46 resultados para ISO 14001 certification


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In this paper, size dependent linear free flexural vibration behavior of functionally graded (FG) nanoplates are investigated using the iso-geometric based finite element method. The field variables are approximated by non-uniform rational B-splines. The nonlocal constitutive relation is based on Eringen's differential form of nonlocal elasticity theory. The material properties are assumed to vary only in the thickness direction and the effective properties for the FG plate are computed using Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. The accuracy of the present formulation is demonstrated considering the problems for which solutions are available. A detailed numerical study is carried out to examine the effect of material gradient index, the characteristic internal length, the plate thickness, the plate aspect ratio and the boundary conditions on the global response of the FG nanoplate. From the detailed numerical study it is seen that the fundamental frequency decreases with increasing gradient index and characteristic internal length. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Power converters burn-in test consumes large amount of energy, which increases the cost of testing, and certification, in medium and high power application. A simple test configuration to test a PWM rectifier induction motor drive, using a Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) to circulate power back to the grid for burn-in test is presented. The test configuration makes use of only one power electronic converter, which is the converter to be tested. The test method ensures soft synchronization of DFIM and Squirrel Cage Induction Machine (SCIM). A simple volt per hertz control of the drive is sufficient for conducting the test. To synchronize the DFIM with SCIM, the rotor terminal voltage of DFIM is measured and used as an indication of speed mismatch between DFIM and SCIM. The synchronization is done when the DFIM rotor voltage is at its minimum. Analysis of the DFIM characteristics confirms that such a test can be effectively performed with smooth start up and loading of the test setup. After synchronization is obtained, the speed command to SCIM is changed in order to load the setup in motoring or regenerative mode of operation. The experimental results are presented that validates the proposed test method.


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Daily rainfall datasets of 10 years (1998-2007) of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) version 6 and India Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded rain gauge have been compared over the Indian landmass, both in large and small spatial scales. On the larger spatial scale, the pattern correlation between the two datasets on daily scales during individual years of the study period is ranging from 0.4 to 0.7. The correlation improved significantly (similar to 0.9) when the study was confined to specific wet and dry spells each of about 5-8 days. Wavelet analysis of intraseasonal oscillations (ISO) of the southwest monsoon rainfall show the percentage contribution of the major two modes (30-50 days and 10-20 days), to be ranging respectively between similar to 30-40% and 5-10% for the various years. Analysis of inter-annual variability shows the satellite data to be underestimating seasonal rainfall by similar to 110 mm during southwest monsoon and overestimating by similar to 150 mm during northeast monsoon season. At high spatio-temporal scales, viz., 1 degrees x1 degrees grid, TMPA data do not correspond to ground truth. We have proposed here a new analysis procedure to assess the minimum spatial scale at which the two datasets are compatible with each other. This has been done by studying the contribution to total seasonal rainfall from different rainfall rate windows (at 1 mm intervals) on different spatial scales (at daily time scale). The compatibility spatial scale is seen to be beyond 5 degrees x5 degrees average spatial scale over the Indian landmass. This will help to decide the usability of TMPA products, if averaged at appropriate spatial scales, for specific process studies, e.g., cloud scale, meso scale or synoptic scale.


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The sequential replacement of aromatic H-atoms by F-atoms in 1,6-bis(phenylcarbonate) hexa-2,4-diyne allows access to its possible iso-energetic ``syn'', ``gauche'' and ``anti'' conformations.


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In this paper we clarify the role of Markstein diffusivity, which is the product of the planar laminar flame speed and the Markstein length, on the turbulent flame speed and its scaling, based on experimental measurements on constant-pressure expanding turbulent flames. Turbulent flame propagation data are presented for premixed flames of mixtures of hydrogen, methane, ethylene, n-butane, and dimethyl ether with air, in near-isotropic turbulence in a dual-chamber, fan-stirred vessel. For each individual fuel-air mixture presented in this work and the recently published iso-octane data from Leeds, normalized turbulent flame speed data of individual fuel-air mixtures approximately follow a Re-T,f(0.5) scaling, for which the average radius is the length scale and thermal diffusivity is the transport property of the turbulence Reynolds number. At a given Re-T,Re-f, it is experimentally observed that the normalized turbulent flame speed decreases with increasing Markstein number, which could be explained by considering Markstein diffusivity as the leading dissipation mechanism for the large wave number flame surface fluctuations. Consequently, by replacing thermal diffusivity with the Markstein diffusivity in the turbulence Reynolds number definition above, it is found that normalized turbulent flame speeds could be scaled by Re-T,M(0.5) irrespective of the fuel, equivalence ratio, pressure, and turbulence intensity for positive Markstein number flames.


