64 resultados para Multicopper Oxidase


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Abstract Microbial transformation of N, N-dimethyl-p-phenylene diamine (DMPDA), a microbial product formed from the fungicide fenaminosulf (p-dimethylaminobenzenediazo sodium sulfonate) was studied by enriching microbes in soils treated with the amine. Microorganisms isolated from DMPDA-treated soil belonged to the genera of Micrococcus, Alcaligenes, and Corynebacterium. Of the various isolates, Alcaligenes DM4 showed maximal growth on DMPDA utilizing it as sources of carbon and nitrogen. When grown in mineral salts basal medium containing 0.05% DMPDA to serve as carbon and nitrogen sources, Alcaligenes DM4 grew exponentially up to 18 h. Even though the characterization of the complete pathway of microbial degradation of DMPDA could not be carried out due to the auto-oxidation of the compound, the initial transformation product of DMPDA by Alcaligenes DM4 has been identified as a dimer. The dimer is generated into the culture medium presumably by the extra-cellular oxidase of Alcaligenes DM4. It is suggested that the risk-benefit evaluation on the use of fenaminosulf is to be made taking into consideration the microbial transformations of the fungicide.


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Knowledge of the generation of H202 in cellular oxidations has existed for many years. It has been assumed that H202 is tOxiC tO cells and the presence of catalase is indicative of a detoxication mechanism. Other radicals of oxygen were recently recognized to be more potent destructive agents of biological material than H202. Also catalase and other peroxidases utilize H202 in some cellular oxidation processes leading to several important metabolites. Thus, the generation of H202 in cellular processes seems to be purposeful and H202 can not be dismissed as a mere undesirable byproduct. Biological formation of H202 is not limited to the previously known flavoproteins and some copper enzymes, but other redox systems, particularly heme and non-heme iron proteins, are now found to undergo auto-oxidation yielding H202. The capacity for generation of H202 is now found to be widespread in a variety of organisms and in the organdies of the cells. The reduction of oxygen to H20 by mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase being the predominant oxygen-utilizing reaction had over-shadowed the importance of the quantitatively minor pathways. Under aerobic conditions generation of H202 by a Variety of biomembranes has now been found to be a physiological event interlinked with phenomena such as phagocytosis, transport processes and thermogenesis in some as yet unidentified way. The underlying mechanisms of these processes seem to involve generation and utilization of H202 in mitochondria, microsomes, peroxisomes or plasma membranes. This review gives an account of the potential of biomembranes to generate H202 and its implication in the cellular processes.


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Generation of H2O2 by rat liver mitochondria with choline, glycerol 1-phosphate and proline as substrates has been shown by using high-concentration phosphate buffer. Rates obtained under these conditions were higher and more consistent as compared with the earlier reports with high-concentration mannitol/sucrose/Tris buffer. Sulphate ions could replace phosphate indicating a requirement for a high concentration of oxygen-containing anions. H2O2 generation was dependent on the presence of native mitochondria and substrate. Maximal rates with various substrates were found to be the same as with succinate. Values of Km and Vmax for H2O2 generation were considerably less than those obtained for respective dehydrogenase activities, measured by dye reduction. Scavengers of O2-. and OH. inhibited generation of H2O2. ATP, ADP, thyronine derivatives and a number of phenolic compounds also showed very potent inhibitory effects of H2O2 generation, whereas phenyl compound had no effect. Phenolic compounds did not have any effect on mitochondrial superoxide dismutase and choline dehydrogenase activities as well as on O2-. generation by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system. Inhibition by phenolic compounds may have potential for regulation of the intracellular concentration of H2O2, that is not considered to have a "second messenger' function.


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Administration of 2-methyl-4-dimethylaminobenzene in the diet (0.1%, w/w) for 85-90 days doubled the content of mitochondria in the livers of rats. The azodye was covalently bound to liver proteins, and about 15% of the amount found in liver was associated with the mitochondrial fraction. Mitochondria isolated from the livers of azodye-fed animals showed drastically lowered ability to oxidize NAD+-linked substrates. The inhibited electron-transfer step was the reduction of ubiquinone. The organelles showed a large increase in succinate oxidase activity. The activity of cytochrome oxidase and the content of cytochrome aa3 were substantially higher in these organelles. Azodye-fed animals showed depressed serum cholesterol concentrations. The content of ubiquinone in liver also registered a small increase.


