122 resultados para Hip fracture


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The nuclear, aerospace, naval and missile industries place emphasis on materials with high structural integrity and reliable performance so as to meet certain stringent requirements in service. Strength is not the only criterion for selection. Properties such as fatigue resistance. impact toughness and fracture toughness are equally important. Electroslag refining (ESR) has been used widely and successfully over the years for improving the fatigue resistance, creep resistance, impact strength and fracture toughness of steels and alloy steels. But application of ESR to aluminium alloys is only a recent endeavour. A high-strength aircraft aluminium alloy IS: 7670 was therefore chosen for studies on the fatigue strength and the impact and fracture toughness. The results indicate that the fatigue resistance is considerably improved after refining and that the impact strength and fracture toughness of the refined alloy are comparable with that of the unrefined alloy.


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Load-deflection curves for a notched beam under three-point load are determined using the Fictitious Crack Model (FCM) and Blunt Crack Model (BCM). Two values of fracture energy GF are used in this analysis: (i) GF obtained from the size effect law and (ii) GF obtained independently of the size effect. The predicted load-deflection diagrams are compared with the experimental ones obtained for the beams tested by Jenq and Shah. In addition, the values of maximum load (Pmax) obtained by the analyses are compared with the experimental ones for beams tested by Jenq and Shah and by Bažant and Pfeiffer. The results indicate that the descending portion of the load-deflection curve is very sensitive to the GF value used.


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Hydroxyapatite(OHAp)-based ceramic composites with added ZrO2 have been prepared both by sintering at 1400 °C and by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) at 1450 °C and 140 MPa pressure (argon atmosphere). The development of the crystalline phases and the microstructure of the composites have been examined using X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, infrared and magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MASNMR) spectroscopic techniques. The fracture toughness and biocompatibility of the composites have also been studied. The effect of the addition of CeO2- and Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 and of simple monoclinic ZrO2 to the initial physical mixture, on the structure and properties of the resulting composites has been investigated. In most of the sintered or HIP samples, the OHAp decomposes into tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). CaO, which forms as a product of decomposition, dissolves completely in ZrO2 and stabilizes the latter in its cubic/tetragonal phase. Presence of the β-TCP phase in the product seems to be the result of a structural synergistic effect of hexagonal OHAp. Two structurally distinct orthophosphate groups have been identified in the composites by MASNMR of 31P and attributed to decomposition products of OHAp at higher temperatures. The composites possess high KIC values (2–3 times higher than that of pure OHAp). Decomposition of hydroxyapatite gives rise to differences in microstructure between HIP and simply sintered composites although fracture toughness values are similar in magnitude indicating the presence of several toughening mechanisms. The in vitro SP2-O cell test suggests that these composites possess good biocompatibility. The combination of good biocompatibility, desirable microstructure and easy availability of initial reactants indicates that the simply sintered composite of OHAp and monoclinic ZrO2(ZAP-30) appears to be the most suitable for prosthetic applications.


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The mode I and mode II fracture toughness and the critical strain energy release rate for different concrete-concrete jointed interfaces are experimentally determined using the Digital Image Correlation technique. Concrete beams having different compressive strength materials on either side of a centrally placed vertical interface are prepared and tested under three-point bending in a closed loop servo-controlled testing machine under crack mouth opening displacement control. Digital images are captured before loading (undeformed state) and at different instances of loading. These images are analyzed using correlation techniques to compute the surface displacements, strain components, crack opening and sliding displacements, load-point displacement, crack length and crack tip location. It is seen that the CMOD and vertical load-point displacement computed using DIC analysis matches well with those measured experimentally.