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Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, we show a semimetal to semiconducting electronic phase transition for bulk TiS2 by applying uniform biaxial tensile strain. This electronic phase transition is triggered by charge transfer from Ti to S, which eventually reduces the overlap between Ti-(d) and S-(p) orbitals. The electronic transport calculations show a large anisotropy in electrical conductivity and thermopower, which is due to the difference in the effective masses along the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. Strain-induced opening of band gap together with changes in dispersion of bands lead to threefold enhancement in thermopower for both p-and n-type TiS2. We further demonstrate that the uniform tensile strain, which enhances the thermoelectric performance, can be achieved by doping TiS2 with larger iso-electronic elements such as Zr or Hf at Ti sites.


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We show that interpreting the inverse AdS(3) radius 1/l as a Grassmann variable results in a formal map from gravity in AdS(3) to gravity in flat space. The underlying reason for this is the fact that ISO(2, 1) is the Inonu-Wigner contraction of SO(2, 2). We show how this works for the Chern-Simons actions, demonstrate how the general (Banados) solution in AdS(3) maps to the general flat space solution, and how the Killing vectors, charges and the Virasoro algebra in the Brown-Henneaux case map to the corresponding quantities in the BMS3 case. Our results straightforwardly generalize to the higher spin case: the recently constructed flat space higher spin theories emerge automatically in this approach from their AdS counterparts. We conclude with a discussion of singularity resolution in the BMS gauge as an application.


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Flame particles are surface points that always remain embedded on, by comoving with a given iso-scalar surface within a flame. Tracking flame particles allow us to study the fate of propagating surface locations uniquely identified throughout their evolution with time. In this work, using Direct Numerical Simulations we study the finite lifetime of such flame particles residing on iso-temperature surfaces of statistically planar H-2-air flames interacting with near-isotropic turbulence. We find that individual flame particles as well as their ensemble, experience progressively increasing tangential straining rate (K-t) and increasing negative curvature (kappa) near the end of their lifetime to finally get annihilated. By studying two different turbulent flow conditions, flame particle tracking shows that such tendency of local flame surfaces to be strained and cusped towards pinch-off from the main surface is a rather generic feature, independent of initial conditions, locations and ambient turbulence intensity levels. The evolution of the alignments between the flame surface normals and the principal components of the local straining rates are also tracked. We find that the surface normals initially aligned with the most extensive principal strain rate components, rotate near the end of flame particles' lifetime to enable preferential alignment between the surface tangent and the most extensive principal strain rate component. This could explain the persistently increasing tangential strain rate, sharp negative curvature formation and eventual detachment. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An enantiospecific and diversity oriented approach to a range of functionalized eudesmane, nor-, iso-, and dihydroagarofuran frameworks from (-)-carvone is delineated. The cornerstone of this approach is the installation of the quaternary carbon center through reductive opening of the carvone epoxide and setting-up of RCM reaction to generate the bicyclic eudesmane framework. Various options like carbocation mediated oxycyclization and intramolecular hydroxy directed epoxide opening have been explored for the construction of the bridged tetrahydrofuran moiety. Among the several eudesmane and dihydroagarofurans accessed during the present study, one has been previously elaborated to iso-celorbicol, thus constituting its formal synthesis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In recent years, semisolid manufacturing has emerged as an attractive option for near net shape forming of components with aluminum alloys. In this class of processes, the key to success lies mainly in the understanding of rheological behavior of the semi-solid slurry in the temperature range between liquidus and solidus. The present study focuses on the non-Newtonian flow behavior of the pseudo plastic slurry of Al-7Si-0.3Mg alloy for a wide shear range using a high-temperature Searle-type rheometer. The rheological behavior of the slurry is studied with respect to relevant process variables and microstructural features such as shear rate, shear duration, temperature history, primary particle size, shape, and their distribution. The experiments performed are isothermal tests, continuous cooling tests, shear jump tests, and shear time tests. The continuous cooling experiments are aimed toward studying the viscosity and shear stress evolution within the slurry matrix with increasing solid fraction at a constant shear rate. Three different cooling rates are considered and their effect on flow behavior of the slurry was studied under iso-shear condition. Descending shear jump experiments are performed to understand the viscous instability of the slurry.


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Understanding the changing nature of the intraseasonal oscillatory (ISO) modes of Indian summer monsoon manifested by active and break phase, and their association with extreme rainfall events are necessary for probabilistic estimation of flood-related risks in a warming climate. Here, using ground-based observed rainfall, we define an index to measure the strength of monsoon ISOs and show that the relative strength of the northward-propagating low-frequency ISO (20-60 days) modes have had a significant decreasing trend during the past six decades, possibly attributed to the weakening of large-scale circulation in the region during monsoon season. This reduction is compensated by a gain in synoptic-scale (3-9 days) variability. The decrease in low-frequency ISO variability is associated with a significant decreasing trend in the percentage of extreme events during the active phase of the monsoon. However, this decrease is balanced by significant increasing trends in the percentage of extreme events in the break and transition phases. We also find a significant rise in the occurrence of extremes during early and late monsoon months, mainly over eastern coastal regions. Our study highlights the redistribution of rainfall intensity among periodic (low-frequency) and non-periodic (extreme) modes in a changing climate scenario.