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Adriamycin (Doxorubicin) stimulates NADH oxidase activity in liver plasma membrane, but does not cause NADH oxidase activity to appear where it is not initially present, as in erythrocyte membrane. NADH dehydrogenase from rat liver and erythrocyte plasma membranes shows similar adriamycin effects with other electron acceptors. Both NADH ferricyanide reductase and vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidation are inhibited by adriamycin, as is a cyanide insensitive ascorbate oxidase activity, whereas NADH cytochrome c reductase is not affected. The effects may contribute to the growth inhibitory (control) and/or deleterious effects of adriamycin. It is clear that adriamycin effects on the plasma membrane dehydrogenase involve more than a simple catalysis of superoxide formation.


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The oxidation of NADH by mouse liver plasma membranes was shown to be accompanied by the formation of H2O2. The rate of H2O2 formation was less than one-tenth the rate of oxygen uptake and much slower than the rate of reduction of artificial electron acceptors. The optimum pH for this reaction was 7.0 and theK m value for NADH was found to be 3×10–6 M. The H2O2-generating system of plasma membranes was inhibited by quinacrine and azide, thus distinguishing it from similar activities in endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Both NADH and NADPH served as substrates for plasma membrane H2O2 generation. Superoxide dismutase and adriamycin inhibited the reaction. Vanadate, known to stimulate the oxidation of NADH by plasma membranes, did not increase the formation of H2O2. In view of the growing evidence that H2O2 can be involved in metabolic control, the formation of H2O2 by a plasma membrane NAD(P)H oxidase system may be pertinent to control sites at the plasma membrane.


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Free proline content in Ragi (Eleusine coracana) leaves increased markedly (6 to 85 fold) as the degree of water stress, created by polyethylene gylcol treatment, was prolonged There was also a marginal increase in soluble proteins in the stressed leaves as compared to that in the controls. Water stress stimulated the activities of ornithine aminotransferase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase, the enzymes of proline biosynthesis and markedly inhibited the enzymes involved in proline degradation viz., proline oxidase and pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase. These results suggest that increase in free proline content of Ragi leaves could be due to enhanced activities of the enzymes synthesizing proline but more importantly due to severe inhibition of the enzymes degrading proline. These observations establish for the first time, the pathway of proline metabolism in plants by way of detection of the activities of all the enzymes involved and also highlight the role of these enzymes in proline accumulation during water stress.


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The rate of NADH oxidation with oxygen as the acceptor is very low in mouse liver plasma membrane and erythrocyte membrane. When vanadate is added, this rate is stimulated 10- to 20-fold. The absorption spectrum of vanadate does not change with the disappearance of NADH. The reaction is inhibited by superoxide dismutase, and there is no activity under an argon atmosphere. This indicates that oxygen is the electron acceptor and the reaction is mediated by superoxide. The vanadate stimulation is not limited to plasma membrane. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum show similar increase in NADH oxidase activity when vanadate is added. The endomembranes have significant vanadate-stimulated activity with both NADH and NADPH. The vanadate-stimulated NADH oxidase in plasma membrane is inhibited by compounds, which inhibit NADH dehydrogenase activity: catechols, anthracycline drugs and manganese. This activity is stimulated by high phosphate and sulfate anion concentrations.


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2,3-Dihydroxybenzoate-2,3-oxygenase is mainly localized in the soluble and the chloroplast fractions of Tecoma leaves. It is associated with the lamellar structure of the chloroplast fraction. The chloroplast enzyme has properties similar to those of the soluble enzyme, but it has a longer half-life and is more stable to dialysis than the soluble enzyme. It is inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents and the inhibition is reversed by the addition of reduced glutathione. The chloroplast enzyme is insensitive to iron-chelating agents. The enzyme loses activity on dialysis against copper-chelating agents and the activity is completely recovered on the addition of copper; addition of iron does not restore the activity. Polyphenol oxidase is probably present only in the active form in the Tecoma chloroplast but it is not involved in the intradiol cleavage of 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid.


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A partically purified enzyme from Arthrobacter synephrinum was found to catalyse the conversion of (+/-)-synphrine into p-hydroxyphrenylacetaldehyde and methylamine. The enzyme is highly specific for synephrine and is distinctly different from monoamine oxidase.


