279 resultados para N-Methyl-D-Aspartate


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The photolytic and photocatalytic degradation of the copolymers poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl methacrylate) (MMA–BMA), poly(methyl methacrylate-co-ethyl acrylate) (MMA–EA) and poly(methyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) (MMA–MAA) have been carried out in solution in the presence of solution combustion synthesized TiO2 (CS TiO2) and commercial Degussa P-25 TiO2 (DP 25). The degradation rates of the copolymers were compared with the respective homopolymers. The copolymers and the homopolymers degraded randomly along the chain. The degradation rate was determined using continuous distribution kinetics. For all the polymers, CS TiO2 exhibited superior photo-activity compared to the uncatalysed and DP 25 systems, owing to its high surface hydroxyl content and high specific surface area. The time evolution of the hydroxyl and hydroperoxide stretching vibration in the Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the copolymers indicated that the degradation rate follows the order MMA–MAA > MMA–EA > MMA–BMA. The same order is observed for the rate coefficients of photocatalytic degradation. The photodegradation rate coefficients were compared with the activation energy of pyrolytic degradation. In degradation by pyrolysis, it was observed that MMA–BMA was the least stable followed by MMA–EA and MMA–MAA. The observed contrast in the order of thermal stability compared to the photo-stability of these copolymers was attributed to the two different mechanisms governing the scission of the polymer and the evolution of the products.


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Titration calorimetry measurements of the binding of phenyl-alpha (alpha PhOGlu), 3-methoxy (3MeOGlu), fluorodeoxy and deoxy derivatives of alpha-D-glucopyranose (Glu) to concanavalin A (conA), pea lectin and lentil lectin were performed at approx. 10 and 25 degrees C in 0.01 M dimethylglutaric acid/NaOH buffer, pH 6.9, containing 0.15 M NaCl and Mn2+ and Ca2+ ions. Apparently the 3-deoxy, 4-deoxy and 6-deoxy as well as the 4-fluorodeoxy and 6-fluorodeoxy derivatives of Glu do not bind to the lectins because no heat release was observed on the addition of aliquots of solutions of these derivatives to the lectin solutions. The binding enthalpies, delta H0b, and entropies, delta S0b, determined from the measurements were compared with the same thermodynamic binding parameters for Glu, D-mannopyranoside and methyl-alpha- D-glucopyranoside (alpha MeOGlu). The binding reactions are enthalpically driven with little change in the heat capacity on binding, and exhibit enthalpy-entropy compensation. Differences between the thermodynamic binding parameters can be rationalized in terms of the interactions apparent in the known crystal structures of the methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside-conA [Derewenda, Yariv, Helliwell, Kalb (Gilboa), Dodson, Papiz, Wan and Campbell (1989) EMBO J. 8, 2189-2193] and pea lectin-trimanno-pyranoside [Rini, Hardman, Einspahr, Suddath and Carber (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 10126-10132] complexes. Increases in the entropy change on binding are observed for alpha MeOGlu binding to pea and lentil lectin, for alpha PhOGlu binding to conA and pea lectin, and for 3MeOGlu binding to pea lectin relative to the entropy change for Glu binding, and imply that the phenoxy and methoxy substituents provide additional hydrophobic interactions in the complex. Increases in the binding enthalpy relative to that of Glu are observed for deoxy and fluoro derivatives in the C-1 and C-2 positions and imply that these substituents weaken the interaction with the surrounding water, thereby strengthening the interaction with the binding site.


