64 resultados para Modal logics


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Most of the structural elements like beams, cables etc. are flexible and should be modeled as distributed parameter systems (DPS) to represent the reality better. For large structures, the usual approach of 'modal representation' is not an accurate representation. Moreover, for excessive vibrations (possibly due to strong wind, earthquake etc.), external power source (controller) is needed to suppress it, as the natural damping of these structures is usually small. In this paper, we propose to use a recently developed optimal dynamic inversion technique to design a set of discrete controllers for this purpose. We assume that the control force to the structure is applied through finite number of actuators, which are located at predefined locations in the spatial domain. The method used in this paper determines control forces directly from the partial differential equation (PDE) model of the system. The formulation has better practical significance, both because it leads to a closed form solution of the controller (hence avoids computational issues) as well as because a set of discrete actuators along the spatial domain can be implemented with relative ease (as compared to a continuous actuator)


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This paper(1) presents novel algorithms and applications for a particular class of mixed-norm regularization based Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) formulations. The formulations assume that the given kernels are grouped and employ l(1) norm regularization for promoting sparsity within RKHS norms of each group and l(s), s >= 2 norm regularization for promoting non-sparse combinations across groups. Various sparsity levels in combining the kernels can be achieved by varying the grouping of kernels-hence we name the formulations as Variable Sparsity Kernel Learning (VSKL) formulations. While previous attempts have a non-convex formulation, here we present a convex formulation which admits efficient Mirror-Descent (MD) based solving techniques. The proposed MD based algorithm optimizes over product of simplices and has a computational complexity of O (m(2)n(tot) log n(max)/epsilon(2)) where m is no. training data points, n(max), n(tot) are the maximum no. kernels in any group, total no. kernels respectively and epsilon is the error in approximating the objective. A detailed proof of convergence of the algorithm is also presented. Experimental results show that the VSKL formulations are well-suited for multi-modal learning tasks like object categorization. Results also show that the MD based algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art MKL solvers in terms of computational efficiency.


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In this paper, the linear dynamics and active control of a string travelling with uniform velocity is presented. Discrete elastic supports are introduced along the length of the string. Finite element formulation is adopted to obtain the governing equations of motion. The velocity of translation introduces gyroscopic terms in the system equations. The effect of translation and the discrete elastic supports on the free vibration solution is studied. The solution is utilized in actively controlling the string vibrations due to an initial disturbance. The control, affected in modal space, is optimal with respect to a quadratic performance index. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control strategy in regulating the travelling string vibrations.


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The effect of uncertainty in composite material properties on the aeroelastic response, vibratory loads, and stability of a hingeless helicopter rotor is investigated. The uncertainty impact on rotating natural frequencies of the blade is studied with Monte Carlo simulations and first-order reliability methods. The stochastic aeroelastic analyses in hover and forward flight are carried out with Monte Carlo simulations. The flap, lag, and torsion responses show considerable scatter from their baseline values, and the uncertainty impact varies with the azimuth angle. Furthermore, the blade response shows finite probability of resonance-type conditions caused by modal frequencies approaching multiples of the rotor speed. The 4/rev vibratory forces show large deviations from their baseline values. The lag mode damping shows considerable scatter due to uncertain material properties with an almost 40% probability of instability in hover.


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This article aims at identifying the research issues and challenges that need to be addressed to achieve sustainable transportation system for Indian cities. The same is achieved by understanding the current system and trends of urbanization, motorization and modal shares in India; and their impact on mobility and safety (the two basic goals of transportation) as well as environment. Further, the article explores the efforts by the central and state governments in India to address the sustainability issues, and the problems and issues over and above the present efforts to achieve sustainability. The article concludes by summarizing the research issues with respect to planning/modelling, non-motorized transport, public transport, driver behaviour and road safety and traffic management. It is expected that these research issues will provide potential directions for carrying out further research aimed at achieving sustainable transport system for Indian cities.


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In this paper, we investigate the effect of vacuum sealing the backside cavity of a Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (CMUT). The presence or absence of air inside the cavity has a marked effect upon the system parameters, such as the natural frequency, damping, and the pull-in voltage. The presence of vacuum inside the cavity of the device causes a reduction in the effective gap height which leads to a reduction in the pull-in voltage. We carry out ANSYS simulations to quantify this reduction. The presence of vacuum inside the cavity of the device causes stress stiffening of the membrane, which changes the natural frequency of the device. A prestressed modal analysis is carried out to determine the change in natural frequency due to stress stiffening. The equivalent circuit method is used to evaluate the performance of the device in the receiver mode. The lumped parameters of the device are obtained and an equivalent circuit model of the device is constructed to determine the open circuit receiving sensitivity of the device. The effect of air in the cavity is included by incorporating an equivalent compliance and an equivalent resistance in the equivalent circuit.


