41 resultados para Processes of maxima


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Vibrational microspectroscopic (Raman and infrared (IR)) techniques are rapidly emerging as effective tools to probe the basic processes of life. This review mainly focuses on the applications of Raman and IR microspectroscopy to biology and biomedicine, ranging from studies on cellular components in single cells to advancement in techniques for in vitro to in vivo applications. These techniques have proved to be instrumental in studying the biological specimen with minimum perturbation, i.e. without the use of dyes and contrast-inducing agents. These techniques probe the vibrational modes of the molecules and provide spectra that are specific to the molecular properties and chemical nature of the species.


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In eukaryotic organisms clathrin-coated vesicles are instrumental in the processes of endocytosis as well as intracellular protein trafficking. Hence, it is important to understand how these vesicles have evolved across eukaryotes, to carry cargo molecules of varied shapes and sizes. The intricate nature and functional diversity of the vesicles are maintained by numerous interacting protein partners of the vesicle system. However, to delineate functionally important residues participating in protein-protein interactions of the assembly is a daunting task as there are no high-resolution structures of the intact assembly available. The two cryoEM structures closely representing intact assembly were determined at very low resolution and provide positions of C alpha atoms alone. In the present study, using the method developed by us earlier, we predict the protein-protein interface residues in clathrin assembly, taking guidance from the available low-resolution structures. The conservation status of these interfaces when investigated across eukaryotes, revealed a radial distribution of evolutionary constraints, i.e., if the members of the clathrin vesicular assembly can be imagined to be arranged in spherical manner, the cargo being at the center and clathrins being at the periphery, the detailed phylogenetic analysis of these members of the assembly indicated high-residue variation in the members of the assembly closer to the cargo while high conservation was noted in clathrins and in other proteins at the periphery of the vesicle. This points to the strategy adopted by the nature to package diverse proteins but transport them through a highly conserved mechanism.


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Accurate estimation of mass transport parameters is necessary for overall design and evaluation processes of the waste disposal facilities. The mass transport parameters, such as effective diffusion coefficient, retardation factor and diffusion accessible porosity, are estimated from observed diffusion data by inverse analysis. Recently, particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has been used to develop inverse model for estimating these parameters that alleviated existing limitations in the inverse analysis. However, PSO solver yields different solutions in successive runs because of the stochastic nature of the algorithm and also because of the presence of multiple optimum solutions. Thus the estimated mean solution from independent runs is significantly different from the best solution. In this paper, two variants of the PSO algorithms are proposed to improve the performance of the inverse analysis. The proposed algorithms use perturbation equation for the gbest particle to gain information around gbest region on the search space and catfish particles in alternative iterations to improve exploration capabilities. Performance comparison of developed solvers on synthetic test data for two different diffusion problems reveals that one of the proposed solvers, CPPSO, significantly improves overall performance with improved best, worst and mean fitness values. The developed solver is further used to estimate transport parameters from 12 sets of experimentally observed diffusion data obtained from three diffusion problems and compared with published values from the literature. The proposed solver is quick, simple and robust on different diffusion problems. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Eclogites and associated high-pressure (HP) rocks in collisional and accretionary orogenic belts preserve a record of subduction and exhumation, and provide a key constraint on the tectonic evolution of the continents. Most eclogites that formed at high pressures but low temperatures at > 10-11 kbar and 450-650 degrees C can be interpreted as a result of subduction of cold oceanic lithosphere. A new class of high-temperature (HT) eclogites that formed above 900 degrees C and at 14 to 30 kbar occurs in the deep continental crust, but their geodynamic significance and processes of formation are poorly understood. Here we show that Neoarchaean mafic-ultramafic complexes in the central granulite facies region of the Lewisian in NW Scotland contain HP/HT garnet-bearing granulites (retrogressed eclogites), gabbros, Iherzolites, and websterites, and that the HP granulites have garnets that contain inclusions of omphacite. From thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths we calculate that peak eclogite-facies metamorphism took place at 24-22 kbar and 1060-1040 degrees C. The geochemical signature of one (G-21) of the samples shows a strong depletion of Eu indicating magma fractionation at a crustal level. The Sm-Nd isochron ages of HP phases record different cooling ages of ca. 2480 and 2330 Ma. We suggest that the layered mafic-ultramafic complexes, which may have formed in an oceanic environment, were subducted to eclogite depths, and exhumed as HP garnet-bearing orogenic peridotites. The layered complexes were engulfed by widespread orthogneisses of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) composition with granulite facies assemblages. We propose two possible tectonic models: (1) the fact that the relicts of eclogitic complexes are so widespread in the Scourian can be taken as evidence that a >90 km x 40 km-size slab of continental crust containing mafic-ultramafic complexes was subducted to at least 70 km depth in the late Archaean. During exhumation the gneiss protoliths were retrogressed to granulite facies assemblages, but the mafic-ultramafic rocks resisted retrogression. (2) The layered complexes of mafic and ultramafic rocks were subducted to eclogite-facies depths and during exhumation under crustal conditions they were intruded by the orthogneiss protoliths (TTG) that were metamorphosed in the granulite facies. Apart from poorly defined UHP metamorphic rocks in Norway, the retrogressed eclogites in the central granulite/retrogressed eclogite facies Lewisian region, NW Scotland have the highest crustal pressures so far reported for Archaean rocks, and demonstrate that lithospheric subduction was transporting crustal rocks to HP depths in the Neoarchaean. (C) 2012 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Despite considerable research to develop carbon based materials for biomedical applications, the toxicity of carbon remains a major concern. In order to address this issue as well as to investigate the cell fate processes of neural cells from the perspective of neural tissue engineering applications, the in vitro cytocompatibility of polyacrylonitrile (PAN) derived continuous carbon nanofibers and PAN derived carbon thin films were investigated both quantitatively and qualitatively using in vitro biochemical assays followed by extensive flow cytometry analysis. The experimental results of Schwann cell fate, i.e. cell proliferation, cell metabolic activity and cell apoptosis on amorphous carbon substrates are discussed in reference to the time dependent evolution of intracellular oxidative stress. Apart from providing evidence that an electrospun carbon nanofibrous substrate can physically guide the cultured Schwann cells, this study suggested that continuous carbon nanofibers and amorphous carbon films are not cytotoxic in vitro and do not significantly induce apoptosis of Schwann cells, but in fact even facilitate their proliferation and growth.


