48 resultados para MoS2


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We report the dynamics of photoinduced carriers in a free-standing MoS2 laminate consisting of a few layers (1-6 layers) using time-resolved optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation with the 800 nm pump pulse, the terahertz conductivity increases due to absorption by the photoinduced charge carriers. The relaxation of the non-equilibrium carriers shows fast as well as slow decay channels, analyzed using a rate equation model incorporating defect-assisted Auger scattering of photoexcited electrons, holes, and excitons. The fast relaxation time occurs due to the capture of electrons and holes by defects via Auger processes, resulting in nonradiative recombination. The slower relaxation arises since the excitons are bound to the defects, preventing the defect-assisted Auger recombination of the electrons and the holes. Our results provide a comprehensive understanding of the non-equilibrium carrier kinetics in a system of unscreened Coulomb interactions, where defect-assisted Auger processes dominate and should be applicable to other 2D systems.


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A low Schottky barrier height (SBH) at source/drain contact is essential for achieving high drive current in atomic layer MoS(2-)channel-based field effect transistors. Approaches such as choosing metals with appropriate work functions and chemical doping are employed previously to improve the carrier injection from the contact electrodes to the channel and to mitigate the SBH between the MoS2 and metal. Recent experiments demonstrate significant SBH reduction when graphene layer is inserted between metal slab (Ti and Ni) and MoS2. However, the physical or chemical origin of this phenomenon is not yet clearly understood. In this work, density functional theory simulations are performed, employing pseudopotentials with very high basis sets to get insights of the charge transfer between metal and monolayer MoS2 through the inserted graphene layer. Our atomistic simulations on 16 different interfaces involving five different metals (Ti, Ag, Ru, Au, and Pt) reveal that (i) such a decrease in SBH is not consistent among various metals, rather an increase in SBH is observed in case of Au and Pt; (ii) unlike MoS2-metal interface, the projected dispersion of MoS2 remains preserved in any MoS2-graphene- metal system with shift in the bands on the energy axis. (iii) A proper choice of metal (e.g., Ru) may exhibit ohmic nature in a graphene-inserted MoS2-metal contact. These understandings would provide a direction in developing high-performance transistors involving heteroatomic layers as contact electrodes. (c) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Two dimensional (2D) materials demonstrate several novel electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties which are quite distinctive to those of their bulk form. Among many others, one important potential application of the 2D material is its use in the field of energy harvesting. Owing to that, here we present a detailed study on electrical as well as thermal transport of monolayer MoS2, in quasi ballistic regime. Besides the perfect monolayer in its pristine form, we also consider various line defects which have been experimentally observed in mechanically exfoliated MoS2 samples. For calculating various parameters related to the electrical transmission, we employ the non-equilibrium Green's function-density functional theory combination. However, to obtain the phonon transmission, we take help of the parametrized Stillinger-Weber potential which can accurately delineate the inter-atomic interactions for the monolayer MoS2. Due to the presence of line defects, we observed significant reductions in both the charge carrier and the phonon transmissions through a monolayer MoS2 flake. Moreover, we also report a comparative analysis showing the temperature dependency of the thermoelectric figure of merit values, as obtained for the perfect as well as the other defective 2D samples. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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While Mo in the Co-Mo/y-A1203 hydrodesulfurization catalyst is present as a sulfidic species similar to MoS2, Co shows two types of coordination, one with six sulfurs (but not a bulk sulfide) and the other with four oxygens. The significance of such species is discussed. In addition to an additive relation of the EXAFS function and the residual spectra, the ratio of amplitude terms of the catalyst and the model system has been employed in the analysis.


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In-situ EXAFS studies of sulphided Mo/TiO2 catalysts have shown that at low Mo loadings (2–4 wt%), an active species with a short Mo-S distance of 2.25 Å is formed, while on Mo/TiO2 with high Mo loadings as well as on Mo/gamma-Al2O3, bulk MoS2 (Mo-S, 2.42 Å) is formed. The species with the short Mo-S distance has Mo in an oxidation state close to 6 + and is likely to result from the sulphidation of the tetrahedral molybdate species present in the oxidic precursor at low Mo loadings. The calcination temperature of the oxidic precursor appears crucial, a high calcination temperature of 973 K favouring the formation of MoS3 on sulphidation, and a low calcination temperature of 623 K favouring MoS2.


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The discovery of graphene has aroused great interest in the properties and phenomena exhibited by two-dimensional inorganic materials, especially when they comprise only a single, two or a few layers. Graphene-like MoS2 and WS2 have been prepared by chemical methods, and the materials have been characterized by electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and other methods. Boron nitride analogues of graphene have been obtained by a simple chemical procedure starting with boric acid and urea and have been characterized by various techniques that include surface area measurements. A new layered material with the composition BCN possessing a few layers and a large surface area discovered recently exhibits a large uptake of CO2.


