36 resultados para Lti-like cells


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Glioblastoma (grade IV glioma/GBM) is the most common primary adult malignant brain tumor with poor prognosis. To characterize molecular determinants of tumor-stroma interaction in GBM, we profiled 48 serum cytokines and identified macrophage colony-stimulating factor (MCSF) as one of the elevated cytokines in sera from GBM patients. Both MCSF transcript and protein were up-regulated in GBM tissue samples through a spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK)-dependent activation of the PI3K-NF kappa B pathway. Ectopic overexpression and silencing experiments revealed that glioma-secreted MCSF has no role in autocrine functions and M2 polarization of macrophages. In contrast, silencing expression of MCSF in glioma cells prevented tube formation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells elicited by the supernatant from monocytes/microglial cells treated with conditioned medium from glioma cells. Quantitative proteomics based on stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture showed that glioma-derived MCSF induces changes in microglial secretome and identified insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 1 (IGFBP1) as one of the MCSF-regulated proteins secreted by microglia. Silencing IGFBP1 expression in microglial cells or its neutralization by an antibody reduced the ability of supernatants derived from microglial cells treated with glioma cell-conditioned medium to induce angiogenesis. In conclusion, this study shows up-regulation of MCSF in GBM via a SYK-PI3K-NF kappa B-dependent mechanism and identifies IGFBP1 released by microglial cells as a novel mediator of MCSF-induced angiogenesis, of potential interest for developing targeted therapy to prevent GBM progression.


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The influences of physical stimuli such as surface elasticity, topography, and chemistry over mesenchymal stem cell proliferation and differentiation are well investigated. In this context, a fundamentally different approach was adopted, and we have demonstrated the interplay of inherent substrate conductivity, defined chemical composition of cellular microenvironment, and intermittent delivery of electric pulses to drive mesenchymal stem cell differentiation toward osteogenesis. For this, conducting polyaniline (PANI) substrates were coated with collagen type 1 (Coll) alone or in association with sulfated hyaluronan (sHya) to form artificial extracellular matrix (aECM), which mimics the native microenvironment of bone tissue. Further, bone marrow derived human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) were cultured on these moderately conductive (10(-4)10(-3) S/cm) aECM coated PANI substrates and exposed intermittently to pulsed electric field (PEF) generated through transformer-like coupling (TLC) approach over 28 days. On the basis of critical analysis over an array of end points, it was inferred that Coll/sHya coated PANI (PANI/Coll/sHya) substrates had enhanced proliferative capacity of hMSCs up to 28 days in culture, even in the absence of PEF stimulation. On the contrary, the adopted PEF stimulation protocol (7 ms rectangular pulses, 3.6 mV/cm, 10 Hz) is shown to enhance osteogenic differentiation potential of hMSCs. Additionally, PEF stimulated hMSCs had also displayed different morphological characteristics as their nonstimulated counterparts. Concomitantly, earlier onset of ALP activity was also observed on PANI/Coll/sHya substrates and resulted in more calcium deposition. Moreover, real-time polymerase chain reaction results indicated higher mRNA levels of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin, whereas the expression of other osteogenic markers such as Runt-related transcription factor 2, Col1A, and osteopontin exhibited a dynamic pattern similar to control cells that are cultured in osteogenic medium. Taken together, our experimental results illustrate the interplay of multiple parameters such as substrate conductivity, electric field stimulation, and aECM coating on the modulation of hMSC proliferation and differentiation in vitro.


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DNA minor groove binders are an important class of chemotherapeutic agents. These small molecule inhibitors interfere with various cellular processes like DNA replication and transcription. Several benzimidazole derivatives showed affinity towards the DNA minor groove. In this study we show the synthesis and biological studies of a novel benzimidazole derivative (MH1), that inhibits topoisomerase II activity and in vitro transcription. UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopic methods in conjunction with Hoechst displacement assay demonstrate that MH1 binds to DNA at the minor groove. Cytotoxic studies showed that leukemic cells are more sensitive to MH1 compared to cancer cells of epithelial origin. Further, we find that MH1 treatment leads to cell cycle arrest at G2/M, at early time points in Molt4 cells. Finally multiple cellular assays demonstrate that MH1 treatment leads to reduction in MMP, induction of apoptosis by activating CASPASE 9 and CASPASE 3. Thus our study shows MH1, a novel DNA minor groove binder, induces cytotoxicity efficiently in leukemic cells by activating the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis.


