70 resultados para Library information networks


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Channel assignment in multi-channel multi-radio wireless networks poses a significant challenge due to scarcity of number of channels available in the wireless spectrum. Further, additional care has to be taken to consider the interference characteristics of the nodes in the network especially when nodes are in different collision domains. This work views the problem of channel assignment in multi-channel multi-radio networks with multiple collision domains as a non-cooperative game where the objective of the players is to maximize their individual utility by minimizing its interference. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the channel assignment to be a Nash Equilibrium (NE) and efficiency of the NE is analyzed by deriving the lower bound of the price of anarchy of this game. A new fairness measure in multiple collision domain context is proposed and necessary and sufficient conditions for NE outcomes to be fair are derived. The equilibrium conditions are then applied to solve the channel assignment problem by proposing three algorithms, based on perfect/imperfect information, which rely on explicit communication between the players for arriving at an NE. A no-regret learning algorithm known as Freund and Schapire Informed algorithm, which has an additional advantage of low overhead in terms of information exchange, is proposed and its convergence to the stabilizing outcomes is studied. New performance metrics are proposed and extensive simulations are done using Matlab to obtain a thorough understanding of the performance of these algorithms on various topologies with respect to these metrics. It was observed that the algorithms proposed were able to achieve good convergence to NE resulting in efficient channel assignment strategies.


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Wireless mesh networks with multi-beam capability at each node through the use of multi-antenna beamforming are becoming practical and attracting increased research attention. Increased capacity due to spatial reuse and increased transmission range are potential benefits in using multiple directional beams in each node. In this paper, we are interested in low-complexity scheduling algorithms in such multi-beam wireless networks. In particular, we present a scheduling algorithm based on queue length information of the past slots in multi-beam networks, and prove its stability. We present a distributed implementation of this proposed algorithm. Numerical results show that significant improvement in delay performance is achieved using the proposed multi-beam scheduling compared to omni-beam scheduling. In addition, the proposed algorithm is shown to achieve a significant reduction in the signaling overhead compared to a current slot queue length approach.


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Distributed Space-Time Block Codes (DSTBCs) from Complex Orthogonal Designs (CODs) (both square and non-square CODs other than the Alamouti design) are known to lose their single-symbol ML decodable (SSD) property when used in two-hop wireless relay networks using the amplify and forward protocol. For such a network, a new class of high rate, training-symbol embedded (TSE) SSD DSTBCs are proposed from TSE-CODs. The constructed codes include the training symbols within the structure of the code which is shown to be the key point to obtain high rate along with the SSD property. TSE-CODs are shown to offer full-diversity for arbitrary complex constellations. Non-square TSE-CODs are shown to provide better rates (in symbols per channel use) compared to the known SSD DSTBCs for relay networks when the number of relays is less than 10. Importantly, the proposed DSTBCs do not contain zeros in their codewords and as a result, antennas of the relay nodes do not undergo a sequence of switch on and off transitions within every codeword use. Hence, the proposed DSTBCs eliminate the antenna switching problem.


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Cooperative communication using rateless codes, in which the source transmits an infinite number of parity bits to the destination until the receipt of an acknowledgment, has recently attracted considerable interest. It provides a natural and efficient mechanism for accumulating mutual information from multiple transmitting relays. We develop an analysis of queued cooperative relay systems that combines the communication-theoretic transmission aspects of cooperative communication using rateless codes over Rayleigh fading channels with the queuing-theoretic aspects associated with buffering messages at the relays. Relay cooperation combined with queuing reduces the message transmission times and also helps distribute the traffic load in the network, which improves throughput significantly.


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A new hydroxy functionalized liquid crystalline (LC) polyazomethine has been synthesized by the solution polycondensation of a dialdehyde with a diamine. The polymer was characterized by IR, H-1-, and C-13-NMR spectroscopy. Studies on the liquid crystalline properties reveal the nematic mesomorphic behavior. This polymer functions as a polymeric chelate and forms a three-dimensional network structure through the metal complexation. Influence of various metals and their concentration on the liquid crystalline behavior of the network has been studied. Networks up to 30 mol % of the metal show LC phase transitions; above this the transitions are suppressed and the network behaves like an LC thermoset. (C) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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A link failure in the path of a virtual circuit in a packet data network will lead to premature disconnection of the circuit by the end-points. A soft failure will result in degraded throughput over the virtual circuit. If these failures can be detected quickly and reliably, then appropriate rerouteing strategies can automatically reroute the virtual circuits that use the failed facility. In this paper, we develop a methodology for analysing and designing failure detection schemes for digital facilities. Based on errored second data, we develop a Markov model for the error and failure behaviour of a T1 trunk. The performance of a detection scheme is characterized by its false alarm probability and the detection delay. Using the Markov model, we analyse the performance of detection schemes that use physical layer or link layer information. The schemes basically rely upon detecting the occurrence of severely errored seconds (SESs). A failure is declared when a counter, that is driven by the occurrence of SESs, reaches a certain threshold.For hard failures, the design problem reduces to a proper choice;of the threshold at which failure is declared, and on the connection reattempt parameters of the virtual circuit end-point session recovery procedures. For soft failures, the performance of a detection scheme depends, in addition, on how long and how frequent the error bursts are in a given failure mode. We also propose and analyse a novel Level 2 detection scheme that relies only upon anomalies observable at Level 2, i.e. CRC failures and idle-fill flag errors. Our results suggest that Level 2 schemes that perform as well as Level 1 schemes are possible.


