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Proper formulation of stress-strain relations, particularly in tension-compression situations for isotropic biomodulus materials, is an unresolved problem. Ambartsumyan's model [8] and Jones' weighted compliance matrix model [9] do not satisfy the principle of coordinate invariance. Shapiro's first stress invariant model [10] is too simple a model to describe the behavior of real materials. In fact, Rigbi [13] has raised a question about the compatibility of bimodularity with isotropy in a solid. Medri [2] has opined that linear principal strain-principal stress relations are fictitious, and warned that the bilinear approximation of uniaxial stress-strain behavior leads to ill-working bimodulus material model under combined loading. In the present work, a general bilinear constitutive model has been presented and described in biaxial principal stress plane with zonewise linear principal strain-principal stress relations. Elastic coefficients in the model are characterized based on the signs of (i) principal stresses, (ii) principal strains, and (iii) on the value of strain energy component ratio ER greater than or less than unity. The last criterion is used in tension-compression and compression-tension situations to account for different shear moduli in pure shear stress and pure shear strain states as well as unequal cross compliances.


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This paper may be considered as a sequel to one of our earlier works pertaining to the development of an upwind algorithm for meshless solvers. While the earlier work dealt with the development of an inviscid solution procedure, the present work focuses on its extension to viscous flows. A robust viscous discretization strategy is chosen based on positivity of a discrete Laplacian. This work projects meshless solver as a viable cartesian grid methodology. The point distribution required for the meshless solver is obtained from a hybrid cartesian gridding strategy. Particularly considering the importance of an hybrid cartesian mesh for RANS computations, the difficulties encountered in a conventional least squares based discretization strategy are highlighted. In this context, importance of discretization strategies which exploit the local structure in the grid is presented, along with a suitable point sorting strategy. Of particular interest is the proposed discretization strategies (both inviscid and viscous) within the structured grid block; a rotated update for the inviscid part and a Green-Gauss procedure based positive update for the viscous part. Both these procedures conveniently avoid the ill-conditioning associated with a conventional least squares procedure in the critical region of structured grid block. The robustness and accuracy of such a strategy is demonstrated on a number of standard test cases including a case of a multi-element airfoil. The computational efficiency of the proposed meshless solver is also demonstrated. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose a family of 3D versions of a smooth finite element method (Sunilkumar and Roy 2010), wherein the globally smooth shape functions are derivable through the condition of polynomial reproduction with the tetrahedral B-splines (DMS-splines) or tensor-product forms of triangular B-splines and ID NURBS bases acting as the kernel functions. While the domain decomposition is accomplished through tetrahedral or triangular prism elements, an additional requirement here is an appropriate generation of knotclouds around the element vertices or corners. The possibility of sensitive dependence of numerical solutions to the placements of knotclouds is largely arrested by enforcing the condition of polynomial reproduction whilst deriving the shape functions. Nevertheless, given the higher complexity in forming the knotclouds for tetrahedral elements especially when higher demand is placed on the order of continuity of the shape functions across inter-element boundaries, we presently emphasize an exploration of the triangular prism based formulation in the context of several benchmark problems of interest in linear solid mechanics. In the absence of a more rigorous study on the convergence analyses, the numerical exercise, reported herein, helps establish the method as one of remarkable accuracy and robust performance against numerical ill-conditioning (such as locking of different kinds) vis-a-vis the conventional FEM.


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An adaptive regularization algorithm that combines elementwise photon absorption and data misfit is proposed to stabilize the non-linear ill-posed inverse problem. The diffuse photon distribution is low near the target compared to the normal region. A Hessian is proposed based on light and tissue interaction, and is estimated using adjoint method by distributing the sources inside the discretized domain. As iteration progresses, the photon absorption near the inhomogeneity becomes high and carries more weightage to the regularization matrix. The domain's interior photon absorption and misfit based adaptive regularization method improves quality of the reconstructed Diffuse Optical Tomographic images.


