83 resultados para Other Physiology


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Cytokinins induced haustoria formation in excised 10-mm segments ofCuscuta vine, the subapical 25-to-50-mm region being most responsive, producing a mean of 4–6 haustoria per segment. The order of effectiveness of cytokinins continuously applied (72 h) was 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) ges isopentenyladenine (iP) Gt zeatin (Z). Ribosides of BA and Z were as effective as the bases, whereas riboside of iP ([9R]iP) was half as effective as iP. Haustoria induction was influenced by weather and seasonal conditions at the time of vine collection; materials obtained on warm, sunny days responded better than those obtained on rainy, cloudy, or cool days. Haustoria were induced equally well all around the segment, and no thigmostimulus was needed for induction. p ]A 10-min pulse of 100 mgrM BA induced half as many haustoria as a 60-min pulse or continuous application of BA. White light inhibited haustoria induction elicited by a short (30-min) pulse of BA, whereas a longer (120-min) BA application overcame this light inhibition. Auxins (IAA or NAA, 1–10 mgrM), gibberellin (GA3, 1–10 mgrM), ethylene (as ethrel, 10–100 mgrM), and abscisic acid (ABA, 100 mgrM) were individually inhibitory (60–80%) with respect to haustoria induction when given continuously with 50 mgrM BA. A 60-min pulse of auxins (10 mgrM), GA3 (100 mgrM), or ethrel (10 mgrM), given at various time intervals during or after a 60-min pulse of 100 mgrM BA, showed that inhibition was maximal (70–95%) between 4 and 16 h of BA application and negligible (GA3) or much reduced (auxin, ethrel) at 20 h, indicating a ldquocommitmentrdquo to haustoria formation by this time.


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We have carried out a three-part study comparing the research performance of Indian institutions with that of other international institutions. In the first part, the publication profiles of various Indian institutions were examined and ranked based on the h-index and p-index. We found that the institutions of national importance contributed the highest in terms of publications and citations per institution. In the second part of the study, we looked at the publication profiles of various Indian institutions in the high-impact journals and compared these profiles against that of the top Asian and US universities. We found that the number of papers in these journals from India was miniscule compared to the US universities. Recognizing that the publication profiles of various institutions depend on the field/departments, we studied the publication profiles of many science and engineering departments at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, the Indian Institutes of Technology, as well as top Indian universities. Because the number of faculty in each department varies widely, we have computed the publications and citations per faculty per year for each department. We have also compared this with other departments in various Asian and US universities. We found that the top Indian institution based on various parameters in various disciplines was IISc, but overall even the top Indian institutions do not compare favourably with the top US or Asian universities.


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The crystal structures of two forms of Mycobacterium leprae single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB) have been determined at 2.05 and 2.8 A resolution. Comparison of these structures with the structures of other eubacterial SSBs indicates considerable variation in their quaternary association, although the DNA-binding domains in all of them exhibit the same OB-fold. This variation has no linear correlation with sequence variation, but could be related to variation in protein stability. Molecular-dynamics simulations have been carried out on tetrameric molecules derived from the two forms and the prototype Escherichia coli SSB and the individual subunits of both proteins. Together, the X-ray studies and molecular-dynamics simulations yield information on the relatively rigid and flexible regions of the molecule and on the effect of oligomerization on flexibility. The simulations provide insight into the changes in subunit structure on oligomerization. They also provide insight into the stability and time evolution of the hydrogen bonds/water bridges that connect the two pairs of monomers in the tetramer.