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A novel design for the geometric configuration of honeycombs using a seamless combination of auxetic and conventional cores- elements with negative and positive Possion ratios respectively, has been presented. The proposed design has been shown to generate a superior band gap property while retaining all major advantages of a purely conventional or purely auxetic honeycomb structure. Seamless combination ensures that joint cardinality is also retained. Several configurations involving different degree of auxeticity and different proportions auxetic and conventional elements have been analyzed. It has been shown that the preferred configurations open up wide and clean band gap at a significantly lower frequency ranges compared to their pure counterparts. In view of existence of band gaps being desired feature for the phononic applications, reported results might be appealing. Use of such design may enable superior vibration control as well. Proposed configurations can be made isovolumic and iso-weight giving designers a fairer ground of applying such configurations without significantly changing size and weight criteria.


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Turbulence-transport-chemistry interaction plays a crucial role on the flame surface geometry, local and global reactionrates, and therefore, on the propagation and extinction characteristics of intensely turbulent, premixed flames encountered in LPP gas-turbine combustors. The aim of the present work is to understand these interaction effects on the flame surface annihilation and extinction of lean premixed flames, interacting with near isotropic turbulence. As an example case, lean premixed H-2-air mixture is considered so as to enable inclusion of detailed chemistry effects in Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS). The work is carried out in two phases namely, statistically planar flames and ignition kernel, both interacting with near isotropic turbulence, using the recently proposed Flame Particle Tracking (FPT) technique. Flame particles are surface points residing and commoving with an iso-scalar surface within a premixed flame. Tracking flame particles allows us to study the evolution of propagating surface locations uniquely identified with time. In this work, using DNS and FPT we study the flame speed, reaction rate and transport histories of such flame particles residing on iso-scalar surfaces. An analytical expression for the local displacement flame speed (SO is derived, and the contribution of transport and chemistry on the displacement flame speed is identified. An examination of the results of the planar case leads to a conclusion that the cause of variation in S-d may be attributed to the effects of turbulent transport and heat release rate. In the second phase of this work, the sustenance of an ignition kernel is examined in light of the S-curve. A newly proposed Damkohler number accounting for local turbulent transport and reaction rates is found to explain either the sustenance or otherwise propagation of flame kernels in near isotropic turbulence.


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In this study, we report on the accuracy, precision and clinical acceptability of the five blood glucose meters available in India. Glucose levels of 100 blood samples were measured with each meter, at IISc health centre laboratory under same conditions and the results were compared with laboratory reference standard. In order to calculate the coefficient of variation (CV), each sample was tested three times. None of the glucometer showed 100 % compliance on CV measure. In terms of accuracy, none of the glucometer satisfied the most stringent ADA-1994 standard. In general all the glucometers showed improved accuracy with respect to the most relaxed ISO 1597:2003 standard. The Clarke error grid analysis was performed to assess the clinical acceptability of the glucometers. All five glucometers had more than 90 % of test results in Zone A and B. Bland-Altman analysis indicates that all glucometers show a positive bias, indicating that the measured values tend to be higher than the laboratory reference standard.


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Background: Aligning similar molecular structures is an important step in the process of bio-molecular structure and function analysis. Molecular surfaces are simple representations of molecular structure that are easily constructed from various forms of molecular data such as 3D atomic coordinates (PDB) and Electron Microscopy (EM) data. Methods: We present a Multi-Scale Morse-Smale Molecular-Surface Alignment tool, MS3ALIGN, which aligns molecular surfaces based on significant protrusions on the molecular surface. The input is a pair of molecular surfaces represented as triangle meshes. A key advantage of MS3ALIGN is computational efficiency that is achieved because it processes only a few carefully chosen protrusions on the molecular surface. Furthermore, the alignments are partial in nature and therefore allows for inexact surfaces to be aligned. Results: The method is evaluated in four settings. First, we establish performance using known alignments with varying overlap and noise values. Second, we compare the method with SurfComp, an existing surface alignment method. We show that we are able to determine alignments reported by SurfComp, as well as report relevant alignments not found by SurfComp. Third, we validate the ability of MS3ALIGN to determine alignments in the case of structurally dissimilar binding sites. Fourth, we demonstrate the ability of MS3ALIGN to align iso-surfaces derived from cryo-electron microscopy scans. Conclusions: We have presented an algorithm that aligns Molecular Surfaces based on the topology of surface curvature. Awebserver and standalone software implementation of the algorithm available at http://vgl.serc.iisc.ernet. in/ms3align.