91 resultados para Quark Masses and SM Parameters


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The fluorescence of N-dansylgalactosamine [N-(5-dimethylaminonaphthalene-1-sulphonyl)galactosamine] was enhanced 11-fold with a 25 nm blue-shift in the emission maximum upon binding to soya-bean agglutinin (SBA). This change was used to determine the association constants and thermodynamic parameters for this interaction. The association constant of 1.51 X 10(6) M-1 at 20 degrees C indicated a very strong binding, which is mainly due to a relatively small entropy value, as revealed by the thermodynamic parameters: delta G = -34.7 kJ X mol-1, delta H = -37.9 kJ X mol-1 and delta S = -10.9 J X mol-1 X K-1. The specific binding of this sugar to SBA shows that the lectin can accommodate a large hydrophobic substituent on the C-2 of galactose. Binding of non-fluorescent ligands, studied by monitoring the fluorescence changes when they are added to a mixture of SBA and N-dansylgalactosamine, indicates that a hydrophobic substituent at the anomeric position increases the affinity of the interaction. The C-6 hydroxy group also stabilizes the binding considerably. Kinetics of binding of N-dansylgalactosamine to SBA studied by stopped-flow spectrofluorimetry are consistent with a single-step mechanism and yielded k+1 = 2.4 X 10(5) M-1 X s-1 and k-1 = 0.2 s-1 at 20 degrees C. The activation parameters indicate an enthalpicly controlled association process.


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Metallo tetraphenylporphyrins form I : I molecular complexes with 4,6-dinitrobenzofuroxan. The molecular association is described in terms of T-n. interaction with porphyrins functioning as donors. The association constants and thermodynamic parameters have been evaluated using optical absorption and 'H nmr spectral methods. Based on the binding constants, the donor ability of various metalloporphyrins can be arranged in the following order: Pd(I1) > Co(I1) > Cu(I1) > Ni(I1) - VO(1V) - 2H > Zn(l1). Electron paramagnetic resonance studies of the complexes reveal that the IT-complexation results in changes in the electronic structure of the central metal ions which are reflected in the changes in the M-N 5 bonding. The dipolar contribution to the acceptor proton chemical shifts in the CoTPP complex has been partitioned from ring current contributions using the shifts observed in the ZnTPP complex. The shifts, along with the line broadening ratios observed for the CoTPP complex, are used to arrive at the possible solution structures of the complexes.


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Prediction of thermodynamic parameters of protein-protein and antigen-antibody complex formation from high resolution structural parameters has recently received much attention, since an understanding of the contributions of different fundamental processes like hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, salt bridge formation, solvent reorganization etc. to the overall thermodynamic parameters and their relations with the structural parameters would lead to rational drug design. Using the results of the dissolution of hydrocarbons and other model compounds the changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp), enthalpy (DeltaH) and entropy (DeltaS) have been empirically correlated with the polar and apolar surface areas buried during the process of protein folding/unfolding and protein-ligand complex formation. In this regard, the polar and apolar surfaces removed from the solvent in a protein-ligand complex have been calculated from the experimentally observed values of changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp) and enthalpy (DeltaH) for protein-ligand complexes for which accurate thermodynamic and high resolution structural data are available, and the results have been compared with the x-ray crystallographic observations. Analyses of the available results show poor correlation between the thermodynamic and structural parameters. Probable reasons for this discrepancy are mostly related with the reorganization of water accompanying the reaction which is indeed proven by the analyses of the energetics of the binding of the wheat germ agglutinin to oligosaccharides.


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Site-specific geotechnical data are always random and variable in space. In the present study, a procedure for quantifying the variability in geotechnical characterization and design parameters is discussed using the site-specific cone tip resistance data (qc) obtained from static cone penetration test (SCPT). The parameters for the spatial variability modeling of geotechnical parameters i.e. (i) existing trend function in the in situ qc data; (ii) second moment statistics i.e. analysis of mean, variance, and auto-correlation structure of the soil strength and stiffness parameters; and (iii) inputs from the spatial correlation analysis, are utilized in the numerical modeling procedures using the finite difference numerical code FLAC 5.0. The influence of consideration of spatially variable soil parameters on the reliability-based geotechnical deign is studied for the two cases i.e. (a) bearing capacity analysis of a shallow foundation resting on a clayey soil, and (b) analysis of stability and deformation pattern of a cohesive-frictional soil slope. The study highlights the procedure for conducting a site-specific study using field test data such as SCPT in geotechnical analysis and demonstrates that a few additional computations involving soil variability provide a better insight into the role of variability in designs.


