50 resultados para Islands of the Pacific -- Politics and government


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Temperature dependence of the energy gap and free carrier absorption in a high-quality InAs0.05Sb0.95 single crystal was studied between 90 K and 430 K through the absorption spectra. At this alloy concentration, the room-temperature energy gap was measured to be 0.15 eV. Varshni- and the Bose–Einstein-type fit parameters were obtained from the measured temperature dependence of the energy gap, and the latter gave the zero-temperature gap to be 0.214 eV. It was found that although Weider’s empirical formula for the dependence of the energy gap on temperature and the alloy concentration agrees with the value of the gap at room temperature, it is inaccurate in describing its temperature dependence. From the free carrier absorption measurements, the phonon limited cross section of 7.35×10−16 cm2 at 15 μm was deduced at room temperature.


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We present the effect of edge structures on the edge energy and stress of BN nanoribbons. Ab initio density functional calculations show that the armchair edge is lower in energy than the zigzag edge by 0.43 eV/angstrom. Both types of the edges are under the compressive stress. The zigzag edges are mechanically more stable than the armchair edges. Based on the calculated edge energies, the equilibrium shape of the BN flakes are found to be regular hexagonal, and dominated by the armchair edges. The zigzag ribbons are found to be half-metallic, whereas the armchair ribbons are semiconducting.


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In this paper we study the planetary-scale wave features using concurrent observations of mesospheric wind and temperature, ionospheric h'F, and tropospheric wind from Tirunelveli, Gadanki, and Kolhapur, all located in the Indian low latitudes, made during February 2009. Our investigations reveal that 3 to 5 day periodicity, characterized as ultrafast Kelvin (UFK) waves, was persistent throughout the atmosphere during this period. These waves show clear signatures of upward wave propagation from troposphere to the upper mesosphere, linking the ionosphere through a clear correlation between mesospheric winds and h'F variations. We also note that the amplitude of this wave decreased as we moved away from the equator. These results are the first of their kind from Indian sector, portraying the vertical as well as latitudinal characteristics of the 3 to 5 day UFK waves simultaneously from the troposphere to the ionosphere.


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The design and synthesis of an intensely blue rhodium(III) complex 3]+ of a new N,N-donor ligand, 8-(quinolin-8-ylamino)pyrido2,1-c]1,2,4]benzotriazin-11-ium, 2]+, which contains a planar pendant triazinium arm, is described. Structural characterization for 3]+ was carried out by using various spectroscopic techniques and single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The organometallic rhodium(III) compound shows a ligand-based reversible reduction at 0.65 V. The electrochemically reduced compound displays a single-line EPR spectrum that signifies the formation of ligand-based free radicals. Compound 3]+ shows a binding propensity to calf thymus DNA to give a Kapp value of 6.05X105 M1. The parent triazinium salt, pyrido2,1-c]1,2,4]benzotriazin-11-ium 1]+ and the ligand salt 2]+ exhibit photoinduced cleavage of DNA in UV-A light, whereas the reference Rh complex 3]+ photocleaves DNA with red light (647.1 nm). The compounds show photonuclease activities under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Mechanistic investigations under aerobic conditions with several inhibitors indicate the formation of hydroxyl radicals by means of a photoredox pathway. Under anaerobic conditions, it is believed that a photoinduced oxidation of DNA mechanism is operative. Compound 3]+ exhibits photocytotoxicity in HeLa cervical cancer cells to give IC50 values of (12+/-0.9) mu M in UV-A light at 365 nm and (31.4+/-1.1) mu M in the dark.


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In pursuit of newer and more effective contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging, we report in this article the use of biocompatible chitosan-coated ferrite nanoparticles of different kinds with a view to determine their potential applications as the contrast agents in the field of nuclear magnetic resonance. The single-phase ferrite particles were synthesized by chemical co-precipitation (CoFe2O4 and Fe3O4) and by applying ultrasonic vibration (CoFe2O4 and Co0.8Zn0.2Fe2O4). Although magnetic anisotropy of CoFe2O4 nanoparticle leads to finite coercivity even for nanoensembles, it has been reduced significantly to a minimum level by applying ultrasonic vibration. Fe3O4 synthesized by chemical co-precipitation yielded particles which already possess negligible coercivity and remanence. Substitution of Co by Zn in CoFe2O4 increases the magnetization significantly with a small increase in coercivity and remanence. Particles synthesized by the application of ultrasonic vibration leads to the higher values of T-2 relaxivities than by chemical coprecipitation. We report that the T-2 relaxivities of these particles are of two orders of magnitude higher than corresponding T-1 relaxivities. Thus, these particles are evidently suitable as contrast agent for T-2 weighted MR images.