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A first comprehensive investigation on the deflagration of ammonium perchlorate (AP) in the subcritical regime, below the low pressure deflagration limit (LPL, 2.03 MPa) christened as regime I$^{\prime}$, is discussed by using an elegant thermodynamic approach. In this regime, deflagration was effected by augmenting the initial temperature (T$_{0}$) of the AP strand and by adding fuels like aliphatic dicarboxylic acids or polymers like carboxy terminated polybutadiene (CTPB). From this thermodynamic model, considering the dependence of burning rate ($\dot{r}$) on pressure (P) and T$_{0}$, the true condensed (E$_{\text{s,c}}$) and gas phase (E$_{\text{s,g}}$) activation energies, just below and above the surface respectively, have been obtained and the data clearly distinguishes the deflagration mechanisms in regime I$^{\prime}$ and I (2.03-6.08 MPa). Substantial reduction in the E$_{\text{s,c}}$ of regime I$^{\prime}$, compared to that of regime I, is attributed to HClO$_{4}$ catalysed decomposition of AP. HClO$_{4}$ formation, which occurs only in regime I$^{\prime}$, promotes dent formation on the surface as revealed by the reflectance photomicrographs, in contrast to the smooth surface in regime I. The HClO$_{4}$ vapours, in regime I$^{\prime}$, also catalyse the gas phase reactions and thus bring down the E$_{\text{s,g}}$ too. The excess heat transferred on to the surface from the gas phase is used to melt AP and hence E$_{\text{s,c}}$, in regime I, corresponds to the melt AP decomposition. It is consistent with the similar variation observed for both the melt layer thickness and $\dot{r}$ as a function of P. Thermochemical calculations of the surface heat release support the thermodynamic model and reveal that the AP sublimation reduces the required critical exothermicity of 1108.8 kJ kg$^{-1}$ at the surface. It accounts for the AP not sustaining combustion in the subcritical regime I$^{\prime}$. Further support for the model comes from the temperature-time profiles of the combustion train of AP. The gas and condensed phase enthalpies, derived from the profile, give excellent agreement with those computed thermochemically. The $\sigma _{\text{p}}$ expressions derived from this model establish the mechanistic distinction of regime I$^{\prime}$ and I and thus lend support to the thermodynamic model. On comparing the deflagration of strand against powder AP, the proposed thermodynamic model correctly predicts that the total enthalpy of the condensed and gas phases remains unaltered. However, 16% of AP particles undergo buoyant lifting into the gas phase in the `free board region' (FBR) and this renders the demarcation of the true surface difficult. It is found that T$_{\text{s}}$ lies in the FBR and due to this, in regime I$^{\prime}$, the E$_{\text{s,c}}$ of powder AP matches with the E$_{\text{s,g}}$ of the pellet. The model was extended to AP/dicarboxylic acids and AP/CTPB mixture. The condensed ($\Delta $H$_{1}$) and gas phase ($\Delta $H$_{2}$) enthalpies were obtained from the temperature profile analyses which fit well with those computed thermochemically. The $\Delta $H$_{1}$ of the AP/succinic acid mixture was found just at the threshold of sustaining combustion. Indeed the lower homologue malonic acid, as predicted, does not sustain combustion. In vaporizable fuels like sebacic acid the E$_{\text{s,c}}$ in regime I$^{\prime}$, understandably, conforms to the AP decomposition. However, the E$_{\text{s,c}}$ in AP/CTPB system corresponds to the softening of the polymer which covers AP particles to promote extensive condensed phase reactions. The proposed thermodynamic model also satisfactorily explains certain unique features like intermittent, plateau and flameless combustion in AP/ polymeric fuel systems.


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A novel universal approach to understand the self-deflagration in solids has been attempted by using basic thermodynamic equation of partial differentiation, where burning mte depends on the initial temperature and pressure of the system. Self-deflagrating solids are rare and are reported only in few compounds like ammonium perchlorate (AP), polystyrene peroxide and tetrazole. This approach has led us to understand the unique characteristics of AP, viz. the existence of low pressure deflagration limit (LPL 20 atm), hitherto not understood sufficiently. This analysis infers that the overall surface activation energy comprises of two components governed by the condensed phase and gas phase processes. The most attractive feature of the model is the identification of a new subcritical regime I' below LPL where AP does not burn. The model is aptly supported by the thermochemical computations and temperature-profile analyses of the combustion train. The thermodynamic model is further corroborated from the kinetic analysis of the high pressure (1-30 atm) DTA thermograms which affords distinct empirical decomposition rate laws in regimes I' and 1 (20-60 atm). Using Fourier-Kirchoff one dimensional heat transfer differential equation, the phase transition thickness and the melt-layer thickness have been computed which conform to the experimental data.


