57 resultados para Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus


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Tau is mainly distributed in cytoplasm and also found to be localized in the nucleus. There is limited data on DNA binding potential of Tau.We provide novel evidence on nicking of DNA by Tau. Tau nicks the supercoiled DNA leading to open circular and linear forms. The metal ion magnesium (a co-factor for endonuclease) enhanced the Tau DNA nicking ability, while an endonuclease specific inhibitor,aurinetricarboxylic acid (ATA) inhibited the Tau DNA nicking ability Further, we also evidenced that Tau induces B-C-A mixed conformational transition in DNA and also changes DNA stability. Tau-scDNA complex is more sensitive to DNAse I digestion indicating stability changes in DNA caused by Tau. These findings indicate that Tau alters DNA helicity and integrity and also nicks the DNA. The relevance of these novel intriguing findings regarding the role Tau in neuronal dysfunction is discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of nuclear proteins was several-fold higher in the pachytene spermatocytes than in the premeiotic germ cells of the rat. Among the histones of the pachytene nucleus, histone subtypes H2A, H1 and H3 were poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated. Based on the immunoaffinity fractionation procedure of Malik, Miwa, Sugimara & Smulson [(1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 2554-2558] we have fractionated DNAase-II-solubilized chromatin into poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated chromatin (PAC) and non-poly(ADP-ribosyl)ated chromatin (non-PAC) domains on an anti-[poly(ADP-ribose)] IgG affinity matrix. Approx. 2.5% of the pachytene chromatin represented the PAC domains. A significant amount of [alpha-32P]dATP-labelled pachytene chromatin (labelled in vitro) was bound to the affinity matrix. The DNA of pachytene PAC domains had internal strand breaks, significant length of gaps and ligatable ends, namely 5'-phosphoryl and 3'-hydroxyl termini. On the other hand, the PAC domains from 18 h regenerating liver had very few gaps, if any. The presence of gaps in the pachytene PAC DNA was also evident from thermal denaturation studies. Although many of the polypeptides were common to the PAC domains of both pachytene and regenerating liver, the DNA sequences associated with these domains were quite different. A 20 kDa protein and the testis-specific histone H1t were selectively enriched in the pachytene PAC domains. The pachytene PAC domains also contained approx. 10% of the messenger coding sequences present in the DNAase-II-solubilized chromatin. The pachytene PAC domains, therefore, may represent highly enriched DNA-repair domains of the pachytene nucleus.


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A two dimensional correlation experiment for the measurement of short and long range homo- and hetero- nuclear residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) from the broad and featureless proton NMR spectra including C-13 satellites is proposed. The method employs a single natural abundant C-13 spin as a spy nucleus to probe all the coupled protons and permits the determination of RDCs of negligible strengths. The technique has been demonstrated for the study of organic chiral molecules aligned in chiral liquid crystal, where additional challenge is to unravel the overlapped spectrum of enantiomers. The significant advantage of the method is demonstrated in better chiral discrimination using homonuclear RDCs as additional parameters. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The He+He+1 interactions have been studied, as a function of the internuclear separation R, in terms of the electronic forces acting on the nuclei and the change in the charge distribution. The analysis reveals that at large R the atomic densities are polarized inwards, causing an attractive force on each nucleus, while at small R the difference in the nature of the interactions in the 2Σu and 2Σg systems is noted. It is seen that the He+He+1 (2Σu) interaction is less attractive than the He+1+He+1 interaction at lower values of R.


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The numerical values of gA are evaluated using quantum-chromodynamic sum rules. The nuclear medium effects are taken into account by modifying the chiral symmetry breaking correlation, . Our results indicate a quenching of gA in a nuclear medium. The physical reasons for this fundamental quenching are noted to be the same for the effective mass of the nucleon bound in a nucleus being less than its free space value.


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Three-dimensional (3D) structure determination of proteins is benefitted by long-range distance constraints comprising the methyl groups, which constitute the hydrophobic core of proteins. However, in methyl groups (of Ala, Ile, Leu, Met, Thr and Val) there is a significant overlap of C-13 and H-1 chemical shifts. Such overlap can be resolved using the recently proposed (3,2)D HCCH-COSY, a G-matrix Fourier transform (GFT) NMR based experiment, which facilitates editing of methyl groups into distinct spectral regions by combining their C-13 chemical shifts with that of the neighboring, directly attached, C-13 nucleus. Using this principle, we present three GFT experiments: (a) (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH, (b) (4,3)D H-1-TOCSY-HCCH and (c) (4,3)D C-13-TOCSY-HCCH. These experiments provide unique 4D spectral information rapidly with high sensitivity and resolution for side-chain resonance assignments and NOE analysis of methyl groups. This is exemplified by (4,3)D NOESY-HCCH data acquired for 17.9 kDa non-deuterated cytosolic human J-protein co-chaperone, which provided crucial long-range distance constraints for its 3D structure determination.


