84 resultados para Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598.


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The oxidation rate of a cuprous sulfide pellet suspended in a stream of air was followed by measuring the evolution of SO2 titrimetrically. Thin thermocouples embedded in the center of the sample recorded the variation of temperature during oxidation. The reaction was found to be topochemical and the sample temperature was found to be higher than its surroundings initially for about half an hour. After this initial period, the sample temperature decreased to that of the surroundings and remained constant during the rest of the period of over 5 hr. The apparent activation energy from the experimental data was found to be different for the initial (nonisothermal) and subsequent (isothermal) periods. Rate controlling mechanisms for these two intervals have been proposed based on interface chemical reaction, mass transfer resistance, and heat transfer concepts. Fair agreement is found between the theoretical rates based on transport mechanisms and those obtained experimentally


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The authors are grateful to Professor K. P. Abraham for the provision of facilities and encouragement. One of us (PRR) acknowledges the award of a National Associateship by the UGC which facilitated a short-time visit to the Indian Institute of Science.


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Flaviviruses have been shown to induce cell surface expression of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) through the activation of NF-kappa B. Using IKK1(-/-), IKK2(-/-), NEMO-/-, and IKK1-/- IKK2-/- double mutant as well as p50(-/-) RelA(-/-) cRel(-/-) triple mutant mouse embryonic fibroblasts infected with Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), we show that this flavivirus utilizes the canonical pathway to activate NF-kappa B in an IKK2- and NEMO-, but not IKK1-, dependent manner. NF-kappa B DNA binding activity induced upon virus infection was shown to be composed of RelA: p50 dimers in these fibroblasts. Type I interferon (IFN) production was significantly decreased but not completely abolished upon virus infection in cells defective in NF-kappa B activation. In contrast, induction of classical MHC-I (class 1a) genes and their cell surface expression remained unaffected in these NF-kappa B-defective cells. However, MHC-I induction was impaired in IFNAR(-/-) cells that lack the alpha/beta IFN receptor, indicating a dominant role of type I IFNs but not NF-kappa B for the induction of MHC-I molecules by Japanese encephalitis virus. Our further analysis revealed that the residual type I IFN signaling in NF-kappa B-deficient cells is sufficient to drive MHC-I gene expression upon virus infection in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. However, NF-kappa B could indirectly regulate MHC-I expression, since JEV-induced type I IFN expression was found to be critically dependent on it.


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We consider a variant of the popular matching problem here. The input instance is a bipartite graph $G=(\mathcal{A}\cup\mathcal{P},E)$, where vertices in $\mathcal{A}$ are called applicants and vertices in $\mathcal{P}$ are called posts. Each applicant ranks a subset of posts in an order of preference, possibly involving ties. A matching $M$ is popular if there is no other matching $M'$ such that the number of applicants who prefer their partners in $M'$ to $M$ exceeds the number of applicants who prefer their partners in $M$ to $M'$. However, the “more popular than” relation is not transitive; hence this relation is not a partial order, and thus there need not be a maximal element here. Indeed, there are simple instances that do not admit popular matchings. The questions of whether an input instance $G$ admits a popular matching and how to compute one if it exists were studied earlier by Abraham et al. Here we study reachability questions among matchings in $G$, assuming that $G=(\mathcal{A}\cup\mathcal{P},E)$ admits a popular matching. A matching $M_k$ is reachable from $M_0$ if there is a sequence of matchings $\langle M_0,M_1,\dots,M_k\rangle$ such that each matching is more popular than its predecessor. Such a sequence is called a length-$k$ voting path from $M_0$ to $M_k$. We show an interesting property of reachability among matchings in $G$: there is always a voting path of length at most 2 from any matching to some popular matching. Given a bipartite graph $G=(\mathcal{A}\cup\mathcal{P},E)$ with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges and any matching $M_0$ in $G$, we give an $O(m\sqrt{n})$ algorithm to compute a shortest-length voting path from $M_0$ to a popular matching; when preference lists are strictly ordered, we have an $O(m+n)$ algorithm. This problem has applications in dynamic matching markets, where applicants and posts can enter and leave the market, and applicants can also change their preferences arbitrarily. After any change, the current matching may no longer be popular, in which case we are required to update it. However, our model demands that we switch from one matching to another only if there is consensus among the applicants to agree to the switch. Hence we need to update via a voting path that ends in a popular matching. Thus our algorithm has applications here.


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Calcium-calcium fluoride melt was used to remove phosphorus from the ferro-chrome alloy (64.5 wt% Cr, 0.15 wt% P) during electro slag refining process. The effect of atmosphere and deoxidisers, viz. Al, Fe–Mo and misch metal were also studied during dephosphorisation reaction. The thermodynamic properties of Ca–CaF2 melt is calculated from a known phase diagram and these results are discussed in relation with the dephosphorisation reaction.


