157 resultados para MD


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We report the quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) and molecular dynamics (MD) investigations into diffusion of pentane isomers in zeolite NaY. The molecular cross section perpendicular to the long molecular axis varies for the three isomers while the mass and the isomer-zeolite interaction remains essentially unchanged. Both QENS and MD results show that the branched isomers neopentane and isopentane have higher self-diffusivities as compared with n-pentane at 300 K in NaY zeolite. This result provides direct experimental evidence for the existence of nonmonotonic, anomalous dependence of self-diffusivity on molecular diameter known as the levitation effect. The energetic barrier at the bottleneck derived from MD simulations exists for n-pentane which lies in the linear regime while no such barrier is seen for neopentane which is located clearly in the anomalous regime.Activation energy is in the order E-a(n-pentane)>E-a(isopentane)>E-a(neopentane) consistent with the predictions of the levitation effect. In the liquid phase, it is seen thatD(n pentane)>D(isopentane)>D(neopentane) and E-a(n-pentane)< E-a(isopentane)< E-a(neopentane). Intermediate scattering function for small wavenumbers obtained from MD follows a single exponential decay for neopentane and isopentane. For n-pentane, a single exponential fit provides a poor fit especially at short times. Cage residence time is largest for n-pentane and lowest for neopentane. For neopentane, the width of the self-part of the dynamic structure factor shows a near monotonic decrease with wavenumber. For n-pentane a minimum is seen near k=0.5 A degrees(-1) suggesting a slowing down of motion around the 12-ring window, the bottleneck for diffusion. Finally, the result that the branched isomer has a higher diffusivity as compared with the linear analog is at variation from what is normally seen.


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Presented here is the two-phase thermodynamic (2PT) model for the calculation of energy and entropy of molecular fluids from the trajectory of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In this method, the density of state (DoS) functions (including the normal modes of translation, rotation, and intramolecular vibration motions) are determined from the Fourier transform of the corresponding velocity autocorrelation functions. A fluidicity parameter (f), extracted from the thermodynamic state of the system derived from the same MD, is used to partition the translation and rotation modes into a diffusive, gas-like component (with 3Nf degrees of freedom) and a nondiffusive, solid-like component. The thermodynamic properties, including the absolute value of entropy, are then obtained by applying quantum statistics to the solid component and applying hard sphere/rigid rotor thermodynamics to the gas component. The 2PT method produces exact thermodynamic properties of the system in two limiting states: the nondiffusive solid state (where the fluidicity is zero) and the ideal gas state (where the fluidicity becomes unity). We examine the 2PT entropy for various water models (F3C, SPC, SPC/E, TIP3P, and TIP4P-Ew) at ambient conditions and find good agreement with literature results obtained based on other simulation techniques. We also validate the entropy of water in the liquid and vapor phases along the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve from the triple point to the critical point. We show that this method produces converged liquid phase entropy in tens of picoseconds, making it an efficient means for extracting thermodynamic properties from MD simulations.


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The first step in the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) biosynthesis pathway involves the conversion of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) to precursor Z by two proteins (MoaA and MoaC). MoaA belongs to the S-adenosylmethioninedependent radical enzyme superfamily and is believed to generate protein and/or substrate radicals by reductive cleavage of S-adenosylmethionine using an Fe-S cluster. MoaC has been suggested to catalyze the release of pyrophosphate and the formation of the cyclic phosphate of precursor Z. However, structural evidence showing the binding of a substrate-like molecule to MoaC is not available. Here, apo and GTP-bound crystal structures of MoaC from Thermus thermophilus HB8 are reported. Furthermore, isothermal titration calorimetry experiments have been carried out in order to obtain thermodynamic parameters for the protein-ligand interactions. In addition, molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations have been carried out on the protein-ligand complex of known structure and on models of relevant complexes for which X-ray structures are not available. The biophysical, structural and MD results reveal the residues that are involved in substrate binding and help in speculating upon a possible mechanism.


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We use atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the diffusion of water molecules confined inside narrow (6,6) carbon nanorings. The water molecules form two oppositely polarized chains. It is shown that the effective interaction between these two chains is repulsive in nature. The computed mean-squared displacement (MSD) clearly shows a scaling with time similar to t(1/2), which is consistent with single-file diffusion (SFD). The time up to which the water molecules undergo SFD is shown to be the lifetime of the water molecules inside these chains. Simulations of "uncharged" water molecules inside the nanoring show the formation of several water chains and yield SFD. These observations conclusively prove that the diffusion is Fickian when there is a single chain of water and SFD is observed only when two or more chains are present.


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Vegetated coastal ecosystems provide goods and services to billions of people. In the aftermath of a series of recent natural disasters, including the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and Cyclone Nargis, coastal vegetation has been widely promoted for the purpose of reducing the impact of large storm surges and tsunami. In this paper, we review the use of coastal vegetation as a "bioshield" against these extreme events. Our objective is to alter bioshield policy and reduce the long-term negative consequences for biodiversity and human capital. We begin with an overview of the scientific literature, in particular focusing on studies published since the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 and discuss the science of wave attenuation by vegetation. We then explore case studies from the Indian subcontinent and evaluate the detrimental impacts bioshield plantations can have upon native ecosystems, drawing a distinction between coastal restoration and the introduction of exotic species in inappropriate locations. Finally, we place bioshield policies into a political context, and outline a new direction for coastal vegetation policy and research.


