132 resultados para High-speed video


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Liquid drops impacted on textured surfaces undergo a transition from the Cassie state characterized by the presence of air pockets inside the roughness valleys below the drop to an impaled state with at least one of the roughness valleys filled with drop liquid. This occurs when the drop impact velocity exceeds a particular value referred to as the critical impact velocity. The present study investigates such a transition process during water drop impact on surfaces textured with unidirectional parallel grooves referred to as groove-textured surfaces. The process of liquid impalement into a groove in the vicinity of drop impact through de-pinning of the three-phase contact line (TPCL) beneath the drop as well as the critical impact velocity were identified experimentally from high speed video recordings of water drop impact on six different groove-textured surfaces made from intrinsically hydrophilic (stainless steel) as well as intrinsically hydrophobic (PDMS and rough aluminum) materials. The surface energy of various 2-D configurations of liquid-vapor interface beneath the drop near the drop impact point was theoretically investigated to identify the locally stable configurations and establish a pathway for the liquid impalement process. A force balance analysis performed on the liquid-vapor interface configuration just prior to TPCL de-pinning provided an expression for the critical drop impact velocity, U-o,U-cr, beyond which the drop state transitions from the Cassie to an impaled state. The theoretical model predicts that Uo, cr increases with the increase in pillar side angle, a, and intrinsic hydrophobicity whereas it decreases with the increase in groove top width, w, of the groove-textured surface. The quantitative predictions of the theoretical model were found to show good agreement with the experimental measurements of U-o,U-cr plotted against the surface texture geometry factor in our model, {tan(alpha/2)/w}(0.5).


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H.264 is a video codec standard which delivers high resolution video even at low bit rates. To provide high throughput at low bit rates hardware implementations are essential. In this paper, we propose hardware implementations for speed and area optimized DCT and quantizer modules. To target above criteria we propose two architectures. First architecture is speed optimized which gives a high throughput and can meet requirements of 4096x2304 frame at 30 frames/sec. Second architecture is area optimized and occupies 2009 LUTs in Altera’s stratix-II and can meet the requirements of 1080HD at 30 frames/sec.


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This paper discusses a novel high-speed approach for human action recognition in H. 264/AVC compressed domain. The proposed algorithm utilizes cues from quantization parameters and motion vectors extracted from the compressed video sequence for feature extraction and further classification using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The ultimate goal of our work is to portray a much faster algorithm than pixel domain counterparts, with comparable accuracy, utilizing only the sparse information from compressed video. Partial decoding rules out the complexity of full decoding, and minimizes computational load and memory usage, which can effect in reduced hardware utilization and fast recognition results. The proposed approach can handle illumination changes, scale, and appearance variations, and is robust in outdoor as well as indoor testing scenarios. We have tested our method on two benchmark action datasets and achieved more than 85% accuracy. The proposed algorithm classifies actions with speed (>2000 fps) approximately 100 times more than existing state-of-the-art pixel-domain algorithms.


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This paper discusses a novel high-speed approach for human action recognition in H.264/AVC compressed domain. The proposed algorithm utilizes cues from quantization parameters and motion vectors extracted from the compressed video sequence for feature extraction and further classification using Support Vector Machines (SVM). The ultimate goal of the proposed work is to portray a much faster algorithm than pixel domain counterparts, with comparable accuracy, utilizing only the sparse information from compressed video. Partial decoding rules out the complexity of full decoding, and minimizes computational load and memory usage, which can result in reduced hardware utilization and faster recognition results. The proposed approach can handle illumination changes, scale, and appearance variations, and is robust to outdoor as well as indoor testing scenarios. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed method on two benchmark action datasets and achieved more than 85 % accuracy. The proposed algorithm classifies actions with speed (> 2,000 fps) approximately 100 times faster than existing state-of-the-art pixel-domain algorithms.