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Mycobacterium leprae recA harbors an in-frame insertion sequence that encodes an intein homing endonuclease (PI-MleI). Most inteins (intein endonucleases) possess two conserved LAGLIDADG (DOD) motifs at their ctive center. A common feature of LAGLIDADG-type homing endonucleases is that they recognize and cleave the same or very similar DNA sequences. However, PI-MleI is distinctive from other members of the family of LAGLIDADG-type HEases for its modular structure with functionally separable domains for DNA-binding and cleavage, each with distinct sequence preferences. Sequence alignment analyses of PI-MleI revealed three putative LAGLIDADG motifs; however, there is conflicting bioinformatics data in regard to their identity and specific location within the intein polypeptide. To resolve this conflict and to determine the active-site residues essential for DNA target site recognition and double-stranded DNA cleavage, we performed site-directed mutagenesis of presumptive catalytic residues in the LAGLIDADG motifs. Analysis of target DNA recognition and kinetic parameters of the wild-type PI-MleI and its variants disclosed that the two amino acid residues, Asp(122) (in Block C) and Asp(193) (in functional Block E), are crucial to the double-stranded DNA endonuclease activity, whereas Asp(218) (in pseudo-Block E) is not. However, despite the reduced catalytic activity, the PI-MleI variants, like the wild-type PI-MleI, generated a footprint of the same length around the insertion site. The D122T variant showed significantly reduced catalytic activity, and D122A and D193A mutations although failed to affect their DNA-binding affinities, but abolished the double-stranded DNA cleavage activity. On the other hand, D122C variant showed approximately twofold higher double-stranded DNA cleavage activity, compared with the wild-type PI-MleI. These results provide compelling evidence that Asp(122) and Asp(193) in DOD motif I and II, respectively, are bona fide active-site residues essential for DNA cleavage activity. The implications of these results are discussed in this report.


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The integral diaphragm pressure transducer consists of a diaphragm machined from precipitation hardened martensitic (APX4) steel. Its performance is quite significant as it depends upon various factors such as mechanical properties including induced residual stress levels, metallurgical and physical parameters due to different stages of processing involved. Hence, the measurement and analysis of residual stress becomes very important from the point of in-service assessment of a component. In the present work, the stress measurements have been done using the X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique, which is a non-destructive test (NDT). This method is more reliable and widely used compared to the other NDT techniques. The metallurgical aspects have been studied by adopting the conventional metallographic practices including examination of microstructure using light microscope. The dimensional measurements have been carried out using dimensional gauge. The results of the present investigation reveals that the diaphragm material after undergoing series of realization processes has yielded good amount of retained austenite in it. Also, the presence of higher compressive stresses induced in the transducer results in non-linearity, zero shift and dimensional instability. The problem of higher retained austenite content and higher compressive stress have been overcome by adopting a new realization process involving machining and cold and hot stabilization soak which has brought down the retained austenite content to about 5–6% and acceptable level of compressive stress in the range −100 to −150 MPa with fine tempered martensitic phase structure and good dimensional stability. The new realization process seems to be quite effective in terms of controlling retained austenite content, residual stress, metallurgical phase as well as dimensional stability and this may result in minimum zero shift of the diaphragm system.


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Transparent glasses of BaNaB9O15 (BNBO) were fabricated via the conventional melt-quenching technique. The amorphous and the glassy nature of the as-quenched samples were, respectively, confirmed by x-ray powder diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The glass transition and crystallization parameters were evaluated under non-isothermal conditions using DSC. The correlation between the heating rate dependent glass transition and the crystallization temperatures was studied and the Kauzmann temperature was deduced for BNBO glass plates and powdered samples. The values of the Kauzmann temperature for the plates and powdered samples were 776 K and 768 K, respectively. An approximation- free method was used to evaluate the crystallization kinetic parameters for the BNBO glass samples. The effect of the sample thickness on the crystallization kinetics of BNBO glasses was also investigated.


