382 resultados para Nicotine C-oxidase


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The crystal structures of the synthetic self-complementary octamer d(G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C) and its 5-bromouracil-containing analogue have been refined to R values of 20% and 14% at resolutions of 1·8 and 2·25 Å, respectively. The molecules adopt an A-DNA type double-helical conformation, which is minimally affected by crystal forces. A detailed analysis of the structure shows a considerable influence of the nucleotide sequence on the base-pair stacking patterns. In particular, the electrostatic stacking interactions between adjacent guanine and thymine bases produce symmetric bending of the double helix and a major-groove widening. The sugar-phosphate backbone appears to be only slightly affected by the base sequence. The local variations in the base-pair orientation are brought about by correlated adjustments in the backbone torsion angles and the glycosidic orientation. Sequence-dependent conformational variations of the type observed here may contribute to the specificity of certain protein-DNA interactions.


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Bearing capacity factor N-c for axially loaded piles in clays whose cohesion increases linearly with depth has been estimated numerically under undrained (phi=0) condition. The Study follows the lower bound limit analysis in conjunction With finite elements and linear programming. A new formulation is proposed for solving an axisymmetric geotechnical stability problem. The variation of N-c with embedment ratio is obtained for several rates of the increase of soil cohesion with depth; a special case is also examined when the pile base was placed on the stiff clay stratum overlaid by a soft clay layer. It was noticed that the magnitude of N-c reaches almost a constant value for embedment ratio greater than unity. The roughness of the pile base and shaft affects marginally the magnitudes of N-c. The results obtained from the present study are found to compare quite well with the different numerical solutions reported in the literature.


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A detailed analysis of the 1H and 13C NMR spectra of C-2 aryl and alkyl/desalkyl substituted isomeric exo- and endo-5-methylbicyclo[3.2.1]octane-6,8-diones is presented. The chemical shift of the C-5 angular methyl, the C-2 alkyl/olefinic (C-10)/C-2 methine protons, the aromatic proton shieldings and the characteristic AMX and ABX spectral pattern of the ketomethylene and bridgehead protons were found to be sensitive to the phenyl ring orientation (anisotropy). These distinctive features could be used for configurational distinction for this class of compounds. With increasing ortho-methoxy substitution on the phenyl ring, considerable deshilelding of the bridgehead proton was observed (ca. 0.6 ppm). Absence of the C-2 alkyl group in the desalkyl isomers resulted in substantial changes in the chemical shifts of different protons. A study of the NMR spectra of the corresponding bicyclic compounds with C-2 methoxy/hydroxy substitution instead of the aryl group revealed that the anisotropy of the phenyl ring and the electronegative oxygen substituents have opposite effects. The 13C NMR spectral assignment of each carbon resonance of C-2 aryl and alkyl/desalkyl substituted isomeric exo- and endo-5-methylbicyclo[3.2.1]octane-6,8-diones and the corresponding C-2 methoxy/hydroxy/chloro and methyl bicyclic compounds are reported. Additional ortho-methoxy substitution on the phenyl ring was found to produce considerable high field shifts of the C-10 and C-1 carbon resonances. A high-field shift was observed for the C-6 and C-8 carbonyl carbons, presumably due to 1,3-dicarbonyl interactions. The chemical shifts of C-1 aromatic, C-10 alkyl and C-2 carbons, which are sensitive to exo/endo isomerism, could be utilized in differentiating a pair of isomers.


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Internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-mediated translation of input viral RNA is the initial required step for the replication of the positive-stranded genome of hepatitis C virus (HCV). We have shown previously the importance of the GCAC sequence near the initiator AUG within the stem and loop IV (SLIV) region in mediating ribosome assembly on HCV RNA. Here, we demonstrate selective inhibition of HCV-IRES-mediated translation using short hairpin (sh)RNA targeting the same site within the HCV IRES. sh-SLIV showed significant inhibition of viral RNA replication in a human hepatocellular carcinoma (Huh7) cell line harbouring a HCV monocistronic replicon. More importantly, co-transfection of infectious HCV-H77s RNA and sh-SLIV in Huh7.5 cells successfully demonstrated a significant decrease in viral RNA in HCV cell culture. Additionally, we report, for the first time, the targeted delivery of sh-SLIV RNA into mice liver using Sendai virosomes and demonstrate selective inhibition of HCV-IRES-mediated translation. Results provide the proof of concept that Sendai virosomes could be used for the efficient delivery of shRNAs into liver tissue to block HCV replication.


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Adriamycin (Doxorubicin) stimulates NADH oxidase activity in liver plasma membrane, but does not cause NADH oxidase activity to appear where it is not initially present, as in erythrocyte membrane. NADH dehydrogenase from rat liver and erythrocyte plasma membranes shows similar adriamycin effects with other electron acceptors. Both NADH ferricyanide reductase and vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation are inhibited by adriamycin, as is a cyanide insensitive ascorbate oxidase activity, whereas NADH cytochrome c reductase is not affected. The effects may contribute to the growth inhibitory (control) and/or deleterious effects of adriamycin. It is clear that adriamycin effects on the plasma membrane dehydrogenase involve more than a simple catalysis of superoxide formation.


