218 resultados para POLY(CARBONATE ESTER)S


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C llH22 N 30 + . C2H302, orthorhombic, P2~2~2~, a = 5.511(2), b = 14.588(4), c = 21.109 (4)A, Z = 4. The structure has been solved using MULTAN and refined to R = 0.079 for 993 observed reflections. The fully extended lysine side chain in the molecule is staggered between the main-chain amino and carbonyl groups. The dipeptide molecules in the crystal structure are arranged in twofold helices centred on 21 screw axes. These helices are interconnected through interactions involving the acetate and the side-chain amino groups. Each acetate group bridges two adjacent side-chain amino groups, related by an a translation, giving rise to an infinitely long chain of alternating negatively charged carboxylate and positively charged amino groups.


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(i) Incistrans pairs of cyclic 1,3-dicarboxylic acid ethyl esters thecis-foms exhibit higher O-methylene proton (HA, HB) anisochrony than thetrans-forms; (ii) anisochrony, easily observed in certain decalin-10-carboxylic ethyl esters, ‘disappears’ on one of the rings attaining the possibility of transforming into a ‘twist’ form; (iii) in certain pairs of chiralsecethyl esters and theirtert-methylated analogues anisochrony is higher in the latter, contrary to expectation, while, in certain others, the reverse is observed. Attempted explanations are based on assessments whether H A and H B are or are not in highly different magnetic environments in confomers regarded as preferred. This subsumes the possibility thatXYZC-CO2H A H B Me chiral ethyl acetates differ fromXYZC-CH A H B Me ethanes because intervention by the carboxyl group insulates the prochiral centre and allows anisotropic effects to gain somewhat in importance among mechanisms that discriminate between H A and H B so long as rotamerpopulation inequalities persist. Background information on why rotamer-population inequalities will always persist and on a heuristic that attempts to generalize the effects ofXYZ inXYZC - CU AUB V is provided. Possible effects when connectivity exists between a pair amongX, Y, Z or when specific interactions occur betweenV andX, Y orZ are considered. An interpretation in terms of ‘increasing conformational mobility’ has been suggested for the observed increase in the rate of temperature-dependence of O-methylene anisochrony down a series of chiral ethyl esters.


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Copper(II) complexes of quaternised poly(4-vinylpyridine) (PVP) of different degrees of quaternisation and copper content have been prepared by crosslinking the polymer with 1,2-dibromoethane in the presence of Cu2+ ion as template. The stability constant of the PVP---Cu(II) complexes is found to increase with the degree of crosslinking quaternisation of the resin, but the rate at which Cu2+ is adsorbed by the resin decreases. An optimum combination of both stability and rate can be achieved with a moderate degree (31%) of crosslinking. A kinetic study reveals that quaternisation increases significantly the catalytic activity of the complex for the oxidation of S2O2−3 by O2 compared with PVP----Cu(II) without quaternisation, but it deactivates the complex for the oxidation of both S3O2−6 and S4O2−6. The batch reactor oxidation kinetics at pH 2.16, where the rate is observed to be maximum, is well explained by the Langmuir—Hinshelwood model assuming the coordination of both O2 and thioanion to Cu(II) as a precursor to the oxidation reaction.


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Rotational isomerism of S-methyl N-methyl dithiocarbamate (MMDTC) has been investigated by means of variable temperature proton NMR and i.r. spectroscopy. The i.r. spectra of MMDTC as neat, solution and at sub-ambient temperatures have been examined. Normal vibrational analysis of all the fundamentals of MMDTC has been carried out, the vibrational assignment has been compared with those of related secondary thioamides to note the consistency in the assignments and to obtain the pattern characteristic of the secondary thioamide vibrations.


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C llH22 N 30 + . C2H302, orthorhombic, P2~2~2~, a = 5.511(2), b = 14.588(4), c = 21.109 (4)A, Z = 4. The structure has been solved using MULTAN and refined to R = 0.079 for 993 observed reflections. The fully extended lysine side chain in the molecule is staggered between the main-chain amino and carbonyl groups. The dipeptide molecules in the crystal structure are arranged in twofold helices centred on 21 screw axes. These helices are interconnected through interactions involving the acetate and the side-chain amino groups. Each acetate group bridges two adjacent side-chain amino groups, related by an a translation, giving rise to an infinitely long chain of alternating negatively charged carboxylate and positively charged amino groups.


