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Solid state NMR (SSNMR) experiments on heteronuclei in natural abundance are described for three synthetically designed tripeptides Piv-(L)Pro_(L)Pro-(L)Phe-OMe (1), Piv-(D)Pro_(L)Pro_(L)Phe-OMe (2), and Piv-(D)Pro_(L)Pro_(L)Phe-NHMe (3). These peptides exist in different conformation as shown by solution state NMR and single crystal X-ray analysis (Chatterjee et al., Chem Eur J 2008, 14, 6192). In this study, SSNMR has been used to probe the conformations of these peptides in their powder form. The C-13 spectrum of peptide (1) showed doubling of resonances corresponding to cis/cis form, unlike in solution where the similar doubling is attributed to cis/trans form. This has been confirmed by the chemical shift differences of C-beta and C-gamma carbon of Proline in peptide (1) both in solution and SSNMR. Peptide (2) and (3) provided single set of resonances which represented all transform across the di-Proline segment. The results are In agreement with the X-ray analysis. Solid state N-15 resonances, especially from Proline residues provided additional information, which is normally not observable in solution state NMR. H-1 chemical shifts are also obtained from a two-dimensional heteronuclear correlation experiment between H-1-C-13. The results confirm the utility of NMR as a useful tool for identifying different conformers in peptides in the solid state. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 91: 851-860, 2009.


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The classical Rayleigh-Ritz method with simple polynomials as admissible functions has been used for obtaining natural frequencies of transversely vibrating polar orthotropic annular plates. The method in conjunction with transformations introduced in the analysis has been found to be quite effective, particularly for large hole sizes. Estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to modes with one as well as two nodal diameters are obtained for the nine combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions and for various values of rigidity ratio and hole sizes. Based on the variation of eigenvalue parameter with rigidity ratio, the frequencies of these modes as well as those of axisymmetric modes have been expressed by means of simple formulae in terms of rigidity ratio and the frequencies of corresponding modes in the isotropic case. These formulae have been used in determining the fundamental frequencies of orthotropic plates.


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The classical Rayleigh-Ritz method in conjunction with suitable co-ordinate transformations is found to be effective for accurate estimation of natural frequencies of circumferentially truncated circular sector plates with simply supported straight edges. Numerical results are obtained for all the nine combinations of clamped, simply supported and free boundary conditions at the circular edges and presented in the form of graphs. The analysis confirms an earlier observation that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip as the width of the plate in the radial direction becomes small.


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It is shown using an explicit model that radiative corrections can restore the symmetry of a system which may appear to be broken at the classical level. This is the reverse of the phenomenon demonstrated by Coleman and Weinberg. Our model is different from theirs, but the techniques are the same. The calculations are done up to the two-loop level and it is shown that the two-loop contribution is much smaller than the one-loop contribution, indicating good convergence of the loop expansion.


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A method based on an assumption that the radial bending moment is zero at a nodal circle is shown to yield accurate estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to higher modes of transversely vibrating polar orthotropic annular plates for various combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions. This method is found to be convenient for the determination of locations of nodal circles as well. Numerical investigations revealed that for small holes, nodal circles tend to move towards the outer edge with increasing number of nodal diameters. For large holes, it has been shown that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip.


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The classical Rayleigh-Ritz method in conjunction with suitable co-ordinate transformations is found to be effective for accurate estimation of natural frequencies of circumferentially truncated circular sector plates with simply supported straight edges. Numerical results are obtained for all the nine combinations of clamped, simply supported and free boundary conditions at the circular edges and presented in the form of graphs. The analysis confirms an earlier observation that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip as the width of the plate in the radial direction becomes small.


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A method based on an assumption that the radial bending moment is zero at a nodal circle is shown to yield accurate estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to higher modes of transversely vibrating polar orthotropic annular plates for various combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions. This method is found to be convenient for the determination of locations of nodal circles as well. Numerical investigations revealed that for small holes, nodal circles tend to move towards the outer edge with increasing number of nodal diameters. For large holes, it has been shown that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip.


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This paper reports a numerical study of the laminar conjugate natural convection heat transfer with and without the interaction of the surface radiation in a horizontal cylindrical annulus formed between an inner heat generating solid circular cylinder and an outer isothermal circular boundary. Numerical solutions are obtained by solving the governing equations with a pressure correction method on a collocated (non-staggered) mesh. Steady-state results are presented for the flow and temperature distributions and Nusselt numbers for the heat generation based Grashof number ranging from 10(7) to 10(10), solid-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratios of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100, radius ratios of 0.226 and 0.452 and surface emissivities of 0-0.8 with air as the working medium. It is observed that surface radiation reduces the convective heat transfer in the annulus compared to the pure natural convection case and enhances the overall Nusselt number.


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We present four new reinforcement learning algorithms based on actor-critic, natural-gradient and functi approximation ideas,and we provide their convergence proofs. Actor-critic reinforcement learning methods are online approximations to policy iteration in which the value-function parameters are estimated using temporal difference learning and the policy parameters are updated by stochastic gradient descent. Methods based on policy gradients in this way are of special interest because of their compatibility with function-approximation methods, which are needed to handle large or infinite state spaces. The use of temporal difference learning in this way is of special interest because in many applications it dramatically reduces the variance of the gradient estimates. The use of the natural gradient is of interest because it can produce better conditioned parameterizations and has been shown to further reduce variance in some cases. Our results extend prior two-timescale convergence results for actor-critic methods by Konda and Tsitsiklis by using temporal difference learning in the actor and by incorporating natural gradients. Our results extend prior empirical studies of natural actor-critic methods by Peters, Vijayakumar and Schaal by providing the first convergence proofs and the first fully incremental algorithms.


