56 resultados para Pitch


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We present a study of the growth of local, nonaxisymmetric perturbations in gravitationally coupled stars and gas in a differentially rotating galactic disk. The stars and gas are treated as two isothermal fluids of different velocity dispersions, with the stellar velocity dispersion being greater than that for the gas. We examine the physical effects of inclusion of a low-velocity dispersion component (gas) on the growth of non-axisymmetric perturbations in both stars and gas, as done for the axisymmetric case by Jog & Solomon. The amplified perturbations in stars and gas constitute trailing, material, spiral features which may be identified with the local spiral features seen in all spiral galaxies. The formulation of the two-fluid equations closely follows the one-fluid treatment by Goldreich & Lynden-Bell. The local, linearized perturbation equations in the sheared frame are solved to obtain the results for a temporary growth via swing amplification. The problem is formulated in terms of five dimensionless parameters-namely, the Q-factors for stars and gas, respectively; the gas mass fraction; the shearing rate in the galactic disk; and the length scale of perturbation. By using the observed values of these parameters, we obtain the amplifications and the pitch angles for features in stars and gas for dynamically distinct cases, as applicable for different regions of spiral galaxies. A real galaxy consisting of stars and gas may display growth of nonaxisymmetric perturbations even when it is stable against axisymmetric perturbations and/or when either fluid by itself is stable against non-axisymmetric perturbations. Due to its lower velocity dispersion, the gas exhibits a higher amplification than do the stars, and the amplified gas features are slightly more tightly wound than the stellar features. When the gas contribution is high, the stellar amplification and the range of pitch angles over which it can occur are both increased, due to the gravitational coupling between the two fluids. Thus, the two-fluid scheme can explain the origin of the broad spiral arms in the underlying old stellar populations of galaxies, as observed by Schweizer and Elmegreen & Elmegreen. The arms are predicted to be broader in gas-rich galaxies, as is indeed seen for example in M33. In the linear regime studied here, the arm contrast is shown to increase with radius in the inner Galaxy, in agreement with observations of external galaxies by Schweizer. These results follow directly due to the inclusion of gas in the problem.


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A rotor-body system with blades interconnected through viscoelastic elements is analyzed for response, loads, and stability in propulsive trim in ground contact and under forward-flight conditions, A conceptual model of a multibladed rotor with rigid flap and lag motions, and the fuselage with rigid pitch and roll motions is considered, Although the interconnecting elements are placed in the in-plane direction, considerable coupling between the flap-lag motions of the blades can occur in certain ranges of interblade element stiffness, Interblade coupling can yield significant changes in the response, loads, and stability that are dependent on the interblade element and rotor-body parameters, Ground resonance stability investigations show that by tuning the interblade element stiffness, the ground resonance instability problem can be reduced or eliminated, The interblade elements with damping and stiffness provide an effective method to overcome the problems of ground and air resonance.


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In this paper, the role of melt convection on the performance of heat sinks with phase change material (PCM) is investigated numerically. The heat sink consists of aluminum plate fins embedded in PCM, and is subjected to heat flux supplied from the bottom. A single-domain enthalpy-based CFD model is developed, which is capable of simulating the phase change process and the associated melt convection. The CFD model is coupled with a genetic algorithm for carrying out the optimization. Two cases are considered, namely, one without melt convection (i.e., conduction heat transfer analysis), and the other with convection. It is found that the geometrical optimizations of heat sinks are different for the two cases, indicating the importance of melt convection in the design of heat sinks with PCMs. In the case of conduction analysis, the optimum width of half fin (i.e., sum of half pitch and half fin thickness) is a constant, which is in good agreement with results reported in the literature. On the other hand, if melt convection is considered, the optimum half fin width depends on the effective thermal diffusivity due to conduction and convection. With melt convection, the optimized design results in a significant improvement of operational time.