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A swarm is a temporary structure formed when several thousand honey bees leave their hive and settle on some object such as the branch of a tree. They remain in this position until a suitable site for a new home is located by the scout bees. A continuum model based on heat conduction and heat generation is used to predict temperature profiles in swarms. Since internal convection is neglected, the model is applicable only at low values of the ambient temperature T-a. Guided by the experimental observations of Heinrich (1981a-c, J. Exp. Biol. 91, 25-55; Science 212, 565-566; Sci. Am. 244, 147-160), the analysis is carried out mainly for non-spherical swarms. The effective thermal conductivity is estimated using the data of Heinrich (1981a, J. Exp. Biol. 91, 25-55) for dead bees. For T-a = 5 and 9 degrees C, results based on a modified version of the heat generation function due to Southwick (1991, The Behaviour and Physiology of Bees, PP 28-47. C.A.B. International, London) are in reasonable agreement with measurements. Results obtained with the heat generation function of Myerscough (1993, J. Theor. Biol. 162, 381-393) are qualitatively similar to those obtained with Southwick's function, but the error is more in the former case. The results suggest that the bees near the periphery generate more heat than those near the core, in accord with the conjecture of Heinrich (1981c, Sci. Am. 244, 147-160). On the other hand, for T-a = 5 degrees C, the heat generation function of Omholt and Lonvik (1986, J. Theor. Biol. 120, 447-456) leads to a trivial steady state where the entire swarm is at the ambient temperature. Therefore an acceptable heat generation function must result in a steady state which is both non-trivial and stable with respect to small perturbations. Omholt and Lonvik's function satisfies the first requirement, but not the second. For T-a = 15 degrees C, there is a considerable difference between predicted and measured values, probably due to the neglect of internal convection in the model.


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Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) techniques, by far, had been applied to LAN problems by many investigators, An analytical study of well known algorithms for generation of Orthogonal codes used in FO-CDMA systems like those for prime, quasi-Prime, Optical Orthogonal and Matrix codes has been presented, Algorithms for OOCs like Greedy/Modified Greedy/Accelerated Greedy algorithms are implemented. Many speed-up enhancements. for these algorithms are suggested. A novel Synthetic Algorithm based on Difference Sets (SADS) is also proposed. Investigations are made to vectorise/parallelise SADS to implement the source code on parallel machines. A new matrix for code families of OOCs with different seed code-words but having the same (n,w,lambda) set is formulated.


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C-70 films deposited on highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), Ag(110), Ag(111) and Pt(110) substrates have been investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy. Interesting observations on novel molecular arrangements, as well as orientational disorder, are presented. Solid solutions of C-60 and C-70 show interesting packing of these molecules when deposited on HOPG.


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The technique of nebulized spray pyrolysis has been explored to find out whether oriented films of certain important oxides can be produced on single-crystal substrates by this relatively gentle method. Starting with acetylacetonate precursors, oriented films of metallic LaNiO3 containing nearly spherical grains (30 nm) have been obtained. Films of near-stoichiometric La4Ni3O10 and La3Ni2O7 showing metallic conductivity have been obtained by this method. This is indeed gratifying since it is difficult to prepare monophasic and stoichiometric bulk samples of these materials. Films of La2NiO4 show the expected semiconducting behavior. In the La-Cu-O system, starting with acetylacetonates, we have obtained films mainly comprising semiconducting La2Cu2O5, which is generally difficult to prepare in bulk form. More interestingly, nebulized spray pyrolysis gives excellent stoichiometric films of Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O-3 consisting of nearly spherical grains (30 nm) which show ferroelectric behavior. The present investigation demonstrates that nebulized spray pyrolysis provides a useful and desirable route to deposite oriented films of complex oxide materials on single-crystal substrates.


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A scanning tunneling microscopy study of carbon nanocapsules (onions) is reported for the first time. Spherulitic graphite is shown to be purely crystalline graphite based on X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy studies.