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Transient natural convection flow on a heated cylinder buried in a semi-infinite liquid-saturated porous medium has been studied. The unsteadiness in the problem arises due to the cylinder which is heated (cooled) suddenly and then maintained at that temperature. The coupled partial differential equations governing the flow and heat transfer are cast into stream function-temperature formulation, and the solutions are obtained from the initial time to the time when steady state is reached. The heat transfer is found to change significantly with increasing time in a small time interval immediately after the start of the impulsive change, and steady state is reached after some time. The average Nusselt number is found to increase with Rayleigh number When the surface of the cylinder is suddenly cooled, there is a change in the direction of the heat transfer in a small time interval immediately after the start of the impulsive change in the surface temperature;however when the surface temperature is suddenly increased, no such phenomenon is observed.


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Natural peptide libraries often contain cyclodepsipeptides containing alpha or beta hydroxy residues. Extracts of fungal hyphae of Isaria yield a microheterogenous cyclodepsipeptide mixture in which two classes of molecules can be identified by mass spectral fragmentation of negative ions. In the case of isaridins, which contain an alpha-hydroxy residue and a beta-amino acid residue, a characteristic product ion corresponding to a neutral loss of 72 Da is obtained. hi addition, neutral loss of water followed by a 72 Da loss is also observed. Two distinct modes of fragmentation rationalize the observed product ion distribution. The neutral loss of 72 Da has also been obtained for a roseotoxin component, which is also an alpha-hydroxy residue containing cyclodepsipeptide. In the case of isariins, which contain a beta-hydroxy acid residue, ring opening and subsequent loss of the terminal residue as an unsaturated ketene fragment, rationalizes the observed product ion formation. Fragmentation of negative ions provide characteristic neutral losses, which are diagnostic of the presence of alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy residues.


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Extensive measurements of aerosol radiative and microphysical properties were made at an island location, Minicoy (8.3 degrees N, 73.04 degrees E) in the southern Arabian Sea. A large variability in aerosol characteristics associated with changes in air mass and precipitation characteristics was observed. Six distinct transport pathways were identified on the basis of cluster analysis. The Indo-Gangetic Plain, along with the northern Arabian Sea and west Asia (NWA), was identified to be the region having the highest potential for aerosol mass loading at the island. This estimate is based on the concentration weighted trajectory as well as cluster analysis. Dust transport from the NWA region was found to make a substantial contribution to the supermicron mass fraction. The black carbon mass mixing ratios observed were the lowest compared to previous measurements over this region. Consequently, the atmospheric radiative forcing efficiency was low and was in the range 10-28 W m(-2).


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The influence of atmospheric aerosols on Earth's radiation budget and hence climate, though well recognized and extensively investigated in recent years, remains largely uncertain mainly because of the large spatio-temporal heterogeneity and the lack of data with adequate resolution. To characterize this diversity, a major multi-platform field campaign ICARB (Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget) was carried out during the pre-monsoon period of 2006 over the Indian landmass and surrounding oceans, which was the biggest such campaign ever conducted over this region. Based on the extensive and concurrent measurements of the optical and physical properties of atmospheric aerosols during ICARB, the spatial distribution of aerosol radiative forcing was estimated over the entire Bay of Bengal (BoB), northern Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea (AS) as well as large spatial variations within these regions. Besides being considerably lower than the mean values reported earlier for this region, our studies have revealed large differences in the forcing components between the BoB and the AS. While the regionally averaged aerosol-induced atmospheric forcing efficiency was 31 +/- 6 W m(-2) tau(-1) for the BoB, it was only similar to 18 +/- 7 W m(-2) tau(-1) for the AS. Airborne measurements revealed the presence of strong, elevated aerosol layers even over the oceans, leading to vertical structures in the atmospheric forcing, resulting in significant warming in the lower troposphere. These observations suggest serious climate implications and raise issues ranging from the impact of aerosols on vertical thermal structure of the atmospheric and hence cloud formation processes to monsoon circulation.


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The RecA intein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a novel double-stranded DNA endonuclease, requires both Mn(2+) and ATP for efficient cleavage of the inteinless recA allele. In this study, we show that Mg(2+) alone was sufficient to stimulate PI-MtuI to cleave double-stranded DNA at ectopic sites. In the absence of Mg(2+), PI-MtuI formed complexes with topologically different forms of DNA containing ectopic recognition sequences with equal affinity but failed to cleave DNA. We observed that PI-MtuI was able to inflict double-strand breaks robustly within the ectopic recognition sequence to generate either a blunt end or 1-2-nucleotide 3'-hydroxyl overhangs. Mutational analyses of the presumptive metal ion-binding ligands (Asp(122), Asp(222), and Glu(220)) together with immunoprecipitation assays provided compelling evidence to link both the Mg(2+)- and Mn(2+) and ATP-dependent endonuclease activities to PI-MtuI. The kinetic mechanism of PI-MtuI promoted cleavage of ectopic DNA sites proceeded through a sequential mechanism with transient accumulation of nicked circular duplex DNA as an intermediate. Together, these data suggest that PI-MtuI, like group II introns, might mediate ectopic DNA transposition and hence its lateral transfer in natural populations.


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Synthetic analogues of naturally occurring triterpenoids; glycyrrhetinic acid, arjunolic acid, and boswellic acids, by modification of A-ring with a cyano- and enone-functionality, have been reported. A novel method of synthesis of α-cyanoenones from isoxazoles is reported. Bioassays using primary mouse macrophages and tumor cell lines indicate potent anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic activities associated with cyano-enones of boswellic acid and glycyrrhetinic acid.