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We study the trade-off between delivery delay and energy consumption in delay tolerant mobile wireless networks that use two-hop relaying. The source may not have perfect knowledge of the delivery status at every instant. We formulate the problem as a stochastic control problem with partial information, and study structural properties of the optimal policy. We also propose a simple suboptimal policy. We then compare the performance of the suboptimal policy against that of the optimal control with perfect information. These are bounds on the performance of the proposed policy with partial information. Several other related open loop policies are also compared with these bounds.


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In this paper, we consider a robust design of MIMO-relay precoder and receive filter for the destination nodes in a non-regenerative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. The network consists of multiple source-destination node pairs assisted by a single MIMO-relay node. The source and destination nodes are single antenna nodes, whereas the MIMO-relay node has multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas. The channel state information (CSI) available at the MIMO-relay node for precoding purpose is assumed to be imperfect. We assume that the norms of errors in CSI are upper-bounded, and the MIMO-relay node knows these bounds. We consider the robust design of the MIMO-relay precoder and receive filter based on the minimization of the total MIMO-relay transmit power with constraints on the mean square error (MSE) at the destination nodes. We show that this design problem can be solved by solving an alternating sequence of minimization and worst-case analysis problems. The minimization problem is formulated as a convex optimization problem that can be solved efficiently using interior-point methods. The worst-case analysis problem can be solved analytically using an approximation for the MSEs at the destination nodes. We demonstrate the robust performance of the proposed design through simulations.


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Some basic results that help in determining the Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff (DMT) of cooperative multihop networks are first identified. As examples, the maximum achievable diversity gain is shown to equal the min-cut between source and sink, whereas the maximal multiplexing gain is shown to equal the minimum rank of the matrix characterizing the MIMO channel appearing across a cut in the network. Two multi-hop generalizations of the two-hop network are then considered, namely layered networks as well as a class of networks introduced here and termed as K-parallel-path (KPP) networks. The DMT of KPP networks is characterized for K > 3. It is shown that a linear DMT between the maximum diversity dmax and the maximum multiplexing gain of 1 is achievable for fully-connected, layered networks. Explicit coding schemes achieving the DMT that make use of cyclic-division-algebra-based distributed space-time codes underlie the above results. Two key implications of the results in the paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not entail any rate loss for a large class of cooperative networks and that simple, amplify-and-forward protocols are often sufficient to attain the optimal DMT.


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Because of frequent topology changes and node failures, providing quality of service routing in mobile ad hoc networks becomes a very critical issue. The quality of service can be provided by routing the data along multiple paths. Such selection of multiple paths helps to improve reliability and load balancing, reduce delay introduced due to route rediscovery in presence of path failures. There are basically two issues in such a multipath routing Firstly, the sender node needs to obtain the exact topology information. Since the nodes are continuously roaming, obtaining the exact topology information is a tough task. Here, we propose an algorithm which constructs highly accurate network topology with minimum overhead. The second issue is that the paths in the path set should offer best reliability and network throughput. This is achieved in two ways 1) by choice of a proper metric which is a function of residual power, traffic load on the node and in the surrounding medium 2) by allowing the reliable links to be shared between different paths.


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CDS/ISIS is an advanced non-numerical information storage and retrieval software developed by UNESCO since 1985 to satisfy the need expressed by many institutions, especially in developing countries, to be able to streamline their information processing activities by using modern (and relatively inexpensive) technologies [1]. CDS/ISIS is available for MS-DOS, Windows and Unix operating system platforms. The formatting language of CDS/ISIS is one of its several strengths. It is not only used for formatting records for display but is also used for creating customized indexes. CDS/ISIS by itself does not facilitate in publishing its databases on the Internet nor does it facilitate in publishing on CD-ROMs. However, numbers of open source tools are now available, which enables in publishing CDS/ISIS databases on the Internet and also on CD-ROMs. In this paper, we have discussed the ways and means of integrating CDS/ISIS databases with GSDL, an open source digital library (DL) software.


