilar couple in a butt-weld geometry at different process conditions is studied. The process conditions are varied to identify and characterize the microstructural features that are independent of the welding mode. The study presents a characterization of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the welds. Detailed microstructural analysis of the weld/base-metal interface shows features that are different on the two sides of the weld. The iron side can grow into the weld with a local change in length scale, whereas the interface on the copper side indicates a barrier to growth. The interface is jagged, and a banded microstructure consisting of iron-rich layers could be observed next to the weld/Cu interface. The observations suggest that solidification initiates inside the melt, where iron and copper are mixed due to convective flow. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the weld region also indicates the occasional presence of droplets of iron and copper. The microstructural observations are rationalized using arguments drawn from a thermodynamic analysis of the Fe-Cu system.


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The long-wave lattice dynamics of rutile has been studied using a rigid ion model. The vibration frequencies for the zero wavevector have been calculated using the expressions for the frequencies of the normal modes derived group theoretically. The observed Raman and infrared frequencies have been explained.


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Dielectric observations on lithium hydrazinium sulphate have shown earlier that it is ferroelectric over a range of temperatures from below −15° C. to above 80° C. and a new type of hydrogen bond rearrangement which would allow the protons to migrate along the chain has also been suggested by others. The infrared spectrum of LiH z S in the form of mull and as single crystal sections parallel and perpendicular to the ‘C’ axis exhibit about 21 well-defined absorption maxima. The position and the width of the maxima agree with the known structure of the crystal according to which the hydrazine group exists in the form of the hydrazinium ion, NH2·NH3+ and the observed N+-H frequencies agree better with the new correlation curve given by R. S. Krishnan and K. Krishnan (1964). However it has been pointed out that from a comparative study of the new infrared spectra of hydrazonium sulphate and lithium ammonium sulphate that the absorption band at 969 cm.−1 is due to N-N stretching vibration and that the fairly intense band between 2050–2170 cm.−1 is due to the bending vibrations of the NH3+ group.


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The Raman spectrum of DMSO is recorded with a Hilger two-prism spectrograph andλ 4358 Å excitation. In addition to all the Raman lines reported earlier, six new lines at 898, 925, 1223, 1309, 2811 and 2871 cm.−1 are observed and tentative assignments are given. The influence of solvents (CCl4, CHCl3, CH3COOH) on the S=O bond is also studied. A shift from the liquid phase value,i.e., 1043 cm.−1 to 1054, 1052 and 1009 cm.−1 in the respective solvents is observed. The possibilities of association effects and hydrogen bonding are discussed.


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Raman spectra of cyclohexane 1,4-dione (I), in chloroform, benzene and water solutions have been recorded. Temperature effect on the spectrum has been studied. The IR spectra of I and its octadeutero analogue in the solid state have also been studied. The spectra have been found on the basis of selection rules applicable for Raman and IR spectra, to be consistent with a single conformer of C2 symmetry. Plausible causes of conformational preference have been discussed.


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Raman spectrum of rubidium iodide has been recorded for the first time using the resonance radiation of mercury (λ 2537 ) as the exciter. The frequencies of the 24p limiting modes (p = 2, the number of non-equivalent atoms in the unit cell), postulated by Raman in 1943, which correspond to the frequencies from the critical points Γ, L and X, have been worked out using the shell model of Cochran, taking into account the nearest and the next-nearest neighbour short-range interactions and the polarization of both the ions. The observed Raman lines have been assigned to the overtones and the combinations of the phonon branches from Γ, L and X.


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The Raman spectrum of a single crystal of sulphamic acid has been recorded withλ 2537 excitation. Thirty-eight lines have been observed, of which twenty-nine have been recorded for the first time. Seven Raman lines with shifts in the region 50–155 cm.−1 have been assigned to the lattice oscillations, two at 177 and 240 cm.−1 have been attributed to the low-frequency hydrogen bond vibrations.. The splitting of the degenerate modes and the appearance of N-H....O bonded stretching vibrations are consistent with the structural data which expect the presence of the free molecule as a Zwitter ion with only slight distortion from C3v symmetry.


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The Raman spectrum of a single crystal of cadmium acetate dihydrate has been recorded for the first time using λ 2537 excitation. Twenty-three lines have been observed out of which ten have been attributed to the internal oscillations of the acetate ion, nine to the lattice modes, two to low-frequency hydrogen bond vibrations. A line at 308 cm.−1 and the continuum 3250–3560 cm.−1 have been assigned to the Cd-O6 and internal vibrations of the water molecules.