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The therapeutic potential of antibodies has not been fully exploited as they fail to cross cell membrane. In this article, we have tested the possibility of using plant virus based nanoparticles for intracellular delivery of antibodies. For this purpose, Sesbania mosaic virus coat protein (CP) was genetically engineered with the B domain of Staphylococcus aureus protein A (SpA) at the beta H-beta I loop, to generate SeMV loop B (SLB), which self-assembled to virus like particles (VLPs) with 43 times higher affinity towards antibodies. CP and SLB could internalize into various types of mammalian cells and SLB could efficiently deliver three different monoclonal antibodies-D6F10 (targeting abrin), anti-a-tubulin (targeting intracellular tubulin) and Herclon (against HER2 receptor) inside the cells. Such a mode of delivery was much more effective than antibodies alone treatment. These results highlight the potential of SLB as a universal nanocarrier for intracellular delivery of antibodies.


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Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection represents a major health threat to global population. In India, approximately 15-20% of cases of chronic liver diseases are caused by HCV infection. Although, new drug treatments hold great promise for HCV eradication in infected individuals, the treatments are highly expensive. A vaccine for preventing or treating HCV infection would be of great value, particularly in developing countries. Several preclinical trials of virus-like particle (VLP) based vaccine strategies are in progress throughout the world. Previously, using baculovirus based system, we have reported the production of hepatitis C virus-like particles (HCV-LPs) encoding structural proteins for genotype 3a, which is prevalent in India. In the present study, we have generated HCV-LPs using adenovirus based system and tried different immunization strategies by using combinations of both kinds of HCV-LPs with other genotype 3a-based immunogens. HCV-LPs and peptides based ELISAs were used to evaluate antibody responses generated by these combinations. Cell-mediated immune responses were measured by using T-cell proliferation assay and intracellular cytokine staining. We observed that administration of recombinant adenoviruses expressing HCV structural proteins as final booster enhances both antibody as well as T-cell responses. Additionally, reduction of binding of VLP and JFH1 virus to human hepatocellular carcinoma cells demonstrated the presence of neutralizing antibodies in immunized sera. Taken together, our results suggest that the combined regimen of VLP followed by recombinant adenovirus could more effectively inhibit HCV infection, endorsing the novel vaccine strategy. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Imaging flow cytometry is an emerging technology that combines the statistical power of flow cytometry with spatial and quantitative morphology of digital microscopy. It allows high-throughput imaging of cells with good spatial resolution, while they are in flow. This paper proposes a general framework for the processing/classification of cells imaged using imaging flow cytometer. Each cell is localized by finding an accurate cell contour. Then, features reflecting cell size, circularity and complexity are extracted for the classification using SVM. Unlike the conventional iterative, semi-automatic segmentation algorithms such as active contour, we propose a noniterative, fully automatic graph-based cell localization. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, we have successfully classified unstained label-free leukaemia cell-lines MOLT, K562 and HL60 from video streams captured using custom fabricated cost-effective microfluidics-based imaging flow cytometer. The proposed system is a significant development in the direction of building a cost-effective cell analysis platform that would facilitate affordable mass screening camps looking cellular morphology for disease diagnosis. Lay description In this article, we propose a novel framework for processing the raw data generated using microfluidics based imaging flow cytometers. Microfluidics microscopy or microfluidics based imaging flow cytometry (mIFC) is a recent microscopy paradigm, that combines the statistical power of flow cytometry with spatial and quantitative morphology of digital microscopy, which allows us imaging cells while they are in flow. In comparison to the conventional slide-based imaging systems, mIFC is a nascent technology enabling high throughput imaging of cells and is yet to take the form of a clinical diagnostic tool. The proposed framework process the raw data generated by the mIFC systems. The framework incorporates several steps: beginning from pre-processing of the raw video frames to enhance the contents of the cell, localising the cell by a novel, fully automatic, non-iterative graph based algorithm, extraction of different quantitative morphological parameters and subsequent classification of cells. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed framework, we have successfully classified unstained label-free leukaemia cell-lines MOLT, K562 and HL60 from video streams captured using cost-effective microfluidics based imaging flow cytometer. The cell lines of HL60, K562 and MOLT were obtained from ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) and are separately cultured in the lab. Thus, each culture contains cells from its own category alone and thereby provides the ground truth. Each cell is localised by finding a closed cell contour by defining a directed, weighted graph from the Canny edge images of the cell such that the closed contour lies along the shortest weighted path surrounding the centroid of the cell from a starting point on a good curve segment to an immediate endpoint. Once the cell is localised, morphological features reflecting size, shape and complexity of the cells are extracted and used to develop a support vector machine based classification system. We could classify the cell-lines with good accuracy and the results were quite consistent across different cross validation experiments. We hope that imaging flow cytometers equipped with the proposed framework for image processing would enable cost-effective, automated and reliable disease screening in over-loaded facilities, which cannot afford to hire skilled personnel in large numbers. Such platforms would potentially facilitate screening camps in low income group countries; thereby transforming the current health care paradigms by enabling rapid, automated diagnosis for diseases like cancer.