42 resultados para Historia universal


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The universal binding energy relation (UBER), derived earlier to describe the cohesion between two rigid atomic planes, does not accurately capture the cohesive properties when the cleaved surfaces are allowed to relax. We suggest a modified functional form of UBER that is analytical and at the same time accurately models the properties of surfaces relaxed during cleavage. We demonstrate the generality as well as the validity of this modified UBER through first-principles density functional theory calculations of cleavage in a number of crystal systems. Our results show that the total energies of all the relaxed surfaces lie on a single (universal) energy surface, that is given by the proposed functional form which contains an additional length-scale associated with structural relaxation. This functional form could be used in modelling the cohesive zones in crack growth simulation studies. We find that the cohesive law (stress-displacement relation) differs significantly in the case where cracked surfaces are allowed to relax, with lower peak stresses occurring at higher displacements.


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The study of recession flows offers fundamental insights into basin hydrological processes and, in particular, into the collective behavior of the governing dominant subsurface flows and properties. We use here an existing geomorphological interpretation of recession dynamics, which links the exponent in the classic recession curve -dQ/dt - kQ(alpha) to the geometric properties of the time-varying drainage network to study the general properties of recession curves across a wide variety of river basins. In particular, we show how the parameter k depends on the initial soil moisture state of the basin and can be made to explicitly depend on an index discharge, representative of initial sub-subsurface storage. Through this framework we obtain a non-dimensional, event-independent, recession curve. We subsequently quantify the variability of k across different basins on the basis of their geometry, and, by rescaling, collapse curves from different events and basins to obtain a generalized, or `universal', recession curve. Finally, we analyze the resulting normalized recession curves and explain their universal characteristics, lending further support to the notion that the statistical properties of observed recession curves bear the signature of the geomorphological structure of the networks producing them. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate that the universal conductance fluctuations (UCF) can be used as a direct probe to study the valley quantum states in disordered graphene. The UCF magnitude in graphene is suppressed by a factor of four at high carrier densities where the short-range disorder essentially breaks the valley degeneracy of the K and K' valleys, leading to a density dependent crossover of symmetry class from symplectic near the Dirac point to orthogonal at high densities.


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India's energy challenges are three pronged: presence of majority energy poor lacking access to modern energy; need for expanding energy system to bridge this access gap as well as to meet the requirements of fast-growing economy; and the desire to partner with global economies in mitigating the threat of climate change. The presence of 364 million people without access to electricity and 726 million relying on biomass for cooking out of a total rural population of 809 million indicate the seriousness of challenge. In this paper, we discuss an innovative approach to address this challenge, which intends to take advantage of recent global developments and untapped capabilities possessed by India. Intention is to use climate change mitigation imperative as a stimulus and adopt a public-private-partnership-driven ‘business model' with innovative institutional, regulatory, financing, and delivery mechanisms. Some of the innovations are: creation of rural energy access authorities within the government system as leadership institutions; establishment of energy access funds to enable transitions from the regime of "investment/fuel subsidies" to "incentive-linked" delivery of energy services; integration of business principles to facilitate affordable and equitable energy sales and carbon trade; and treatment of entrepreneurs as implementation targets. This proposal targets 100% access to modern energy carriers by 2030 through a judicious mix of conventional and biomass energy systems with an investment of US$35 billion over 20 years. The estimated annual cost of universal energy access is about US$9 billion for a GHG mitigation potential of 213Tg CO2e at an abatement cost of US$41/tCO2e. It is a win-win situation for all stakeholders. Households benefit from modern energy carriers at affordable cost; entrepreneurs run profitable energy enterprises; carbon markets have access to CERs; the government has the satisfaction of securing energy access to rural people; and globally, there is a benefit of climate change mitigation.


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Non-invasive 3D imaging in materials and medical research involves methodologies such as X-ray imaging, MRI, fluorescence and optical coherence tomography, NIR absorption imaging, etc., providing global morphological/density/absorption changes of the hidden components. However, molecular information of such buried materials has been elusive. In this article we demonstrate observation of molecular structural information of materials hidden/buried in depth using Raman scattering. Typically, Raman spectroscopic observations are made at fixed collection angles, such as, 906, 1356, and 1806, except in spatially offset Raman scattering (SORS) (only back scattering based collection of photons) and transmission techniques. Such specific collection angles restrict the observations of Raman signals either from or near the surface of the materials. Universal Multiple Angle Raman Spectroscopy (UMARS) presented here employs the principle of (a) penetration depth of photons and then diffuse propagation through non-absorbing media by multiple scattering and (b) detection of signals from all the observable angles.


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We study models of interacting fermions in one dimension to investigate the crossover from integrability to nonintegrability, i.e., quantum chaos, as a function of system size. Using exact diagonalization of finite-sized systems, we study this crossover by obtaining the energy level statistics and Drude weight associated with transport. Our results reinforce the idea that for system size L -> infinity nonintegrability sets in for an arbitrarily small integrability-breaking perturbation. The crossover value of the perturbation scales as a power law similar to L-eta when the integrable system is gapless. The exponent eta approximate to 3 appears to be robust to microscopic details and the precise form of the perturbation. We conjecture that the exponent in the power law is characteristic of the random matrix ensemble describing the nonintegrable system. For systems with a gap, the crossover scaling appears to be faster than a power law.