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A fuzzy logic system is developed for helicopter rotor system fault isolation. Inputs to the fuzzy logic system are measurement deviations of blade bending and torsion response and vibration from a "good" undamaged helicopter rotor. The rotor system measurements used are flap and lag bending tip deflections, elastic twist deflection at the tip, and three forces and three moments at the rotor hub. The fuzzy logic system uses rules developed from an aeroelastic model of the helicopter rotor with implanted faults to isolate the fault while accounting for uncertainty in the measurements. The faults modeled include moisture absorption, loss of trim mass, damaged lag damper, damaged pitch control system, misadjusted pitch link, and damaged flap. Tests with simulated data show that the fuzzy system isolates rotor system faults with an accuracy of about 90-100%. Furthermore, the fuzzy system is robust and gives excellent results, even when some measurements are not available. A rule-based expert system based on similar rules from the aeroelastic model performs much more poorly than the fuzzy system in the presence of high levels of uncertainty.


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We describe a System-C based framework we are developing, to explore the impact of various architectural and microarchitectural level parameters of the on-chip interconnection network elements on its power and performance. The framework enables one to choose from a variety of architectural options like topology, routing policy, etc., as well as allows experimentation with various microarchitectural options for the individual links like length, wire width, pitch, pipelining, supply voltage and frequency. The framework also supports a flexible traffic generation and communication model. We provide preliminary results of using this framework to study the power, latency and throughput of a 4x4 multi-core processing array using mesh, torus and folded torus, for two different communication patterns of dense and sparse linear algebra. The traffic consists of both Request-Response messages (mimicing cache accesses)and One-Way messages. We find that the average latency can be reduced by increasing the pipeline depth, as it enables higher link frequencies. We also find that there exists an optimum degree of pipelining which minimizes energy-delay product.


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Prior work on modeling interconnects has focused on optimizing the wire and repeater design for trading off energy and delay, and is largely based on low level circuit parameters. Hence these models are hard to use directly to make high level microarchitectural trade-offs in the initial exploration phase of a design. In this paper, we propose INTACTE, a tool that can be used by architects toget reasonably accurate interconnect area, delay, and power estimates based on a few architecture level parameters for the interconnect such as length, width (in number of bits), frequency, and latency for a specified technology and voltage. The tool uses well known models of interconnect delay and energy taking into account the wire pitch, repeater size, and spacing for a range of voltages and technologies.It then solves an optimization problem of finding the lowest energy interconnect design in terms of the low level circuit parameters, which meets the architectural constraintsgiven as inputs. In addition, the tool also provides the area, energy, and delay for a range of supply voltages and degrees of pipelining, which can be used for micro-architectural exploration of a chip. The delay and energy models used by the tool have been validated against low level circuit simulations. We discuss several potential applications of the tool and present an example of optimizing interconnect design in the context of clustered VLIW architectures. Copyright 2007 ACM.


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We address the problem of estimating the fundamental frequency of voiced speech. We present a novel solution motivated by the importance of amplitude modulation in sound processing and speech perception. The new algorithm is based on a cumulative spectrum computed from the temporal envelope of various subbands. We provide theoretical analysis to derive the new pitch estimator based on the temporal envelope of the bandpass speech signal. We report extensive experimental performance for synthetic as well as natural vowels for both realworld noisy and noise-free data. Experimental results show that the new technique performs accurate pitch estimation and is robust to noise. We also show that the technique is superior to the autocorrelation technique for pitch estimation.