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DNA sequences containing a stretch of several A:T basepairs without a 5'-TA-3' step are known as A-tracts and have been the subject of extensive investigation because of their unique structural features such as a narrow minor groove and their crucial role in several biological processes. One of the aspects under investigation has been the influence of the 5-methyl group of thymine on the properties of A-tracts. Detailed molecular dynamics simulation studies of the sequences d(CGCAAAUUUGCG) and d(CGCAAATTTGCG) indicate that the presence of the 5-methyl group in thymine increases the frequency of a narrow minor groove conformation, which could facilitate its specific recognition by proteins, and reduce its susceptibility to cleavage by DNase I. The bias toward a wider minor groove in the absence of the thymine 5-methyl group is a static structural feature. Our results also indicate that the presence of the thymine 5-methyl group is necessary for calibrating the backbone conformation and the basepair and dinucleotide step geometry of the core A-tract as well as the flanking CA/TG and the neighboring GC/GC steps, as observed in free and protein-bound DNA. As a consequence, it also fine-tunes the curvature of the longer DNA fragment in which the A-tract is embedded.


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An alpha-D-glucuronidase was purified from the culture filtrates of Thermoascus aurantiacus. A simple colorimetric method for its assay is reported. The enzyme is a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 118,000. It acts optimally at pH 4.5. It shows maximum activity at 65 degrees C. The t 1/2 at 70 degrees C was 40 min. It specifically cleaved the alpha-(1----2) linkage between 4-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucuronic acid and the xylose residue in xylan and several glucurono-xylooligosaccharides.


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Thiosemicarbazones are having the ability to bind with metal and inhibit the enzyme ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase(RDR),an enzyme which is involved in the synthesis of DNA precursors in the mammalian cells.The title compound N-methyl-t-3-methyl-r-2, c-6-diphenylpiperidin-4-one thiosemicarbazone (NMMDPT), CCDC 218052, was prepared using Mannich reaction and characterized by X-ray diffraction methods.The crystal data are:C20H24N4S; M.W= 352.49, triclinic,space group P (1) over bar, a = 8.467(2)angstrom, b = 10.228(2)angstrom, c = 12.249(2)angstrom; lpha=92.595(3)degrees, beta=104.173(3)degrees, gamma=13.628(3)degrees; V=930.0(3)angstrom(3), Z=2, D-cal=1.259Mgm(-3),mu=0.184mm(-1),lambda (MoKalpha)=0.71073 angstrom, final R1 and wR2 are 0.0470 and 0.1052, respectively. The piperidine rings adopt chair conformation. The planar phenyl rings are oriented equatorially at 2,6-positions of the piperidine ring. The molecular packing can be viewed as dimers held together by two N-H...S types of intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Weak C-H...pi interactions also support the stability of the molecules in the crystal in addition to van der Waals forces. (c) 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Three-dimensional (3D) structure determination of proteins is benefitted by long-range distance constraints comprising the methyl groups, which constitute the hydrophobic core of proteins. However, in methyl groups (of Ala, Ile, Leu, Met, Thr and Val) there is a significant overlap of C-13 and H-1 chemical shifts. Such overlap can be resolved using the recently proposed (3,2)D HCCH-COSY, a G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR based experiment, which facilitates editing of methyl groups into distinct spectral regions by combining their C-13 chemical shifts with that of the neighboring, directly attached, C-13 nucleus. Using this principle, we present three GFT experiments: (a) (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH, (b) (4,3)D H-1-TOCSY-HCCH and (c) (4,3)D C-13-TOCSY-HCCH. These experiments provide unique 4D spectral information rapidly with high sensitivity and resolution for side-chain resonance assignments and NOE analysis of methyl groups. This is exemplified by (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH data acquired for 17.9 kDa non-deuterated cytosolic human J-protein co-chaperone, which provided crucial long-range distance constraints for its 3D structure determination.