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Background of the Work: The phylogenetic position and evolution of Hemidactylus anamallensis (family Gekkonidae) has been much debated in recent times. In the past it has been variously assigned to genus Hoplodactylus (Diplodactylidae) as well as a monotypic genus `Dravidogecko' (Gekkonidae). Since 1995, this species has been assigned to Hemidactylus, but there is much disagreement between authors regarding its phylogenetic position within this genus. In a recent molecular study H. anamallensis was sister to Hemidactylus but appeared distinct from it in both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. However, this study did not include genera closely allied to Hemidactylus, thus a robust evaluation of this hypothesis was not undertaken. Methods: The objective of this study was to investigate the phylogenetic position of H. anamallensis within the gekkonid radiation. To this end, several nuclear and mitochondrial markers were sequenced from H. anamallensis, selected members of the Hemidactylus radiation and genera closely allied to Hemidactylus. These sequences in conjunction with published sequences were subjected to multiple phylogenetic analyses. Furthermore the nuclear dataset was also subjected to molecular dating analysis to ascertain the divergence between H. anamallensis and related genera. Results and Conclusion: Results showed that H. anamallensis lineage was indeed sister to Hemidactylus group but was separated from the rest of the Hemidactylus by a long branch. The divergence estimates supported a scenario wherein H. anamallensis dispersed across a marine barrier to the drifting peninsular Indian plate in the late Cretaceous whereas Hemidactylus arrived on the peninsular India after the Indian plate collided with the Eurasian plate. Based on these molecular evidence and biogeographical scenario we suggest that the genus Dravidogecko should be resurrected.


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The solution structure of the monomeric glutamine amidotransferase (GATase) subunit of the Methanocaldococcus janaschii (Mj) guanosine monophosphate synthetase (GMPS) has been determined using high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance methods. Gel filtration chromatography and N-15 backbone relaxation studies have shown that the Mj GATase subunit is present in solution as a 21 kDa (188-residue) monomer. The ensemble of 20 lowest-energy structures showed root-mean-square deviations of 0.35 +/- 0.06 angstrom for backbone atoms and 0.8 +/- 0.06 angstrom for all heavy atoms. Furthermore, 99.4% of the backbone dihedral angles are present in the allowed region of the Ramachandran map, indicating the stereochemical quality of the structure. The core of the tertiary structure of the GATase is composed of a seven-stranded mixed beta-sheet that is fenced by five alpha-helices. The Mj GATase is similar in structure to the Pyrococcus horikoshi (Ph) GATase subunit. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) chemical shift perturbations and changes in line width were monitored to identify residues on GATase that were responsible for interaction with magnesium and the ATPPase subunit, respectively. These interaction studies showed that a common surface exists for the metal ion binding as well as for the protein-protein interaction. The dissociation constant for the GATase-Mg2+ interaction has been found to be similar to 1 mM, which implies that interaction is very weak and falls in the fast chemical exchange regime. The GATase-ATPPase interaction, on the other hand, falls in the intermediate chemical exchange regime on the NMR time scale. The implication of this interaction in terms of the regulation of the GATase activity of holo GMPS is discussed.


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The allowed and the ``disallowed'' regions in the celebrated Ramachandran map (phi-psi] map) was elegantly deduced by Ramachandran, Ramakrishnan and Sasisekharan even before the protein crystal structures became available. This powerful map was derived based on rigid geometry of the peptide group and later several investigations on protein crystal structures reported the occurrence of a small fraction of the phi-psi] torsion angles in the disallowed region. The question is what factors make these residues adopt disallowed conformations? Is it driven by the necessity to maintain the overall topology or is it associated with function or is it just that the disallowed conformations are extreme limits of the allowed conformations? Today, with the availability of a large number of high resolution crystal structures, we have revisited this problem. Apart from validating some of the earlier findings such as residue propensities, preferred location in the secondary structure, we have explored their spatial neighborhood preferences using the protein structure network PSN] approach developed in our lab. Finally, the structural and functional implications of the disallowed conformations are examined.