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Purpose: Fast reconstruction of interior optical parameter distribution using a new approach called Broyden-based model iterative image reconstruction (BMOBIIR) and adjoint Broyden-based MOBIIR (ABMOBIIR) of a tissue and a tissue mimicking phantom from boundary measurement data in diffuse optical tomography (DOT). Methods: DOT is a nonlinear and ill-posed inverse problem. Newton-based MOBIIR algorithm, which is generally used, requires repeated evaluation of the Jacobian which consumes bulk of the computation time for reconstruction. In this study, we propose a Broyden approach-based accelerated scheme for Jacobian computation and it is combined with conjugate gradient scheme (CGS) for fast reconstruction. The method makes explicit use of secant and adjoint information that can be obtained from forward solution of the diffusion equation. This approach reduces the computational time many fold by approximating the system Jacobian successively through low-rank updates. Results: Simulation studies have been carried out with single as well as multiple inhomogeneities. Algorithms are validated using an experimental study carried out on a pork tissue with fat acting as an inhomogeneity. The results obtained through the proposed BMOBIIR and ABMOBIIR approaches are compared with those of Newton-based MOBIIR algorithm. The mean squared error and execution time are used as metrics for comparing the results of reconstruction. Conclusions: We have shown through experimental and simulation studies that Broyden-based MOBIIR and adjoint Broyden-based methods are capable of reconstructing single as well as multiple inhomogeneities in tissue and a tissue-mimicking phantom. Broyden MOBIIR and adjoint Broyden MOBIIR methods are computationally simple and they result in much faster implementations because they avoid direct evaluation of Jacobian. The image reconstructions have been carried out with different initial values using Newton, Broyden, and adjoint Broyden approaches. These algorithms work well when the initial guess is close to the true solution. However, when initial guess is far away from true solution, Newton-based MOBIIR gives better reconstructed images. The proposed methods are found to be stable with noisy measurement data. (C) 2011 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. DOI: 10.1118/1.3531572]


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Large MIMO systems with tens of antennas in each communication terminal using full-rate non-orthogonal space-time block codes (STBC) from Cyclic Division Algebras (CDA) can achieve the benefits of both transmit diversity as well as high spectral efficiencies. Maximum-likelihood (ML) or near-ML decoding of these large-sized STBCs at low complexities, however, has been a challenge. In this paper, we establish that near-ML decoding of these large STBCs is possible at practically affordable low complexities. We show that the likelihood ascent search (LAS) detector, reported earlier by us for V-BLAST, is able to achieve near-ML uncoded BER performance in decoding a 32x32 STBC from CDA, which employs 32 transmit antennas and sends 32(2) = 1024 complex data symbols in 32 time slots in one STBC matrix (i.e., 32 data symbols sent per channel use). In terms of coded BER, with a 16x16 STBC, rate-3/4 turbo code and 4-QAM (i.e., 24 bps/Hz), the LAS detector performs close to within just about 4 dB from the theoretical MIMO capacity. Our results further show that, with LAS detection, information lossless (ILL) STBCs perform almost as good as full-diversity ILL (FD-ILL) STBCs. Such low-complexity detectors can potentially enable implementation of high spectral efficiency large MIMO systems that could be considered in wireless standards.


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We consider a slow fading multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system with channel state information at both the transmitter and receiver. A well-known precoding scheme is based upon the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the channel matrix, which transforms the MIMO channel into parallel subchannels. Despite having low maximum likelihood decoding (MLD) complexity, this SVD precoding scheme provides a diversity gain which is limited by the diversity gain of the weakest subchannel. We therefore propose X- and Y-Codes, which improve the diversity gain of the SVD precoding scheme but maintain the low MLD complexity, by jointly coding information across a pair of subchannels. In particular, subchannels with high diversity gain are paired with those having low diversity gain. A pair of subchannels is jointly encoded using a 2 2 real matrix, which is fixed a priori and does not change with each channel realization. For X-Codes, these rotation matrices are parameterized by a single angle, while for Y-Codes, these matrices are left triangular matrices. Moreover, we propose X-, Y-Precoders with the same structure as X-, Y-Codes, but with encoding matrices adapted to each channel realization. We observed that X-Codes/Precoders are good for well-conditioned channels, while Y-Codes/Precoders are good for ill-conditioned channels.