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(I)Lantadene-B: C35H52O5,M r =552.80, MonoclinicC2,a=25.65(1),b=6.819(9),c=18.75(1) Å,beta=100.61(9),V=3223(5) Å3,Z=4,D x =1.14 g cm–3 CuKagr (lambda=1.5418A),mgr=5.5 cm–1,F(000)=1208,R=0.118,wR=0.132 for 1527 observed reflections withF o ge2sgr(F o ). (II)Lantadene-C: C35H54O5·CH3OH,Mr=586.85, Monoclinic,P21,a=9.822(3),b=10.909(3),c=16.120(8)Å,beta=99.82(4),V=1702(1)Å3,Z=2,D x =1.145 g cm–3, MoKagr (lambda=0.7107Å), mgr=0.708 cm–1 F(000)=644,R=0.098, wR=0.094 for 1073 observed reflections. The rings A, B, C, D, and E aretrans, trans, trans, cis fused and are in chair, chair, sofa, half-chair, chair conformations, respectively, in both the structures. In the unit cell the molecules are stabilized by O-HctdotO hydrogen bonds in both the structures, however an additional C-HctdotO interaction is observed in the case of Lantadene-C.


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C20H35N3O6 (Boc-Aib-DL-Pip-Aib-OMe, Boc = tert-butyloxycarbonyl, Aib = alpha-aminoisobutyric acid, Pip = pipecolic acid, OMe = methoxy), M(r) = 413.5, monoclinic, P2(1)/c, a = 18.055 (3), b = 15.048 (3), c = 17.173 (3) angstrom, beta = 91.7 (1)-degrees, V = 4663.8 (9) angstrom3, Z = 8, D(m) = 1.16, D(x) = 1.178 Mg m-3, lambda(Mo Kalpha) = 0.71069 angstrom, mu = 0.081 mm-1, F(000) = 1792, T = 297 K. The final R value for 4925 [I greater-than-or-equal-to 3sigma(I)] reflections is 0.065 (wR = 0.067). The peptide backbone of the two independent molecules in the asymmetric unit is folded at the -Aib-Pip- sequence to form a type-I (I') beta-bend stabilized by a 1 <-- 4 intramolecular N-H...O=C hydrogen bond between the Aib(3) peptide N-H and Boc urethane C=O groups.


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This paper presents the first report on a terpolyperoxide (TPPE) synthesized by the oxidative terpolymerization of styrene, methyl methacrylate, and a-methylstyrene. TPPEs of different compositions were synthesized by varying the vinyl monomers feed, and they were then characterized by spectroscopic and thermal studies. The conventional terpolymer equation has been used to predict the composition of TPPEs. The H-1 NMR chemical shift values of TPPEs were found to vary with the composition. The shape of the backbone methylene protons (4.00-4.50 ppm) was found to be sensitive to the sequence distribution of vinyl monomers in the polymer chain. Formaldehyde, benzaldehyde, acetophenone, and methyl pyruvate were identified as the primary degradation products. The overall thermal stability and the average enthalpy of degradation (Delta H-d), as obtained by thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively, do not vary much with the composition of TPPEs.


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C13H12F3NO2, M(r) = 271.2, triclinic, P1BAR, a = 5.029 (2), b = 7.479 (2), c = 17.073 (5) angstrom, alpha = 97.98 (2), beta = 95.54 (3), gamma = 103.62 (3)-degrees, V = 612.4 (4) angstrom 3, Z = 2, D(m) = 1.463, D(x) = 1.471 g cm-3, lambda(Mo K-alpha) = 0.71069 angstrom, mu = 1.23 cm-1, F(000) = 280, T = 298 K, final R value is 0.041 for 2047 observed reflections with \F(omicron)\ greater-than-or-equal-to 6-sigma(\F(omicron)\). The N-C(sp2) bond length is 1.356 (2) angstrom. The N and C atoms of the ethylamino group deviate by < 0.15 angstrom from the plane of the aromatic ring. Short intramolecular contacts, C(3)...F(17) 2.668 (3) angstrom [H(3)...F(17) 2.39 (2) angstrom, C(3)-H(C3)...F(17) 98 (1)-degrees], C(5)...F(18) 3.074 (3) and C(5)...F(19) 3.077 (3) angstrom exist in the structure. The crystal structure is stabilized by intermolecular N-H...O hydrogen bonds with N(12)-H(N12) 0.79 (3), H(N12)...O(11)' 2.36 (3), N(12)...O(11)' (x - 1, y + 1, z) 3.105 (3) angstrom and N(12)-H(N12)...O(11)' 155 (2)-degrees.


