182 resultados para INFRARED-SPECTRA


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Infrared spectra of imidazolidine-2-thione (N,N?-ethylenethiourea, ETU) and its N,N?-deuterated (ETU-d2) and S-methylthiouronium iodides have been recorded from 4000 to 30 cm?1. Normal coordinate analyses of ETU and ETU-d2 have been made for all the fundamental frequencies, employing a Urey-Bradley potential function supplemented with valence type constants for the out of plane modes of the planar skeleton. Raman frequencies of ETU from literature have been utilised. The results of the vibrational analyses are discussed in relation to the group frequencies in structurally related molecules and frequency shifts on deuteration and S-methylation. The normal coordinate treatment is also performed for the planar vibrations of imidazolidine-2-selenone (N,N?-ethyleneselenourea, ESU) to propose assignments for ESU and so also to support the assignments of ETU.


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The structure of Fe(Phen)(2)(NCS)(2) has been examined across the first-order spin-state transition by EXAFS with full multiple scattering analysis. The EXAFS data at 298 K can be satisfactorily assigned to the high-spin state, but the analysis of the low-temperature data at 90 K is not entirely unequivocal, although consistent with the predominant presence of the low-spin state. That some proportion of the high-spin state remains at low temperatures, well below the first-order transition, is clearly evidenced in the infrared spectra, suggesting possible sublattice ordering.


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We report gas phase mid-infrared spectra of 1- and 2- methyl naphthalenes at 0.2 cm(-1) resolution. Assignment of observed bands have been made using scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) calculations where the force fields rather the frequencies are scaled to find a close fit between observed and calculated bands. The structure of the molecules has been optimized using B3LYP level of theory in conjunction with standard 6-311G** basis set to obtain the harmonic frequencies. Using the force constants in Cartesian coordinates from the Gaussian output, scaled force field calculations are carried out using a modified version of the UMAT program in the QCPE package. Potential energy distributions of the normal modes obtained from such calculations helped us assign the observed bands and identify the unique features of the spectra of 1- and 2-MNs which are important for their isomeric identification.


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Acetaminophen is a widely prescribed drug used to relieve pain and fever; however, it is a leading cause of drug-induced liver injury and a burden on public healthcare. In this study, hepatotoxicity in mice post oral dosing of acetaminophen was investigated using liver and sera samples with Fourier Transform Infrared microspectroscopy. The infrared spectra of acetaminophen treated livers in BALB/ mice show decrease in glycogen, increase in amounts of cholesteryl esters and DNA respectively. Rescue experiments using L-methionine demonstrate that depletion in glycogen and increase in DNA are abrogated with pre-treatment, but not post-treatment, with L-methionine. This indicates that changes in glycogen and DNA are more sensitive to the rapid depletion of glutathione. Importantly, analysis of sera identified lowering of glycogen and increase in DNA and chlolesteryl esters earlier than increase in alanine aminotransferase, which is routinely used to diagnose liver damage. In addition, these changes are also observed in C57BL/6 and Nos2(-/-) mice. There is no difference in the kinetics of expression of these three molecules in both strains of mice, the extent of damage is similar and corroborated with ALT and histological analysis. Quantification of cytokines in sera showed increase upon APAP treatment. Although the levels of Tnf alpha and Ifn gamma in sera are not significantly affected, Nos2(-/-) mice display lower Il6 but higher Il10 levels during this acute model of hepatotoxicity. Overall, this study reinforces the growing potential of Fourier Transform Infrared microspectroscopy as a fast, highly sensitive and label-free technique for non-invasive diagnosis of liver damage. The combination of Fourier Transform Infrared microspectroscopy and cytokine analysis is a powerful tool to identify multiple biomarkers, understand differential host responses and evaluate therapeutic regimens during liver damage and, possibly, other diseases.


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Infrared spectra of solid formamide are reported as a function of temperature. Solid formamide samples were prepared at 30 K and then annealed to higher temperatures (300 K) with infrared transmission spectra being recorded over the entire temperature range. The NH2 vibrations of the formamide molecule were found to be particularly very sensitive to temperature change. The IR spectra revealed a phase change occurring in solid formamide between 155 and 165 K. Spectral changes observed above and below the phase transition may be attributed to a rearrangement between formamide dimers and the formation of polymers is proposed at higher temperatures.


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In this paper, we report the gas phase infrared spectra of fluorene and its methylated derivatives using a heated multipass cell and argon as a carrier gas. The observed spectra in the 4000-400 cm(-1) range have been fitted using the modified scaled quantum mechanical force field (SQMFF) calculation with the 6-311G** basis. The advantage of using the modified SQMFF method is that it scales the force constants to find the best fit to the observed spectral lines by minimizing the fitting error. In this way we are able to assign all the observed fundamental bands in the spectra. With consecutive methyl substitutions two sets of bands are found to shift in a systematic way. The set of four aromatic C-H stretching vibrations around 3000 cm(-1) shifts toward lower frequencies while the single most intense aromatic C-H out-of-plane bending mode around 750 cm(-1) shifts toward higher frequencies. The reason for shifting of aromatic C-H stretching frequency toward lower wave numbers with gradual methyl substitution has been attributed to the lengthening of the C-H bonds due to the +I effect of the methyl groups to the ring current as revealed from the calculations. While the unexpected shifting of the aromatic C-H out-of-plane bend toward higher wave numbers with increasing methyl substitution is ascribed to the lowering of the number of adjacent aromatic C-H bonds on the plane of the benzene ring with gradual methyl substitutions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hydrazinium(1 +) hydrogensulphate, N2H5HSO4, has been prepared for the first time by the reaction of solid ammonium hydrogensulphate with hydrazine monohydrate. The compound has been characterized by chemical analysis, infrared spectra, and X-ray powder diffraction. Thermal properties of N2H5HSO4 have been investigated using differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis and compared with those of N2H6SO4 and (N2H5)2SO4.