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We consider conformal field theories in 1 + 1 dimensions with W-algebra symmetries, deformed by a chemical potential mu for the spin-three current. We show that the order mu(2) correction to the Renyi and entanglement entropies of a single interval in the deformed theory, on the infinite spatial line and at finite temperature, is universal. The correction is completely determined by the operator product expansion of two spin-three currents, and by the expectation values of the stress tensor, its descendants and its composites, evaluated on the n-sheeted Riemann surface branched along the interval. This explains the recently found agreement of the order mu(2) correction across distinct free field CFTs and higher spin black hole solutions holographically dual to CFTs with W symmetry.


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In many organisms ``Universal Stress Proteins'' CUSPS) are induced in response to a variety of environmental stresses. Here we report the structures of two USPs, YnaF and YdaA from Salmonella typhimurium determined at 1.8 angstrom and 2.4 angstrom resolutions, respectively. YnaF consists of a single USP domain and forms a tetrameric organization stabilized by interactions mediated through chloride ions. YdaA is a larger protein consisting of two tandem USP domains. Two protomers of YdaA associate to form a structure similar to the YnaF tetramer. YdaA showed ATPase activity and an ATP binding motif G-2X-G-9X-G(S/T/N) was found in its C-terminal domain. The residues corresponding to this motif were not conserved in YnaF although YnaF could bind ATP. However, unlike YdaA, YnaF did not hydrolyse ATP in vitro. Disruption of interactions mediated through chloride ions by selected mutations converted YnaF into an ATPase. Residues that might be important for ATP hydrolysis could be identified by comparing the active sites of native and mutant structures. Only the C-terminal domain of YdaA appears to be involved in ATP hydrolysis. The structurally similar N-terminal domain was found to bind a zinc ion near the segment equivalent to the phosphate binding loop of the C-terminal domain. Mass spectrometric analysis showed that YdaA might bind a ligand of approximate molecular weight 800 daltons. Structural comparisons suggest that the ligand, probably related to an intermediate in lipid A biosynthesis, might bind at a site close to the zinc ion. Therefore, the N-terminal domain of YdaA binds zinc and might play a role in lipid metabolism. Thus, USPs appear to perform several distinct functions such as ATP hydrolysis, altering membrane properties and chloride sensing. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Mycobacteria are endowed with rich and diverse machinery for the synthesis, utilization, and degradation of cAMP. The actions of cyclic nucleotides are generally mediated by binding of cAMP to conserved and well characterized cyclic nucleotide binding domains or structurally distinct cGMP-specific and -regulated cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, adenylyl cyclase, and E. coli transcription factor FhlA (GAF) domain-containing proteins. Proteins with cyclic nucleotide binding and GAF domains can be identified in the genome of mycobacterial species, and some of them have been characterized. Here, we show that a significant fraction of intracellular cAMP is bound to protein in mycobacterial species, and by using affinity chromatography techniques, we identify specific universal stress proteins (USP) as abundantly expressed cAMP-binding proteins in slow growing as well as fast growing mycobacteria. We have characterized the biochemical and thermodynamic parameters for binding of cAMP, and we show that these USPs bind cAMP with a higher affinity than ATP, an established ligand for other USPs. We determined the structure of the USP MSMEG_3811 bound to cAMP, and we confirmed through structure-guided mutagenesis, the residues important for cAMP binding. This family of USPs is conserved in all mycobacteria, and we suggest that they serve as ``sinks'' for cAMP, making this second messenger available for downstream effectors as and when ATP levels are altered in the cell.


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The information-theoretic approach to security entails harnessing the correlated randomness available in nature to establish security. It uses tools from information theory and coding and yields provable security, even against an adversary with unbounded computational power. However, the feasibility of this approach in practice depends on the development of efficiently implementable schemes. In this paper, we review a special class of practical schemes for information-theoretic security that are based on 2-universal hash families. Specific cases of secret key agreement and wiretap coding are considered, and general themes are identified. The scheme presented for wiretap coding is modular and can be implemented easily by including an extra preprocessing layer over the existing transmission codes.


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We provide a comprehensive physical description of the vaporization, self-assembly, agglomeration, and buckling kinetics of sessile nanofluid droplets pinned on a hydrophobic substrate. We have deciphered five distinct regimes of the droplet life cycle. Regimes I-III consists of evaporation-induced preferential agglomeration that leads to the formation of a unique dome-shaped inhomogeneous shell with a stratified varying-density liquid core. Regime IV involves capillary-pressure-initiated shell buckling and stress-induced shell rupture. Regime V marks rupture-induced cavity inception and growth. We demonstrate through scaling arguments that the growth of the cavity (which controls the final morphology or structure) can be described by a universal function.


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In this paper we consider anomalous dimensions of double trace operators at large spin (l) and large twist (tau) in CFTs in arbitrary dimensions (d >= 3). Using analytic conformal bootstrap methods, we show that the anomalous dimensions are universal in the limit l >> tau >> 1. In the course of the derivation, we extract an approximate closed form expression for the conformal blocks arising in the four point function of identical scalars in any dimension. We compare our results with two different calculations in holography and find perfect agreement.