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In the title compound, C(15)H(10)N(4)O(10), the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 89.05 (16)degrees. One O atom of one of the nitro groups is disordered over two sites in a 0.70:0.30 ratio. In the crystal, the molecules are linked by weak C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions.


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A two step silicon surface texturing, consisting of potassium hydroxide (KOH) etching followed by tetra-methyl ammonium hydroxide etching is presented. This combined texturing results in 13.8% reflectivity at 600 nm compared to 16.1% reflectivity for KOH etching due to the modification of microstructure of etched pyramids. This combined etching also results in significantly lower flat-band voltage (V-FB) (-0.19V compared to -1.3 V) and interface trap density (D-it) (2.13 x 10(12) cm(-2) eV(-1) compared to 3.2 x 10(12) cm(-2) eV(-1)). (C) 2013 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4776733]


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The photocatalytic and thermal degradations of poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(butyl acrylate), and their copolymers of different compositions were studied. The photocatalytic degradation was investigated in o-dichlorobenzene in the presence of two different catalysts, namely, Degussa P-25 and combustion synthesized nanotitania (CSN-TiO2). The samples were analyzed by using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) to obtain the molecular weight distributions (MWDs) as a function of reaction time. Experimental data indicated that the photodegradation of these polymers occurs by both random and chain end scission. A continuous distribution kinetic model was used to determine the degradation rate coefficients by fitting the experimental data with the model. Both the random and specific rate coefficients of the copolymers decreased with increasing percentage of butyl acrylate (BA). Thermal degradation of the copolymers was investigated by thermo-gravimetry. The normalized weight loss profiles for the copolymers showed that the thermal stability of the copolymers increased with mole percentage of BA in the copolymer (PMMABA). The Czawa method was used to determine the activation energies at different conversions. At low acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy depends on conversion, indicating multiple degradation mechanisms. At high acrylate content in the copolymer, the activation energy is independent of conversion, indicating degradation by a one-step mechanism.


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The title compound, C4H5N3O2, features an essentially planar molecule (r.m.s. deviation for all non-H atoms = 0.013 angstrom). The crystal structure is stabilized by intermolecular N-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds and pi-pi stacking interactions (centroid centroid distance 3.882 angstrom).


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediated modulation of signal transduction pathways represent an important mechanism of cell injury and barrier dysfunction leading to the development of vascular disorders. Towards understanding the role of ROS in vascular dysfunction, we investigated the effect of diperoxovanadate (DPV), derived from mixing hydrogen peroxide and vanadate, on the activation of phospholipase D (PLD) in bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (BPAECs). Addition of DPV to BPAECs in the presence of .05% butanol resulted in an accumulation of [P-32] phosphatidylbutanol (PBt) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. DPV also caused an increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of several protein bands (Mr 20-200 kD), as determined by Western blot analysis with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies. The DPV-induced [P-32] PBt-accumulation was inhibited by putative tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as genistein, herbimycin, tyrphostin and by chelation of Ca2+ with either EGTA or BAPTA, however, pretreatment of BPAECs with the inhibitor PKC bisindolylmaleimide showed minimal inhibition. Also down-regulation of PKC alpha and epsilon, the major isotypes of PKC in BPAECs, by TPA (100 nM, 18 h) did not attenuate the DPV-induced PLD activation. The effects of putative tyrosine kinase and PKC inhibitors were specific as determined by comparing [P-32] PBt formation between DPV and TPA. In addition to tyrosine kinase inhibitors, antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine and pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate also attenuated DPV-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation and PLD stimulation. These results suggest that oxidation, prevented by reduction with thiol compounds, is involved in DPV-dependent protein tyrosine phosphorylation and PLD activation.