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The RecA filament formed on double-stranded (ds) DNA is proposed to be a functional state analogous to that generated during the process of DNA strand exchange. RecA polymerization and de-polymerization on dsDNA is governed by multiple physiological factors. However, a comprehensive understanding of how these factors regulate the processes of polymerization and de-polymerization of RecA filament on dsDNA is still evolving. Here, we investigate the effects of temperature, pH, tensile force, and DNA ends (in particular ssDNA overhang) on the polymerization and de-polymerization dynamics of the E. coli RecA filament at a single-molecule level. Our results identified the optimal conditions that permitted spontaneous RecA nucleation and polymerization, as well as conditions that could maintain the stability of a preformed RecA filament. Further examination at a nano-meter spatial resolution, by stretching short DNA constructs, revealed a striking dynamic RecA polymerization and de-polymerization induced saw-tooth pattern in DNA extension fluctuation. In addition, we show that RecA does not polymerize on S-DNA, a recently identified novel base-paired elongated DNA structure that was previously proposed to be a possible binding substrate for RecA. Overall, our studies have helped to resolve several previous single-molecule studies that reported contradictory and inconsistent results on RecA nucleation, polymerization and stability. Furthermore, our findings also provide insights into the regulatory mechanisms of RecA filament formation and stability in vivo.


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One-dimensional (1D) zinc oxide (ZnO) hexagonal rods have been successfully synthesized by surfactant free hydrothermal process at different temperatures. It can be found that the reaction temperature play a crucial role in the formation of ZnO uniform hexagonal rods. The possible formation processes of 1-D ZnO hexagonal rods were investigated. The zinc hydroxide acts as the morphology-formative intermediate for the formation of ZnO nanorods. Upon excitation at 325 nm, the sample prepared at 180 degrees C show several emission bands at 400 nm (similar to 3.10 eV), 420 nm (similar to 2.95 eV), 482 nm (similar to 2.57 eV) and 524 nm (similar to 2.36 eV) corresponding to different kind of defects. TL studies were carried out by pre-irradiating samples with gamma-rays ranging from 1 to 7 kGy at room temperature. A well resolved glow peak at similar to 354 degrees C was recorded which can be ascribed to deep traps. Furthermore, the defects associated with surface states in ZnO nano-structures are characterized by electron paramagnetic resonance. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements are employed to evaluate the presence of the two magnon scattering contribution in the magnetic relaxation processes of the epitaxial nickel zinc ferrite thin films deposited using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on the (0 0 1) MgAl2O4 substrate. Furthermore, the reciprocal space mapping reveals the presence of microstructural defects which acts as an origin for the two magnon scattering process in this thin film. The relevance of this scattering process is further discussed for understanding the higher FMR linewidth in the in-plane configuration compared to the out-of-plane configuration. FMR measurements also reveal the presence of competing uniaxial and cubic anisotropy in the studied films.