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High end network security applications demand high speed operation and large rule set support. Packet classification is the core functionality that demands high throughput in such applications. This paper proposes a packet classification architecture to meet such high throughput. We have implemented a Firewall with this architecture in reconflgurable hardware. We propose an extension to Distributed Crossproducting of Field Labels (DCFL) technique to achieve scalable and high performance architecture. The implemented Firewall takes advantage of inherent structure and redundancy of rule set by using our DCFL Extended (DCFLE) algorithm. The use of DCFLE algorithm results in both speed and area improvement when it is implemented in hardware. Although we restrict ourselves to standard 5-tuple matching, the architecture supports additional fields. High throughput classification invariably uses Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) for prefix matching, though TCAM fares poorly in terms of area and power efficiency. Use of TCAM for port range matching is expensive, as the range to prefix conversion results in large number of prefixes leading to storage inefficiency. Extended TCAM (ETCAM) is fast and the most storage efficient solution for range matching. We present for the first time a reconfigurable hardware implementation of ETCAM. We have implemented our Firewall as an embedded system on Virtex-II Pro FPGA based platform, running Linux with the packet classification in hardware. The Firewall was tested in real time with 1 Gbps Ethernet link and 128 sample rules. The packet classification hardware uses a quarter of logic resources and slightly over one third of memory resources of XC2VP30 FPGA. It achieves a maximum classification throughput of 50 million packet/s corresponding to 16 Gbps link rate for the worst case packet size. The Firewall rule update involves only memory re-initialization in software without any hardware change.


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High end network security applications demand high speed operation and large rule set support. Packet classification is the core functionality that demands high throughput in such applications. This paper proposes a packet classification architecture to meet such high throughput. We have Implemented a Firewall with this architecture in reconfigurable hardware. We propose an extension to Distributed Crossproducting of Field Labels (DCFL) technique to achieve scalable and high performance architecture. The implemented Firewall takes advantage of inherent structure and redundancy of rule set by using, our DCFL Extended (DCFLE) algorithm. The use of DCFLE algorithm results In both speed and area Improvement when It is Implemented in hardware. Although we restrict ourselves to standard 5-tuple matching, the architecture supports additional fields.High throughput classification Invariably uses Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) for prefix matching, though TCAM fares poorly In terms of area and power efficiency. Use of TCAM for port range matching is expensive, as the range to prefix conversion results in large number of prefixes leading to storage inefficiency. Extended TCAM (ETCAM) is fast and the most storage efficient solution for range matching. We present for the first time a reconfigurable hardware Implementation of ETCAM. We have implemented our Firewall as an embedded system on Virtex-II Pro FPGA based platform, running Linux with the packet classification in hardware. The Firewall was tested in real time with 1 Gbps Ethernet link and 128 sample rules. The packet classification hardware uses a quarter of logic resources and slightly over one third of memory resources of XC2VP30 FPGA. It achieves a maximum classification throughput of 50 million packet/s corresponding to 16 Gbps link rate for file worst case packet size. The Firewall rule update Involves only memory re-initialiization in software without any hardware change.


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H.264 video standard achieves high quality video along with high data compression when compared to other existing video standards. H.264 uses context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) to code residual data in Baseline profile. In this paper we describe a novel architecture for CAVLC decoder including coeff-token decoder, level decoder total-zeros decoder and run-before decoder UMC library in 0.13 mu CMOS technology is used to synthesize the proposed design. The proposed design reduces chip area and improves critical path performance of CAVLC decoder in comparison with [1]. Macroblock level (including luma and chroma) pipeline processing for CAVLC is implemented with an average of 141 cycles (including pipeline buffering) per macroblock at 250MHz clock frequency. To compare our results with [1] clock frequency is constrained to 125MHz. The area required for the proposed architecture is 17586 gates, which is 22.1% improvement in comparison to [1]. We obtain a throughput of 1.73 * 10(6) macroblocks/second, which is 28% higher than that reported in [1]. The proposed design meets the processing requirement of 1080HD [5] video at 30frames/seconds.