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In this work, static and drop-weight impact experiments, which have been conducted using three-point bend fracture specimens of a high-strength low-alloy steel, are analysed by performing finite-element simulations. The Gurson constitutive model that accounts for the ductile failure mechanisms of microvoid nucleation, growth and is employed within the framework of a finite deformation plasticity theory. Two populations of second-phase particles are considered, including large inclusions which initiate voids at an early stage and small particles which require large strains to nucleate voids. The most important objective of the work is to assess quantitatively the effects of material inertia, strain rate sensitivity and local adiabatic temperature rise (due to conversion of plastic work into heat) on dynamic ductile crack initiation. This is accomplished by comparing the evolution histories of void volume fraction near the notch tip in the static analysis with the dynamic analyses. The results indicate that increased strain hardening caused by strain rate sensitivity, which becomes important under dynamic loading, plays a benign role in considerably slowing down the void growth rate near the notch tip. This is partially opposed by thermal softening caused by adiabatic heating near the notch tip.


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Low-cycle fatigue (LCF) responses of NIMONIC PE-16 for various prior microstructures and strain amplitudes have been evaluated and the fatigue behavior has been explained in terms of the operative deformation mechanisms. Total strain-controlled LCF tests were performed at 923 K on samples possessing three different prior microstructures: alloy A in solution-annealed condition (free of γ′ and carbides), alloy B with double aging treatment (spherical γ′ of 18-nm diameter and M23C6), and alloy C with another double aging treatment (γ′ of size 35 nm, MC and M23C6). All three microstructures exhibited an intial cyclic hardening followed by a period of gradual softening at 923 K. Coffin-Manson plots describing the plastic strain amplitudevs number of reversals to failure showed that alloy A had maximum fatigue life while C showed the least. Alloy B exhibited a two-slope behavior in the Coffin-Manson plot over the strain amplitudes investigated. This has been ascribed to the change in the degree of homogeneity of deformation at high and low strain amplitudes. Transmission electron microscopic studies were carried out to characterize the various deformation mechanisms and precipitation reactions occurring during fatigue testign. Fresh precipitation of fine γ′ was confirmed by the development of “mottled contrast” in alloy C. Evidence for the shearing of the ordered γ′ precipitates was revealed by the presence of superdislocations in alloy C. Repeated shearing during cyclic loading led to the reduction in the size of the γ′ and consequent softening. Coarser γ′ precipitates were associated with Orowan loops. The observed fatigue behavior has been rationalized based on the micromechanisms stated above and on the degree of homogenization of slip assessed by slipband spacing measurements on tested samples.


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Tensile experiments at 673 K and grain sizes from similar to 8 to 17 mu m revealed large ductility at a low strain rate and a reduced ductility at a high strain rate, corresponding to a change from a high to a low value for the strain rate sensitivity. High strain rate deformation led to fracture by flow localization, whereas low strain rate deformation involved fracture by cavity nucleation and growth. Analysis revealed that grain boundary migration can assist significantly in reducing the stress concentrations caused by grain boundary sliding, thereby retarding cavity nucleation. Calculations demonstrate that the interlinkage of voids parallel and perpendicular to the tensile axis occurs significantly, so that it is not always possible to use the cavity shapes to distinguish between diffusion and plasticity controlled growth. Cavitation damage evolves slowly in materials with a coarser grain size because of reduced nucleation related to a reduction in the strain rate sensitivity and associated grain boundary sliding. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Notched three point bend specimens (TPB) were tested under crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control at a rate of 0.0004 mm/s and during the fracture process acoustic emissions (AE) were simultaneously monitored. It was observed that AE energy could be related to fracture energy. An experimental study was done to understand the behavior of AE energy with parameters of concrete like its strength and size. In this study, AE energy was used as a quantitative measure of size independent specific fracture energy of concrete beams and the concepts of boundary effect and local fracture energy were used to obtain size independent AE energy from which size independent fracture energy was obtained. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Uniaxial compression tests were conducted on Ti-6Al-4V specimens in the strain-rate range df 0.001 to 1 s(-1) and temperature range of 298 to 673 K. The stress-strain curves exhibited a peak flow stress followed by flow softening. Up to 523 K, the specimens cracked catastrophically after the flow softening started. Adiabatic shear banding was observed in this regime. The fracture surface exhibited both mode I and II fracture features. The state of stress existing in a compression test specimen when bulging occurs is responsible for this fracture. The instabilities observed in the present tests are classified as ''geometric'' in nature and are state-of-stress dependant, unlike the ''intrinsic'' instabilities, which are dependant on the dynamic constitutive behavior of the material.


