62 resultados para Input saturation


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Technology scaling has caused Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) to emerge as a major circuit reliability concern. Simultaneously leakage power is becoming a greater fraction of the total power dissipated by logic circuits. As both NBTI and leakage power are highly dependent on vectors applied at the circuit’s inputs, they can be minimized by applying carefully chosen input vectors during periods when the circuit is in standby or idle mode. Unfortunately input vectors that minimize leakage power are not the ones that minimize NBTI degradation, so there is a need for a methodology to generate input vectors that minimize both of these variables.This paper proposes such a systematic methodology for the generation of input vectors which minimize leakage power under the constraint that NBTI degradation does not exceed a specified limit. These input vectors can be applied at the primary inputs of a circuit when it is in standby/idle mode and are such that the gates dissipate only a small amount of leakage power and also allow a large majority of the transistors on critical paths to be in the “recovery” phase of NBTI degradation. The advantage of this methodology is that allowing circuit designers to constrain NBTI degradation to below a specified limit enables tighter guardbanding, increasing performance. Our methodology guarantees that the generated input vector dissipates the least leakage power among all the input vectors that satisfy the degradation constraint. We formulate the problem as a zero-one integer linear program and show that this formulation produces input vectors whose leakage power is within 1% of a minimum leakage vector selected by a search algorithm and simultaneously reduces NBTI by about 5.75% of maximum circuit delay as compared to the worst case NBTI degradation. Our paper also proposes two new algorithms for the identification of circuit paths that are affected the most by NBTI degradation. The number of such paths identified by our algorithms are an order of magnitude fewer than previously proposed heuristics.


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We identify a class of timed automata, which we call counter-free input-determined automata, which characterize the class of timed languages definable by several timed temporal logics in the literature, including MTL. We make use of this characterization to show that MTL+Past satisfies an “ultimate stability” property with respect to periodic sequences of timed words. Our results hold for both the pointwise and continuous semantics. Along the way we generalize the result of McNaughton-Papert to show a counter-free automata characterization of FO-definable finitely varying functions.


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We consider a general class of timed automata parameterized by a set of “input-determined” operators, in a continuous time setting. We show that for any such set of operators, we have a monadic second order logic characterization of the class of timed languages accepted by the corresponding class of automata. Further, we consider natural timed temporal logics based on these operators, and show that they are expressively equivalent to the first-order fragment of the corresponding MSO logics. As a corollary of these general results we obtain an expressive completeness result for the continuous version of MTL.


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A novel methodology for modeling the effects of process variations on circuit delay performance is proposed by relating the variations in process parameters to variations in delay metric of a complex digital circuit. The delay of a 2-input NAND gate with 65nm gate length transistors is extensively characterized by mixed-mode simulations which is then used as a library element. The variation in saturation current Ionat the device level, and the variation in rising/falling edge stage delay for the NAND gate at the circuit level, are taken as performance metrics. A 4-bit x 4-bit Wallace tree multiplier circuit is used as a representative combinational circuit to demonstrate the proposed methodology. The variation in the multiplier delay is characterized, to obtain delay distributions, by an extensive Monte Carlo analysis. An analytical model based on CV/I metric is proposed, to extend this methodology for a generic technology library with a variety of library elements.


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High voltage power supplies for radar applications are investigated which are subjected to pulsed load with stringent specifications. In the proposed solution, power conversion is done in two stages. A low power-high frequency converter modulates the input voltage of a high power-low frequency converter. This method satisfies all the performance specifications and takes care of the critical aspects of HV transformer.


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In the two-user Gaussian Strong Interference Channel (GSIC) with finite constellation inputs, it is known that relative rotation between the constellations of the two users enlarges the Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity region. In this paper, a metric for finding the approximate angle of rotation to maximally enlarge the CC capacity is presented. It is shown that for some portion of the Strong Interference (SI) regime, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC. Even as the Gaussian alphabet FDMA rate curve touches the capacity curve of the GSIC, at high powers, with both the users using the same finite constellation, we show that the CC FDMA rate curve lies strictly inside the CC capacity curve for the constellations BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM. It is known that, with Gaussian input alphabets, the FDMA inner-bound at the optimum sum-rate point is always better than the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound throughout the Weak Interference (WI) regime. For a portion of the WI regime, it is shown that, with identical finite constellation inputs for both the users, the simultaneous-decoding inner-bound enlarged by relative rotation between the constellations can be strictly better than the FDMA inner-bound.