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A numerical study of conjugate natural convection and surface radiation in a horizontal hexagonal sheath housing 19 solid heat generating rods with cladding and argon as the fill gas, is performed. The natural convection in the sheath is driven by the volumetric heat generation in the solid rods. The problem is solved using the FLUENT CFD code. A correlation is obtained to predict the maximum temperature in the rod bundle for different pitch-to-diameter ratios and heat generating rates. The effective thermal conductivity is related to the heat generation rate, maximum temperature and the sheath temperature. Results are presented for the dimensionless maximum temperature, Rayleigh number and the contribution of radiation with changing emissivity, total wattage and the pitch-to-diameter ratio. In the simulation of a larger system that contains a rod bundle, the effective thermal conductivity facilitates simplified modelling of the rod bundle by treating it as a solid of effective thermal conductivity. The parametric studies revealed that the contribution of radiation can be 38-65% of the total heat generation, for the parameter ranges chosen. Data for critical Rayleigh number above which natural convection comes into effect is also presented. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the use of centre of gravity location on reducing cyclic pitch control for helicopter UAV's (unmanned air vehicles) and MAV's (micro air vehicles). Low cyclic pitch is a necessity to implement the swashplateless rotor concept using trailing edge flaps or active twist using current generation low authority piezoceramic actuators. Design/methodology/approach – An aeroelastic analysis of the helicopter rotor with elastic blades is used to perform parametric and sensitivity studies of the effects of longitudinal and lateral center of gravity (cg) movements on the main rotor cyclic pitch. An optimization approach is then used to find cg locations which reduce the cyclic pitch at a given forward speed. Findings – It is found that the longitudinal cyclic pitch and lateral cyclic pitch can be driven to zero at a given forward speed by shifting the cg forward and to the port side, respectively. There also exist pairs of numbers for the longitudinal and lateral cg locations which drive both the cyclic pitch components to zero at a given forward speed. Based on these results, a compromise optimal cg location is obtained such that the cyclic pitch is bounded within ±5° for a BO105 helicopter rotor. Originality/value – The reduction in the cyclic pitch due to helicopter cg location is found to significantly reduce the maximum magnitudes of the control angles in flight, facilitating the swashplateless rotor concept. In addition, the existence of cg locations which drive the cyclic pitches to zero allows for the use of active cg movement as a way to replace the cyclic pitch control for helicopter MAV's.


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The effect of structural and aerodynamic uncertainties on the performance predictions of a helicopter is investigated. An aerodynamic model based on blade element and momentum theory is used to predict the helicopter performance. The aeroelastic parameters, such as blade chord, rotor radius, two-dimensional lift-curve slope, blade profile drag coefficient, rotor angular velocity, blade pitch angle, and blade twist rate per radius of the rotor, are considered as random variables. The propagation of these uncertainties to the performance parameters, such as thrust coefficient and power coefficient, are studied using Monte Carlo Simulations. The simulations are performed with 100,000 samples of structural and aerodynamic uncertain variables with a coefficient of variation ranging from 1 to 5%. The scatter in power predictions in hover, axial climb, and forward flight for the untwisted and linearly twisted blades is studied. It is found that about 20-25% excess power can be required by the helicopter relative to the determination predictions due to uncertainties.


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Lamb wave type guided wave propagation in foam core sandwich structures and detectability of damages using spectral analysis method are reported in this paper. An experimental study supported by theoretical evaluation of the guided wave characteristics is presented here that shows the applicability of Lamb wave type guided ultrasonic wave for detection of damage in foam core sandwich structures. Sandwich beam specimens were fabricated with 10 mm thick foam core and 0.3 mm thick aluminum face sheets. Thin piezoelectric patch actuators and sensors are used to excite and sense guided wave. Group velocity dispersion curves and frequency response of sensed signal are obtained experimentally. The nature of damping present in the sandwich panel is monitored by measuring the sensor signal amplitude at various different distances measured from the center of the linear phased array. Delaminations of increasing width are created and detected experimentally by pitch-catch interrogation with guided waves and wavelet transform of the sensed signal. Signal amplitudes are analyzed for various different sizes of damages to differentiate the damage size/severity. A sandwich panel is also fabricated with a planer dimension of 600 mm x 400 mm. Release film delamination is introduced during fabrication. Non-contact Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) is used to scan the panel while exciting with a surface bonded piezoelectric actuator. Presence of damage is confirmed by the reflected wave fringe pattern obtained from the LDV scan. With this approach it is possible to locate and monitor the damages by tracking the wave packets scattered from the damages.