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The layered chalcogenides, having structures analogous to graphite, are known to be unstable toward bending and show high propensity to form curved structures, thus eliminating dangling bonds at the edges. Since the discovery of fullerene and nanotube structures of WS2 and MoS2 by Tenne et al. [1-3], there have been attempts to prepare and characterize nanotubes of other layered dichalcogenides with structures analogous to MoS2. Nanotubes of MoS2 and WS2 were prepared by Tenne et al. by reducing the corresponding oxides to the suboxides followed by heating in an atmosphere of forming gas (5 % H-2 + 95 % N-2) and H2S at 700-900 degreesC [1-3]. Alternative methods of synthesis of MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes have since been proposed by employing the decomposition of the ammonium thiometallates or the corresponding trisulfide precursors. This alternative procedure was based on the observation that the trisulfide seems to be formed as an intermediate in the synthesis of the MoS2 and WS2 nanotubes [4]. Accordingly, the decomposition of the trisulfides of MoS2 and W in a reducing atmosphere directly yielded nanotubes of the disulfides MoS2 and WS2 [5]. In this article, we describe the synthesis, structure, and characterization of a few novel nanotubes of the disulfides of groups 4 and 5 metals. These include nanotubes of NbS2, TaS2, ZrS2, and HfS2. The study enlarges the scope of the inorganic nanotubes significantly and promises other interesting possibilities, including the synthesis of the diselenide nanotubes of these metals.


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Single-layer graphene (SLG), the 3.4 angstrom thick two-dimensional sheet of sp(2) carbon atoms, was first prepared in 2004 by mechanical exfoliation of graphite crystals using the scotch tape technique. Since then, SLG has been prepared by other physical methods such as laser irradiation or ultrasonication of graphite in liquid media. Chemical methods of synthesis of SLG are more commonly used; the most popular involves preparation of single-layer graphene oxide followed by reduction with a stable reagent, often assisted by microwave heating. This method yields single-layer reduced graphene oxide. Other methods for preparing SLG include chemical vapour deposition over surfaces of transition metals such as Ni and Cu. Large-area SLG has also been prepared by epitaxial growth over SIC. Few-layer graphene (FLG) is prepared by several methods; arc discharge of graphite in hydrogen atmosphere being the most convenient. Several other methods for preparing FLG include exfoliation of graphite oxide by rapid heating, ultrasonication or laser irradiation of graphite in liquid media, reduction of few-layer graphene oxide, alkali metal intercalation followed by exfoliation. Graphene nanoribbons, which are rectangular strips of graphene, are best prepared by the unzipping of carbon nanotubes by chemical oxidation or laser irradiation. Many graphene analogues of inorganic materials such as MoS2, MoSe2 and BN have been prepared by mechanical exfoliation, ultrasonication and by chemical methods involving high-temperature or hydrothermal reactions and intercalation of alkali metals followed by exfoliation. Scrolls of graphene are prepared by potassium intercalation in graphite or by microwave irradiation of graphite immersed in liquid nitrogen.


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The sliding history in friction-induced material transfer of dry 2H-MoS2 particles in a sheared contact was studied. Video images in contact showed fragmentation of lubricant particles and build-up of a transfer film, and were used to measure the speed of fragmented particles in the contact region. Total internal reflection (TIR) Raman spectroscopy was used to follow the build-up of the MoS2 transfer film. A combination of in situ and ex situ analysis of the mating bodies revealed the thickness of the transfer film at steady state to be of the order of 35 nm on the ball surface and 15 nm on the flat substrate. Insights into the mechanism of formation of the transfer film in the early stages of sliding contact are deduced.


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We theoretically analyze the performance of transition metal dichalcogenide (MX2) single wall nanotube (SWNT) surround gate MOSFET, in the 10 nm technology node. We consider semiconducting armchair (n, n) SWNT of MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 for our study. The material properties of the nanotubes are evaluated from the density functional theory, and the ballistic device characteristics are obtained by self-consistently solving the Poisson-Schrodinger equation under the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Simulated ON currents are in the range of 61-76 mu A for 4.5 nm diameter MX2 tubes, with peak transconductance similar to 175-218 mu S and ON/OFF ratio similar to 0.6 x 10(5)-0.8 x 10(5). The subthreshold slope is similar to 62.22 mV/decade and a nominal drain induced barrier lowering of similar to 12-15 mV/V is observed for the devices. The tungsten dichalcogenide nanotubes offer superior device output characteristics compared to the molybdenum dichalcogenide nanotubes, with WSe2 showing the best performance. Studying SWNT diameters of 2.5-5 nm, it is found that increase in diameter provides smaller carrier effective mass and 4%-6% higher ON currents. Using mean free path calculation to project the quasi-ballistic currents, 62%-75% reduction from ballistic values in drain current in long channel lengths of 100, 200 nm is observed.