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We explore a pseudodynamic form of the quadratic parameter update equation for diffuse optical tomographic reconstruction from noisy data. A few explicit and implicit strategies for obtaining the parameter updates via a semianalytical integration of the pseudodynamic equations are proposed. Despite the ill-posedness of the inverse problem associated with diffuse optical tomography, adoption of the quadratic update scheme combined with the pseudotime integration appears not only to yield higher convergence, but also a muted sensitivity to the regularization parameters, which include the pseudotime step size for integration. These observations are validated through reconstructions with both numerically generated and experimentally acquired data. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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We recast the reconstruction problem of diffuse optical tomography (DOT) in a pseudo-dynamical framework and develop a method to recover the optical parameters using particle filters, i.e., stochastic filters based on Monte Carlo simulations. In particular, we have implemented two such filters, viz., the bootstrap (BS) filter and the Gaussian-sum (GS) filter and employed them to recover optical absorption coefficient distribution from both numerically simulated and experimentally generated photon fluence data. Using either indicator functions or compactly supported continuous kernels to represent the unknown property distribution within the inhomogeneous inclusions, we have drastically reduced the number of parameters to be recovered and thus brought the overall computation time to within reasonable limits. Even though the GS filter outperformed the BS filter in terms of accuracy of reconstruction, both gave fairly accurate recovery of the height, radius, and location of the inclusions. Since the present filtering algorithms do not use derivatives, we could demonstrate accurate contrast recovery even in the middle of the object where the usual deterministic algorithms perform poorly owing to the poor sensitivity of measurement of the parameters. Consistent with the fact that the DOT recovery, being ill posed, admits multiple solutions, both the filters gave solutions that were verified to be admissible by the closeness of the data computed through them to the data used in the filtering step (either numerically simulated or experimentally generated). (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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Measurements a/the Gibbs' energy enthalpy and entrupy vffarmation oj chromites, vanadites and alumlnat.:s 0/ F", Ni. Co'. Mn, Zn Mg and Cd, using solid oxide galvanic cells over a ternperature range extending approximately lOOO°C, have shown that the '~'Ilir"!,,, J'JrIl/iJ~ tion 0/ cubic 2-3 oxide spinel phases (MX!O,), from component oxide (MO) with rock-salt and X.Os whir c(1f'l/!ldwn st!'llt'lw,·. call b,' represented by a semi-empirical correlalion, ~S~ = --LiS + L'i,SM +~S~:"d(±O.3) cal.deg-1 mol-1 where /',.SM Is the entropy 0/calian mixing oillhe tetrahedral alld octahedral sites o/the spinel and Sr:~ is tlie enfropy associaf,'d Wifh Ih,' randomization a/the lahn-Telier distortions. A review a/the methods/or evaluating the cation distriblltion lfl spille!s suggeJ{j' l/r,l! Ihe most promising scheme is based Oil octahedral site preference energies from the crystal field theory for the Iral1silioll IIIl'f"! IlIIL';. For I/""-Irallsifioll melal cal ions site preference energies are derived relative /0 thol'lt fLI, [ransilion metal ions from measured high tClllP('ftJi ure Cal iUlI disll iiJuriol1 in spine! phases thar contail! one IransilioJl metal and another non-transition metal carion. For 2-3 srinds compulatiorrs b,IS"J Oil i.!c[J;' Temkin mixing on each catioll subialtice predici JistributionJ that are In fair agreement with X-ray and 1I1'IIIrOll ditTraction, /IIdg""!ic dll.! electrical propcrries, and spectroscopic measurements. In 2-4 spineis mixing vI ions do not foliow strictly ideal slllIistli:al Jaws, Th,' OIl/up) associated with the randomizalion 0/the Jllhn-Teller dislOriioll" appear to be significant, only ill spinels witll 3d'. 3d', 3d' (ifld~UI' iOtls in tetrahedral and 3d' and 3d9 ions in octahedral positions. Application 0/this structural model for predicting the thermodynamic proputies ofspinel solid .,olutiofl5 or,' illustrated. F,lr complex systems additional contributions arising from strain fields, redox equilibria and off-center ions have to be qllalllififti. The entropy correlation for spinels provides a method for evaluating structure tran:.jormafiofl entropies in silllple o.\id.-s, ["founlllion on the relative stabilities ofoxides in different crystallCtructures is USe/III for computer ea/culaliof! a/phase dfugrullls ofIlIrer,',,1 III (N.lll1ie5 by method, similar to thost: used by Kaufman and Bernstein for refractory alloy systems. Examples oftechnoiogical appliCation tnclude the predictioll ofdeoxidation equilibria in Fe-Mn-AI-O s),slelll at 1600°C duj ,'Ulllpltfalion 0/phase relutions in Fe-Ni-Cr-S system,


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A critical revi<:w of the possibilities of measuring the ~artlal pressure of sulfur using solid state galvanic cells )'n;;cd on AgI, C" , B-alumina, CaO-Zr02' Na2S04-I and doped ;:":;, ,,,Ilil "Iltl ,,11: auxiliary "jectrodes are presentlOu. SOIll..., df tllc!iL' sYHtcmH h,}vu inherent limltntlol1$ when <:xl'o" ...d to environments contilining both oxygen and sulfur. Electrode polarization due to electronic conduction in the solid electrolyte is a significant factor limiting the ;lC'e,"'acy of isotlwrm:l1 cell",. The electrochemical flux of{lit' !'\)ndlwl Ill}: Ion LhnHO',h tht' ('!('ctrojyt(~ C:Ul },(,! llIinlnliz(,{j pfUjJL!f cell. dL:~) i.t',11. Noni!:iot.herm~ll cells \.Jlth temperaLure compensated reference electrodes have a number of advantages over thC'ir isothermal counterparts.


