49 resultados para Middle facial third


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This paper describes a methodology of obtaining only third harmonic along with the fundamental using shaped superconductors. It also indicates how one can design a nonlinear superconducting resistor with the required current versus resistance variation.


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The 1:1 and 1:2 cooper(II) complexes with the tridentate compound bis(benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl)amine (L(1)) and its benzimidazole (L(2)) and amine (L(3)) N-methyl-substituted derivatives have been prepared and their spectroscopic properties studied. While the 1:1 complexes are of the type CuLX(2) nH(2)O (X = C/O-4(-), NO3-, Cl- or Br-), the 1:2 complexes are of the type CuL(2) (ClO4)(2) nH(2)O (L = L(1) or L(3), n = 0-4). In all these complexes L acts as a tridentate ligand with the amine nitrogen and both the benzimidazole nitrogens co-ordinating to Cu-II. The complex [CuL(2)(1)][ClO4](2) 2H(2)O crystallises in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/c with a = 9.828(2), b = 9.546(2) and c = 19.906(2) Angstrom and beta = 95.71(1)degrees, for Z = 2. The R value is 0.0635 for 2180 significant reflections. The copper(II) ion has an elongated octahedral geometry with four equatorial benzimidazole and two long-distance axial amine N donors. The Cu-N-bzim and Cu-N-amine distances are 2.011(4) and 2.597(6) Angstrom respectively. Factors favouring facial co-ordination to tridentate ligands are discussed. The 1:1 complexes involve meridonal co-ordination of the ligands, with square-based geometry as revealed by ligand-field and EPR spectral properties. The NMe substitution as in CuL(3)(ClO4)(2) confers low V ($) over tilde$$(max) and high E(1/2) for the cu(II)-Cu-I couple. Most of the 1:1 complexes are less reversible but exhibit E(1/2) values more positive than those of the corresponding 1:2 complexes.


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The singularity structure of the solutions of a general third-order system, with polynomial right-hand sides of degree less than or equal to two, is studied about a movable singular point, An algorithm for transforming the given third-order system to a third-order Briot-Bouquet system is presented, The dominant behavior of a solution of the given system near a movable singularity is used to construct a transformation that changes the given system directly to a third-order Briot-Bouquet system. The results of Horn for the third-order Briot-Bouquet system are exploited to give the complete form of the series solutions of the given third-order system; convergence of these series in a deleted neighborhood of the singularity is ensured, This algorithm is used to study the singularity structure of the solutions of the Lorenz system, the Rikitake system, the three-wave interaction problem, the Rabinovich system, the Lotka-Volterra system, and the May-Leonard system for different sets of parameter values. The proposed approach goes far beyond the ARS algorithm.


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Differential organisation of homologous chromosomes is related to both sex determination and genomic imprinting in coccid insects, the mealybugs. We report here the identification of two middle repetitive sequences that are differentially organised between the two sexes and also within the same diploid nucleus. These two sequences form a part of the male-specific nuclease-resistant chromatin (NRC) fraction of a mealybug Planococcus lilacinus. To understand the phenomenon of differential organisation we have analysed the components of NRC by cloning the DNA sequences present, deciphering their primary sequence, nucleosomal organisation, genomic distribution and cytological localisation, Our observations suggest that the middle repetitive sequences within NRC are functionally significant and we discuss their probable involvement in male-specific chromatin organisation.


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A homologue of the segment polarity gene Cubitus interruptus from Bombyx Mori, (BmCi) has been cloned and characterized. This region harbouring Zn2+ finger motif is highly conserved across species. In B. Mori, BmCi RNA expression was first detected at stage 6 of embryogenesis, which reached maximum levels at stage 21C and was maintained until larval hatching. The segmentally reiterated striped pattern of transcript distribution in stage 21C embryos was in conformity with its predicted segment polarity nature. BmCi was expressed in the fore- and hind-wing discs, ovaries, testes and gut during fifth larval intermolt, reminiscent of its expression domains in Drosophila. Besides, BmCi expression was seen in the. anterior part of the middle silkglands in late embryonic stages, and this pattern was maintained during larval development. The transition from third to fourth and fifth larval intermolts was accompanied by an increase in the transcript levels in the middle silkglands. Our results demonstrate the presence of a novel expression domain for Ci in Bombyx. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report a novel phase behavior in aqueous solutions of simple organic solutes near their liquid/liquid critical points, where a solid-like third phase appears at the liquid/liquid interface. The phenomenon has been found in three different laboratories. It appears in many aqueous systems of organic solutes and becomes enhanced upon the addition of salt to these solutions.