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Linear stability and the nonmodal transient energy growth in compressible plane Couette flow are investigated for two prototype mean flows: (a) the uniform shear flow with constant viscosity, and (b) the nonuniform shear flow with stratified viscosity. Both mean flows are linearly unstable for a range of supersonic Mach numbers (M). For a given M, the critical Reynolds number (Re) is significantly smaller for the uniform shear flow than its nonuniform shear counterpart; for a given Re, the dominant instability (over all streamwise wave numbers, α) of each mean flow belongs to different modes for a range of supersonic M. An analysis of perturbation energy reveals that the instability is primarily caused by an excess transfer of energy from mean flow to perturbations. It is shown that the energy transfer from mean flow occurs close to the moving top wall for “mode I” instability, whereas it occurs in the bulk of the flow domain for “mode II.” For the nonmodal transient growth analysis, it is shown that the maximum temporal amplification of perturbation energy, Gmax, and the corresponding time scale are significantly larger for the uniform shear case compared to those for its nonuniform counterpart. For α=0, the linear stability operator can be partitioned into L∼L̅ +Re2 Lp, and the Re-dependent operator Lp is shown to have a negligibly small contribution to perturbation energy which is responsible for the validity of the well-known quadratic-scaling law in uniform shear flow: G(t∕Re)∼Re2. In contrast, the dominance of Lp is responsible for the invalidity of this scaling law in nonuniform shear flow. An inviscid reduced model, based on Ellingsen-Palm-type solution, has been shown to capture all salient features of transient energy growth of full viscous problem. For both modal and nonmodal instability, it is shown that the viscosity stratification of the underlying mean flow would lead to a delayed transition in compressible Couette flow.


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Various logical formalisms with the freeze quantifier have been recently considered to model computer systems even though this is a powerful mechanism that often leads to undecidability. In this paper, we study a linear-time temporal logic with past-time operators such that the freeze operator is only used to express that some value from an infinite set is repeated in the future or in the past. Such a restriction has been inspired by a recent work on spatio-temporal logics. We show decidability of finitary and infinitary satisfiability by reduction into the verification of temporal properties in Petri nets. This is a surprising result since the logic is closed under negation, contains future-time and past-time temporal operators and can express the nonce property and its negation. These ingredients are known to lead to undecidability with a more liberal use of the freeze quantifier.


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We identify a class of timed automata, which we call counter-free input-determined automata, which characterize the class of timed languages definable by several timed temporal logics in the literature, including MTL. We make use of this characterization to show that MTL+Past satisfies an “ultimate stability” property with respect to periodic sequences of timed words. Our results hold for both the pointwise and continuous semantics. Along the way we generalize the result of McNaughton-Papert to show a counter-free automata characterization of FO-definable finitely varying functions.


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We consider a general class of timed automata parameterized by a set of “input-determined” operators, in a continuous time setting. We show that for any such set of operators, we have a monadic second order logic characterization of the class of timed languages accepted by the corresponding class of automata. Further, we consider natural timed temporal logics based on these operators, and show that they are expressively equivalent to the first-order fragment of the corresponding MSO logics. As a corollary of these general results we obtain an expressive completeness result for the continuous version of MTL.


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This paper describes the authors’ distributed parameter approach for derivation of closed-form expressions for the four-pole parameters of the perforated three-duct muffler components. In this method, three simultaneous second-order partial differential equations are first reduced to a set of six first-order ordinary differential equations. These equations are then uncoupled by means of a modal matrix. The resulting 6 × 6 matrix is reduced to the 2 × 2 transfer matrix using the relevant boundary conditions. This is combined with transfer matrices of other elements (upstream and downstream of this perforated element) to predict muffler performance like noise reduction, which is also measured. The correlation between experimental and theoretical values of noise reduction is shown to be satisfactory.