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From consideration of 'H-lH vicinal coupling constants and '"G'H long-range coupling constants in a series of amino acid derivatives, the precise values of uC component vicinal coupling constants have been calculated for the three minimum energy staggered rotamers for the C(or)H-C(P)H, side-chains of amino acids.


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Oxidation of NADH by rat erythrocyte plasma membrane was stimulated by about 50-fold on addition of decavanadate, but not other forms of vanadate like orthovanadate, metavanadate aad vanadyl sulphate. The vanadate-stimulated activity was observed only in phosphate buffer while other buffers like Tris, acetate, borate and Hepes were ineffective. Oxygen was consumed during the oxidation of NADH and the products were found to be NAD+ and hydrogen peroxide. The reaction had a stoichiometry of one mole of oxygen consumption and one mole of H2O2 production for every mole of NADH that was oxidized. Superoxide dismutase and manganous inhibited the activity indicating the involvement of superoxide anions. Electron spin resonance in the presence of a spin trap, 5, 5prime-dimethyl pyrroline N-oxide, indicated the presence of superoxide radicals. Electron spin resonance studies also showed the appearance of VIV species by reduction of VV of decavanadate indicating thereby participation of vanadate in the redox reaction. Under the conditions of the assay, vanadate did not stimulate lipid peroxidation in erythrocyte membranes. Extracts from lipid-free preparations of the erythrocyte membrane showed full activity. This ruled out the possibility of oxygen uptake through lipid peroxidation. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation activity could be partially solubilized by treating erythrocyte membranes either with Triton X-100 or sodium cholate. Partially purified enzyme obtained by extraction with cholate and fractionation by ammonium sulphate and DEAE-Sephadex was found to be unstable.


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Borohydride reduction of the bi-enone (1) gave the structurally and mechanistically interesting compounds (4) and (5a-c) resulting from intramolecular carbon-carbon coupling.


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M r=275.8, monoclinic, P21/a, a= 12.356 (5), b=9.054 (4), c= 14.043 (4) A, t= 100.34 (3) ° , V=1545.5A 3, Z=4, D,,,= 1.14, D x = 1.185 Mg m -3, p(Mo Ka, /l = 0.7107 ]k) = 2.77 mm -1, F(000) = 584.0, T= 293 K, R = 0.053 for 1088 reflections. The four-membered ring is buckled 13.0 ° (0= 167.0°). The azetidinium moiety is linked to the C1- ion through a hydrogen bond [O-H...C1 = 3.166 (5) A].


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The variable temperature proton and ambient temperature carbon-13 NMR spectra of S-methyl dithiocarbamate esters have been recorded. The results of the theoretical energy calculations (CNDO/2 and EHT types) together with the experimental data have been interpreted in terms of the molecular conformations. The barrier heights for the rotation about the thioamide C—N bond are calculated using the CNDO/2 method and the results are discussed in terms of the computed charge densities and bond orders.


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The rate of NADH oxidation with oxygen as the acceptor is very low in mouse liver plasma membrane and erythrocyte membrane. When vanadate is added, this rate is stimulated 10- to 20-fold. The absorption spectrum of vanadate does not change with the disappearance of NADH. The reaction is inhibited by superoxide dismutase, and there is no activity under an argon atmosphere. This indicates that oxygen is the electron acceptor and the reaction is mediated by superoxide. The vanadate stimulation is not limited to plasma membrane. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum show similar increase in NADH oxidase activity when vanadate is added. The endomembranes have significant vanadate-stimulated activity with both NADH and NADPH. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidase in plasma membrane is inhibited by compounds, which inhibit NADH dehydrogenase activity: catechols, anthracycline drugs and manganese. This activity is stimulated by high phosphate and sulfate anion concentrations.


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Increased activation of c-src seen in colorectal cancer is an indicator of a poor clinical prognosis, suggesting that identification of downstream effectors of c-src may lead to new avenues of therapy. Guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) is a receptor for the gastrointestinal hormones guanylin and uroguanylin and the bacterial heat-stable enterotoxin. Though activation of GC-C by its ligands elevates intracellular cyclic GMP (cGMP) levels and inhibits cell proliferation, its persistent expression in colorectal carcinomas and occult metastases makes it a marker for malignancy. We show here that GC-C is a substrate for inhibitory phosphorylation by c-src, resulting in reduced ligand-mediated cGMP production. Consequently, active c-src in colonic cells can overcome GC-C-mediated control of the cell cycle. Furthermore, docking of the c-src SH2 domain to phosphorylated GC-C results in colocalization and further activation of c-src. We therefore propose a novel feed-forward mechanism of activation of c-src that is induced by cross talk between a receptor GC and a tyrosine kinase. Our findings have important implications in understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the progression and treatment of colorectal cancer.