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We study the coverage in sensor networks having two types of nodes, sensor and backbone nodes. Each sensor is capable of transmitting information over relatively small distances. The backbone nodes collect information from the sensors. This information is processed and communicated over an ad-hoc network formed by the backbone nodes,which are capable of transmitting over much larger distances. We consider two modes of deployment of sensors, one a Poisson-Poisson cluster model and the other a dependently-thinned Poisson point process. We deduce limit laws for functionals of vacancy in both models using properties of association for random measures.


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We consider single-source single-sink (ss-ss) multi-hop relay networks, with slow-fading links and single-antenna half-duplex relay nodes. While two-hop cooperative relay networks have been studied in great detail in terms of the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT), few results are available for more general networks. In this paper, we identify two families of networks that are multi-hop generalizations of the two-hop network: K-Parallel-Path (KPP)networks and layered networks.KPP networks, can be viewed as the union of K node-disjoint parallel relaying paths, each of length greater than one. KPP networks are then generalized to KPP(I) networks, which permit interference between paths and to KPP(D) networks, which possess a direct link from source to sink. We characterize the DMT of these families of networks completely for K > 3. Layered networks are networks comprising of layers of relays with edges existing only between adjacent layers, with more than one relay in each layer. We prove that a linear DMT between the maximum diversity dmax and the maximum multiplexing gain of 1 is achievable for single-antenna fully-connected layered networks. This is shown to be equal to the optimal DMT if the number of relaying layers is less than 4.For multiple-antenna KPP and layered networks, we provide an achievable DMT, which is significantly better than known lower bounds for half duplex networks.For arbitrary multi-terminal wireless networks with multiple source-sink pairs, the maximum achievable diversity is shown to be equal to the min-cut between the corresponding source and the sink, irrespective of whether the network has half-duplex or full-duplex relays. For arbitrary ss-ss single-antenna directed acyclic networks with full-duplex relays, we prove that a linear tradeoff between maximum diversity and maximum multiplexing gain is achievable.Along the way, we derive the optimal DMT of a generalized parallel channel and derive lower bounds for the DMT of triangular channel matrices, which are useful in DMT computation of various protocols. We also give alternative and often simpler proofs of several existing results and show that codes achieving full diversity on a MIMO Rayleigh fading channel achieve full diversity on arbitrary fading channels. All protocols in this paper are explicit and use only amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying. We also construct codes with short block-lengths based on cyclic division algebras that achieve the optimal DMT for all the proposed schemes.Two key implications of the results in the paper are that the half-duplex constraint does not entail any rate loss for a large class of cooperative networks and that simple AF protocols are often sufficient to attain the optimal DMT


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We consider a setting in which several operators offer downlink wireless data access services in a certain geographical region. Each operator deploys several base stations or access points, and registers some subscribers. In such a situation, if operators pool their infrastructure, and permit the possibility of subscribers being served by any of the cooperating operators, then there can be overall better user satisfaction, and increased operator revenue. We use coalitional game theory to investigate such resource pooling and cooperation between operators.We use utility functions to model user satisfaction, and show that the resulting coalitional game has the property that if all operators cooperate (i.e., form a grand coalition) then there is an operating point that maximizes the sum utility over the operators while providing the operators revenues such that no subset of operators has an incentive to break away from the coalition. We investigate whether such operating points can result in utility unfairness between users of the various operators. We also study other revenue sharing concepts, namely, the nucleolus and the Shapely value. Such investigations throw light on criteria for operators to accept or reject subscribers, based on the service level agreements proposed by them. We also investigate the situation in which only certain subsets of operators may be willing to cooperate.


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In this paper, we consider the problem of selecting, for any given positive integer k, the top-k nodes in a social network, based on a certain measure appropriate for the social network. This problem is relevant in many settings such as analysis of co-authorship networks, diffusion of information, viral marketing, etc. However, in most situations, this problem turns out to be NP-hard. The existing approaches for solving this problem are based on approximation algorithms and assume that the objective function is sub-modular. In this paper, we propose a novel and intuitive algorithm based on the Shapley value, for efficiently computing an approximate solution to this problem. Our proposed algorithm does not use the sub-modularity of the underlying objective function and hence it is a general approach. We demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithm using a co-authorship data set from e-print arXiv (www.arxiv.org), having 8361 authors.