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The particle and fluid velocity fluctuations in a turbulent gas-particle suspension are studied experimentally using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry with the objective of comparing the experiments with the predictions of fluctuating force simulations. Since the fluctuating force simulations employ force distributions which do not incorporate the modification of fluid turbulence due to the particles, it is of importance to quantify the turbulence modification in the experiments. For experiments carried out at a low volume fraction of 9.15 x 10(-5) (mass loading is 0.19), where the viscous relaxation time is small compared with the time between collisions, it is found that the gas-phase turbulence is not significantly modified by the presence of particles. Owing to this, quantitative agreement is obtained between the results of experiments and fluctuating force simulations for the mean velocity and the root mean square of the fluctuating velocity, provided that the polydispersity in the particle size is incorporated in the simulations. This is because the polydispersity results in a variation in the terminal velocity of the particles which could induce collisions and generate fluctuations; this mechanism is absent if all of the particles are of equal size. It is found that there is some variation in the particle mean velocity very close to the wall depending on the wall-collision model used in the simulations, and agreement with experiments is obtained only when the tangential wall-particle coefficient of restitution is 0.7. The mean particle velocity is in quantitative agreement for locations more than 10 wall units from the wall of the channel. However, there are systematic differences between the simulations and theory for the particle concentrations, possibly due to inadequate control over the particle feeding at the entrance. The particle velocity distributions are compared both at the centre of the channel and near the wall, and the shape of the distribution function near the wall obtained in experiments is accurately predicted by the simulations. At the centre, there is some discrepancy between simulations and experiment for the distribution of the fluctuating velocity in the flow direction, where the simulations predict a bi-modal distribution whereas only a single maximum is observed in the experiments, although both distributions are skewed towards negative fluctuating velocities. At a much higher particle mass loading of 1.7, where the time between collisions is smaller than the viscous relaxation time, there is a significant increase in the turbulent velocity fluctuations by similar to 1-2 orders of magnitude. Therefore, it becomes necessary to incorporate the modified fluid-phase intensity in the fluctuating force simulation; with this modification, the mean and mean-square fluctuating velocities are within 20-30% of the experimental values.


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The transmission loss (TL) performance of spherical chambers having single inlet and multiple outlet is obtained analytically through modal expansion of acoustic field inside the spherical cavity in terms of the spherical Bessel functions and Legendre polynomials. The uniform piston driven model based upon the impedance [Z] matrix is used to characterize the multi-port spherical chamber. It is shown analytically that the [Z] parameters are independent of the azimuthal angle (phi) due to the axisymmetric shape of the sphere; rather, they depend only upon the polar angle (theta) and radius of the chamber R(0). Thus, the effects of relative polar angular location of the ports and number of outlet ports are investigated. The analytical results are shown to be in good agreement with the 3D FEA results, thereby validating the procedure suggested in this work.


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The acoustical behavior of an elliptical chamber muffler having an end-inlet and side-outlet port is analyzed semi-analytically. A uniform piston source is assumed to model the 3-D acoustic field in the elliptical chamber cavity. Towards this end, we consider the modal expansion of acoustic pressure field in the elliptical cavity in terms of angular and radial Mathieu functions, subjected to rigid wall condition, whereupon under the assumption of a point source, Green's function is obtained. On integrating this function over piston area of the side or end port and dividing it by piston area, one obtains the acoustic field, whence one can find the impedance matrix parameters characterizing the 2-port system. The acoustic performance of these configurations is evaluated in terms of transmission loss (TL). The analytical results thus obtained are compared with 3-D HA carried on a commercial software for certain muffler configurations. These show excellent agreement, thereby validating the 3-D semi-analytical piston driven model. The influence of the chamber length as well as the angular and axial location of the end and side ports on TL performance is also discussed, thus providing useful guidelines to the muffler designer. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of cobalt-doped ZnO nanowires is achieved using a simple, metal salt decomposition growth technique. A sequence of drop casting on a quartz substrate held at 100 degrees C and annealing results in the growth of nanowires of average (modal) length similar to 200 nm and diameter of 15 +/- 4 nm and consequently an aspect ratio of similar to 13. A variation in the synthesis process, where the solution of mixed salts is deposited on the substrate at 25 degrees C, yields a grainy film structure which constitutes a useful comparator case. X-ray diffraction shows a preferred 0001] growth direction for the nanowires while a small unit cell volume contraction for Co-doped samples and data from Raman spectroscopy indicate incorporation of the Co dopant into the lattice; neither technique shows explicit evidence of cobalt oxides. Also the nanowire samples display excellent optical transmission across the entire visible range, as well as strong photoluminescence (exciton emission) in the near UV, centered at 3.25 eV. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.