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Nanosheets of MoO3 that consist of only a few layers have been prepared by using four methods, including the oxidation of MoS2 nanosheets, intercalation with LiBr, and ultrasonication. These nanosheets have been characterized by atomic force microscopy and other techniques. Besides showing a blue-shift of the optical absorption band compared to the bulk sample, few-layer MoO3 exhibits enhanced photocatalytic activity. In combination with a borocarbonitride, few-layer MoO3 shows good performance characteristics as a supercapacitor electrode.


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Controlling the band gap by tuning the lattice structure through pressure engineering is a relatively new route for tailoring the optoelectronic properties of two-dimensional (2D) materials. Here, we investigate the electronic structure and lattice vibrational dynamics of the distorted monolayer 1T-MoS2 (1T') and the monolayer 2H-MoS2 via a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The direct optical band gap of the monolayer 2H-MoS2 increases by 11.7% from 1.85 to 2.08 eV, which is the highest reported for a 2D transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) material. DFT calculations reveal a subsequent decrease in the band gap with eventual metallization of the monolayer 2H-MoS2, an overall complex structureproperty relation due to the rich band structure of MoS2. Remarkably, the metastable 1T'-MoS2 metallic state remains invariant with pressure, with the J(2), A(1g), and E(2)g modes becoming dominant at high pressures. This substantial reversible tunability of the electronic and vibrational properties of the MoS2 family can be extended to other 2D TMDs. These results present an important advance toward controlling the band structure and optoelectronic properties of monolayer MoS2 via pressure, which has vital implications for enhanced device applications.


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Substrates for 2D materials are important for tailoring their fundamental properties and realizing device applications. Aluminum nitride (AIN) films on silicon are promising large-area substrates for such devices in view of their high surface phonon energies and reasonably large dielectric constants. In this paper epitaxial layers of AlN on 2 `' Si wafers have been investigated as a necessary first step to realize devices from exfoliated or transferred atomic layers. Significant thickness dependent contrast enhancements are both predicted and observed for monolayers of graphene and MoS2 on AlN films as compared to the conventional SiO2 films on silicon, with calculated contrast values approaching 100% for graphene on AlN as compared to 8% for SiO2 at normal incidences. Quantitative estimates of experimentally measured contrast using reflectance spectroscopy show very good agreement with calculated values. Transistors of monolayer graphene on AlN films are demonstrated, indicating the feasibility of complete device fabrication on the identified layers.


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An optical-phonon-limited velocity model has been employed to investigate high-field transport in a selection of layered 2-D materials for both, low-power logic switches with scaled supply voltages, and high-power, high-frequency transistors. Drain currents, effective electron velocities, and intrinsic cutoff frequencies as a function of carrier density have been predicted, thus providing a benchmark for the optical-phonon-limited high-field performance limits of these materials. The optical-phonon-limited carrier velocities for a selection of multi-layers of transition metal dichalcogenides and black phosphorus are found to be modest compared to their n-channel silicon counterparts, questioning the utility of biasing these devices in the source-injection dominated regime. h-BN, at the other end of the spectrum, is shown to be a very promising material for high-frequency, high-power devices, subject to the experimental realization of high carrier densities, primarily due to its large optical-phonon energy. Experimentally extracted saturation velocities from few-layer MoS2 devices show reasonable qualitative and quantitative agreement with the predicted values. The temperature dependence of the measured v(sat) is discussed and compared with the theoretically predicted dependence over a range of temperatures.


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Heterostructures of two-dimensional (2D) layered materials are increasingly being explored for electronics in order to potentially extend conventional transistor scaling and to exploit new device designs and architectures. Alloys form a key underpinning of any heterostructure device technology and therefore an understanding of their electronic properties is essential. In this paper, we study the intrinsic electron mobility in few-layer MoxW1-xS2 as limited by various scattering mechanisms. The room temperature, energy-dependent scattering times corresponding to polar longitudinal optical (LO) phonon, alloy and background impurity scattering mechanisms are estimated based on the Born approximation to Fermi's golden rule. The contribution of individual scattering rates is analyzed as a function of 2D electron density as well as of alloy composition in MoxW1-xS2. While impurity scattering limits the mobility for low carrier densities (<2-4x10(12) cm(-2)), LO polar phonon scattering is the dominant mechanism for high electron densities. Alloy scattering is found to play a non-negligible role for 0.5 < x < 0.7 in MoxW1-xS2. The LO phonon-limited and impurity-limited mobilities show opposing trends with respect to alloy mole fractions. The understanding of electron mobility in MoxW1-xS2 presented here is expected to enable the design and realization of heterostructures and devices based on alloys of MoS2 andWS(2).