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The DMS-FEM, which enables functional approximations with C(1) or still higher inter-element continuity within an FEM-based meshing of the domain, has recently been proposed by Sunilkumar and Roy [39,40]. Through numerical explorations on linear elasto-static problems, the method was found to have conspicuously superior convergence characteristics as well as higher numerical stability against locking. These observations motivate the present study, which aims at extending and exploring the DMS-FEM to (geometrically) nonlinear elasto-static problems of interest in solid mechanics and assessing its numerical performance vis-a-vis the FEM. In particular, the DMS-FEM is shown to vastly outperform the FEM (presently implemented through the commercial software ANSYS (R)) as the former requires fewer linearization and load steps to achieve convergence. In addition, in the context of nearly incompressible nonlinear systems prone to volumetric locking and with no special numerical artefacts (e.g. stabilized or mixed weak forms) employed to arrest locking, the DMS-FEM is shown to approach the incompressibility limit much more closely and with significantly fewer iterations than the FEM. The numerical findings are suggestive of the important role that higher order (uniform) continuity of the approximated field variables play in overcoming volumetric locking and the great promise that the method holds for a range of other numerically ill-conditioned problems of interest in computational structural mechanics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we investigate a numerical method for the solution of an inverse problem of recovering lacking data on some part of the boundary of a domain from the Cauchy data on other part for a variable coefficient elliptic Cauchy problem. In the process, the Cauchy problem is transformed into the problem of solving a compact linear operator equation. As a remedy to the ill-posedness of the problem, we use a projection method which allows regularization solely by discretization. The discretization level plays the role of regularization parameter in the case of projection method. The balancing principle is used for the choice of an appropriate discretization level. Several numerical examples show that the method produces a stable good approximate solution.


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The smooth DMS-FEM, recently proposed by the authors, is extended and applied to the geometrically nonlinear and ill-posed problem of a deformed and wrinkled/slack membrane. A key feature of this work is that three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity equations corresponding to linear momentum balance, without any dimensional reduction and the associated approximations, directly serve as the membrane governing equations. Domain discretization is performed with triangular prism elements and the higher order (C1 or more) interelement continuity of the shape functions ensures that the errors arising from possible jumps in the first derivatives of the conventional C0 shape functions do not propagate because the ill-conditioned tangent stiffness matrices are iteratively inverted. The present scheme employs no regularization and exhibits little sensitivity to h-refinement. Although the numerically computed deformed membrane profiles do show some sensitivity to initial imperfections (nonplanarity) in the membrane profile needed to initiate transverse deformations, the overall patterns of the wrinkles and the deformed shapes appear to be less so. Finally, the deformed profiles, computed through the DMS FEM-based weak formulation, are compared with those obtained through an experiment on an ultrathin Kapton membrane, wherein wrinkles form because of the applied boundary displacement conditions. Comparisons with a reported experiment on a rectangular membrane are also provided. These exercises lend credence to the feasibility of the DMS FEM-based numerical route to computing post-wrinkled membrane shapes. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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We have developed an efficient fully three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction algorithm for diffuse optical tomography (DOT). The 3D DOT, a severely ill-posed problem, is tackled through a pseudodynamic (PD) approach wherein an ordinary differential equation representing the evolution of the solution on pseudotime is integrated that bypasses an explicit inversion of the associated, ill-conditioned system matrix. One of the most computationally expensive parts of the iterative DOT algorithm, the reevaluation of the Jacobian in each of the iterations, is avoided by using the adjoint-Broyden update formula to provide low rank updates to the Jacobian. In addition, wherever feasible, we have also made the algorithm efficient by integrating along the quadratic path provided by the perturbation equation containing the Hessian. These algorithms are then proven by reconstruction, using simulated and experimental data and verifying the PD results with those from the popular Gauss-Newton scheme. The major findings of this work are as follows: (i) the PD reconstructions are comparatively artifact free, providing superior absorption coefficient maps in terms of quantitative accuracy and contrast recovery; (ii) the scaling of computation time with the dimension of the measurement set is much less steep with the Jacobian update formula in place than without it; and (iii) an increase in the data dimension, even though it renders the reconstruction problem less ill conditioned and thus provides relatively artifact-free reconstructions, does not necessarily provide better contrast property recovery. For the latter, one should also take care to uniformly distribute the measurement points, avoiding regions close to the source so that the relative strength of the derivatives for measurements away from the source does not become insignificant. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America