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A fungus capable of degrading DL-phenylalanine was isolated from the soil and identified as Aspergillus niger. It was found to metabolize DL-phenylalanine by a new pathway involving 4-hydroxymandelic acid. D-Amino acid oxidase and L-phenylalanine: 2-oxoglutaric acid aminotransferase initiated the degradation of D- and L-phenylalanine, respectively. Both phenylpyruvate oxidase and phenylpyruvate decarboxylase activities could be demonstrated in the cell-free system. Phenylacetate hydroxylase, which required reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, converted phenylacetic acid to 2- and 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid. Although 4-hydroxyphenylacetate was converted to 4-hydroxymandelate, 2-hydroxyphenylacetate was not utilized until the onset of sporulation. During sporulation, it was converted rapidly into homogentisate and oxidized to ring-cleaved products. 4-Hydroxymandelate was degraded to protocatechuate via


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The crude extracts of 3-day-old etiolated seedlings of Lathyrus sativus contained two S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase activities. The artifactual putrescine-dependent activity was due to the H2O2 generated by diamine oxidase (EC of this plant system and was inhibited by catalase. This observation was confirmed by using an electrophoretically and immunologically homogeneous preparation of L. sativus diamine oxidase. In the presence of putrescine, diamine oxidase, in addition to S-adenosylmethionine, decarboxylated L-lysine, L-arginine, L-ornithine, L-methionine and L-glutamic acid to varying degrees. The decarboxylation was not metal-ion dependent. The biosynthetic S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC was detected after removing diamine oxidase specifically from the crude extracts by employing an immunoaffinity column. This Mg2+ -dependent decarboxylase was not stimulated by putrescine or inhibited by catalase. The enzyme activity was inhibited by semicarbazide, 4-bromo-3-hydroxybenzoylamine dihydrogen phosphate and methylglyoxal-bis (guanylhydrazone). It was largely localized in the shoots of the etiolated seedlings and was purified 40-fold by employing a p-hydroxymercuribenzoate/AH-Sepharose affinity column, which also separated the decarboxylase activity from spermidine synthase.


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Mxr1p (methanol expression regulator 1) functions as a key regulator of methanol metabolism in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. In this study, a recombinant Mxr1p protein containing the N-terminal zinc finger DNA binding domain was overexpressed and purified from E coli cells and its ability to bind to promoter sequences of AOXI encoding alcohol oxidase was examined. In the AOXI promoter, Mxr1p binds at six different regions. Deletions encompassing these regions result in a significant decrease in AOXI promoter activity in vivo. Based on the analysis of AOXI promoter sequences, a consensus sequence for Mxr1p binding consisting of a core 5' CYCC 3' motif was identified. When the core CYCC sequence is mutated to CYCA, CYCT or CYCM (M = 5-methylcytosine), Mxr1p binding is abolished. Though Mxr1p is the homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Adr1p transcription factor, it does not bind to Adr1p binding site of S. cerevisiae alcohol dehydrogenase promoter (ADH2UAS1). However, two point mutations convert ADH2UAS1 into an Mxr1p binding site. The identification of key DNA elements involved in promoter recognition by Mxr1p is an important step in understanding its function as a master regulator of the methanol utilization pathway in P. pastoris.


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Protocatechuate-3,4-dioxygenase from the leaves of Tecoma stans was purified to near homogeneity and some of its properties studied. It was optimally active at pH 5.2 and at 40°C. Its molecular weight of approx. 150 000 was determined by gel filtration on a Sephadex G-150 column. The Km value for protocatechuate was found to be 330 μM and for ferrous sulfate, 40 μM. The enzyme was highly specific for protocatechuate and did not attack any of the substrate analogues. None of the substrate analogues tested inhibited the enzyme activity. Sulfhydryl reagents inhibited the enzyme activity which could be partially reversed by sulfhydryl compounds. The dioxygenase activity was not associated with polyphenol oxidase activity.


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Bacilysin is a non-ribosomally synthesized dipeptide antibiotic that is active against a wide range of bacteria and some fungi. Synthesis of bacilysin (L-alanine-[2,3-epoxycyclohexano-4]-L-alanine) is achieved by proteins in the bac operon, also referred to as the bacABCDE (ywfBCDEF) gene cluster in B. subtilis. Extensive genetic analysis from several strains of B. subtilis suggests that the bacABC gene cluster encodes all the proteins that synthesize the epoxyhexanone ring of L-anticapsin. These data, however, were not consistent with the putative functional annotation for these proteins whereby BacA, a prephenate dehydratase along with a potential isomerase/guanylyl transferase, BacB and an oxidoreductase, BacC, could synthesize L-anticapsin. Here we demonstrate that BacA is a decarboxylase that acts on prephenate. Further, based on the biochemical characterization and the crystal structure of BacB, we show that BacB is an oxidase that catalyzes the synthesis of 2-oxo-3-(4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dienyl)propanoic acid, a precursor to L-anticapsin. This protein is a bi-cupin, with two putative active sites each containing a bound metal ion. Additional electron density at the active site of the C-terminal domain of BacB could be interpreted as a bound phenylpyruvic acid. A significant decrease in the catalytic activity of a point variant of BacB with a mutation at the N-terminal domain suggests that the N-terminal cupin domain is involved in catalysis.