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ß-arylhydrazone-imine ligand complexes of nickel(II), namely, 4,10-dimethyl-5,9-diazatrideca-4,9-diene-2,12-dione-3,11-diphenylhydrazonato nickel(II), Ni(acacpn)(N2Ph-R)2 and 1,11-diphenyl-3,9-dimethyl-4,8-diazaun-deca-3,8-diene,1,11-dione-2,10-diphenyl hydrazonato nickel(II), Ni (beacpn) (N2Ph-R)2, [R = H, o-CH3p-CH3] have been prepared by metal template reactions and characterized. Both the azomethine nitrogens and α-nitrogens of bis-hydrazone form the coordination sites of the square-planar geometry around the nickel(II) ion. Loss of CO from the molecule and subsequently an interesting methyl group migration to the nucleus of the chelate ring have been observed in the mass spectrum. Structures are proposed based on the spectral and magnetic properties.


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For studying systems containing nitrogen, limited use of N-14 NMR spectroscopy has been made because of the large quadrupolar interaction experienced by the N-14 nucleus and the absence of a central transition. To overcome the above problem, use of overtone spectroscopy has been suggested. Though this approach has limited applicability for powder samples due to second order quadrupole broadening, it is useful for studying oriented samples and single crystals. Here, we demonstrate the use of the recently proposed dipolar assisted polarization transfer (DAPT) pulse scheme for exciting the overtone transitions. The pulse sequence may also be utilized as a two-dimensional experiment to obtain H-1-N-14 dipolar couplings and H-1 chemical shifts. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nonviral vector based gene delivery approach is attractive due to advantages associated with molecular-level modifications suitable for optimization of vector properties. In a new class of nonviral gene delivery systems, we herein report the potential of poly(ether Mine) (PETIM) dendrimers to mediate an effective gene delivery function. PETIM dendrimer, constituted with tertiary amine branch points, n-propyl ether linkers and primary amines at their peripheries, exhibits significantly reduced toxicities, over a broad concentration range. The dendrimer complexes pDNA effectively, protects DNA from endosomal damages, and delivers to the cell nucleus. Gene transfection studies, utilizing a reporter plasmid pEGFP-C1 and upon complexation with dendrimer, showed a robust expression of the encoded protein. The study shows that PETIM dendrimers are hitherto unknown novel gene delivery vectors, combining features of poly(ethylene imine)-based polymers and dendrimers, yet are relatively nontoxic and structurally precise.


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We had earlier identified a 60 kDa nuclear lamin protein (lamin(g)) unique to the germ cells of rat testis which was subsequently shown to be antigenically conserved in germ cells of grasshopper, rooster, frog and plants. We have now obtained eight monoclonal antibodies in mouse against this lamin(g) antigen. While all the eight Mabs reacted with lamin(g) antigen in an immunoblot analysis, only three Mabs (A(11)C(7), A(11)D(4), C1F7) showed strong reactivity in the immunofluorescence analysis of the germ cells. The Mabs A(11)C(7) and A(11)D(4) showed a slight cross-reactivity with rat liver lamin B. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis of pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic germ cells with Mabs have shown that while the lamin(g) is localized in the lamina structures of spermatogonia and round spermatids, it is localized to the phase dense regions of pachytene spermatocytes which is in conformity with our previous observations using rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The localization of the antigen in the germ cells was also confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of the thin sections of seminiferous tubules. By immunostaining the surface spread pachytene spermatocytes, the antigen was further localized to the telomeric ends of the paired homologous chromosomes. Using anti-somatic lamin B antibodies, we have also demonstrated the absence of somatic lamins in meiotic and post-meiotic germ cells. The lamina structure of pre-meiotic spermatogonial nucleus contains both somatic lamin B and lamin(g) as evidenced by immunofluorescence studies with two differently fluorochrome labelled anti-lamin B and anti-lamin(g) antibodies. The selective retention of lamin(g) in the pachytene spermatocytes is probably essential for anchoring the telomeric ends of the paired chromosomes to the inner nuclear membrane.