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Two coordination polymers [Ni(ipt)(dap)(2)](n) (1) and [Cu(ipt)(dap)H2O](n) center dot nH(2)O (2) with an overall one-dimensional arrangement and having isophthalate (ipt) as bridging moieties and chelating 1,3-diaminopropane (dap) as structure modulating units have been prepared and characterized by crystallographic, spectroscopic and thermo-analytical studies. Both have an overall one-dimensional zig-zag nature but with a distorted octahedral NiN4O2 chromophore for 1 and a distorted square pyramidal CuN2O3 chromophore for 2. Even though the ipt units are acting as bridging units through mono-dentatively coordinating carboxylate functions in both polymers, compound 1 has the carboxylate oxygen linkages at the trans positions, while in 2 the oxygen linkages occur at the cis positions leading to a different type of zig-zag arrangement. Relevant spectral and bonding parameters also could be evaluated for the compounds using UV-Vis and EPR spectra. Thermal stability and possible structural modifications on thermal treatment of the compounds were also investigated and the relevant thermodynamic and kinetic parameters evaluated from the thermal data. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Binding of 13C-labeled N-acetylgalactosamine (13C-GalNAc) and N-trifluoroacetylgalactosamine (19F-GalNAc) to Artocarpus integrifolia agglutinin has been studied using 13C and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, respectively. Binding of these saccharides resulted in broadening of the resonances, and no change in chemical shift was observed, suggesting that the alpha- and beta-anomers of 13C-GalNAc and 19F-GalNAc experience a magnetically equivalent environment in the lectin combining site. The alpha- and beta-anomers of 13C-GalNAc and 19F-GalNAc were found to be in slow exchange between free and protein bound states. Binding of 13C-GalNAc was studied as a function of temperature. From the temperature dependence of the line broadening, the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters were evaluated. The association rate constants obtained for the alpha-anomers of 13C-GalNAc and 19F-GalNAc (k+1 = 1.01 x 10(5) M-1.s-1 and 0.698 x 10(5) M-1.s-1, respectively) are in close agreement with those obtained for the corresponding beta-anomers (k+1 = 0.95 x 10(5) M-1.s-1 and 0.65 x 10(5) M-1.s-1, respectively), suggesting that the two anomers bind to the lectin by a similar mechanism. In addition these values are several orders of magnitude slower than those obtained for diffusion controlled processes. The dissociation rate constants obtained are 49.9, 56.9, 42, and 43 s-1, respectively, for the alpha- and beta-anomers of 13C-GalNAc and 19F-GalNAc. A two-step mechanism has been proposed for the interaction of 13C-GalNAc and 19F-GalNAc with A. integrifolia lectin in view of the slow association rates and high activation entropies. The thermodynamic parameters obtained for the association and dissociation reactions suggest that the binding process is entropically favored and that there is a small enthalpic contribution.


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We investigate the scalar K pi form factor at low energies by the method of unitarity bounds adapted so as to include information on the phase and modulus along the elastic region of the unitarity cut. Using at input the values of the form factor at t = 0 and the Callan-Treiman point, we obtain stringent constraints on the slope and curvature parameters of the Taylor expansion at the origin. Also, we predict a quite narrow range for the higher-order ChPT corrections at the second Callan-Treiman point.


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The hydrophobic effect is widely believed to be an important determinant of protein stability. However, it is difficult to obtain unambiguous experimental estimates of the contribution of the hydrophobic driving force to the overall free energy of folding. Thermodynamic and structural studies of large to small substitutions in proteins are the most direct method of measuring this contribution. We have substituted the buried residue Phe8 in RNase S with alanine, methionine, and norleucine, Binding thermodynamics and structures were characterized by titration calorimetry and crystallography, respectively. The crystal structures of the RNase S F8A, F8M, and F8Nle mutants indicate that the protein tolerates the changes without any main chain adjustments, The correlation of structural and thermodynamic parameters associated with large to small substitutions was analyzed for nine mutants of RNase S as well as 32 additional cavity-containing mutants of T4 lysozyme, human lysozyme, and barnase. Such substitutions were typically found to result in negligible changes in Delta C-p and positive values of both Delta Delta H degrees and aas of folding. Enthalpic effects were dominant, and the sign of Delta Delta S is the opposite of that expected from the hydrophobic effect. Values of Delta Delta G degrees and Delta Delta H degrees correlated better with changes in packing parameters such as residue depth or occluded surface than with the change in accessible surface area upon folding. These results suggest that the loss of packing interactions rather than the hydrophobic effect is a dominant contributor to the observed energetics for large to small substitutions. Hence, estimates of the magnitude of the hydrophobic driving force derived from earlier mutational studies are likely to be significantly in excess of the actual value.