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We report on the Lamb wave type guided wave propagation in honeycomb core sandwich structures. An experimental study supported by theoretical evaluation of the guided wave characteristics is presented that proves the potential of Lamb wave type guided wave for detection of damage in sandwich structures. A sandwich panel is fabricated with planar dimension of 600 mm x 600 mm, having a core thickness of 7 mm, cell size of 5 mm and 0.1 mm thick aluminum face sheets. Thin piezoelectric patch actuators and sensors are used to excite and sense a frequency band limited guided wave with a central frequency. A linear phased array of piezoelectric patch actuators is used to achieve higher signal strength and directivity. Group velocity dispersion curves and corresponding frequency response of sensed signal are obtained experimentally. Linearity between the excitation signal amplitude and the corresponding sensed signal amplitude is found for certain range of parameters. The nature of damping present in the sandwich panel is monitored by measuring the sensor signal amplitude at various different distances measured from the center of the linear phased array. Indentation and low velocity impact induced damages of increasing diameter covering several honeycomb cells are created. Crushing of honeycomb core with rupture of face sheet is observed while introducing the damage. The damages are then detected experimentally by pitch-catch interrogation with guided waves and wavelet transform of the sensed signal. Signal amplitudes are analyzed for various different sizes of damages to differentiate the damage size/severity. Monotonic changes in the sensor signal amplitude due to increase in the damage size has been established successfully. With this approach it is possible to locate and monitor the damages with the help of phased array and by tracking the wave packets scattered from the damages. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, we experimentally study and demarcate the stall flutter boundaries of a NACA 0012 airfoil at low Reynolds numbers (Re similar to 10(4)) by measuring the forces and flow fields around the airfoil when it is forced to oscillate. The airfoil is placed at large mean angle of attack (alpha(m)), and is forced to undergo small amplitude pitch oscillations, the amplitude (Delta alpha) and frequency (f) of which are systematically varied. The unsteady loads on the oscillating airfoil are directly measured, and are used to calculate the energy transfer to the airfoil from the flow. These measurements indicate that for large mean angles of attack of the airfoil (alpha(m)), there is positive energy transfer to the airfoil over a range of reduced frequencies (k=pi fc/U), indicating that there is a possibility of airfoil excitation or stall flutter even at these low Re (c=chord length). Outside this range of reduced frequencies, the energy transfer is negative and under these conditions the oscillations would be damped. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the flow around the oscillating airfoil show that the shear layer separates from the leading edge and forms a leading edge vortex, although it is not very clear and distinct due to the low oscillation amplitudes. On the other hand, the shear layer formed after separation is found to clearly move periodically away from the airfoil suction surface and towards it with a phase lag to the airfoil oscillations. The phase of the shear layer motion with respect to the airfoil motions shows a clear difference between the exciting and the damping case.


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We have demonstrated novel concept of utilizing the photomechanical actuation in carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to tune and reversibly switch the Bragg wavelength. When fiber Bragg grating coated with CNTs (CNT-FBG) is exposed externally to a wide range of optical wavelengths, e. g., ultraviolet to infrared (0.2-200 mu m), a strain is induced in the CNTs which alters the grating pitch and refractive index in the CNT-FBG system resulting in a shift in the Bragg wavelength. This novel approach will find applications in telecommunication, sensors and actuators, and also for real time monitoring of the photomechanical actuation in nanoscale materials. (C) 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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We present a novel concept of a threaded fastener that is resistant to loosening under vibration. The anti-loosening feature does not use any additional element and is based on modifying the geometry of the thread in the bolt. In a normal nut and bolt combination, the axial motion of the nut or bolt is linearly related to the rotation by a constant pitch. In the proposed concept, the axial motion in the bolt is chosen to be a cubic function of the rotation, while for the nut, the axial motion remains linearly related to the rotation. This mismatch results in interference during the tightening process and additional torque required to overcome this interference gives rise to the enhanced anti-loosening property. In addition, the cubic curve is designed to ensure that the mismatch results in stresses and deformation in the elastic region of the chosen material. This ensures that the nut can be removed and reused while maintaining a repeatable anti-loosening property in the threaded fastener. A finite element analysis demonstrates the feasibility of this concept.