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This paper presents methodologies for fracture analysis of concrete structural components with and without considering tension softening effect. Stress intensity factor (SIF) is computed by using analytical approach and finite element analysis. In the analytical approach, SW accounting for tension softening effect has been obtained as the difference of SIP obtained using linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) principles and SIP due to closing pressure. Superposition principle has been used by accounting for non-linearity in incremental form. SW due to crack closing force applied on the effective crack face inside the process zone has been computed using Green's function approach. In finite element analysis, the domain integral method has been used for computation of SIR The domain integral method is used to calculate the strain energy release rate and SIF when a crack grows. Numerical studies have been conducted on notched 3-point bending concrete specimen with and without considering the cohesive stresses. It is observed from the studies that SW obtained from the finite element analysis with and without considering the cohesive stresses is in good agreement with the corresponding analytical value. The effect of cohesive stress on SW decreases with increase of crack length. Further, studies have been conducted on geometrically similar structures and observed that (i) the effect of cohesive stress on SW is significant with increase of load for a particular crack length and (iii) SW values decreases with increase of tensile strength for a particular crack length and load.


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The paper reports the failure features observed in low mass repeatedly (pendulum) impacted glass epoxy composites with and without the mid section having either 2-layers or 3-layers of flexible foam. Features such as through width and inclined cracks as well as adhering of foam observed in the experiments are explained. The significance of the foam material in modifying the impact response of the composite is stressed.


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To evaluate the parameters in the two-parameter fracture model, i.e. the critical stress intensity factor and critical crack tip opening displacement for the fracture of plain concrete in Mode 1 for the given test configuration and geometry, considerable computational effort is necessary. A simple graphical method has been proposed using normalized fracture parameters for the three-point bend (3PB) notched specimen and the double-edged notched (DEN) specimen. A similar graphical method is proposed to compute the maximum load carrying capacity of a specimen, using the critical fracture parameters both for 3PB and DEN configurations.


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In this paper, an overview of some recent computational studies by the authors on ductile crack initiation under mode I, dynamic loading is presented. In these studies, a large deformation finite element procedure is employed along with the viscoplastic version of the Gurson constitutive model that accounts for the micro-mechanical processes of void nucleation, growth and coalescence. A three-point bend fracture specimen subjected to impact, and a single edge notched specimen loaded by a tensile stress pulse are analysed. Several loading rates are simulated by varying the impact speed or the rise time and magnitude of the stress pulse. A simple model involving a semi-circular notch with a pre-nucleated circular hole situated ahead of it is considered. The growth of the hole and its interaction with the notch tip, which leads to plastic strain and porosity localization in the ligament connecting them, is simulated. The role of strain-rate dependence on ductile crack initiation at high loading rates, and the specimen geometry effect on the variation of dynamic fracture toughness with loading rate are Investigated.


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The complex singularity associated with a crack at the interface between two dissimilar, isotropic and homogeneous materials leads to mathematical artefacts, such as stress oscillations and crack face interpenetrations in the vicinity of the crack tip. To avoid these unrealistic features, Sinclair (Sinclair GB. On the stress singularity at an interface crack. International Journal of Fracture 1980;16(2):111-9) assumed a finite crack opening angle (COA) such that the singularity lambda became real equal to 1/2. This paper extends the COA model by considering real singularities not necessarily equal to 1/2. When COA is 0 degrees: the interface crack singularity is complex with a real part equal to 1/2. On increasing COA, the imaginary part of the singularity decreases and becomes zero at a threshold value of COA; at this point, the singularity is a real, repeated value. A further increase in COA results in a pair of real singularities. Different crack opening configurations and material combinations are studied, and results presented for threshold COAs and associated values of singularity. Stress analyses for these three regimes: (a) complex, (b) real pair and (c) real repeated singularities, are reported. It is seen that additional complexities are present in the last case. Typical results for stress fields are also included for comparing with standard fields. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.