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This article presents the optical absorption and emission properties of Pr3+ and Nd3+ doped two different mixed alkali chloroborate glass matrices of the type 70B(2)O(3)center dot xLiCl center dot(30 - x)NaCl and 70B(2)O(3)center dot xLiCl center dot(30 - x)KCl (x = 5, 10, 15.20 and 25). The variation of Judd-Ofelt parameters (Omega(2), Omega(4) and Omega(6)), total radiative transition probabilities (A(T)), radiative lifetimes (tau(R)) and emission cross-sections (sigma(p)) with the variation of alkali contents in the glass matrix have been discussed in detail. The changes in the peak wavelengths of the hypersensitive transition and intensity parameters with x are correlated to the structural changes in the host matrix. The estimated radiative lifetimes of certain excited states of Pr3+ and Nd3+ in these two glass matrices are reported. Peak stimulated emission cross-sections (sigma(p)) are reported for the observed emission transitions of Pr3+ and Nd3+ ions. Branching ratios (beta) of the observed emission transitions obtained from the Judd-Ofelt theory are compared with the values obtained from the emission spectra. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The steady incompressible laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow along a rotating slender vertical cylinder with an isothermal wall has been studied. The transformed coupled nonlinear partial differential equations have been solved numerically using the Keller box method. In general, the rotation of the cylinder, the buoyancy forces and the curvature parameter are found to significantly affect the skin friction, heat transfer, velocity and temperature profiles as well as the pressure distribution. The buoyancy forces cause an overshoot in the axial velocity profile but the rotation and curvature parameters reduce it.


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The phenomena of nonlinear I-V behavior and electrical switching find extensive applications in power control, information storage, oscillators, etc. The study of I-V characteristics and switching parameters is necessary for the proper application of switching materials and devices. In the present work, a simple low-cost electrical switching analyzer has been developed for the measurement of the electrical characteristics of switching materials and devices. The system developed consists of a microcontroller-based excitation source and a high-speed data acquisition system. The design details of the excitation source, its interface with the high-speed data acquisition system and personal computer, and the details of the application software developed for automated measurements are described. Typical I-V characteristics and switching curves obtained with the system developed are also presented to illustrate the capability of the instrument developed.


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Boc-Trp-Ile-Ala-Aib-Ile-Val-Aib-Leu-Aib- Pro-Ala-Aib-Pro-Aib-Pro-Phe-OM(we here Boc is t-butoxycarbonyla nd Aib is a-aminoisobutyriac cid), a synthetica polar analog of the membrane-activefu ngal peptide antibioticz ervamtycinII A, crystallizesi n spaceg roupP 1 withZ =1 and cell parameters a = 9.086 ?0.002 A, b = 10.410 ?+ 0.002 A, c = 28.188 ? 0.004 A, a = 86.13 ? 0.01?, 13 = 87.90 ? 0.01?, and y = 89.27 ? 0.01?;o veralla greementf actorR = 7.3% for 7180 data (Fo > 3cr) and 0.91-A resolution. The peptide backbone makes a continuous spiral that begins as a 310-helix at the N-terminus, changes to an a-helix for two turns, and ends in a spiral of three fl-bends in a ribbon. Each of the fl-bends contains a proline residue at one of the corners. The torsion angles 4i range from -51? to -91? (average value -64o), and the torsion angles ai range from -1? to -46? (average value -31?). There are 10 intramolecularN H...OCh ydrogenb onds in the helix and two directh ead-to-taihl ydrogenb ondsb etween successive molecules. Two H20 and two CH30H solvent molecules fill additional space with appropriate hydrogen bonding in the head-to-tail region, and two additional H20 molecules form hydrogen bonds with carbonyl oxygens near the curve in the helix at Pro-10. Since there is only one peptide molecule per cell in space group P1, the molecules repeat only by translation, and consequently the helices pack parallel to each other.