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A spring-mass-lever (SML) model is introduced in this paper for a single-input-single-output compliant mechanism to capture its static and dynamic behavior. The SML model is a reduced-order model, and its five parameters provide physical insight and quantify the stiffness and inertia(1) at the input and output ports as well as the transformation of force and displacement between the input and output. The model parameters can be determined with reasonable accuracy without performing dynamic or modal analysis. The paper describes two uses of the SML model: computationally efficient analysis of a system of which the compliant mechanism is a part; and design of compliant mechanisms for the given user-specifications. During design, the SML model enables determining the feasible parameter space of user-specified requirements, assessing the suitability of a compliant mechanism to meet the user-specifications and also selecting and/or re-designing compliant mechanisms from an existing database. Manufacturing constraints, material choice, and other practical considerations are incorporated into this methodology. A micromachined accelerometer and a valve mechanism are used as examples to show the effectiveness of the SML model in analysis and design. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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In this paper, we investigate the achievable rate region of Gaussian multiple access channels (MAC) with finite input alphabet and quantized output. With finite input alphabet and an unquantized receiver, the two-user Gaussian MAC rate region was studied. In most high throughput communication systems based on digital signal processing, the analog received signal is quantized using a low precision quantizer. In this paper, we first derive the expressions for the achievable rate region of a two-user Gaussian MAC with finite input alphabet and quantized output. We show that, with finite input alphabet, the achievable rate region with the commonly used uniform receiver quantizer has a significant loss in the rate region compared. It is observed that this degradation is due to the fact that the received analog signal is densely distributed around the origin, and is therefore not efficiently quantized with a uniform quantizer which has equally spaced quantization intervals. It is also observed that the density of the received analog signal around the origin increases with increasing number of users. Hence, the loss in the achievable rate region due to uniform receiver quantization is expected to increase with increasing number of users. We, therefore, propose a novel non-uniform quantizer with finely spaced quantization intervals near the origin. For a two-user Gaussian MAC with a given finite input alphabet and low precision receiver quantization, we show that the proposed non-uniform quantizer has a significantly larger rate region compared to what is achieved with a uniform quantizer.


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Constellation Constrained (CC) capacity regions of two-user Gaussian Multiple Access Channels (GMAC) have been recently reported, wherein an appropriate angle of rotation between the constellations of the two users is shown to enlarge the CC capacity region. We refer to such a scheme as the Constellation Rotation (CR) scheme. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme called the Constellation Power Allocation (CPA) scheme, wherein the instantaneous transmit power of the two users are varied by maintaining their average power constraints. We show that the CPA scheme offers CC sum capacities equal (at low SNR values) or close (at high SNR values) to those offered by the CR scheme with reduced decoding complexity for QAM constellations. We study the robustness of the CPA scheme for random phase offsets in the channel and unequal average power constraints for the two users. With random phase offsets in the channel, we show that the CC sum capacity offered by the CPA scheme is more than the CR scheme at high SNR values. With unequal average power constraints, we show that the CPA scheme provides maximum gain when the power levels are close, and the advantage diminishes with the increase in the power difference.


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Two-wheelers (TW) constitute a major proportion of urban traffic in developing countries and therefore their effect on the saturation flow at signalized intersections could be substantial. This paper attempts to study and analyze the effect of two-wheelers on the saturation flow of signalized intersections by collecting data at a few signalized intersections in Bangalore, India. A strong correlation is observed between the measured saturation flow and the proportion of two-wheeler traffic, which suggest that two-wheelers have significant impact and should be considered in the capacity analysis of signalized intersections. In this paper, the effect of two-wheelers on saturation flow rate is incorporated in a previous model by calibrating and introducing a new adjustment factor for two-wheelers. Results show that saturation flow measured using the modified HCM equation is closer to observed saturation flow values.


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Electrical switching studies on amorphous Si15Te74Ge11 thin film devices show interesting changes in the switching behavior with changes in the input energy supplied; the input energy determines the extent of crystallization in the active volume, which is reflected in the value of SET resistances. This in turn, determines the trend exhibited by switching voltage (V-t) for different input conditions. The results obtained are analyzed on the basis of the amount of Joule heat generated, which determines the temperature of the active volume. Depending on the final temperature, devices are rendered either in the intermediate state with a resistance of 5*10(2) Omega or the ON state with a resistance of 5*10(1) Omega. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, an input receiver with a hysteresis characteristic that can work at voltage levels between 0.9 V and 5 V is proposed. The input receiver can be used as a wide voltage range Schmitt trigger also. At the same time, reliable circuit operation is ensured. According to the research findings, this is the first time a wide voltage range Schmitt trigger is being reported. The proposed circuit is compared with previously reported input receivers, and it is shown that the circuit has better noise immunity. The proposed input receiver ends the need for a separate Schmitt trigger and input buffer. The frequency of operation is also higher than that of the previously reported receiver. The circuit is simulated using HSPICE at 035-mu m standard thin oxide technology. Monte Carlo analysis is conducted at different process conditions, showing that the proposed circuit works well for different process conditions at different voltage levels of operation. A noise impulse of (V-CC/2) magnitude is added to the input voltage to show that the receiver receives the correct logic level even in the presence of noise. Here, V-CC is the fixed voltage supply of 3.3 V.


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Maximum likelihood (ML) algorithms, for the joint estimation of synchronisation impairments and channel in multiple input multiple output-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system, are investigated in this work. A system model that takes into account the effects of carrier frequency offset, sampling frequency offset, symbol timing error and channel impulse response is formulated. Cramer-Rao lower bounds for the estimation of continuous parameters are derived, which show the coupling effect among different impairments and the significance of the joint estimation. The authors propose an ML algorithm for the estimation of synchronisation impairments and channel together, using the grid search method. To reduce the complexity of the joint grid search in the ML algorithm, a modified ML (MML) algorithm with multiple one-dimensional searches is also proposed. Further, a stage-wise ML (SML) algorithm using existing algorithms, which estimate less number of parameters, is also proposed. Performance of the estimation algorithms is studied through numerical simulations and it is found that the proposed ML and MML algorithms exhibit better performance than SML algorithm.