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Diluents (either low molecular weight compounds orother polymers) are known to modify the morphology, the rates of nucleation and growth of polymers 1- 4. Recentlybinary systems in which both the components crystallize simultaneously to give a eutectic solid have been studied with great interest. Carbonnei et al.


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The i.r. spectra of a primary dithiocarbamate ester namely, S-methyl dithiocarbamate (SMDTC) and its N-dideuterated compound have been measured between 4000 and 30 cm−1. Spectra in solution and at liquid nitrogen temperature have also been obtained. Assignment of all the fundamentals has been proposed and supported from a full normal coordinate analysis. The band assignments for SMDTC have been compared with those of related molecules and the characteristic bands of primary thioamides are derived. Conformational flexibility of SMDTC has been examined by i.r. and proton NMR spectroscopy. The hindered rotation around the C---N bond has been studied by a complete line shape analysis. The magnitude of ---NH2 and ---CH3 torsional barriers is also estimated from vibrational frequencies and force constants.


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Isomeric half eater acid chlorides derived from 1,2-and 1-3-carboxylic acids give rise to the same oxonium salt with Lewis acids.


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The oxidase-peroxidase from Datura innoxia which catalyses the oxidation of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester to benzoylformic acid ethyl ester and formic acid was also found to catalyse the oxidation of NADH in the presence of Mn2+ and formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester. NADH was not oxidized in the absence of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester, although formylphenylacetonitrile or phenylacetaldehyde could replace it in the reaction. The reaction appeared to be complex and for every mol of NADH oxidized 3-4 g-atoms of oxygen were utilized, with a concomitant formation of approx. 0.8 mol of H2O2, the latter being identified by the starch-iodide test and decomposition by catalase. Benzoylformic acid ethyl ester was also formed in the reaction, but in a nonlinear fashion, indicating a lag phase. In the absence of Mn2+, NADH oxidation was not only very low, but itself inhibited the formation of benzoylformic acid ethyl ester from formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester. A reaction mechanism for the oxidation of NADH in the presence of formylphenylacetic acid ethyl ester is proposed.


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A model for heterogeneous acetalisation of poly(vinyl alcohol) with limited solution volume is proposed based on the grain model of Sohn and Szekely. Instead of treating the heterogeneous acetalisation as purely a diffusion process, as in the Matuzawa and Ogasawara model, the present model also takes into account the chemical reaction and the physical state of the solid polymer, such as degree of swelling and porosity, and assumes segregation of the polymer phase at higher conversion into an outer fully reacted zone and an inner zone where the reaction still proceeds. The solution of the model for limited solution volume, moreover, offers a simple method of determining the kinetic parameters and diffusivity for the solid-liquid system using the easily measurable bulk solution concentration of the liquid reactant instead of conversion-distance data for the solid phase, which are considerably more difficult to obtain.


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A single administration of 2-allyl-2-isopropylacetamide, a porphyrinogenic drug, enhanced the 32P-labelling of nucleoplasmic as well as cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA in rat liver. The synthesis of total microsomal RNA is only marginally increased under these conditions. The drug enhances the labelling of a variety of cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA species, and this effect is counteracted by the simultaneous administration of haemin. 2-Allyl-2-isopropylacetamide also enhanced the release of RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.


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The relative stabilities of a- and Blo-helical structures for polymers of a-aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) have been worked out, using the classical potential energy functions. To make a comparative study, we have used Buckingham "6-exp" and Kitaigorodsky's potential functions. Conformational analysis of the dipeptide segment with Aib residue indicates the necessity for nonplanar distortion of the peptide unit, which is a common feature in the observed crystal structures with Aib residues. In the range of Aw -10 to +loo studied, a-helical conformations are preferred in the region -3" < Aw < +loo, and Blo-helical conformations are preferred in the region -3" > Aw > -10'. Minimum energy conformations for right-handed structures are found in the +ue region of Aw and correspondingly for left-handed structures in the -ue region of Aw. For Aw - 6", a-helical structures have four- or near fourfold symmetry with h - 1.5 A. Such a helix with n = 4 and h = 1.5 A is termed an a'-helix. This structure is found to be consistent with the electron diffraction data of Malcolm3 and energetically more favorable than the standard 310-helix.


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Pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) has been found to be an efficient and versatile reagent for the preparation of hexafluorophosphates. Pyridinium hexafluorophosphate has been prepared by the reaction between phosphorus (V) halides (POCl3, POBr3, PSCl3, PCl5, PBr5) and pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride). This in turn is used to prepare the hexafluorophosphates of ammonium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and cesium in good yield and high purity.