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Most of the Greater Cochin area, which is undergoing rapid industrialisation, consists of extremely soft marine clay calling for expensive deep foundations. This paper presents a study on the physical properties and engeering characteristics of Cochin marine clays. These marine clays are characterised by high Atterberg limits and natural water contents. They are moderately sensitive with liquidity indices ranging over 0.46 to 0.87.The grain size distribution shows almost equal fractions of clay and silt size with sand content varying around 20%. Use of a dispersing agent in carrying out grain size distribution test plays an important role. The fabric of these clays had been identified as flocculant. The pore water has low salinity which results in marginal changes in properties on washing.Consolidation test results showed a preconsolidation pressure of up to about 0.5 kg/cm2 with high compression indices. Compression index vs liquid limit yielded a correlation comparable to that of published data. The undisturbed samples have a much larger coefficient of secondary consolidation as a result of flocculant fabric. These clays have very low undrained shear strength.


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The existingm odels of drop breakage in stirred dispersions grossly overpredict the maximum drop size when surface active agents are present inspite of using the lowered value of interfacial tension. It is shown that the difference in the values of dynamic and static interfacial tension, aids the turbulent stresses in drop breakage. When the difference is zero, e.g. for pure liquids and for high concentration of surfactants, the influence of the addition of surfactant is merely to reduce the interfacial tension and can be accounted for by existingm odels. A modified model has been developed, where the drop breakage is assumed to be represented by a Voigt element. The deforming stresses are due to turbulence and the difference between dynamic and static interfacial tensions. The resisting stresses arise due to interfacial tension and the viscous flow inside the drop. The model yields the existing expressions for dmax as special cases. The model has been found to be satisfactory when tested against experimental results using the styrene-water-teepol system.


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The different formalisms for the representation of thermodynamic data on dilute multicomponent solutions are critically reviewed. The thermodynamic consistency of the formalisms are examined and the interrelations between them are highlighted. The options are constraints in the use of the interaction parameter and Darken's quadratic formalisms for multicomponent solutions are discussed in the light of the available experimental data. Truncatred Maclaurin series expansion is thermodynamically inconsistent unless special relations between interaction parameters are invoked. However, the lack of strict mathematical consistency does not affect the practical use of the formalism. Expressions for excess partial properties can be integrated along defined composition paths without significant loss of accuracy. Although thermodynamically consistent, the applicability of Darken's quadratic formalism to strongly interacting systems remains to be established by experiment.


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Antibodies specific to avian myeloblastosis virus envelope glycoprotein gp80 were raised. Immunoliposomes were prepared using anti-avian myeloblastosis virus envelope glycoprotein gp80 antibody. The antibody was palmitoylated to facilitate its incorporation into lipid bilayers of liposomes. The fluorescence emission spectra of palmitoylated IgG have exhibited a shift in emission maximum from 330 to 370 nm when it was incorporated into the liposomes. At least 50% of the incorporated antibody molecules were found to be oriented towards the outside in the liposomes. The average size of the liposome was found to be 300 A, and on an average, 15 antibody molecules were shown to be present in a liposome. When adriamycin encapsulated in immunoliposomes was incubated in a medium containing serum for 72 h, about 75% of the drug was retained in liposomes. In vivo localization studies, revealed an enhanced delivery of drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes to the target tissue, as compared to free drug or drug encapsulated in free liposomes. These data suggest a possible use of the drugs encapsulated in immunoliposomes to deliver the drugs in target areas, thereby reducing side effects caused by antiviral agents.


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The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase (MgO-rich) and zincite (ZnO-rich) solid solutions in the MgO---ZnO system have been determined by measuring the activity of MgO using a solid-state galvanic cell of the type 02(g), Pt/MgO, MgF2//MgF2//{χMgO+(1-χ)ZnO}(s, sln), MgF2/Pt, O2(g) in the temperature range 900–1050°C. The ZnO activity was calculated by graphical Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity-composition plots of both components exhibit a strong positive deviation from ideality and are characterised by a miscibility gap. The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase and zincite solid solutions obtained from the activity-composition plots are found to be in reasonable agreement with those reported in the literature.


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Attempts were made to produce directionally solidified, specifically grain aligned Al-6 wt pct Ni eutectic alloy using a laboratory scale ESR unit. For this purpose sand cast alloy electrodes were electroslag remelted under different mold conditions. The grain structure of the ingots obtained from these meltings showed that insulated silica molds gave the best vertical alignment of grains along the length of the ingot. The NiAl3 fibers within the grains tended to fan out and there was only a preferred alignment of fibers along the growth direction under the conditions of our experiments. The ESR parameters most suitable for vertical alignment of eutectic grains have been identified. In some electroslag remelting trials ingots were grown on a seed ingot. This resulted in a fewer vertical grains compared to the case when no seed ingot was used. The sand cast specimen of the eutectic exhibited a maximum tensile strength of around 88.2 MN/m2 (9.0 kg/mm2) whereas conventional ESR using water cooled mold gave strength value of 98.0 MN/m2 (10 kg/mm2). The directionally solidified ESR material showed longitudinal tensile strength as high as 213.7 MN/m2 (21.8 kg/mm2) which could be further increased to 220.6 MN/m2 (22.5 kg/mm2) by using the seed ingot. The average growth rate was varied between 5 to 25 mm/min during electroslag remelting in this study. The flow stresses, tangent modulus and ultimate tensile strength of directionally solidified eutectic increased with increasing growth rates.