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Extended x-ray absorption fine-structure studies have been performed at the Zn K and Cd K edges for a series of solid solutions of wurtzite Zn1-xCdxS samples with x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0, where the lattice parameter as a function of x evolves according to the well-known Vegard's law. In conjunction with extensive, large-scale first-principles electronic structure calculations with full geometry optimizations, these results establish that the percentage variation in the nearest-neighbor bond distances are lower by nearly an order of magnitude compared to what would be expected on the basis of lattice parameter variation, seriously undermining the chemical pressure concept. With experimental results that allow us to probe up to the third coordination shell distances, we provide a direct description of how the local structure, apparently inconsistent with the global structure, evolves very rapidly with interatomic distances to become consistent with it. We show that the basic features of this structural evolution with the composition can be visualized with nearly invariant Zn-S-4 and Cd-S-4 tetrahedral units retaining their structural integrity, while the tilts between these tetrahedral building blocks change with composition to conform to the changing lattice parameters according to the Vegard's law within a relatively short length scale. These results underline the limits of applicability of the chemical pressure concept that has been a favored tool of experimentalists to control physical properties of a large variety of condensed matter systems.


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An investigation of a series of seven angular ``V'' shaped NPIs (1-7) is presented. The effect of substitution of these structurally similar NPIs on their photophysical properties in the solution-state and the solid-state is presented and discussed in light of experimental and computational findings. Compounds 1-7 show negligible to intensely strong emission yields in their solid-state depending on the nature of substituents appended to the oxoaryl moiety. The solution and solid-state properties of the compounds can be directly correlated with their structural rigidity, nature of substituents and intermolecular interactions. The versatile solid-state structures of the NPI siblings are deeply affected by the pendant substituents. All of the NPIs (1-7) show antiparallel dimeric pi-pi stacking interactions in their solid-state which can further extend in a parallel, alternate, orthogonal or lateral fashion depending on the steric and electronic nature of the C-4' substituents. Structural investigations including Hirshfeld surface analysis methods reveal that where strongly interacting systems show weak to moderate emission in their condensed states, weakly interacting systems show strong emission yields under the same conditions. The nature of packing and extended structures also affects the emission colors of the NPIs in their solid-states. Furthermore, DFT computational studies were utilized to understand the molecular and cumulative electronic behaviors of the NPIs. The comprehensive studies provide insight into the condensed-state luminescence of aggregationprone small molecules like NPIs and help to correlate the structure-property relationships.


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With the renewed interest in vector-like fermion extensions of the Standard Model, we present here a study of multiple vector-like theories and their phenomenological implications. Our focus is mostly on minimal flavor conserving theories that couple the vector-like fermions to the SM gauge fields and mix only weakly with SM fermions so as to avoid flavor problems. We present calculations for precision electroweak and vector-like state decays, which are needed to investigate compatibility with currently known data. We investigate the impact of vector-like fermions on Higgs boson production and decay, including loop contributions, in a wide variety of vector-like extensions and their parameter spaces.


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The 11-year sunspot cycle has many irregularities, the most prominent amongst them being the grand minima when sunspots may not be seen for several cycles. After summarizing the relevant observational data about the irregularities, we introduce the flux transport dynamo model, the currently most successful theoretical model for explaining the 11-year sunspot cycle. Then we analyze the respective roles of nonlinearities and random fluctuations in creating the irregularities. We also discuss how it has recently been realized that the fluctuations in meridional circulation also can be a source of irregularities. We end by pointing out that fluctuations in the poloidal field generation and fluctuations in meridional circulation together can explain the occurrences of grand minima.


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The theoretical estimation of the dissociation constant, or pK(a), of weak acids continues to be a challenging field. Here, we show that ab initio CarParrinello molecular dynamics simulations in conjunction with metadynamics calculations of the free-energy profile of the dissociation reaction provide reasonable estimates of the pK(a) value. Water molecules, sufficient to complete the three hydration shells surrounding the acid molecule, were included explicitly in the computation procedure. The free-energy profiles exhibit two distinct minima corresponding to the dissociated and neutral states of the acid, and the difference in their values provides the estimate for pK(a). We show for a series of organic acids that CPMD simulations in conjunction with metadynamics can provide reasonable estimates of pK(a) values. The acids investigated were aliphatic carboxylic acids, chlorine-substituted carboxylic acids, cis- and trans-butenedioic acid, and the isomers of hydroxybenzoic acid. These systems were chosen to highlight that the procedure could correctly account for the influence of the inductive effect as well as hydrogen bonding on pK(a) values of weak organic acids. In both situations, the CPMD metadynamics procedure faithfully reproduces the experimentally observed trend and the magnitudes of the pK(a) values.