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Vegetated coastal ecosystems provide goods and services to billions of people.In the aftermath of a series of recent natural disasters, including the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and Cyclone Nargis, coastal vegetation has been widely promoted for the purpose of reducing the impact of large storm surges and tsunami. In this paper, we review the use of coastal vegetation as a ``bioshield'' against these extreme events. Our objective is to alter bioshield policy and reduce the long-term negative consequences for biodiversity and human capital. We begin with an overview of the scientific literature, in particular focusing on studies published since the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 and discuss the science of wave attenuation by vegetation. We then explore case studies from the Indian subcontinent and evaluate the detrimental impacts bioshield plantations can have upon native ecosystems, drawing a distinction between coastal restoration and the introduction of exotic species in inappropriate locations. Finally, we place bioshield policies into a political context, and outline a new direction for coastal vegetation policy and research.


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ingle tract guanine residues can associate to form stable parallel quadruplex structures in the presence of certain cations. Nanosecond scale molecular dynamics simulations have been performed on fully solvated fibre model of parallel d(G(7)) quadruplex structures with Na+ or K+ ions coordinated in the cavity formed by the O6 atoms of the guanine bases. The AMBER 4.1 force field and Particle Mesh Ewald technique for electrostatic interactions have been used in all simulations. There quadruplex structures are stable during the simulation, with the middle four base tetrads showing root mean square deviation values between 0.5 to 0.8 Angstrom from the initial structure as well the high resolution crystal structure. Even in the absence of any coordinated ion in the initial structure, the G-quadruplex structure remains intact throughout the simulation. During the 1.1 ns MD simulation, one Nai counter ion from the solvent as well as several water molecules enter the central cavity to occupy the empty coordination sites within the parallel quadruplex and help stabilize the structure. Hydrogen bonding pattern depends on the nature of the coordinated ion, with the G-tetrad undergoing local structural variation to accommodate cations of different sizes. in the absence of any coordinated ion. due to strong mutual repulsion, O6 atoms within G-tetrad are forced farther apart from each other, which leads to a considerably different hydrogen bonding scheme within the G-tetrads and very favourable interaction energy between the guanine bases constituting a G-tetrad. However, a coordinated ion between G-tetrads provides extra stacking energy for the G-tetrads and makes the quadruplex structure more rigid. Na+ ions, within the quadruplex cavity, are more mobile than coordinated K+ ions. A number of hydrogen bonded water molecules are observed within the grooves of all quadruplex structures.


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In this article, an ultrasonic wave propagation in graphene sheet is studied using nonlocal elasticity theory incorporating small scale effects. The graphene sheet is modeled as an isotropic plate of one-atom thick. For this model, the nonlocal governing differential equations of motion are derived from the minimization of the total potential energy of the entire system. An ultrasonic type of wave propagation model is also derived for the graphene sheet. The nonlocal scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in in-plane and flexural wave modes where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite or wave speed tends to zero. The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the escape frequency. The explicit expressions for cutoff frequencies and escape frequencies are derived. The escape frequencies are mainly introduced because of the nonlocal elasticity. Obviously these frequencies are function of nonlocal scaling parameter. It has also been obtained that these frequencies are independent of y-directional wavenumber. It means that for any type of nanostructure, the escape frequencies are purely a function of nonlocal scaling parameter only. It is also independent of the geometry of the structure. It has been found that the cutoff frequencies are function of nonlocal scaling parameter (e(0)a) and the y-directional wavenumber (k(y)). For a given nanostructure, nonlocal small scale coefficient can be obtained by matching the results from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the nonlocal elasticity calculations. At that value of the nonlocal scale coefficient, the waves will propagate in the nanostructure at that cut-off frequency. In the present paper, different values of e(o)a are used. One can get the exact e(0)a for a given graphene sheet by matching the MD simulation results of graphene with the results presented in this paper. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Active-clamp dc-dc converters are pulsewidth-modulated converters having two switches featuring zero-voltage switching at frequencies beyond 100 kHz. Generalized equivalent circuits valid for steady-state and dynamic performance have been proposed for the family of active-clamp converters. The active-clamp converter is analyzed for its dynamic behavior under current control in this paper. The steady-state stability analysis is presented. On account of the lossless damping inherent in the active-clamp converters, it appears that the stability region in the current-controlled active-clamp converters get extended for duty ratios, a little greater than 0.5, unlike in conventional hard-switched converters. The conventional graphical approach fails to assess the stability of current-controlled active-clamp converters due to the coupling between the filter inductor current and resonant inductor current. An analysis that takes into account the presence of the resonant elements is presented to establish the condition for stability. This method correctly predicts the stability of the current-controlled active-clamp converters. A simple expression for the maximum duty cycle for subharmonic free operation is obtained. The results are verified experimentally.