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The beta-hydroxyacyl-acyl carrier protein dehydratase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfFabZ) catalyzes the third and important reaction of the fatty acid elongation cycle. The crystal structure of PfFabZ is available in hexameric (active) and dimeric (inactive) forms. However, PfFabZ has not been crystallized with any bound inhibitors until now. We have designed a new condition to crystallize PfFabZ with its inhibitors bound in the active site, and determined the crystal structures of four of these complexes. This is the first report on any FabZ enzyme with active site inhibitors that interact directly with the catalytic residues. Inhibitor binding not only stabilized the substrate binding loop but also revealed that the substrate binding tunnel has an overall shape of ``U''. In the crystal structures, residue Phe169 located in the middle of the tunnel was found to be in two different conformations, open and closed. Thus, Phe169, merely by changing its side chain conformation, appears to be controlling the length of the tunnel to make it suitable for accommodating longer substrates. The volume of the substrate binding tunnel is determined by the sequence as well as by the conformation of the substrate binding loop region and varies between organisms for accommodating fatty acids of different chain lengths. This report on the crystal structures of the complexes of PfFabZ provides the structural basis of the inhibitory mechanism of the enzyme that could be used to improve the potency of inhibitors against an important component of fatty acid synthesis common to many infectious organisms. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Rh203 at high temperature has been determined recently with high precision. The new data are significantly different from those given in thermodynamic compilations.Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation at 298.15 K could not be evaluated from the new data,because reliable values for heat capacity of Rh2O3 were not available. In this article, a new measurement of the high temperature heat capacity of Rh2O3 using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is presented.The new values for heat capacity also differ significantly from those given in compilations. The information on heat capacity is coupled with standard Gibbs energy of formation to evaluate values for standard enthalpy and entropy of formation at 289.15 K using a multivariate analysis. The results suggest a major revision in thermodynamic data for Rh2O3. For example, it is recommended that the standard entropy of Rh203 at 298.15 K be changed from 106.27 J mol-' K-'given in the compilations of Barin and Knacke et al. to 75.69 J mol-' K". The recommended revision in the standard enthalpy of formation is from -355.64 kJ mol-'to -405.53 kJ mol".


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Ergonomic design of products demands accurate human dimensions-anthropometric data. Manual measurement over live subjects, has several limitations like long time, required presence of subjects for every new measurement, physical contact etc. Hence the data currently available is limited and anthropometric data related to facial features is difficult to obtain. In this paper, we discuss a methodology to automatically detect facial features and landmarks from scanned human head models. Segmentation of face into meaningful patches corresponding to facial features is achieved by Watershed algorithms and Mathematical Morphology tools. Many Important physiognomical landmarks are identified heuristically.


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Of all tRNAs, initiator tRNA is unique in its ability to start protein synthesis by directly binding the ribosomal P-site. This ability is believed to derive from the almost universal presence of three consecutive G-C base (3G-C) pairs in the anticodon stem of initiator tRNA. Consistent with the hypothesis, a plasmid-borne initiator tRNA with one, two, or all 3G-C pairs mutated displays negligible initiation activity when tested in a WT Escherichia coli cell. Given this, the occurrence of unconventional initiator tRNAs lacking the 3G-C pairs, as in some species of Mycoplasma and Rhizobium, is puzzling. We resolve the puzzle by showing that the poor activity of unconventional initiator tRNAs in E. coli is because of competition from a large pool of the endogenous WT initiator tRNA (possessing the 3G-C pairs). We show that E. coli can be sustained on an initiator tRNA lacking the first and third G-C pairs; thereby reducing the 3G-C rule to a mere middle G-C requirement. Two general inferences following from our findings, that the activity of a mutant gene product may depend on its abundance in the cell relative to that of the WT, and that promiscuous initiation with elongator tRNAs has the potential to enhance phenotypic diversity without affecting genomic integrity, have been discussed.


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2,3-Unsaturated 3-arylsulfinyl pyranosides undergo nucleophilic additions at C-2, with facial selectivities depending on the nucleophile and the substituent on sulfinyl sulfur. The reactions of such sugar vinyl sulfoxides lead to the addition of nucleophile preferring an axial orientation at C-2, with concomitant formation of an allylic bond at C-3 to C-4. This trend in the addition pattern is observed for primary amine, carbon and sulfur nucleophiles, whereas secondary amines prefer an equatorial addition at C-2. The effect of p-tolylthio-versus (p-isopropylphenyl)thio vinyl sulfoxide is that the equatorial nucleophilic addition is preferred even more with the latter vinyl sulfoxide. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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In J. Funct. Anal. 257 (2009) 1092-1132, Dykema and Skripka showed the existence of higher order spectral shift functions when the unperturbed self-adjoint operator is bounded and the perturbation is Hilbert-Schmidt. In this article, we give a different proof for the existence of spectral shift function for the third order when the unperturbed operator is self-adjoint (bounded or unbounded, but bounded below).