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In this report, electronically non-adiabatic decomposition pathways of clusters of dimethylnitramine and aluminum (DMNA-Al and DMNA-Al-2) are discussed in comparison to isolated dimethylnitramine (DMNA). Electronically excited state processes of DMNA-Al and DMNA-Al-2 are explored using the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) and the restricted active space self-consistent field (RASSCF) theories, respectively. Similar to the nitro-nitrite isomerization reaction pathway of DMNA, DMNA-Al-n clusters also exhibit isomerization pathway. However, it involves several other steps, such as, first Al-O bond dissociation, then N-N bond dissociation followed by isomerization and finally NO elimination. Furthermore, DMNA-Al-n clusters exhibit overall exothermic decomposition reaction pathway and isolated DMNA shows overall endothermic reaction channel.


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Background: The heterotrimeric M. tuberculosis RecBCD complex, or each of its individual subunits, remains uncharacterized. Results: MtRecD exists as a homodimer in solution, catalyzes ssDNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis, unwinding of DNA replication/recombination intermediates, and interacts with RecA. Conclusion: MtRecD possesses strong 5 3- and weak 3 5-helicase activities. Significance: These findings provide insights into the mechanism underlying DSB repair and homologous recombination in mycobacteria. The annotated whole-genome sequence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis revealed the presence of a putative recD gene; however, the biochemical characteristics of its encoded protein product (MtRecD) remain largely unknown. Here, we show that MtRecD exists in solution as a stable homodimer. Protein-DNA binding assays revealed that MtRecD binds efficiently to single-stranded DNA and linear duplexes containing 5 overhangs relative to the 3 overhangs but not to blunt-ended duplex. Furthermore, MtRecD bound more robustly to a variety of Y-shaped DNA structures having 18-nucleotide overhangs but not to a similar substrate containing 5-nucleotide overhangs. MtRecD formed more salt-tolerant complexes with Y-shaped structures compared with linear duplex having 3 overhangs. The intrinsic ATPase activity of MtRecD was stimulated by single-stranded DNA. Site-specific mutagenesis of Lys-179 in motif I abolished the ATPase activity of MtRecD. Interestingly, although MtRecD-catalyzed unwinding showed a markedly higher preference for duplex substrates with 5 overhangs, it could also catalyze significant unwinding of substrates containing 3 overhangs. These results support the notion that MtRecD is a bipolar helicase with strong 5 3 and weak 3 5 unwinding activities. The extent of unwinding of Y-shaped DNA structures was approximate to 3-fold lower compared with duplexes with 5 overhangs. Notably, direct interaction between MtRecD and its cognate RecA led to inhibition of DNA strand exchange promoted by RecA. Altogether, these studies provide the first detailed characterization of MtRecD and present important insights into the type of DNA structure the enzyme is likely to act upon during the processes of DNA repair or homologous recombination.


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This study reports a multinuclei in situ (real-time) NMR spectroscopic characterization of the electrochemical reactions of a negative Cu3P electrode toward lithium. Taking advantage of the different nuclear spin characteristics, we have obtained real-time P-31 and Li-7 NMR data for a comprehensive understanding of the electrochemical mechanism during the discharge and charge processes of a lithium battery. The large NMR chemical shift span of P-31 facilitates the observation of the chemical evolutions of different lithiated and delithiated LixCu3-xP phases, whereas the quadrupolar line features in Li-7 enable identification of asymmetric Li sites. These combined NMR data offer an unambiguous identification of four distinct LixCu3-xP phases, Cu3P, Li0.2Cu2.8P, Li2CuP, and. Li3P, and the characterization of their involvement in the electrochemical reactions. The NMR data led us to propose a delithiation process involving the intercalation of metallic Cu-0 atomic aggregates into the Li2CuP structure to form a Cu-0-Li2-xCu1-xP phase. This process might be responsible for the poor capacity retention in Cu3P lithium batteries when cycled to a low voltage.