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The high-pressure spray characteristics of biofuels, specifically, Pongamia oil and its blends with diesel are studied for various gas pressures. Two single-hole solenoid injectors with nozzle diameters of 200 and 260 mu m are used along with a high-pressure common-rail direct-injection system to inject fuel into a high-pressure spray visualization chamber. The spray structure is characterized using a high-speed laser-based shadowgraphy technique. The spray structure of Pongamia oil revealed the presence of an intact liquid core at low gas pressure. At high gas pressures, the spray atomization of the Pongamia oil showed marked improvement. The spray tip penetration of Pongamia oil and its blends with diesel is higher compared to that of diesel for all test conditions. The spray cone angle of Pongamia oil and 50% Pongamia oil blend with diesel is lower as compared to that of diesel. Both these observations are attributed to the presence of large droplets carrying higher momentum in oil and blend. The droplet size is measured at an injection pressure of 1000 bar and gas pressure of 30 bar at 25 mm below the nozzle tip using the particle/droplet image.analysis (PDIA) method. The droplet size measurements have shown that the Sauter mean diameter (SMD) in the spray core of Pongamia oil is more than twice that of diesel. The spray tip penetration of the 20% blend of Pongamia with diesel (P20) is similar to that of diesel but the SMD is 50% higher. Based on experimental data, appropriate spray tip penetration correlation is proposed for the vegetable oil fuels such as Pongamia.


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Hydrophobic/superhydrophobic metallic surfaces prepared via chemical treatment are encountered in many industrial scenarios involving the impingement of spray droplets. The effectiveness of such surfaces is understood through the analysis of droplet impact experiments. In the present study, three target surfaces with aluminum (Al-6061) as base material-acid-etched, Octadecyl Trichloro Silane (OTS) coated, and acid-etched plus OTS-coated-were prepared. Experiments on the impact of inertia dominated water drops on these chemically modified aluminum surfaces were carried out with the objective to highlight the effect of chemical treatment on the target surfaces on key sub-processes occurring in drop impact phenomenon. High speed videos of the entire drop impact dynamics were captured at three Weber number (We) conditions representative of high We (We > 200) regime. During the early stages of drop spreading, the drop impact resulted in ejection of secondary droplets from spreading drop front on the etched surfaces resembling prompt splash on rough surfaces whereas no such splashing was observable on untreated aluminum surface. Prominent development of undulations (fingers) were observed at the rim of drop spreading on the etched surfaces; between the etched surfaces the OTS-coated surface showed a subdued development of fingers than the uncoated surface. The impacted drops showed intense receding on OTS-coated surfaces whereas on the etched surface a highly irregular receding, with drop liquid sticking to the surface, was observed. Quantitative analyses were performed to reveal the effect of target surface characteristics on drop impact parameters such as temporal variation of spread factor of drop lamella, temporal variation of average finger length during spreading phase, maximum drop spreading, time taken to attain maximum spreading, sensitivity of maximum spreading to We, number of fingers at maximum spreading, and average receding velocity of drop lamella. Existing models for maximum drop spreading showed reasonably good agreement with the experimental measurements on the target surfaces except the acid-etched surface. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Large variations in human actions lead to major challenges in computer vision research. Several algorithms are designed to solve the challenges. Algorithms that stand apart, help in solving the challenge in addition to performing faster and efficient manner. In this paper, we propose a human cognition inspired projection based learning for person-independent human action recognition in the H.264/AVC compressed domain and demonstrate a PBL-McRBEN based approach to help take the machine learning algorithms to the next level. Here, we use gradient image based feature extraction process where the motion vectors and quantization parameters are extracted and these are studied temporally to form several Group of Pictures (GoP). The GoP is then considered individually for two different bench mark data sets and the results are classified using person independent human action recognition. The functional relationship is studied using Projection Based Learning algorithm of the Meta-cognitive Radial Basis Function Network (PBL-McRBFN) which has a cognitive and meta-cognitive component. The cognitive component is a radial basis function network while the Meta-Cognitive Component(MCC) employs self regulation. The McC emulates human cognition like learning to achieve better performance. Performance of the proposed approach can handle sparse information in compressed video domain and provides more accuracy than other pixel domain counterparts. Performance of the feature extraction process achieved more than 90% accuracy using the PTIL-McRBFN which catalyzes the speed of the proposed high speed action recognition algorithm. We have conducted twenty random trials to find the performance in GoP. The results are also compared with other well known classifiers in machine learning literature.