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The infrared spectra of symmetric N,N′-dimethylthiourea (s-DMTU) and its N-deuterated (s-DMTU-d2) species have been measured. The fundamental frequencies have been assigned by comparison with the assignments in structurally related molecules and the infrared band shifts on N-deuteration, S-methylation, available Raman data and with the aid of theoretical band assignments from normal coordinate treatments for s-DMTU-d0 and -d2. A force field is derived for s-DMTU by transferring the force constants chiefly from N-methylthiourea and the subsequent refinement of the force constants by a least squares procedure.


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Glass formation has been investigated in the system AgI---Ag2O---MoO3. X-ray absorption edge chemical shifts, infrared spectra and heat capacities of the various glass compositions have been measured. The probable anion structures in the oxygen excess and deficient regions have been discussed


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Several biphasic compositions of the type Y3-xBa3+xCu6O14 show an onset of superconductivity in the 90-115K range, attaining zero resistance in the 70-85K range. The phase responsible for superconductivity in these compositions is a perovskite oxide of composition YBa2Cu3 O7. This oxide annealed in oxygen shows the onset of superconductivity at 120K and zero resistance at 87K. YBa2,Cu3O7 shows the highest Meissner effect of all oxide superconductors. The superconducting behaviour of the two perovskite oxides, Y0.95Ba1.95,Cu3O7 and Y1.05Ba1.95Cu3O7 show interesting features; a marked decrease in resistivity is observed from room temperature itself in the former oxide with zero resistance at 89K. Electron microscopy and infrared spectra of these oxides are briefly discussed.


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Electronic absorption and emission spectra as well as He(I) photoelectron spectra of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-,3-cyclobutanedithione and 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1-3-thio-1,3-cyclobutanedione have been interpreted on the basis of molecular orbital calculations. The results show that the non-bonded orbital of the dithione is split owing to through-bond interaction, the magnitude of splitting being 0.4 eV. The π* orbital of the dithione appears to be split by about 0.2 eV. Electronic absorption spectra show evidence for the existence of four n—π* transitions, arising out of the splitting of the orbitals referred to above, just as in the case of 2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-1,3-cyclobutanedione. Electronic and photoelectron spectra of the thio-dione show evidence for weak interaction between the C=S and C&.zdbnd;O groups, probably via π* orbitals. Infrared spectra of both the dithione and the thio-dione are consistent with the planar cyclobutane ring; the ring-puckering frequency responsible for non-bonded interactions is around 67 cm−1 in both the dithione and the thio-dione, the value not being very different from that in the dione. The 1,3-transannular distance is also similar in the three molecules.


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Metal hydrazine nitrate complexes of the type M(N2H4)Nn (NO3)2 where M = Mg, n = 2; M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn and Cd and n = 3; metal dihydrazine azide complexes of the type M(N2H4)2 (N3)2 where M = Mg, Co, Ni and Zn; and Mg(N2H4)2 (C1O4)2 have been prepared by dissolving the respective metal powders in the solution of corresponding ammonium salts (NO3, N3 and C1O4) in hydrazine hydrate. These hydrazine complexes were also prepared by the conventional method involving the addition of alcoholic hydrazine hydrate to the aqueous solution of metal salts. The hydrazine complexes have been characterised by chemical analysis, infrared spectra and differential thermal analysis (DTA). Impact sensitivities of hydrazine complexes were determined by the drop weight method. The reactivity of these hydrazine complexes does not change with the method of preparation.


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Hydrazinium(1 +) hydrogensulphate, N2H5HS04, has been prepared for the first time by the reaction of solid ammonium hydrogensulphate with hydrazine monohydrate. The compound has been characterized by chemical analysis, infrared spectra, and X-ray powder diffraction. Thermal properties of N2H5HS04 have been investigated using differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis and compared with those of N2H6S04 and (N2H5)2S04.


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Hydrazinium acetate, metavanadate, sulfite, sulphamate and thiocyanate have been prepared by the reaction of corresponding ammonium salts with hydrazine hydrate. The compounds were characterised by chemical analysis and infrared spectra. Thermal behaviour of these hydrazinium derivatives have been investigated using thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis.


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The infrared spectra of diprotonated species of thiocarbohydrazide and its perdeuterated derivative have been examined in the crystalline state. A complete vibrational assignment with a full normal coordinate treatment based on a Urey—Bradley type intramolecular potential Function supplemented with a valence force function for the out of plane and torsional modes is proposed and the origin of the amide II band splittings is explained. A CNDO/2 study of diprotonated thiocarbohydrazide and its neutral molecule is undertaken and the changes in the molecular electronic structures and conformations consequent to protonation are determined and briefly discussed. The magnitude of the N—N+H3 torsional barrier is estimated to be 21 kJ mol− (5.0 kcal mol−1) whereas the barrier for the C—N group is found to be 92 kJ mol−1 (22.0 kcal mol−1).