96 resultados para Metal illness on screen


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The screen printed electrochemical glucose sensor is developed suitable for revere iontophoresis (RI) application. Glucose oxidase is immobilized on screen printed sensor using crosslinking method. Electrochemical and material characterization studies are conducted on the developed sensor and the obtained results confirm the suitability of the developed sensor for RI application. The developed sensor is validated by conducting clinical investigations on 10 human subjects through RI. A correlation is established between the blood glucose and extracted glucose, and correlation is found to be 0.73. (C) 2015 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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The effect of Surface lipopolysaccharides (LPS) on the electrophoretic softness and fixed charge density in the ion-penetrable layer of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown in presence of copper or arsenic ions have been discussed, The electrophoretic mobility data were analyzed using the soft-particle electrophoresis theory. Cell surface potentials of all the strains based on soft-particle theory were lower than those estimated using the conventional Smoluchowski theory, Exposure to metal ions increased the Surface electrophoretic softness with decrease in the fixed charge density. Effect of cell surface lipopolysaccharides on the model parameters are investigated and discussed.


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Metal Auger line intensity ratios were shown by Rao and others to be directly related to the occupancy of valence states. It is now shown that these intensity ratios are more generally related to the effective charge on the metal atom. The Auger intensity ratios are also directly proportional to valence band intensities of metals. Correlations of the intensity ratios with Auger parameters have also been examined.


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The cr~¢stal structure of [potassium(benzo-15-crown-5)](picrate) shows that in the complex the metal is sandwiched between two crowns andhas no interaction with plcrate.


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The effect of transition metal oxides (Fe2O3, MnO2, Ni2O3 and Co2O3) on polystyrene/ammonium perchlorate propellant systems has been examined. The mechanism of action of the oxides in increasing the burning rate was examined by studying the effect of the oxides on the thermal decomposition and combustion of the oxidizer and the propellant. It has been concluded that one of the mechanisms by which the oxides act is by promoting the charge-transfer process, which is indicated by the enhancement of the electron-transfer process in ammonium perchlorate and by the correlation between the redox potential of the metal ions and the corresponding burning rates of the propellant.


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Electron spectroscopic studies clearly demonstrate that modification of the surfaces of Mn, Fe and Ni metals by chlorine significantly decreases the strength of interaction between the metal and adsorbed molecules such as CO and N2. This is in contrast to the effect of electropositive additives such as Ba and Al which increase the adsorption bond strength significantly.


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Ultraviolet and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy have been employed to investigate the adsorption of methanol, ethanol, diethylether, acetaldehyde, acetone, methyl acetate and methylamine on surfaces of Fe, Ni and Cu. All these molecules adsorb molecularly at low temperatures (≤100 K). Lone pair orbitals of these molecules are stabilized on these metal surfaces (by 0·4–1·0eV) due to molecular chemisorption. The molecules generally undergo transformations as the temperature is raised to 120 K or above. The new species produced seems to depend on the metal surface. Some of the product species identified are methoxy species, formaldehyde and carbon monoxide in the case of methanol and methyl acetate, ethoxy species in the case of ethanol and 2-propanol in the case of acetone.


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The metal to insulator transition in the charge-transfer NiS2-xSex compound has been investigated through infrared reflectivity. Measurements performed by applying pressure to pure NiS2 (lattice contraction) and by Se alloying (lattice expansion) reveal that in both cases an anomalous metallic state is obtained. We find that optical results are not compatible with the linear Se-alloying vs pressure-scaling relation previously established through transport, thus pointing out the substantially different microscopic origin of the two transitions.


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Silicon tetrahalides, SiX4 (X=F, Cl, Br) and the fluorosilicates of sodium and potassium react with phosphorus pentoxide above 300°C. The tetrahalides give rise to the corresponding phosphoryl halides and silica, while the fluorosilicates form the corresponding metal fluorophosphates and silicon tetrafluoride. The reaction of the fluorosilicates of sodium and potassium with sulphur trioxide occurs at room temperature to give rise to the corresponding metal fluorosulphates and silicon tetrafluoride.


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Adsorption of oxygen on Ni, Cu, Pd, Ag, and Au surfaces has been investigated by employing UV and X-ray photoelectron spectrscopy as well as electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Molecularly chemisorbed (singlet) oxygen is found on Ni, Cu, Ag, and Au surfaces showing features such as stabilization of the rB* orbital, destabilization of the .nu orbital, higher O(1s) binding energy than the atomic species, and a band 2-3 eV below the Fermi level due to metal d-O(2p)u* interaction. 0-0 and metal-oxygen stretching frequencies have been observed in EELS. Physical adsorption of O2 is found to occur on Pd and Ni surfaces, only at high exposures in the latter case. Physical adsorption and multilayer condensation of CO, on metal surfaces are distinguished by characteristic relaxation shifts in UPS as well as O(1s) binding energies. Adsorption of CO on a Ni surface covered with presorbed atomic oxygen gives rise to C02.


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The nature of coordination in metal monothiocarbamates is shown to depend on the hardness or softness of the metal ton. Thus, the monothiocarbamate ion acts as a monodentate ligand with metal-sulphur bending when the metal ion is a soft acid while it acts as a bidentate ligand when the metal ion is a hard acid; it can exhibit either behaviour when the metal ion is a borderline acid. In dialkyltin and dialkylmonocholorotin complexes, the monothiocarbamate ion acts as a bidentate ligand with strong Sn-S bonding while in trialkyl-or triaryl-tin complexes it acts essentially as a monodentate ligand. Thus, R3Sn(I) seems to be a soft or borderline acid while R2Sn(II) is a hard acid.


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MEMS resonators are designed for a fixed resonant frequency. Therefore, any shift in the resonant frequency of the final fabricated structure can be a denting factor for its suitability towards a desired application. There are numerous factors which alter the designed resonant frequency of the fabricated resonator such as the metal layer deposited on top of the beam and the residual stresses present in the fabricated structure. While the metal coating, which acts as electrode, increases the stiffness and the effective mass of the composite structure, the residual stress increases or decreases the net stiffness if it is a tensile or compressive type respectively. In this paper, we investigate both these cases by taking two different structures, namely, the micro cantilever beam with gold layer deposited on its top surface and the MEMS gyroscope with residual stresses. First, we carry out experiments to characterize both these structures to find their resonant frequencies. Later, we analytically model those effects and compare them with the experimentally obtained values. Finally, it is found that the analytical models give an error of less than 10% with respect to the experimental results in both the cases.