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Planar triazinium cationic species, from VO2+-assisted cyclization of 1-(2-thiazolylazo)-2-naphthol, shows efficient DNA intercalative binding, visible light-induced anaerobic plasmid DNA photocleavage activity and photocytotoxicity in HeLa and MCF-7 cancer cells by an apoptotic pathway with selective localization of the compound in the nucleus as evidenced from the nuclear staining and confocal imaging.


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The title compound, 9,10-dihydro-8,8-dimethyl-2-oxo-2H,8H-benzo[1,2-b:3,4-b']dipyran-9,10-diyl 2-methyl-2-butenoate, C24H26O7, contains a highly planar coumarin nucleus and a substituted dihydropyran ring (C), which has a distorted half-chair conformation, with an 8 alpha,9 beta orientation. The conformation of ring C is further supported by the two angelyloxy (2-methyl-2-butenoyloxy) substituents at positions C9 and C10, which are cis oriented and thus cannot both occupy equatorial positions with respect to the plane of ring C. The conformations of the two angelyloxy substituents are different, as indicated by their endocyclic torsion angles. The most striking of these angles are O1'-C2'-C4'=C6' and O1'-C2'-C4'-C5' [-137.7 (5) and 43.7 (5)degrees, respectively, in the chain at C10 and 155.8 (5) and -24.7 (9)degrees, respectively in the chain at C9]. These variations are due to two intramolecular hydrogen bonds, namely, C16-H161 ... O1' [C16 ... O1' 3.056 (7) Angstrom] and C7''-H7Y ... O3'' [C7'' ... O3'' 2.955 (12) Angstrom]. The methyl substituents, C15 and C16, at position C8 are alpha and beta oriented, respectively. The crystal structure is stabilized by a weak C4-H41 ... O3' hydrogen bond [C4 ... O3' 3.297 (6) Angstrom] between the screw-related molecules.


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The efficacy of the multifractal spectrum as a tool for characterizing images has been studied. This spectrum has been computed for digitized images of the nucleus of human cervical cancer cells and it was observed that the entire spectrum is almost fully reproduced for a normal cell while only the right half (q<0) of the spectrum is reproduced for a cancerous cell. Cells in stages in between the two extremes show a shortening of the left half of the spectrum proportional to their condition. The extent of this shortening has been found to be sufficient to permit a classification between three classes of cells at varying distances from a basal cancerous layer-the superficial cells, the intermediate cells and the parabasal cells. This technique may be used for automatic screening of the population while also indicating the stage of malignancy


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A radio study of a carefully selected sample of 20 Seyfert galaxies that are matched in orientation-independent parameters, which are measures of intrinsic active galactic nucleus power and host galaxy properties, is presented to test the predictions of the unified scheme hypothesis. Our sample sources have core flux densities greater than 8 mJy at 5 GHz on arcsec scales due to the feasibility requirements. These simultaneous parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio observations reveal (1) that Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies have an equal tendency to show compact radio structures on milliarcsecond scales, (2) the distributions of parsec-scale and kiloparsec-scale radio luminosities are similar for both Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies, (3) there is no evidence for relativistic beaming in Seyfert galaxies, (4) similar distributions of source spectral indices in spite of the fact that Seyferts show nuclear radio flux density variations, and (5) the distributions of the projected linear size for Seyfert 1 and Seyfert 2 galaxies are not significantly different as would be expected in the unified scheme. The latter could be mainly due to a relatively large spread in the intrinsic sizes. We also find that a starburst alone cannot power these radio sources. Finally, an analysis of the kiloparsec-scale radio properties of the CfA Seyfert galaxy sample shows results consistent with the predictions of the unified scheme.


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C18H17NO3, M r = 295"34, monoclinic, C2/c, a = 11.689 (2), b = 22.934 (4), c = 11.592 (2) A, fl=100.16(3) ° , V =3058.8(8) A 3, Z=8, D,n= 1.30 (5), Dx = 1.28 Mg m -3, A(Mo Ka) = 0.7107 A, tz(Mo Ka) = 0.094 mm- 1, F(000) = 1248, T = 300 K, final R = 0.046 for 1849 observed reflections [I > 30"(/)]. The indole nucleus is slightly bent along the C(8)---C(9) bond. The phenyl ring connected to the indole moiety is rotated about the C(3)---C(10) bond by 45.8 (3) °. The carboxyl group makes a dihedral angle of 8.1 (4) ° with the mean plane of the indole moiety. Centrosymmetrically related pairs of molecules are linked through hydrogen bonds across the centre of symmetry and form dimers.