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We consider a single server queue with the interarrival times and the service times forming a regenerative sequence. This traffic class includes the standard models: lid, periodic, Markov modulated (e.g., BMAP model of Lucantoni [18]) and their superpositions. This class also includes the recently proposed traffic models in high speed networks, exhibiting long range dependence. Under minimal conditions we obtain the rates of convergence to stationary distributions, finiteness of stationary moments, various functional limit theorems and the continuity of stationary distributions and moments. We use the continuity results to obtain approximations for stationary distributions and moments of an MMPP/GI/1 queue where the modulating chain has a countable state space. We extend all our results to feedforward networks where the external arrivals to each queue can be regenerative. In the end we show that the output process of a leaky bucket is regenerative if the input process is and hence our results extend to a queue with arrivals controlled by a leaky bucket.


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In high-speed aerospace vehicles, supersonic flutter is a well-known phenomenon of dynamic instability to which external skin panels are prone. In theory, the instability stage is expressed by the 'flutter critical parameter' Q(crit), which is a function of the stiffness-, and dynamic pressure parameters. For a composite skin panel, Q(crit) can be maximised by lay-up optimisation. Repeated-sublaminate lay-up schemes possess good potential for economical lay-up optimisation because the corresponding effort is limited to a family of sublaminates of few layers only. When Q(crit) is obtained for all sublaminates of a family, and the sublaminates ranked accordingly, the resulting ranking reveals not only the optimum lay-up, but also the near-optimum lay-ups, which are useful design alternatives, and the inferior lay-ups which should be avoided. In this paper, we examine sublaminate-ranking characteristics for a composite panel prone to supersonic flutter. In particular, we consider a simple supported midplane-symmetrical rectangular panel of typical aspect ratio alpha and flow angle psi, and for four-layered sublaminates, obtain the Q(crit)-based rankings for a wide range of the number of repeats, r. From the rankings, we find that an optimum lay-up can exist for which the outermost layer is oriented wide of, rather than along, the flow. Furthermore, for many lay-ups other than the optimum and the inferior, we see that as r increases, Q(crit) undergoes significant change in the course of converging. To reconcile these findings, eigenvalue-coalescence characteristics are discussed in detail for specific cases.


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We analyse the fault-tolerant parameters and topological properties of a hierarchical network of hypercubes. We take a close look at the Extended Hypercube (EH) and the Hyperweave (HW) architectures and also compare them with other popular architectures. These two architectures have low diameter and constant degree of connectivity making it possible to expand these networks without affecting the existing configuration. A scheme for incrementally expanding this network is also presented. We also look at the performance of the ASCEND/DESCEND class of algorithms on these architectures.


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The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are being used to solve a variety of problems in pattern recognition, robotic control, VLSI CAD and other areas. In most of these applications, a speedy response from the ANNs is imperative. However, ANNs comprise a large number of artificial neurons, and a massive interconnection network among them. Hence, implementation of these ANNs involves execution of computer-intensive operations. The usage of multiprocessor systems therefore becomes necessary. In this article, we have presented the implementation of ART1 and ART2 ANNs on ring and mesh architectures. The overall system design and implementation aspects are presented. The performance of the algorithm on ring, 2-dimensional mesh and n-dimensional mesh topologies is presented. The parallel algorithm presented for implementation of ART1 is not specific to any particular architecture. The parallel algorithm for ARTE is more suitable for a ring architecture.


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The rectangular dielectric waveguide is the most commonly used structure in integrated optics, especially in semi-conductor diode lasers. Demands for new applications such as high-speed data backplanes in integrated electronics, waveguide filters, optical multiplexers and optical switches are driving technology toward better materials and processing techniques for planar waveguide structures. The infinite slab and circular waveguides that we know are not practical for use on a substrate because the slab waveguide has no lateral confinement and the circular fiber is not compatible with the planar processing technology being used to make planar structures. The rectangular waveguide is the natural structure. In this review, we have discussed several analytical methods for analyzing the mode structure of rectangular structures, beginning with a wave analysis based on the pioneering work of Marcatili. We study three basic techniques with examples to compare their performance levels. These are the analytical approach developed by Marcatili, the perturbation techniques, which improve on the analytical solutions and the effective index method with examples.