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Random walks describe diffusion processes, where movement at every time step is restricted to only the neighboring locations. We construct a quantum random walk algorithm, based on discretization of the Dirac evolution operator inspired by staggered lattice fermions. We use it to investigate the spatial search problem, that is, to find a marked vertex on a d-dimensional hypercubic lattice. The restriction on movement hardly matters for d > 2, and scaling behavior close to Grover's optimal algorithm (which has no restriction on movement) can be achieved. Using numerical simulations, we optimize the proportionality constants of the scaling behavior, and demonstrate the approach to that for Grover's algorithm (equivalent to the mean-field theory or the d -> infinity limit). In particular, the scaling behavior for d = 3 is only about 25% higher than the optimal d -> infinity value.


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We investigate the spatial search problem on the two-dimensional square lattice, using the Dirac evolution operator discretized according to the staggered lattice fermion formalism. d = 2 is the critical dimension for the spatial search problem, where infrared divergence of the evolution operator leads to logarithmic factors in the scaling behavior. As a result, the construction used in our accompanying article A. Patel and M. A. Rahaman, Phys. Rev. A 82, 032330 (2010)] provides an O(root N ln N) algorithm, which is not optimal. The scaling behavior can be improved to O(root N ln N) by cleverly controlling the massless Dirac evolution operator by an ancilla qubit, as proposed by Tulsi Phys. Rev. A 78, 012310 (2008)]. We reinterpret the ancilla control as introduction of an effective mass at the marked vertex, and optimize the proportionality constants of the scaling behavior of the algorithm by numerically tuning the parameters.


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This paper reports the structural behavior and thermodynamics of the complexation of siRNA with poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers of generation 3 (G3) and 4 (G4) through fully atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations accompanied by free energy calculations and inherent structure determination. We have also done simulation with one siRNA and two dendrimers (2 x G3 or 2xG4) to get the microscopic picture of various binding modes. Our simulation results reveal the formation of stable siRNA-dendrimer complex over nanosecond time scale. With the increase in dendrimcr generation, the charge ratio increases and hence the binding energy between siRNA and dendrimer also increases in accordance with available experimental measurements. Calculated radial distribution functions of amines groups of various subgenerations in a given generation of dendrimer and phosphate in backbone of siRNA reveals that one dendrimer of generation 4 shows better binding with siRNA almost wrapping the dendrimer when compared to the binding with lower generation dendrimer like G3. In contrast, two dendrimers of generation 4 show binding without siRNA wrapping the den-rimer because of repulsion between two dendrimers. The counterion distribution around the complex and the water molecules in the hydration shell of siRNA give microscopic picture of the binding dynamics. We see a clear correlation between water. counterions motions and the complexation i.e. the water molecules and counterions which condensed around siRNA are moved away from the siRNA backbone when dendrimer start binding to the siRNA back hone. As siRNA wraps/bind to the dendrimer counterions originally condensed onto siRNA (Na-1) and dendrimer (Cl-) get released. We give a quantitative estimate of the entropy of counterions and show that there is gain in entropy due to counterions release during the complexation. Furthermore, the free energy of complexation of IG3 and IG4 at two different salt concentrations shows that increase in salt concentration leads to the weakening of the binding affinity of siRNA and dendrimer.


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Polycrystalline diamond coatings are grown on Si (100) substrate by hot filament CVD technique. We investigate here the effect of substrate roughening on the substrate temperature and methane concentration required to maintain high quality, high growth rate and faceted morphology of the diamond coatings. It has been shown that as we increase the substrate roughness from 0.05 mu m to 0.91 mu m (centre line average or CLA) there is enhancement in deposited film quality (Raman peak intensity ratio of sp (3) to non-sp (3) content increases from 1.65 to 7.13) and the substrate temperature can be brought down to 640A degrees C without any additional substrate heating. The coatings grown at adverse conditions for sp (3) deposition has cauliflower morphology with nanocrystalline grains and coatings grown under favourable sp (3) condition gives clear faceted grains.


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A method has been suggested to accurately determine the DBTT of diffusion aluminide bond coats. Micro-tensile testing of free-standing coating samples has been carried out. The DBTT was determined based on the variation of plastic strain-to-fracture with temperature. The positive features of this method over the previously reported techniques are highlighted. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Valinomycin is an important ionophore which exhibits a high conformational flexibility. The study of various conformations adopted by this molecule together with the study of flexibility in a given conformation can throw light on the ion transport by the ionophore across the membrane. Molecular dynamics (MD) studies are ideal to characterize the flexibility in different parts of the molecule and can also give an idea of various conformations adopted by the molecule at a given temperature. Hence MD studies at 100K have been carried out on the minimized crystal structure of the molecule to scan the possible conformations in the neighbourhood of the well known 'bracelet' like structure of uncomplexed Valinomycin, Properties, like the flexibility, average values, r.m.s. fluctuations of the various intramolecular hydrogen bonds are discussed. Energy minimization has been carried out on selected MD simulated points to analyze the characteristics of the unique conformation adopted by this molecule at this temperature.